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1、版高考英语一轮复习Unit18Beauty讲义北师大版选修6Unit 18 Beauty一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1masterpiece n杰作,名作2.slim vi.& adj.减肥;苗条的3conscience n良心 4.subjective adj.主观的5delicate adj.精美的,雅致的 6.thrill n兴奋;恐惧 v使兴奋7dignity n尊贵;庄严 8.vain adj.自负的,炫耀的9version n版本;说法 10.steady adj.平稳的;稳定的11affection n爱慕,钟爱 12.trap vt.诱捕,设圈套13draw

2、back n缺点,弊端 14.abrupt adj.突然的,出其不意的(二)表达词汇写其形1adore vt.敬爱,非常喜欢2.accompany vt.伴随,陪同3command n命令,指挥 4.deliver vt.递送,传送5superior adj.高级的,上等的 6.manner n方式,方法7convey vt.传达,表达 8.overweight adj.超重的,过重的(三)拓展词汇灵活用1breathless adj.令人屏息的breath n呼吸breathe v呼吸*mitment n责任,义务,承诺commit vt.犯(错误、罪行等)committed adj.坚定的

3、,忠诚的*mand n& v命令,指挥commander n指挥官*4.accessible adj.容易理解的access n接近,通道,利用的权利/机会5refresh vt.消除的疲劳,使振作精神refreshing adj.使人精神振作的refreshment n恢复精神,心旷神怡6.disturbing adj.使人烦恼的disturb v打扰,使不安,使烦恼disturbance n扰乱,骚乱,不安*7.tendency n倾向,趋势tend v有的趋势,倾向于8.freezing adj.严寒的,冰冻的freeze v将冷冻,冻僵frozen adj.结冰的,冷冻的*9.trea

4、t vt.对待treatment n对待,处理10.strike vt.打;打动n.罢工,打击striking adj.引人注目的,突出的11.evident adj.明显的,明白的evidence n证据;征兆*12.recommend vt.推荐,介绍;劝告recommendation n推荐,介绍用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1To be a member of the team, I need your recommendation. Can you recommend me to your teacher?2The castle is only accessible to spec

5、ial people and we ordinary citizens have no access to it.3Patients cannot be treated with timely treatment because of a shortage of medicine.4We make a strong commitment to developing staff who are committed to developing our business.5The commander commanded that all actions should be at his comman

6、d.6There is a growing tendency for people to return to the hometown to start their business. The middleaged tend to do that.话题单词积累1musician /mjuz()n/ n 音乐家2pianist /pnst/ n. 钢琴家3violinist /valnst/ n. 小提琴家4composer /kmpz(r)/ n. 作曲家5conductor /kndkt(r)/ n. 乐队指挥6performer /pfm(r)/ n. 演员;演奏者;执行者7band /b

7、nd/ n. 乐队8choir /kwa(r)/ n 合唱团,教堂的唱诗班9chorus /krs/ n 合唱队,歌咏队10fan /fn/ n. 粉丝11symphony /smfn/ n. 交响乐12hiphop n. 嘻哈音乐13pop music 流行音乐14rock music 摇滚音乐15classical music 古典音乐16Jazz /dz/ n. 爵士17tempo /tempu/ n. 拍子,节奏18beat /bit/ n. 节拍19composition /kmpzin/ n. 音乐作品20melodious /mludis/ adj. 悦耳的21soulful /

8、sulfl/ adj. 凄婉的22drama /drm, drm/ n. 戏剧23opera /pr/ n. 歌剧24instrument /nstrmnt/ n. 乐器25drum /drm/ n. 鼓26guitar /t(r)/ n. 吉他27piano /pin/ n. 钢琴28violin /valn/ n. 小提琴29trumpet /trmpt/ n. 小号30album /lbm/ n. 唱片,专辑31concert /knst/ n 音乐会;演奏会32perform /pfm/ vt. 表演33performance /pfmns/ n. 演出34poetry /ptri/

9、n. 诗,诗歌35conduct /kndkt/ vt. 指挥,引导,带领36clap /klp/ vt.& vi. 鼓掌,二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.die_out完全消失,灭绝 *pare_._to/with与比较起来3._hang_on_a_second等一下 4.fall_in_love_with_. 爱上*5.lose_sight_of 看不见,消失 *6.deal_with 对付;处理*7.in_charge_of 负责;管理 8.in_an_instant 立即,马上;突然9.be_trapped_in_. 被困在中 *10.to_be_hones

10、t说实话*11._rely_on依靠,依赖 12.in_preparation_for为作准备13._bits_and_pieces各种各样的零碎东西*14.be_keen_on_.热衷于(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1She said he had been_in_charge_of all the family expenses.2He has always been_keen_on doing physical exercises.3To_be_honest,_Im not finding it as interesting as I expected!4Our greenhous

11、e is nothing compared_with yours.5It would be better to rely_on ourselves than on others.6His article deals_with many issues we are greatly concerned about.7I watched the bird fly higher and higher until I lost_sight_of it.8We should take some immediate measures to prevent some animals from dying_ou

12、t.,话题短语积累1form a band 组建乐队2compose a song 创作歌曲3start touring 开始巡回演出4make/produce records 制作唱片5put on 上演6impress sb. with sth.impress sth. on sb.某物给某人留下印象7play a role/part in 在扮演角色8be popular with 受欢迎9be/get familiar with 熟悉;与熟悉起来10be interested in 对感兴趣11listen to pop/classical music 听流行音乐/古典音乐12play

13、 the piano/guitar/violin 弹钢琴/吉他/拉小提琴13have no ear for music 对音乐没有鉴赏力 三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1否定转移结构例句Oh, I dont think thats fair!仿写我认为鲍勃不能够胜任经理一职,因为他根本不懂管理。I dont_think Bob is equal to being a manager, for he has little knowledge about management.2so引导的部分倒装句例句So do I .仿写假如你这个暑假去旅行,我也去。If you go on a journey

14、this summer and so_will_I.3独立主格结构例句Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright;Head bent, in homesickness I am drowned.仿写他坐在那里,双眼闭着,嘴巴张着,睡着了。He sat there, eyes_closed_and_mouth_open,_sleeping.话题佳句背诵1Music is the best medicine to heal me, and no one can accompany me to pass through the sea of sorrow.音乐是我疗伤

15、最好的药,没有谁能陪我走过悲伤的海。2Music has always fascinated us in the way that it communicates.Without words, without pictures.音乐总是凭借其沟通心灵的力量,让我们沉醉于此,流连忘返。无需文字,无需图像。3As the girl walked down the stage, the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to applaud her wonderful performance.当女孩走下台时,全场观众都站起来为她的精彩表演鼓掌欢

16、呼。4In addition to classical music, I also like modern pop music.除了古典音乐,我还喜欢现代流行音乐。四背语段语感流畅As a little boy, I dont think I was a brave child. The reason was that my parents were both doctors and they were often commanded to work at night, leaving me at home alone. Sometimes heavy rain accompanying fi

17、erce wind made me horrified. To be honest, such horror was really hard to convey in words. But now I grow up, and I know how to deal with it作为一个小男孩,我认为我不是一个勇敢的孩子。原因是我的父母都是医生,他们经常被要求晚上工作,把我一个人留在家里。有时候狂风伴着暴雨让我感到非常害怕。说实话,这样的恐惧难以言表。但是现在的我已经长大了,我也知道如何处理这样的状况了。 第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1accompany vt.伴随,陪同教材原句Physi

18、cal beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person.外在美一定伴有一个人的内在魅力。(1)accompany sb. to sp. 陪同某人到某地(to为介词)accompany sb. at/on sth. 用某物给某人伴奏(2)company n. C公司;U陪伴;伙伴 keep sb. company (accompany sb.) 和某人一道;陪伴某人in company with . 与一起companion n. C同伴,伙伴;伴侣;陪客Only the s

19、tars kept_little_Tom_company when he returned home at night.夜晚小汤姆回家时,唯有星星陪伴着他。He accompanied his father to the hospital to see what was wrong with his stomach.他陪父亲去医院去看看他的胃出了什么问题。Ill accompany you on/at the guitar when you sing.你唱歌的时候我会给你弹吉他伴奏。一言串记Last night, my companions kept me company to see a f

20、ilm and then they accompanied me to my home.昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影然后陪我回了家。2range n变化范围;等级;类别,种类;范围,幅度;界限;山脉;射程 v(在一定范围内)变动,变化;排列教材原句This particular kind of attraction is found in a wide range of personal qualities .这种特别的吸引力广泛地存在于人的各种品质一词多义写出句中range的词性和含义Most of the students are in the 1720 age range.n.范

21、围We want to climb the great mountain range of the Alps.n.山脉Here are all kinds of cell phones whose prices range from 200 yuan to 5,000 yuan.v.(在一定范围内)变动It is estimated that these missiles have a range of 300 miles.n.射程There is a full range of activities for children in our club.n.类别,种类(1)a wide/full

22、 range of 一系列,各种within/in range (of sth.) 在(某物)可及的范围内beyond/out of range (of sth.) 超出(某物的)范围(2)range from .to . 在范围内变动; 包括由到之间的各类事物range between .and . 在和范围内变动Her son has_a_wide_range_of_scientific knowledge, which makes him famous in our school.她的儿子有各种科学知识,这使他在我们学校很出名。I think our mobile phones are

23、out_of/beyond_range_of the nearest radio tower.我想我们的手机已不在最近的无线发射台覆盖范围内了。The price of the car ranges from_20,000 dollars to 30,000 dollars, which is beyond his expectation.汽车的价格从2万美元到3万美元不等,这超出了他的预期。3command vt. & n命令,指挥;控制;掌握;俯视教材原句He used to be a general in command of the army, but now he is a door

24、keeper.他过去是一名指挥军队的将军,但现在却是一名看门人。(1)command sb. to do . 命令某人做command that .(should) do . 命令做(2)at ones command 听从某人的支配have a good command of . 掌握,精通under ones command 由某人指挥;在某人的指挥下in command of 指挥,掌握take command of 指挥,控制If you do not serve others, you can not take_command_of them. 不能服务他人者,无法指挥他人。The

25、police commanded that all the people present (should)_stay (stay) still on the square.The police commanded all the people present to_stay (stay) still on the square.警察命令所有在场的人待在广场上不动。They are always in search of beauty and wisdom, but never fully in_command_of it.他们不断追寻着美和智慧,但从未真正得到它们。名师点津command后接t

26、hat从句时,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,其形式为“(should)动词原形”。4deliver vt.递送,传送;发表(演讲等);履行诺言;交出;移交经典例句Im having some flowers delivered for her birthday.(朗文P577)我将派人送些花给她祝贺生日。(1)deliver sb./sth. to sb. 把某人/某物递送/传递给某人deliver a speech/lecture 发表演讲/授课deliver a baby 接生小孩be delivered of a baby (give birth to a baby) 生孩子(2)deliv

27、ery n. 递送,发送;分娩President Xi Jinping delivered_an_important_speech concerning Chinas future at the meeting.习近平主席在这次会议上就中国的未来发表了重要演讲。Would you deliver my message to your mother?你可以帮我给你母亲传口信吗?To her great delight, she was_delivered_of a lovely girl.使她感到很高兴的是,她生了一个可爱的女孩。5convey vt.传达,表达;运送,搬运教材原句It conv

28、eys the poets affection for a peaceful night.它表达了诗人对宁静夜晚的喜爱。(1)convey sb. 向某人表达/传达某物convey sth. to . 运送某物到(某处)convey ones feelings/meanings 表达某人的感情/意思(2)convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地For lack of knowledge, they have difficulty in conveying_their_feelings_and_thoughts.由于缺乏知识,他们在表达情感

29、和思想方面有困难。The police asked the driver to convey the passengers from the airport to the destination safely.警察要求司机把乘客从机场安全地送到目的地。A good teacher must know how to convey his ideas to his students.一位好的老师必须知道如何把自己的思想传达给学生。6treat vt.对待,处理;治疗;款待,请客 n款待,请客教材原句Her sisters, Felicie and Adelaide, are nasty and treat Beauty as a servant.她的姐妹,费雷西娅和阿德莱德很不友好,把美女当作她们的仆人。一词多义写出句中treat的词性和含义Young people should always treat the elders with respect. vt.对待If he was treated in a proper way, he was likely to be saved.vt.治疗This meal is my treat, so put yo

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