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北师大高三英语Unit 26重点词汇.docx

1、北师大高三英语Unit 26重点词汇北师大高三英语Unit 26重点词汇一、重点单词:1. intend想要、打算。短语:intend to do/doing something = plan to do something = mean to do something打算做某事;intend somebody for a doctor要某人做医生;intend somebody to do something 打算让某人去做某事;I intend to go = My intention of going 我打算走;something is intended for somebody 某物是

2、专为某人的;intend something/ to do something/ doing something/ that they should do something(虚拟语气);be intended for专供使用;专为而设计;用法:intend多用作及物动词。其后可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或由that引导的从句作宾语,也可接由“to be/as+ n. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。有时还可以接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。intend后接动词不定式或动名词在意思上没有明显差别,只是动词不定式比动名词常见些。intend用于过去时或过去完成时

3、时,后接动词不定式表示以前有所计划,但未能实现。intend后接的that从句中,谓语动词须用虚拟语气。如:I intend that they should go. intend后接复合宾语:宾语指人,宾语补足语为不定式,表示让某人做某事,常用被动结构。如:Lets ask him what he intends us to do. 宾语指物,宾语补足语是for引起的短语,表示打算给某人或作某种用途,常用被动结构。如:We intended this room for you.比较:intend指心里已有某种确定的目标或计划。如:They intend to work hard and sa

4、ve to put their children through university. mean指心里有某事要做, 但不强调做成的决心。如:Father didnt mean to be a clerk all his life.配套练习:She _ to catch the early train, but she didnt get up in time. A. intended B. was intended C. had intended D. was intendingMy father _ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick

5、_ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time. A. advised; up B. persuaded; out C. intended; up D. managed; outDid you go to the live concert last Sunday? I had _ to, but one of my classmates called on me. A. thought B. intended C. agreed D. promisedThe gift _ her has been wrongly delivered.

6、 A. intended for B. was intended for C. intending to D. was intended toThe book,_ for her sister, was lost in the mail. A. intended as pleasant surprise B. intending as pleasant surprise C. intended as a pleasant surprise D. intending for pleasant surprise Miss Wang had _ to catch the first bus, but

7、 she didnt get up early enough. A. turned B. come C. intended D. promised2. ashamed 惭愧、害臊。短语: feel ashamed for somebody 替某人感到羞愧;be/ feel ashamed to do something 因为觉得羞愧,而不愿做某事;I feel ashamed that I have done something/ of doing something 我为我做了某事感到害臊;be ashamed of oneself为自己感到害臊;Im ashamed that you sh

8、ould see me in this state让你看到我这副样子,我感到很难为情;be/feel ashamed of (doing) sth./sb./oneself为做某事/某人/某人自己而感到惭愧; be ashamed to be/to do sth. 因难为情而不愿意做; be ashamed that . 为而感到惭愧或羞耻; 用法:ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。ashamed用作表语时,常与介词ofat或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be) ashamed的后面还可以接t

9、hat从句。用much/ very much/ greatly 修饰ashamed,不用very;比较:ashamed 指事情使人感到羞耻,惭愧,难为情等。shameful 指事情或行为本身不道德。shameless指某人或行为是可耻的。配套练习:The boy felt _ when he realized he had done wrong. A. ashame B. ashamed C. alike D. aloneThe old man came in, followed by a _ girl. A. very ashaming B. greatly ashamed C. sound

10、 ashamed D. wide ashamedTom was the _ at that time. A. only awake boy B. only boy awake C. only alone boy D. only asleep boyMy mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patientI was ashamed _ lied to my mother. A. to be B. of having C. that D.

11、 of being3. retire退休、撤退;短语:retire from the world隐居;retire from office/ service退职、退役;retire to bed/ to rest就寝;retire from ones job退休;retire on old age因年老而退休;retire on a pension退休领养老金;retire to就寝,退到;retire to ones room回到屋里;retire to safer positions撤回到较安全的阵地;retire under the age of在年纪退休;用法:retire作“退休”解

12、时,指从公职生活中因年老而圆满退休,也可指由于不称职而被罢免官职,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。retire作“撤退”解时,一般是指军队从阵地上撤离,用作不及物动词,常与from连用。retire也可作“就寝”解,用作不及物动词。retire作及物动词,后接from,表示“从退出”或“从中收回”。如: The government retires worn and torn bills(纸币) from use(不再流通). 作不及物动词,表示退休时,用现在时有“预定于退休”之意。如:He retires next year. 后接fro

13、m,表示“从退出”。如: The student retired from the room after the interview. 后接to或 into,表示“回到”。如: He retired to the country for rest. 后接into加反身代词,表示“少与人交往、默不做声”。如: The young man retired into himself.配套练习:After dinner, the two men _ into the study where they could talk freely. A. retired B. restored C. restra

14、ined D. resigned The stolen watch has been _ to its owner. A. retired B.pitched C.restored D.curedHe said he couldnt _ to retire from work and live only on his savings. A. accept B. afford C. depend D. completeCharles Smith, _ was my former teacher, retired last year. A. which B. who C. that D. as M

15、ore people are choosing to work _retirement age,since the living expenses are shooting up sharply. A.underB.beyond C.against D.until 4. count计算;视为;依赖;重要,有价值;countless adj.无数的,数不尽的;短语 认为是;count against (被)认为对不利;count for 对有利;count in 算在内;包含;count up 把加起来;共计;count down(to sth. ) 倒计时;count off

16、 报数;count sb. in 包括, 把某人算入;count on sb. /sth. 依赖, 指望(某人或某物);count sb. out 不包括, 不把某人算入;lose count of sth. 数不清;用法:count可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词作宾语。count还可作“认为,看作”解,此时主要接复合宾语。其宾语可由名词、代词或动词不定式充当,而宾语补足语则可由名词、形容词(其前可插入to be或as)或介词短语充当。当动词不定式充当宾语时常采用形式宾语结构,即将it置于宾语位置上,而把动词不定式置于补语之后。count用作不及物动词时,主

17、动形式常含有被动意义。count是可数名词,在句中用作主语、宾语、介词宾语等,可与冠词连用。配套练习:(1). 完成句子他说他视我为最钟爱的人。He said that he _me _ his dearest person.你不能指望汤姆会守时。You cant _ Tom being punctual.她不知道多少次告诉过他要小心。She had _ of times she had told him to be careful.我们一生中会遇到数不清的挑战。We can _ in our life.(2). 单项填空I think we can _ Mr White to support

18、 us. A. count up B. count out C. count off D. count onIt is not how much you read but what you read_. A. counts B. counting C. that counts D. that countOnly the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can _ this phenomenon. A. account for B. count on C. account of D. count forThe manager needs

19、 an assistant that he can _ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count in B. count on C. count up D. count out 5. bother vt. 打扰; vi. 操心; n. 烦扰短语:bother with/about 为而烦恼;因而操心; bother to do/doing费神做; bother with trifles 为小事而烦恼;bother (oneself) about (=bother ones head about) 为.而操心; 为.而费事;a lot o

20、f bother许多烦恼;a spot of bother有点麻烦,吵架;be full of bother充满着使人烦恼的事;without any bother进展顺利;bother to everyone使大家都厌烦的人;bother to other people惹他人讨厌的人;用法:bother可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。表示“某事或某人使某人操心或焦急”时以“原因”为主语,以人为宾语;表示“为某事而操心或焦急”时以人作主语,“某事”则由with或about引出。如:Im sorry that I have to bother you with about this prob

21、lem.在全否定句中,bother可接动词不定式或动名词(可认为其前省略了介词about)作宾语,两者意思上无明显差别。bother还可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。bother可用于被动结构,语气要比主动结构时稍强。表示“费心”“费力”,多用于否定句和疑问句;若表示费心做某事,表示通常其后接动词时,通常用不定式。如:He didnt bother (=trouble) to answer personally. 他嫌麻烦不愿亲自回答。在现代英语中,bother 后也可跟动名词。如:Dont bother to lock locking the door. 别费事锁门了。有时后接 a

22、bout doing sth 也可表示类似意思。如:You neednt bother to come up about coming up. 你不必费心来了。在口语中说 dont bother(), 主要用于谢绝对方主动提出的善意帮助,意为“不用费心()了”“不用麻烦()了”。如:Shall I help you with the washing up? 要不要我帮你洗碗碟?另外,口语中还说Im not bothered,其意为“我无所谓”。如:Im not bothered whether we go out or stay in. 出去还是待在家里,我无所谓。惯用句式cant be bo

23、thered (to do sth) 的意思是“嫌麻烦而不做某事”“偷懒”。如:The grass needs cutting but I cant be bothered to do it today. 草得剪一剪了,但我今天却懒得去做。bother作“麻烦”“不便”“忧虑”解时是不可数名词; 作“令人烦恼的人或事物”“引起麻烦的人或事物”解时是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词。配套练习:(1). 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 The problem has been _ (bother) me for weeks.Shall I help you with the cases? Dont _(

24、bother). I can manage. (2). 完成句子Dont bother _ (为而烦恼)us; we will soon join you. (3). 单项填空:Im afraid you have the wrong number. Sorry!_. A.See you later B.I didnt know that C.Hold on,please D.I hope I didnt bother youShould I lock the lab before I go home? _.Ill check it myself later. A.Go ahead B.No

25、problem C.No hurry D.Dont botherI need to advertise for a second hand mountain bike. _?David just plans to sell his present one. A.Why bother B.Why not C.So what D.What forWang Ming,will you take part in the coming National English Proficiency Contest? _We should catch the precious chance.B A.Out of

26、 the question! B.Thats for sure. C.So what? D.Why bother?Im sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A. interfered B. offended C. impressed D. bothered6. relieve vt.减轻, 解除, 援救, 救济, 换班;短语:relieve the boys arm of pain减轻了孩子手臂的疼痛;relieve effectually有效地减轻;relieve greatly大为减轻;reliev

27、e painlessly无痛地除去;relieve spiritually精神上减轻;relieve ultimately最后解除;relieve against在衬托下;relieve at因感到宽慰;relieve by镶在边上;relieve sb from使摆脱,解除;relieve sb from anxiety消除某人的忧虑;relieve .of使摆脱,解除;relieve of sbs command解除某人的指挥权;relieve sb of the burden减轻某人的负担;relieve with用来衬托;relieve ones feelings 发泄感情; reli

28、eve sb. of 使某人解除;用法:relieve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。relieve的宾语指人时,后接from或of,前强调状态,后强调对象;宾语指事物、状态时,常后接with或不接介词;常用被动结构,后接against,表示“在的衬托下”;后接at或不定式,表示“因而感到宽慰”;后接of,表示“被免除(职务)”。如:relieve sb from anxiety;/ Your coming relieves me of the bother./ She relieved the dullness of the evening with a few songs. / The m

29、ountain is relieved against the blue sky./ I was relieved at the news./ He was relieved of his post. 配套练习:(1). 单项填空:After the accident, the truck driver was _ for cuts and bruises. A. treated B. cured C. corrected D. relievedIt proved to be the most _ of these early navigational instruments. A. reli

30、ef B. regular C. religious D. reliableThe _ of the pain can be easily achieved but the disease can be hardly cured. A. relief B. relax C. release D. easeTo our great _, Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgement Hearing the news that her son was found, she breathed a sigh of _. A. excitement B. joy C. relief D. belief(2). 完成句子The pill gave her _ _(减轻痛苦). This will _ _(减轻压力)on the trains to some extent. The minister _ _ _ _ _(被解除了职务).7. satisfaction n. 满足, 高兴, 满意(不可数);令人满意的事(可数);短语:in satisfaction of 作为的赔偿;

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