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1、江苏省苏州市相城区八年级英语上学期期中试题第一学期期中考试试卷八年级英语 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共九大题,满分130分。考试用时100分钟。注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号、准考证号填写清楚,准考证号相应的数字用2B铅笔涂黑。 2.答客观题必须用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;答主观题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卷指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题。 3.考生答题必须在答题卷上,答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。第卷(四大题,共69分)一、听力选择(共两部分,满分20分).听句子,根据所听内

2、容选择合适的图片。每句话只读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分).听对话回答问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。每段对话只读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)6. What does the boy want to borrow? A. An eraser. B. A bike. C. A knife.7. Why does Kate like fall? A. Because of the fruits. B. Because the leaves are colorful. C. Because of different things to do.8. Where is Dora going today?

3、A. To a bookstore. B. To a shoe store. C. To a flower store.9. Which language can Larry speak? A. English. B. French. C. Chinese.10. What did they discuss in the last class? A. Their homework. B. Their holidays. C. Their final exam.听对话和短文,回答问题 本部分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。 请听一段对话,回答第1112小题。11 .Who is the t

4、allest in Gregs class? A. Greg. B. Dennis. C. Lucy.12. What did Greg do in the talent show? A. He played the violin. B. He sang songs. C. He danced 请听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题,完成信息记录表。A school talent showTimeSeptember 2ndPlace13ShowsJulies short play was the 14 of all the shows.Sams act was the best for sure.

5、Barry showed different kinds of animals 15 .13. A. On the playground B. In the classroom C. In the school hall14. A. funniest B. most boring C. hardest15. A. looks B. actions C. sounds 请听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. How do Jenny and Mary go to school? A. By school bus. B. By bike. C. By subway.17. How old is

6、 Jenny? A. 14. B. 15. C. 1618. What is their favourite colour? A. Red. B. Yellow C. White.19. What is Jennys favourite subject? A. English. B . Science. C. History.20. What is Mary good at? A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Swimming.二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C,、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21

7、. Now the air in our hometown is than it was before, and we must do something for that. A. much better B. more worse C. more better D. much worse22. We all hope Jim the match. A. wins B. to win C. win D. will win23. Its interesting the farm in autumn. A. visiting B. to visit C. visit D. visited24. H

8、e always looks . Now hes looking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy25. I am in places of in Suzhou. A. interesting, interest B. interested, interest C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested26. Tom, afraid of speaking in front of p

9、eople. You are the best one. A. dont B. not C. not be D. dont be27. Not only Tom but also Millie donate some money to the children in need. A. want B. wants C. want to D. wants to28.一How does he usually spend his weekends? 一He spends as much time as he can computer games. A. practising playing B. pr

10、actise to play C. practise playing D. to practise to play29. China is larger than in Africa.(非洲) A. any country B. any other country C. the other countries D. another country30. You will find the post office the road. A. in the end of B. in the end C. at the end of D. at the end31. He didnt have a d

11、ay last week. A. off B. of C. away D. from32. Its sunny outside. Youd better at home. A. stay B. to stay C. not stay D. not to stay33. Did you have fun with your teachers on the Internet? A. chat B. to chat C. chatting D. chatted34.一Would you like to attend Chinas Got Talent(中国达人秀)? 一 . But Im busy

12、reviewing for my test. A. Dont mention it B. Id love to C. Thats all right D. My pleasure35.一Why are you so excited? 一David invited me on a trip to Dalian. A. to go B. go C. going D. went三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Cats and dogs have different ways of showing their feeling. If a dog barks, you know som

13、eone is at the door of your 36 . But cats 37 do that. Although(虽然) 38 wag(摇)their tails, it means 39 feelings. 40 a dog wags its tail, you know its 41 . However, when a cat wags its tail, it is angry. They also lick(舔)their owners. It is a way dogs 42 their love for the owner. 43 not for cats. If ca

14、ts lick your hand, they just want to eat 44 salt on the hand. Nothing more. To show they 45 you, they may sit on your hand.36. A. house B. office C. school D. shop37. A. often B. usually C. always D. never38. A. one of them B. both of them C. each of them D. neither of them39. A. different B. the sa

15、me C. similar D. true40. A. Then B. And C. If D. But41 .A. angry B. happy C. sad D. tired42. A. bark B. sing C. talk D. show43. A. And B. Or C. So D. But44. A. a B. an C. the D./45. A. believe B. hate C. know D. love四、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)A Last weekend three students went to London, and they visi

16、ted many places. Did they enjoy the trip? Lets listen to them. It was a fine day. I went to London with my friends Emily and James. We visited many places. The guide was very kind and funny. I really had a great time in London! David said. The train was so fast. It only took us half an hour. I read

17、many books about London. When I saw it with my eyes today, I felt so excited! I took many photos. And I also bought some gifts for my sister. Emily said. We went to the science museum. All kinds of model robots are my favourites. I learned a lot about robots. The food in London was kind of expensive

18、, but very delicious. All in all, it was a great trip. James said.46. How was the weather that day?A. Windy B. Cloudy C. Sunny D. Snowy.47. What did Emily do during the trip? A. Took many photos. B. Visited the Eiffel Tower. C. Went boating. D. Read a book.48. What do they think of the trip? A. Funn

19、y. B. Modern. C. Great. D. Boring.BWhen you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself. Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I am a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything. It may not sound so good, but

20、 it really works! Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good. Smile! Be friendly to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family. Learn something new! Have you always wanted to design your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges

21、are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished them. Start to write a dairy. Turn off the TV and let your imagination fly! Write down your thought, dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings. Stay with your family. We all need our family. Talk w

22、ith your Mom or Dad or maybe youre your cousin.49. The passage may be from . A. a science book B. a magazine C. a storybook D. school rules50. According to this passage, when you are helping others, you will . A. be special B. be sure C. be remembered D. feel good51. What do the underlined words a s

23、ense of accomplishment mean in Chinese? A.成就感 B.忧伤感 C.挫折感 D.信任感52. Which of the following should you say No when you are unhappy? A. You should always look for the good things of others. B. Stay alone at home as much as possible. C. Learn something new and go for it! D. Keep a dairy to express your

24、feelings.53. What is the best title for the passage? A. Do Your Best B. Its Never Too Late to Learn C. Always Smile to Your Life D. Six Ways to Feel Good about YourselfCTony is coming to China now. Look at what he has in his mind. There is a saying in China, He who has never been to the Great Wall i

25、s not a true man. So the first thing to do in China is to visit the Great Wall. Ill take my lunch with me and have it on the wall.Im sure Ill have a wonderful day there. I hear the Terracotta Army can equal(比得上)the Seven Wonders in the World. Whats more, Xian is one of the Four Great Old Capitals of

26、 China. So Ill stay in Xian for three days and have a good visit there. Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu. It includes(包括)Taiji, Qigong, Houquan, Zuiquan and so on. Since Ill stay in China for a month, Ill take this chance to learn some Chinese Kung Fu, at least Taiji. Giant pandas

27、 are very lovely. They win the love of people all over the world. I decide to go to Sichuan Province to see them and write a book about them. Ill stay there for a week.54. What is Tony going to visit first? A. Shaolin Temple. B. Sichuan Province. C. The Great Wal. D. The city of Xian.55. What kind o

28、f Kung Fu does Tony want to learn at least? A. Zuiquan. B. Qigong. C. Houquan. D. Taiji.56. What will Tony do in Sichuan Province? A. He will feed pandas. B. He will write a book about pandas. C. He will visit a temple. D. He will look after pandas.57. What is the passage about? A. Tonys plan in Chi

29、na. B. Wonders in China. C. Tonys love for China. D. Four places of interest in China.第卷(五大题,共61分)五、词汇检测(共10分)58. Is your school a (mix) one or not?59. Did you (讨论)this matter with your father?60. Can you tell me your (每日的)activities in your school?61. (幸运的是),he was not badly hurt in the traffic acc

30、ident.62. For (例子), you can go to the library.63. Look! The weather is quite fine. So its (不重要的)to take an umbrella.64. Listen to the teacher (仔细地)in class, or you wont learn your lessons well.65. Kitty usually (花费)more time on her English than any other lesson at school last year.66. After he finis

31、hes his homework, he often sings (高兴).67. A good friend should be kind and (耐心的).六、根据语境或提示,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(共10分)68. I think everyone should (be) careful with fire.69. Youd better (speak) English every day if you want to learn it well.70. Bob (hurry) to follow him, and they rode home together.71. (learn) to play basketball is very interesting.72. Which team (赢)the game last night?73. Why did the woman keep (smile) at me?74. One of the (climb) from Jiangsu lost his life in the Nepa

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