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本文(中考英语二轮复习第一部分教材知识梳理篇八年级下册Units910知识梳理精练人教版7.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中考英语二轮复习第一部分教材知识梳理篇八年级下册Units910知识梳理精练人教版7人教八年级(下)Units 910,单元重点回顾类别课标考点要求重点单词照相机;摄影机;摄像机2.unbelievable(adj.)难以置信的;不真实的3.progress(v.& n.)进步;进展4.rapid(adj.)迅速的;快速的5.unusual(adj.)特别的;不寻常的6.toilet(n.)坐便器;厕所7.encourage(v.)鼓励社会的9.peaceful(adj.)和平的;安宁的10.perfect(adj.)完美的;完全的

2、llect(v.)收集;采集12.German(adj.)德国的;德语的;德国人的(n.);德语;德国人13.ride(n.)供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程14.province(n.)省份15.thousand(num.)一千安全的;无危险的17.simply(adv.)仅仅;只;不过18.fear(v.& n.)害怕;惧怕19.whether(conj.)不管(还是);或者(或者);是否20.Indian(adj.)印度的(n.);印度人21.Japanese(adj.n.)日本的;日本人的;日语的(n.)日本人;日语22.whenever(conj.)在任何的时候;

3、无论何时23.spring(n.)春天24.mostly(adv.)主要地;通常25.sweet(adj.)甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的26.memory(n.)记忆;回忆27.toy(n.)玩具28.bear(n.)熊29.maker(n.)生产者;制订者30.scarf(n.)围巾;披巾;头巾31.soft(adj.)软的;柔软的32.check(v.& n.)检查;审查33.board(n.)板;木板34.junior(adj.)地位(或职位、级别)低下的35.clear(v.)清理;清除36.bedroom(n.)卧室37.own(v.)拥有;有38.railway(n.)铁路;铁道

4、rt(v.)离开;分开40.certain(adj.)某种;某事;某人41.honest(adj.)诚实的;老实的42.while(n.)一段时间;一会儿43.truthful(adj.)诚实的;真实的44.hometown(n.)家乡;故乡45.nowadays(adv.)现今;现在;目前 n.)搜索;搜查47.among(prep.)在(其)中;之一48.crayon(n.)彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔)49.shame(n.)羞耻;羞愧;惭愧50.regard(v.)将认为;把视为;看待51.count(v.)数数52.century(n.)百年;世纪53.oppos


6、)它itself(反身代词)7.German(adj.& n.)德国的;德语的;德语;德国人Germany(n.)德国安全的safety(n.)安全safely(adv.)安全地dangerous(adj.)危险的(反义词)9.Indian(adj.)印度的;印度人的India(n.)印度10.Japanese(adj.& n.)日本的;日本人的;日本人;日语Japan(n.)日本狐狸foxes(复数)12.memory(n.)记忆;回忆memorize(v.)记忆13.scarf(n.)围巾;披巾;头巾scarves/scarfs(复数)

7、ft(adj.)软的hard(adj.)硬的(反义词)15.sweet(adj.)sweeter(比较级)sweetest(最高级)16.honest(adj.)诚实的honesty(n.)诚实unhonest (n.)不诚实的(反义词)17.shame(n.)羞耻;羞愧shameful(adj.)羞愧的18.century(n.)世纪centuries世纪(复数)19.hold(v.)拥有;抓住held(过去式/过去分词)重点短语 1.了解;获知;得知learn about2.导致;通向lead to 3.张贴;搭建;举起put up 4.取得进步make (great)progress5.

8、以如此快速的方式in such a rapid way 6.鼓励某人(不)做某事encourage sb.(not)to do sth.7.两个;一对,几个a couple of8.听说(过去式heard)hear of/about sth.9.数以千计的;许许多多的thousands of 10.2千 two thousand11.一方面另一方面on the one handon the other hand12.一个说英语的国家an Englishspeaking country13.在白天during/in the daytime 14.全年all year round 15.几乎接近

9、close to16.带回甜蜜的回忆bring back sweet memories 17.察看;观察check out18.清理;丢掉clear out 19.不再no longernot any longer 20.放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)part with 21.至于;关于as for 22.说实在的to be honest 23.一会儿for a while24.依据;按照according to25.考虑做某事 consider doing sth.续表类别课标考点要求重点句子1._Have_ you ever _been_to_ a science museum?你曾经去过

10、科学博物馆吗?_Yes_,I _have_.是的,我去过。2.We _put_up_ a tent and cooked outside.我们搭起帐篷并且在外面做饭。3._Ive_ never _been_camping_.我从未野营过。4._Its_unbelievable_that_ technology _has_progressed_ in such a rapid way!科学技术进步得如此之快,真是难以置信。5.I _wonder_ how much more computers _will_be_able_to_ do in the future.我想知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事

11、情。6.The tea art performances show _how_to_make_ a perfect cup of tea _with_ beautiful tea sets.茶艺表演展示怎样用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶。7._Watching_ the tea preparation _is_ just _as_enjoyable_as_ drinking the tea itself.观看茶的准备过程就像喝茶本身一样令人愉快。8._Ive_never_been_to_ a water park.我从未去过水上公园。_Me_neither._我也没去过。9._Ive_been_t

12、o_ the art museum many times.我去过艺术博物馆很多次了。_Me,too_.And _Ive_also_visited_ the nature museum.我也是。而且我还参观过自然博物馆。10.You wont _have_any_problem_getting_ rice,noodles or dumplings.你将不会在获得米饭、面条或是饺子上有任何困难。11.So you can choose to go _whenever_ you likespring,summer,autumn or winter.因此你可以选择你喜欢的任何时候去,春天、夏天、秋天或

13、者冬天。12.As they _get_bigger_,our house seems to _get_smaller_.随着他们长大,我们的房子似乎变小了。13.We have decided to each sell five things that we _no_longer_ use.我们已经决定每个人卖掉我们不再用的5样东西。14._How_long_ have you _had_ that bike over there? 你买那边的那辆自行车多久了?Ive had it _for_three_years_.我已经买了三年了。15._How_long_ has his son _o

14、wned_ the train and railway set? 他儿子拥有火车和铁轨套装多久了?Hes owned it _since_his_fourth_birthday_.自从他的4岁生日时就已经拥有了。16.I _used_to_ return home at least once a year,but I _havent_been_back_for_almost_three_years_now_.我过去至少一年回家一次,但是我现在几乎快三年没回去了。17.Our hometown has _left_many_soft_and_sweet_memories_in_our_heart

15、s_.家乡在我们的心中留下了许多温柔甜美回忆。语法1.现在完成时been,ever和never(详见第二编P136)2.现在完成时since,for(详见第二编P136)话题Unit 9 Fun places(有趣的地方)Unit 10 Living environment(生活环境)单元重难点突破辨析Me,too与Me neither (八下Unit 9 P65)【举例透析】He passed the exam,and so did I/me,too.他通过了考试,我也通过了。Theyve passed the exam.So have we./Us,too.他们通过了考试,我们也过了。Im

16、 going home.我要回家了。 So am I./Me,too.我也是。(Me,too/so do I意为“我也是”,源于so do 主语,助动词do代表句中的be动词、助动词或情态动词。)He never comes late.Me neither./Nor do I.他从未迟到过。我也没有。If you dont go,neither/nor will I.如果你不去,我也不去。He couldnt do it and neither could she/she neither.他做不了,她也做不了。(Me neither./Neither/Nor do I.表示“我也不”。源于ne

17、ither/nor be动词/助动词/情态动词 主语,前句所述情况为否定。)(A)1.I think you are different now.Of course,times have changed and have I I have C.neither have I D.neither I have(B)2.(新信息题)I dont like the movie Dream Breaker(破梦游戏)._.A.So do I B.Me neitherC.Also I do D.So I do分数表达 (八下Unit 9 P70)【举例透析】three quarte

18、rs 意为3/4。(在表达英语的分数时,要注意分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式。)a quarter 1/4a/one sixth 1/6five sevenths 5/7Two thirds of the water has been used for farming.三分之二的水已经被用来耕种了。(“分数(或百分数) of 名词”构成的名词词组作主语时,其后的动词形式根据of词组的名词确定。)(D)Peter,_ of the bananas _ gone bad.Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible.A.

19、one fifths;has fifth; fifths;have fifth;have辨析have gone to,have been to与have been in (八下Unit 9 P68)【举例透析】Where is Jim?吉姆在哪? He has gone to England.他去英国了。(have/has gone to 地点:去了某地(表示现在还没回来,可能在去的途中,或已经到了目的地)My father has been to Beijing twice.我爸爸已经去了北京两次。(have/has been to 地点:去过某地(此

20、时人已回到说话处),常与twice(两次),several times(几次),ever(曾经),never(从未)等词组或副词搭配。)I have been in Shanghai for three years.我在上海待了三年了。(have/has been at (in)地点:在某地待了多久(后面须用表示时间段的状语)(C)1.Im expecting a call from my daughter.She _ New York for three days.A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.has been(A)2.(2018哈尔

21、滨中考改编)Qingdao is the most beautiful city Ive ever_.So it is.Many international meetings are held there every year.A.been to B.gone toC.went D.going(A)3.(2018昆山模拟)Look!Your teacher Miss White is over there.No,it cant be her.She _ to Beijing.A.has gone B.has beenC.went D.will go辨析for与since (八下Unit 10

22、P73)【举例透析】He has lived here for five years.他在这儿住5年了。She has taught there since 2010/since 4 years ago.从2010年/自四年前以来她就在那儿教书。(for 与 since都可以用作介词,经常用于含有完成时的句子里。)He has been here for two years/since two years ago.他来这里已经有两年了。(for后面的宾语接“时间段”,表示一段时间。since后面的宾语接“时间点”,表示从过去某一时间点以来。)He has taught here since h

23、e came to China.自从他来到中国就在这儿教书。It is/has been an hour since he left here.他离开这儿已有一小时了。(for和since引导时间状语,主句均须用延续性动词或非延续性动词的否定式。往往用how long对时间段提问。)I worked here for over 20 years.我曾经在这里工作了20多年。(since可以用作连词引导时间状语从句,而for则不能。)注意:并非有for作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。(C)1.We have had the tea set _ three years.A.since B.unt

24、il C.for D.unless(A)2.(2018宜昌中考)It has been much easier for me to go to work_ shared bikes appeared.But they also caused plenty of problems.A.since B.before C.unless D.though3.因为我还是个婴儿的时候就拥有它了。Because Ive _had/owned_ it since I _was_ a baby.encourage (八下Unit 9 P67)【举例透析】His classmates encouraged him

25、 to take part in the singing competition.他同学鼓励他参加歌唱比赛。(encourage作动词,意为鼓励。常用搭配:encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事)(B)(新信息题)The TV show Super Mom(妈妈是超人) encourages all mothers_ closer to their children and care for them.A.get getting D.gets直 击 中 考一、单项选择。(A)1.(2018凉山州中考)The picture of the Sno

26、wflake boy has become very popular recently.Yeah,it receives _ Internet hits a day.A.thousands of B.thousandsC.hundred D.hundreds(A)2.(2018凉山州中考改编)Paris is a wonderful place.So it is.I _ there twice.A.have been B.have goneC.went D.have been to (C)3.(2018玉林中考改编)In life,_ we are disappointed,angry and

27、 sad,we shouldnt lose heart.A.whoever B.whateverC.whenever D.where(B)4.(2018乌鲁木齐中考)My friends new restaurant in Wanda Plaza(万达广场) _ two years ago,but I _ there so far.A.has opened;havent beenB.was open;havent beenC.opened;havent gone D.has been open;havent gone二、完形填空。A man got a new car and he was v

28、ery proud of it.One day,when he came back home,he saw his threeyearold son happily hitting the new car with a toy _1_.He broke off the paint on the car.The man was so _2_ that he ran to his son,took away his hammer(锤子) from him,and used the hammer to hit the boys _3_ as hard as he could for punishme

29、nt.The poor boy cried _4_ but his father didnt care at all.When the father calmed down,he took his son to the _5_ as soon as he could.Although the doctor tried to save the broken bones,he had to _6_ the fingers from both of the boys hands in the end.When the boy _7_ in the hospital and saw his hands

30、,he innocently(天真地) said,“Daddy,Im sorry about your car.”Then he asked,“But when are my fingers going to grow back?”The father felt very sad and regretted this very much.Think about this story when someone steps(踩)_8_ your feet and you want to argue(争吵) with him.Think first before you _9_ your patience with someone.Cars can be broken,_10_ bones and hurt feelings often cant.So always remember:Ex

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