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1、多元智能理论在小学英语教学中的运用呼伦贝尔学院本科毕业论文多元智能理论在小学英语教学中的应用专业 英语姓名 于欢欢学号 2010041227指导教师 杨静完成日期 2014年5月10日The Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Primary English TeachingMajor : EnglishApplicant: YuHuanhuanGuidance Teacher: Yang JingDepartment Foreign Language DepartmentDate May 10th,2014附录呼伦贝尔学院学位论文原

2、创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日摘要:多元智能理论是美国哈佛大学心理学教授霍华德加德纳于1983年首次提出的。该理论自诞生以来,对世界各国教育的影响很大。探索将这一理论应用到实践中的研究大量涌现。本文以目前小学英语教学存在的问题为出发点,系统的讨论了多元智能理论在小学英语教学中的应用,旨在提出一个多元智能理论在小学英语

3、教学中应用的构想,以促进小学教师对多元智能理论的理解,从而为他们在教学中实践多元智能理论提供一些参考。关键词:多元智能理论; 小学; 运用。 Abstract: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence was put forward by an American psychologist, Howard Gardner, in 1983. It has greatly influenced the education of many countries in the world. The reachers of applying the theory to th

4、e teaching practice mushroom all over the world. Based on the problems existing in the current primary school teaching as the starting point, the thesis systematically illustrates the application of multiple intelligences theory in primary school English teaching. The thesis aims at putting forward

5、a framework of applying multiple intelligences theory to English teaching in primary school, promoting the teacherss understanding about the theory and providing guidance of their practices.Keywords: multiple intelligences theory; primary school; the application.ContentsIntroduction.11. Current situ

6、ation in primary English teaching.11.1 The traditional view of students in English teaching.21.2 The traditional view of teachers in English teaching.22. Multiple intelligences theory.32.1 The classification of multiple intelligences theory.32.2 The influence of the multiple intelligences theory .33

7、. The application of multiple intelligences theory in primary English teaching.43.1 The application in lesson plan.43.1.1 The design of the multiple teaching aims.43.1.2 The design of the multiple teaching tools.53.2 The application in teaching process.63.2.1 The multiple lead-in.73.2.2 The multiple

8、 activities.83.2.3 The multiple management.83.3 The application in evaluation.9Conclusion.10Bibliography.11 Introduction: Nowadays, with the development of the world, more and more people concentrate themselves on studying methods of the English teaching. Although these methods have got a lot of goo

9、d effects on the students, there are some questions in English learning. With this background, the American professor Howard Gardner put forward the multiple intelligences theory in 1983.There are four chapters in this thesis. Chapter one is current situation in Primary English teaching. In this cha

10、pter, it focuses on introducing some questions that exist in Primary English Teaching. The second part is main introduce the multiple intelligences. The third part is the multiples application in primary English teaching. This part mainly introduces the multiple intelligences theory in terms of less

11、on design, teaching process and evaluation. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the application of multiple intelligences theory in primary English class has some positive influence on students improvement in English. It turns out that multiple intelligences theory helps to improve students learni

12、ng interest in English. 1. Current situation of primary English teachingWith the development of the education, more and more people have found that some questions still are not solved in primary English teaching. For example, in some schools, there are some English teachers still using the tradition

13、al methods to teach. That makes more and more students lose their interests in English. Besides, the traditional views of the students, and teachers also caused negative effects to the students personal development and effects in Primary English teaching. 1.1 The traditional view of students in Engl

14、ish teaching The teachers traditional view of students denies the students diversity. They used the same methods and textbook to teach all of students, and according to their final exams to put students into two categories: the first is good students, the second is poor students. So, In English clas

15、ses, teachers often care about the good students and give up those poor students in English classes. In such learning circulation, the poor students will cause some negative feelings. For example: low self-esteem. That is very bad for students mental health, and development in the future. More over,

16、 the traditional view of students negatives students others abilities, and teachers just judge a students by their grades, that is very unilateral. 1.2 The traditional view of teachers in English teaching The traditional views of teachers still impart knowledge to students as the purpose of teaching

17、. Teachers emphasis too much on knowledges transfer and ignore students intelligences and development. In this kind of classes, teachers control over to learners thinking, and deprive learners spirit of free development space. Besides, because of school teaching plan, the majority of primary school

18、English teachers have to according to the traditional teaching plans to teach English. Teachers still regard the method of teaching answer as the main form of teaching. This traditional method ignores the real teaching should pursue the goal: to develop students intelligences and development, and th

19、ey often use a kind of standardized model for all students. The traditional teaching methods mode is single. In most English classes are mostly teachers tell students to listen to teachers, and teachers asked some questions to students. The teaching aids still are blackboard and textbooks. In this m

20、ethod, the teachers always take up a lot of valuable class time to write knowledge on the black board. So, the learning efficiency is very low. In this way, teachers teach a lot of knowledge from text book, and students try their best to rote all of knowledge what teachers said. 2. Multiple intellig

21、ences theoryThe American professor Howard Gardner put forward the multiple intelligences theory in 1983. Multiple intelligences theory admit the diversity to the Students, that means different students may have differences in personalities, methods, interests and other factors in English learning, a

22、nd in order to make every student get the best development, teachers often according to the students diversity to take different methods to teach. By investigation, the multiple intelligences theory has got some evident effects in English teaching. So, in the modern education, more and more primary

23、schools have taken this theory to improve their teaching effects in English classes. 2.1 The classification of multiple intelligences theoryThe Multiple Intelligences can be classified eight different varieties. The first is Linguistic Intelligence, it refers to the ability of people to the language

24、s understand and application. The second is Logical mathematical Intelligence; it means the peoples ability of calculation, illation, and logical thinking. The third is spatial Intelligence; it refers to the ability to the spatial relations memory, experience, and distinguishes. The fourth is Bodily

25、 Intelligence, it refers that one person have the ability to applies their own body. It shows that people can control their body very well, and can do different reactions according to the reality. The fifth is Musical Intelligence. It refers to one person who has the sensitive to musical rhyme, tone

26、, and melody. The sixth is Interpersonal Intelligence. It shows people have the ability to experienced others mood, and do the reaction according to these moods, and purposes. The seventh is Intrapersonal Intelligence. It refers to the ability to the correct evaluation to them, and does the correct

27、control to their behaviors. The last is Naturalist Intelligence. It refers that people have the ability of classification, and distinguish to the nature, and one person should be very sensitive to the nature. 2.2 The influence of the multiple intelligences theory On the one hand, the Multiple Intell

28、igences theory is helpful to arouse the interest of students learning English, and enhance the internal motivation. That is to say, this theory can change students notion from “You want me learn” to “I want to learn” in their study (Wang Lifei, 2004:2004). If teachers can use variety of ways to pres

29、ent information, let every child with love and interests to listening, they will get a sense of accomplishment in learning. On the other hand, the influence is to improve teaching effectives. The Multiple intelligences can expand the teaching aids and strategies. Thus, Students are encouraged to use

30、 all of its intelligences to obtain knowledge, and get deeper understand to the teaching materials.3. The application of multiple intelligences theory in primary English teachingBecause the traditional English teaching method exists some questions. So, more and more experts study more suitable ways to primary English teaching. With the deep understand to the Multiple intelligences theory, educators have found that this theor

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