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1、面试技巧篇之一英语面试了解情况Know the company.了解公司 Your knowledge of the prospective employer will contribute to the positive image you want to create. Research the company before the interview. Talk to others who work there; ask for information about the firm and for a job description when the interview is set u

2、p; use the Internet and your local library鈥檚 reference books on public and private organizations.Know the job.了解所应聘的职位Learn everything you can about the job youre interviewing for and how your previous experience and training qualify you for this position.Know yourself.Review your resume before the

3、interview to have it fresh in your mind, because it will be fresh in the mind of the person who interviews you. Better yet, have it in front of you on the table.Prepare questions of your own.准备好自己要问的问题Employers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers. And theyll react favorab

4、ly if you ask intelligent questions about the position, the company and the industry. (Examples: Where does this position fit into the company as a whole? Is there any problem on this job with waste/accuracy/meeting quotas, etc.? What is the largest single problem facing your staff now?).Get the big

5、 picture.掌握全局Visualize the entire interview, from start to finish. See yourself as performing with style and confidence. How will the interview end? Will you get a job offer or be called back for a second interview? How much salary do you want? What kind of benefits? The research you do ahead of tim

6、e will give you an idea of what to expect.Be ready for any eventuality.Follow Through.积极主动This is a crucial and often-overlooked final step in the interviewing process.Remember: No home run or 350-yard golf shot was ever hit without a proper follow-through.Its essential that you write a thank-you no

7、te to every person you met at the company.Your most important letter(s) should go to the interviewer(s).In your letter, be sure to summarize your conversation and re-emphasize the skills you would bring to the position.Thank them for their time and ask if its all right to call later in the week to s

8、ee how their search for a candidate is going.That candidate may well be you!谈吐3P原则 自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Positive(自信),Personal(个性),Pertinent(中肯)。谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试人充分了解你的优点与潜能。突出个性,就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。语气中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。自 我介绍应简洁明了,给面试人留下思路清晰、反应快捷、逻辑性强的印象。自我介绍时间不宜太长,话不宜太多,最好

9、控制在五分钟之内。不要一谈起自己就口若悬 河,滔滔不绝,以免言多语失。另外,在自我介绍时应避免过多地使用“I”(我),不要每个句子一开头就冒出一个“I”字,给人留下自我标榜、以自我为中心 的印象。灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:“Willyoupleasesay somethingaboutyourself?”(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:“Doyouwantmetotalk aboutmypersonallifeortosaysomethingaboutthejob?”(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢, 还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就

10、把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场 合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。个人信息 这里所讲的个人资料是一个应征者的基本信息,虽然是一些很简单的问题,但是正是根据这些信息,主考官可以初步断定应试者是否符合他们的要求。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) What is your name,please?请问,你叫什么名字?2) Can you tell me what your full name is, please?能把你的全名告诉我吗?3) How do you spel

11、l your full name?你的全名怎么拼写?4) I was born on June 22,1980.我生于1980年6月22日。5) You look very youngHow old are you?你看上去很年轻,你多大了?6) I am just over twenty-two.我刚过22岁。7) Where are you from?你是哪里人?8) Where is your native place?你的籍贯是哪里?9) Where do you live now?你现在住哪里?10) I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802,

12、Beijing.我住在北京市中关村大街606号,802单元。11) Can you tell me something about your family?能介绍一下你的家庭情况吗?12) Are you married?你结婚了吗?13) How long have you been married?你结婚多长时间了?14) I have been married for two years.我结婚两年了。变被动为主动1. Have you had a chance to review my resume?您有看过我的简历吗?别以为这是个多余的问题,事实上,不少的面试人 员事前并没有看过应聘

13、者的简历,就匆匆忙忙开始了面谈。他们一边面试一边看你的简历。这个问题是个开场白,如果他们没有看过你的简历,通常也不会承认,可 能会说:” I havent had the chance to review it in details as I would like to.”(其实就是一次也没看过= =)不要为此懊丧,没看过的话,正好可以说,Well, maybe it is helpful for me to talk about the highlights of my qualifications.” 就好像一个销售人员在推销产品之前,总是问“你对这个产品有什么认识/了解吗?”然后再开始自

14、己的陈述。即使他们说已经看过你的简历,你一样可以 说:”So let me talk about the highlights of my qualifications.”2. Is there anything else I can tell you about my qualifications?关于我所取得的成绩,还有什么需要我来陈述的吗?有可能的话,尽量用“qualifications”代替“experience”。前者代表了取得的成绩,更加突出了你是有才之士,相比之下后者比较中性、被动。问这个问题,有益无害,只要面试官说Yes,你就有更多的机会把最好的料子亮出来。越能让对方说Yes,

15、你在他们眼中就越有价值,留下的印象越深。假设面试总共有三次的话,这是在首次和第二次面试中值得问的问题。3. Ive read the job description, of course, but how would you describe the nature and duties of this job?我确实有看过你们的工作介绍,但还是想请教一下您是如何看待这份工作的性质和职责的?乍看这个问题显得明知故问,其实不然。你对这份工作有你的理解,而招聘人员也许有他自己的看法,和登出来的招聘要求并不完全一样。通过他们对这份工作 的描述,至少你可以听出来什么是最重要的,什么是招聘广告里面没提到的

16、。那么借此发挥:”I am glad to hear that maintaining customer relationship is a great part of this position. I am very customer-focused and always keep their needs in mind.” 假设你在第二次面试中和另一个面试人员谈,那么可以再次问这个问题:Ive spoken to Mr. Smith about the responsibilities involved in this job. What would you consider to be

17、the most important aspects of this position?”4. What are the major challenges that your staff is facing right now?目前贵公司员工面临的主要挑战有哪些?这个问题有双重目的。第一个目的就是看看自己对公司面临的问题能否提出自己的意见和看法,来表面自己是一个善于解决问题的人。第二个目的就是如果这家公司真的存在着问题,你要考虑是否要加入。5. What results would you like to see me produce?您希望我能为公司做出哪些成就?问这个问题,显示出你的心态是

18、“do a job”,真正的干活,不是混口饭吃。不管对方说什么,你都可以接着说:“This is what you expect, and this is what I will do.” 可以对新的面试官重复同样的问题。6. What do you consider ideal experience of this position?您认为要胜任这份工作需要有哪些资历?这个问题的目的是衡量自己的资历水平和对方所说的理想人选差多少,然后尽量把距离拉近。先把已经符合的部分重申一次,然后再说不符合的部分,强调自己的经验和学习能力,可以很快把差距消除。7. How would you describ

19、e the atmosphere, the culture of this company?您认为贵公司的氛围和文化是怎样的?这也是个有双重目的的问题。首先就是了解公司的气氛、文化、环境是怎样的,是否合适自己发展;其次是可以表明自己很喜欢这种环境,可以说:”I really like that. I am energized by high-pressure situations.”9. May I talk to the person who held this job previously (or who is currently doing this job)?我能跟原来从事这个岗位(或

20、者现在正从事这个岗位)的工作人员谈谈吗?根据上一个问题的结果,你大概已经知道,招这个职位是因为现在在做的人升了官,辞了职,还是转到其他的职位上去了。如果能够面谈当然好,如果不能够,看看对方用什么理由来拒绝你。10. Based on what Ive told you, dont you think that I could give you all that you need in this position?就我目前所陈述的这些,您认为我能满足贵公司对该职位人员的要求吗?就像所有的销售人员,在最后敲定之前,都会问:“根据我前面的介绍,你难道不认为这是笔好交易吗?”这个问题是为了引出一个积极

21、的回应,绝大多数的面试人员很难在这个问题下生硬地打发你,他们很可能说Yes。性格与爱好通过个性和爱好的问答,主考官可以初步判断面试者 的性格特点是否适合职位的需要。性格外向的人往往容易给人留下热情活泼、思维敏捷但不深沉的印象,这类性格的人在面试时说话的节奏要适当放慢,语言组织得 当,要注意给人以博学多才、见多识广的良好形象。性格内向的人则容易给人留下深沉有余、反应迟缓的印象,在面试时,这类性格的人要力争积极回答,并就某一 重大观点展开论述,以弥补自己性格上的不足。兴趣爱好有助于工作的胜任愉快,而且热爱本职,从事的专业岗位与自己的兴趣爱好相吻合也更有利于出成果。BASIC EXPRESSIONS

22、 基本句型表达1) What kind of character do you think you have?你认为自己是什么性格的人?2) Are you introverted or extroverted?你内向还是外向?3) What kind of person would you like to work with?你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作呢?4) -How do you get along with others?你和别人相处得怎样?-I get on well with others.我和别人相处得很好。5) Do you have any particular streng

23、ths or weaknesses?你有什么特别的优点和缺点吗?6) What basic principles do you apply to your life?你生活中的基本原则是什么?7) How do you spend your spare time?你的业余时间怎么度过?8) What kind of sports do you like most?你最喜欢什么运动?9) What are your hobbies?你的业余爱好是什么?10)I have an interest in traveling.我对旅游非常感兴趣。教育背景 刚踏出校门的社会新鲜人,由于尚无实际工作经验,

24、面试者也无从询问“工作”本身的专业性问题,但是他可以藉由你所读学校、所选修的课程、在课业上的表现、以及所参加的社团活动等方面,来判断你是否具备做好这份工作的潜力与能力。回答这类问题,正是你进行“自我推销”的大好时机,一定要好好把握。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) What degree will you receive?你将拿到什么学位?2) I will receive a Bachelors degree.我将获得学士学位。3) How about your academic records at college?你大学的成绩如何?4) I have been doi

25、ng quite well at college.我在大学时学习很好。5) My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。6) I was one of the top students in the class.我是班里最优秀的学生之一。7) Which course did you like best?你最喜欢哪门课程?CONVERSATIONS 会话(A=Applicant I=Interviewe

26、r)Dialogue 1I: Which school are you attending?A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology.I: When will you graduate from that university?A: This coming July.I: What degree will you receive?A: I will receive a Bachelors degree.I: What is your major?A: My major is Business Administration.I: How h

27、ave you been getting on with your studies so far?A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I have achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July.I: How do you think the education you have received will contr

28、ibute to your work in this institution?A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the wo

29、rk in your institute.I: 你在哪个学校上学?A: 我在河北工业大学上学。I: 你什么时候毕业?A: 今年七月。I: 你能拿到什么学位?A: 学士学位。I: 你是什么专业的?A: 我的专业是商业管理。I: 到目前为止,你在校的学习情况如何?A: 我学得不错。根据至今我所取得的学习成绩,我敢肯定今年7月份我一定能获得商业管理学士学位。I: 你认为你接受的教育将如何有助于本机构的工作?A: 我在课堂上学了很多东西,我希望能把它实际运用到贵公司的商务活动中去。我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。 我相信我能够把我所学到的东西运用到你们研究所的工作之中。个人技能 在

30、面试时,个人技能主要指除了专业之外的、能对你的专业发展有帮助的一些技能。也许你有很多技能,也不必一一列出,最好只说那些与应聘岗位相关的资格认证或者技能。最突出的就是外语能力,比如英语水平和日语水平怎样,以及电脑知识,这些都可以被看作是应聘者的技能。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) How do you think of your English?你认为你的英语水平如何?2) How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?3) I think my English is good enough to communicate with English speaking people.我认为我能用英语和说英语国家的人很好的交流。4) What other foreign language do you speak?你还能说什么其他外语吗?5) I have a good command of 厖我精通6) Have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications?你获得过什么技术证书吗?7) What special s

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