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1、单元卷11阶段仿真检测(十一)选修六Modules 13【说明】本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(Text 1)W:What were you doing last night? I heard a loud noise from your hou

2、se.M:Im terribly sorry,Mrs.Johnson.I was repairing the pipe.1Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BSalesman and customer.CNeighbors.答案:C(Text 2)M:Could you tell me how much it would cost to send this to New York by regular mail?W:Let me check it.Is there anything else?2W

3、here do you think the conversation takes place?AAt a hotel.BAt a cinema.CAt a post office.答案:C(Text 3)W:My paper is due in two days so I must ask David to type it for me.M:No way.Even Jim cant do that in such a short time.3What can be concluded from this conversation?AJim types faster than David.BJi

4、m is too busy to help.CJim is a poor typist.答案:A(Text 4)W:How did you go to Canada? Did you fly?M:I was planning to because its such a long trip by bus or train.But Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him.It took us 2 days and one night.4How did the man go to Canada?ABy train. BBy car. CBy

5、bus.答案:B(Text 5)M:Which cap did you finally decide to buy?W:Well,I would have liked to buy the blue one,but it was 50 dollars.So I bought another one instead and saved 10 dollars.5How much did the woman pay for the cap?A50 dollars. B10 dollars. C40 dollars.答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段

6、对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。(Text 6)W:Excuse me.I am from STM.We are carrying out a survey on the traffic in our city.Do you mind if I ask you some questions?M:No,not at all.Go ahead.W:Good,thanks.What do you

7、 do,sir?M:I am a teacher.I teach children French.W:Great.Do you live far from the school?I mean,how do you usually go to work?M:Well,mostly by car.But once in a while,I prefer to ride my bike.You know,I live quite far from the school,about 20 miles.And I have to spend about an hour riding to school.

8、But it only takes me less than a quarter of an hour to drive my car,unless the traffic is very bad.W:I see.Does this often happen?I mean the bad traffic?M:Yes,sure!I often get stuck on the way,and the problems getting worse and worse.W:Thats all of my questions.Thank you very much.M:You are welcome.

9、6What probably is the woman?AA driver. BA teacher. CA reporter.答案:C7How long does it take the man to get to school by bike?AAbout an hour.BHalf an hour.CFifteen minutes.答案:A8What does the man think of the traffic in the city?AExcellent. BTerrible. CNormal.答案:B听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。(Text 7)M:Here we are.Th

10、is is it.I know its smaller than you wanted,but its one of the best flats in the building.W:Does it have three bedrooms?M:No.There are two.The master room is quite large though.Maybe you could let the children share the larger room,and you and your husband could use the smaller one.W:I suppose I hav

11、e to do that.A three bedroom flat will be difficult to find.Ive been looking for one over a week.The few three bedroom flats that I have found are all extremely expensive.You said that the rent would be 350 dollars a month?M:Yes.It includes gas.As you can imagine,electricity and water are quite inex

12、pensive.W:This sounds better and better.But before I sign an agreement I would like my husband to see it.M:Why not stop by with him today? Our office is open until 7 pm.W:OK.See you then.9Where does this conversation take place?AIn a flat building.BIn the mans office.CIn the womans house.答案:A10What

13、has the woman been looking for over the last week?AA two bedroom flat.BA three bedroom flat.CA ground floor flat.答案:B11What does the woman think of the flat?AIt is too small to live in.BIt is too expensive to buy.CIt is satisfying on the whole.答案:C听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。(Text 8)W:Excuse me,do you sell off

14、ice equipment here?M:Yes,we have all kinds of computers like desktops and laptops.W:Well,Id like to buy some printers for my company.M:Certainly.We have a variety of printers on sale here.W:If we make an order,how soon could you deliver the machines?M:Well,I cannot give you a firm date myself,but we

15、 can deliver them quickly.W:Good.My company is interested in ten machines.M:Ten?Thats good.W:So I was wondering if we could get 15% off.M:Well,we usually offer only 12%.W:Yes,I know that.But were buying ten.M:Well,OK,wed be delighted to do business with you.12What does the woman want to buy?ADesktop

16、 computers.BLaptop computers.CPrinters.答案:C13How soon could the machines be delivered?AOn the firm date the woman suggested.BPretty quickly.COnly a few days later.答案:B14How much will the man cut off the price for the woman?A15%. B12%. C10%.答案:A听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。(Text 9)M:Hi,Rosy,going to the football

17、 game today?W:No,Im planning to watch it on television.M:Why is that? Are you short of money?W:Moneys not the problem.I find it easier to follow football on television than in the football field.When I see the game in person,I feel as if Im too far away from the action.And I always lose track of the

18、 ball.M:I know what you mean.Besides,on television the new cameras they use give you super views of all the plays.But when you go,theres so much excitement.People are cheering and shouting when youre there in person.The enthusiasm is catching,and I end up cheering along with everyone else.W:Youre ri

19、ght there.But Id like to know exactly what Im shouting for.And if I cant even see who has the ball,I cant get very excited.So I really prefer watching it on television.M:I see your point.Well,enjoy the game.W:You,too.15Why doesnt the woman go to watch the football match in person?AShe is too busy to

20、 go.BShe prefers to watch it on TV.CShe has no money.答案:B16What makes the man feel excited when he is watching the games in person?AWatching the game more closely.BThe audiences enthusiasm.CSuper views of all the plays.答案:B17What is the man obviously planning to do?AWatch the game in person.BWatch T

21、V with the woman.CPay for the womans football ticket.答案:A听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。(Text 10)School may be frightening to young children.They are new in their school.Before that they stay at home.At home children may be able to do what they want whenever they want to do it or not.But in school they are given

22、 time for talking,working,playing and eating.At home children are scolded in private,but in school children will be blamed in front of their classmates.“Bob,” the teacher may say,“why are you the only one in class who didnt do your homework?”or,“David,why are you the only one who cant work quietly a

23、t your desk?” In school every child may not be noticed very much by the teacher or the teacher is too busy to take care of him or her.But at home the parents will treat their son or daughter carefully.For these and other reasons,it is not surprising that children may not like to stay at school.Yes,i

24、ts much stricter in school,but the children can learn a lot.They cant learn so much out of school.18What do the children dislike about school?AThey cant do anything they want to do.BEverything is different from at home.CThey are often blamed by teachers.答案:B19Who is probably the speaker?AA parent. B

25、A child. CAn educator.答案:C20What advice does the speaker want to give?ATeachers should notice every student in school.BChildren should go to school to learn.CTeachers should be strict with children.答案:B第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21(2010定安市高三模拟)My fl

26、ight was delayed because of _ heavy rain.But you are just in _ time for the discussion.Athe;a Ba;the C不填;不填 Dthe;不填解析:考查冠词。句意:“我的航班因为大雨而耽误了。”“但是你正好赶上讨论。”第一空考查定冠词,表示特指;第二空用零冠词,in time for sth.为固定短语,表示“来得及做某事”。答案:D22The company provides cheap Internet access._,it makes shareware freely available.AIn a

27、ddition BIn brief CIn return DIn common解析:考查介词短语的辨析。句意:那个公司提供便宜的上网服务,而且提供免费的公用软件。A.而且;B.简言之;C.作为报答;D.共同的,共有的。由句意可知,A项正确。答案:A23Why dont you bring _ to his attention that you are too ill to go on working?Ait Bthat Cthis Dthem解析:考查代词。此题中that引导的从句作真正的宾语,it作形式宾语。答案:A24(2010南京模拟)John,_ money is no problem

28、,still leads a simple life.Afor whose Bof whose Cof whom Dfor whom解析:考查“介词关系代词”的用法。for sb.意思是:对于某人来说。先行词John在从句中作介词for的宾语。答案:D25(2010昌江市高三模拟)You didnt come to the party yesterday._?Im not a party animal.AHow can I have BHow would I haveCWhy should I have DWhy must I have解析:考查交际用语。party animal特指“热衷于参

29、加各种聚会的人”。Why should I have?是虚拟语气,表示“我为什么本该参加?”;D项的must have done只用于对过去的猜测,不用于疑问句。答案:C26Something _ the tap should be removed so that the water can come through quickly.Ablocking BblockedCbe blocked Dhaving blocked解析:考查非谓语动词。blocking为现在分词作定语。句意:堵住水龙头的东西应该去除,这样水才能很快出来。答案:A27The house rent is high in t

30、he center of the city.If you have to rent a house,the rent will be _ that in the suburb.Aas three times much as Bas much three times asCmuch as three times as Dthree times as much as解析:考查倍数表达法。该题考查了“A is.times as原级asB”这一句型,倍数应放在as.as之前。答案:D28(2010中卫一中高三模拟)Tickets are _ free of charge from the school.But the amount is limited.First come,first served.Areasonable Bavailable Cpractical Dcomfortable解析:available“可以获得的”,符合题意。reasonable“合理的”;practical“实际的”;comfortable“舒适的”。答案:B29We _ to paint the house at dawn but finished only the front part till dusk

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