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1、徐州市铜山区中考英语一轮复习上Unit2九上 Unit2一、复习单词表:A、拼读易错单词:influence, whether, relaxed, sadness, create, require, difficulty, decision, relationship, certainly, ancient, promise, suggest,trustB、重要单词用法:1、createv.- creativeadj.- more creative(比较级)feelingn.- feelv.- felt- feltwiseadj.- wiselyadv.- wisdomn.strongadj.

2、-stronger(比较级)- stronglyadv.- strengthn.hotadj.- hotter (比较级)- heatn.decidev.- decisionn.personn.- personaladj.suitv.- suitableadj.- more suitable(比较级)celebratev.- celebrationn.stressn.- stressedadj.- more/less stressed(比较级)suggestv.- suggestion(s)n.warmadj.- warmthn.matchv.- matches (三单)matched(过去式

3、)2、relaxv.- relaxedadj.(感到放松的) - relaxingadj.(令人放松的)Listening to light music can help you _.walking along the beach is a _experience.It can makeyou_.3、peacen.-peacefuladj.-peacefullyadv.Blue is a calm and_ colour.It represents calm and _.The problems between countries should be dealt with _.4、sadadj

4、.- sadder (比较级)- sadlyadv.- more sadly(比较级)- sadnessn.The father looked _ at the news that his son came last in the race.The father looked _ at his son.Its great to have a friend to share our joy and _ with._, its difficult foranimals to survive in the wild.5、preferv.- preferring -preferredprefer to

5、 do sth.prefer sth. to sth.He told me he _(prefer)_ (stay) at homeon rainy days.()-Which would you like, tea or coffee?-Coffee.Iprefer coffee _ tea.()-Which would you like, tea or coffee?-Coffee.Iprefer coffee _milk.A. toB. andC. withD. has6、would rather (not ) do sth() Which would you rather_, a ca

6、ke or an egg? eatB. eatC. likeD./Iwould rather_(not see)him in such a case.7、promisen.make a promisev.promise sb.sth.=promise sth. to sb.promise(sb.)to do sth.promise +that 从句Ipromise you _(succeed).Jim promised _(not be ) late for school again.8、difficultadj.- difficultyn.Do you think it _ to c

7、ommunicatewith such a stubborn person?have difficulty (in) doing sth.Wearing red can help you if you have difficulty _(make) a decision.二、重要词组、句型用法:1.Which one do you want to wear?wear“穿着”,表状态put on“穿上”,表动作in“穿着”,表状态dress“给穿衣服”,表动作dress up“打扮,装饰;穿上盛装”_ your coat, Jim. Its better to _ more in cold we

8、ather.The boy is old enough _himself.People usually _ at Halloween.Do you know the boy _/_/_ a black coat?2.Blue looks goodonyou.- You look goodinblue/ the blue dress.3.make us (feel) sleepysleepn. v.- slept - sleeping/ sleepy/ asleepadj.Aftertaking some _ pills, Mr. Li fell _in the _bagsoon.He is i

9、n need of _.He always feels _ in class.4.remind you of a warm sunny day ofsth.remind do sth. +从句The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the Earth is tasty.=The smell of the pills reminds them of the tasty food on the Earth.My mother reminded me _(take) an umbrella with me.5.require st

10、rength in either body or mindSb.requires(sb.) to do sth.Sb.requiressth.Do you require _( help)?Sth.requiresdoing/to be doneThe flowers require/need _(water).6.Wearing red can make it easier to take action.make/find/ think/consider/ know/feel+it +adj. +(not)to do sth.Ifound it hard _(keep) the house

11、 many ways在许多方面;用许多方法bythe way顺便问(说)一下on ones/theway (to)在去的途中inones/the way妨碍,挡道 made of cottonbe made in+产地be made of+(可看出的)材料be made from+(不可看出的)材料be made into+ 成品be made bysb./ made up of“由组成”Jim likes robots _(make) in Japan.Jim likes robots that _(make) in Japan.9.It costs

12、¥100 for 30 minutes.costv.Sth. costs(sb.)moneyIt costs sb. money to do sth.n.Whats the cost of the trip?/The cost is very high.“费用”spendSb. spends time/money on sth.Sb. spends time/money (in) doing sth.paySb. pays (sb.) money for sth.Sb. pays money to do sth.take( Doing) sth. takes sb. timeIt takes

13、sb. time to do sth.() It _ me twohours to go there by bus.()I_ two hours taking a bus there.()It _ me¥80,000to buy the car.()I_¥80,000for the car.A.costB. spentC. paidD. took()How much does it _ to fly to France?() How long does it _ to fly to France?A. costB. spendC. payD. takeIpaid 10 yuan _(use)

14、the bike for two days.Ipaid¥100 for this book.= The book cost me¥100.= I spent¥100 on this book.=Iboughtthis book for¥100.10.feel a little bit stresseda little+adj./adv.(原级、比较级)/ 不可数名词a bit/a little bit+adj./adv.(原级、比较级)a bit of/a little bit of+不可数名词()She is wearing blue today. Maybe she feels _ str

15、essed.A.a little ofB. a bit ofC. a little bitD. a bit little三、语法复习:宾语从句:宾语从句是指在复合句中充当宾语的句子。宾语从句可用于主句动词之后,如:know, think, believe, hope, mean; 也可用于主句形容词之后,如:certain, sure, glad.1.that引导的宾语从句:我们可用that引导宾语从句,此时从句部分相当于一个陈述句。引导宾语从句的that没有词义,不充当句子成分,在口语或非正式文体中常被省略。2.if或whether引导的宾语从句:我们可用if或whether引导宾语从句,此

16、时从句部分的语义相当于一个一般疑问句。连词if和whether意思是“是否”,在从句中不充当句子成分,在口语中多用if。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序,即“连接词+主语+谓语+其它成分”。宾语从句中的人称代词要符合逻辑,有时需进行合理变化。() 1.-Ithink this is the best movie of the year.-Iam not sure _ you are right. Anyway, the ending is OK.A.thatB.weatherC.ifD.of()2.The teacher asked Lucy _.A.whereshe comes fromB.wh

17、at did she like bestC.if she could speak ChineseD.when was she born()3.I dont know _or nothe will come. _ he comes,Ill tell you.A.if, whetherB.whether, whetherC.if, ifD.whether,if()4.-What did your teacher say this morning?-She told me _.A.why was Tom late for schoolB.whether we had too much homewor

18、 she did come to schoolD.that we would have a test soon()5. Could you tell me _ a concert next week?A.if there was going to beB.whether is there going to beC.if there is going to beD.whether there is going to have四、语篇复习:A、任务型阅读:Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. Colours

19、can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.What can colours do and what characteristics do they represent?Sometimes people go into a room and feel relaxed. Why? It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm colour. It brings peace to our mind and body.

20、It also has other meanings. For example, someone who feels sad may say,“Im feeling blue.”People in cold areas often use warm colours such as orange and yellow in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange also represents joy. It canmake you happywhen youre feeling sad. Yellow is th

21、e colour of the sun. It canmakeyouthinkof a warm sunny day.If people are in need ofstrengthin either body or mind, red can be of some help to them. Red represents power and strong feelings. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action. This may help when you havedifficultymaking a decision.Col

22、ours and _typesUses and _ they representCalm coloursBlue can _ peace to peoples body and mind.People say“Im feeling blue.”when _ sad._coloursPeople in cold areas prefer warm colours _ orange and yellow.Orange can _you upif youre sad.Yellow can _ youof a warm sunny day.Strong coloursIf you_strengthin

23、 mind and body, red can help.Wearing red makes it easier to take action.Red can help you if you find it _ to decide.答案:moods, characteristics/what, bring, feeling, warm,like, cheer, remind, require/need, difficultB、书面表达:Colourscalm colours(作用)blue(sadness)white(purity, colour to wear while feeling s

24、tressed)Warm colours(作用)(举例)orange(success, cheer up)yellow(sun, wisdom)There are colours like calm colours and warm colours._范文:There are colours like calm colours and warm colours.Calm colours make people feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these colours. Blue can also represent sadness. Someon

25、e who is feeling sad may say,“Im feeling blue.”Another colour that makes people feel calm andpeacefulis white. White is the colour of purity. You could wear white if you are feeling stressed.Warm colours can make you feel warm. People who live in cold areas prefer to use warm colours to create a warm and comfortable feeling.Orange is one of the warm colours. Orange can bring you success and cheer you

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