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1、中考英语秘籍带答案词语运用涉及的词形变化种类1.名词复数、所有格;2.数词基数词、序数词、次数;3.代词主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词;4.形容词副词、比较级与最高级形式;5.副词比较级、最高级形式;6.动词动词原形;动词第三人称单数;动词过去式;动词的过去分词;动词的现在分词形式;7.转化词(见构词法):water名词动词;cut动词名词;well副词形容词;8.派生词(见构词法):happyhappiness, friendfriendlyfriendship;真题回顾1. Nasreddin was _(please) when his cousin visite

2、d him from Konya. (2019河南中考) 2. His first public show was at a school program in his _(one) grade. (2019河南中考)3. The earlier you start to value your life, the _(early) you can enjoy it. (2019河南中考)4. You dont need to deal with the _ (die) of your pet alone. (2019质量检测)5. While you are _(waste) it today

3、, youll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow.前缀前缀通常只改变词义,不改变词性。A.表示否定的前缀un- 构成反义词,表示“不” 例:unfit 不合适的,unhappy 不高兴的 unusual 不寻常的dis-构成反义词,表示“不”例:discover 发现, disagree 不同意, disability 无力,残疾in-/im- 构成反义词, 表示“不”, 用于以c, b, m, p等开头的词。 例:impossible不可能的,incorrect不正确的B.表示其他意义的前缀:re- 表示“再;又;重”。例:retell复述;

4、repeat重复a-表示“的”,多构成表语形容词。例:alone 单独的,alike 相像的,awake醒着的写出下列词的适当形式1. cover_(反义词) _(名词) 2. agree_(反义词) _(名词)3. possible_(反义词) _(名词) 4. able_(反义词) _(名词) 猜词义reread _ restore_ retell_ reappear _ recall _ redo _形容词性后缀:1.-ern 表示“方向的”。例:east-eastern, west-western, south-southern, north-northern;2.-ful表示“具备某

5、种特征的”;例:care-careful, help-helpful, use-useful, hope-hopeful, success-successful;3.-less 表示否定 例:care-careless(粗心的);use-useless(无用的)hope-hopeless(无希望的);4.-y 表示“天气”等。 例:wind-windy,sun-sunny,rain-rainy,snow-snowy,cloud-cloudy;5.-ous 例:famous 著名的,continuous 连续不断的dangerous危险的6.-ish例:childish 孩子气的,selfish

6、 自私的7.-en 表示“某材质的” 例:golden 金色的,wooden 木制的,woolen 羊毛的副词性后缀-ly 例:successful-successfully, slow-slowly, quiet-quietly, careful-carefully名词后缀:1.-ment 例:agreement一致; movement 运动; encouragement鼓励;2.-ness 例:illness 疾病, happiness快乐, darkness黑暗,business生意;事务3.-tion 例: invention发明invitation邀请4.-er 表示“人”。 例:w

7、orker工人,buyer买主5.-or 表示“人”。 例:actor演员, sailor海员6.-ist表示“人”。例: pianist钢琴家, scientist科学家7.-th 例: truth 真理, length长度 写出下列特殊词的适当形式1. care_/_(形容词) _/_(副词) 2. mean_(名词) _(形容词)3. develop_(名词) _/_(形容词) 4.act_/_(名词) _(形容词)5. appear _(反义词) _(名词) 6. direct _(导演) _(方向)7. image _(动词) _(名词) 8. perform _(演员) _(表演)

8、9. please_(高兴的) _(令人愉快的) _(乐趣)词的转化( 1 )动词转化为名词 有大量动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没变化。Let me have a try. 让我试一试。We stopped there for a swim. 我们在那停下来游了一会儿泳。( 2 )名词转化为动词有相当多的名词可以用作动词,特别是许多表示物体的名词用作动词来表示动作 Have you booked your ticket? 你的票订好了吗?It can seat 1000 people. 它能容纳1000人。 一些表示某类人的名词也可做动词He insisted on staying up to

9、 nurse the child. 他坚持不睡觉来护理这个孩子。 (3) 形容词转化为动词The train slowed down to half its speed. 火车速度减慢了一半。常用同源词词性表1) death n.去世 die v.死去 dead adj.死的 2) open v.打开 open adj.开着的3) clean v.清理干净 clean adj.干净的 4) miss v.错过 missing adj.错过的5) important adj.重要的importance n.重要性6) hard adj. 困难的;坚硬的hard adv.努力地7) difficu

10、lt adj.困难的 difficulty n.困难 8) pride n.自豪 proud adj.自豪的9) breath n.气息、呼吸 breathe v.呼吸 10) choose v. 挑选choice n.选择11) good adj. 品质好的well adj.气色好的adv.表现好地;12)过去分词用作形容词worried, lost, broken, spoken, closed 例如:broken windows 破碎的窗户 fallen leaves 落叶 spoken English 口语健康 (health/healthy)1. health n. 健康 your

11、health你的健康 in good health健康状况良好2. healthy adj. 健康的 keep healthy保持健康; a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式汉译英1. 为了保持健康,你必须要吃的好。_.2. 吃的药物奏效了,所以我感觉很好。_.3. 演讲完之后,我自我感觉良好。_.4. 你的蛋糕不仅做的很好看,而且尝起来也好吃。_.去世 (die, dead, death)1.die v.死 The tree has died. 那棵树已经死了。2.dead adj.死的 How long has his grandpa been dead? 他爷爷已去世多久

12、了?3.death n.死亡 We felt sorry for his death. 我们为他的去世而难过。4.dying adj.病危的 The driver sent the dying man to hospital. 那个司机把那个病危的人送到了医院。练习1. Its said that his father has _ for almost 3 years.A. died B. been dead C. been died D. dead 2. 他的死亡引发了官方的关注。_.3. 我们应该向病危的人伸出援助之手。_.高兴(pleasure, pleased, pleasant)1.

13、 pleasure n.=happiness快乐 Reading can bring us pleasure.阅读能为我们带来快乐。2. pleasant adj.= nice, comfortable令人愉悦的、舒适的 What a pleasant seat!多么舒适的座椅!How pleasant the weather is ! 天气多么怡人! Mr Green is a pleasant teacher.格林先生是一位风趣的老师。3. pleased=satisfied adj满意的 be pleased with=be satisfied with对满意He is pleased

14、with their warm welcome. 他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴/满意。4. Can you help me with my math?能帮助我学习数学吗? With pleasure=Glad to help.乐意效劳。5. Its my pleasure.不必客气。成功(success, succeed)1. succeed v.成功做(in doing) If you try, you can succeed. 如果努力,你可以成功。 He finally succeed getting the first prize through hard work. 通过努力他终于获得了

15、一等奖。2. success n.成功 The performance was a great success.表演获得巨大的成功。3. successful. adj. 成功的 Its a very successful movie.这是部很成功的电影。4. successfully adv. 成功地How can she cross the river successfully?她怎么能够成功过河呢?真题回顾1. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide _ or not. (2019, 哈尔滨)A

16、. success B. successful C. succeed D. successfully 2. How can she _ swimming across the river?A. successful B. succeed C. success D. successfully3. As a businessman, Jobs passion and energy encouraged the world. (success ) (2019,福州)sometime, some time, some times sometimes1.sometimesat times偶尔2.some

17、 times几次,与once, twice,three times同类3.some time一段时间 He has lived here for some time.他在这儿住了一段时间。4.sometime某时(不确定的时间) I met her sometime last week. 上周某时我遇到过她。 I hope to see you sometime next week. 我希望下周找个时间见见你。the number, a number of1. the number 代词 的数目, 用作主语时谓语用单数;the number (of the students)(学生的)数量2.

18、 a number of形容词 一些=some/a few (A number of) students are reading. (一些)学生在读书。 a small number of少数的 a large number of很多的感谢(thank sb / thanks to sb / thanks for sth.)1. We should thank our parents for their great love. (thank our parents=be thankful to our parents)我们应该感谢父母对我们的关心。2.Thanks for your help.

19、 多谢你的帮助。3.Thanks to the Internet, we can learn about the news very soon. 多亏了互联网,我们能非常快的了解新闻。选词填空thanks to , thanks for , thank sb 1. _ your help, or I cant succeed in my English speech.2. _ you, this dog can recover from illness.3. _ you for giving money to the Animal well as1.与一样好 She ca

20、n speak English as well as a native speaker. 她的英语讲得跟本地人一样好。2.也;与一样 His parents enjoy reading, and David enjoys reading as well. 大卫和父母一样喜欢读书。同义句:(强调David)1). David enjoys reading as well as his parents. 2). David, as well as his parents, enjoys reading. 3). Not only his parents but also David enjoys

21、reading.小试身手1. Dont worry! You can do as _ as others some day if you practice more. A. good B. well C. better D. best 2. My best friend Rose, as well as her parents, often _ people in need nearby. A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping instead, instead of (取代;相反) instead强调与预想相反的情况,放到肯定句的句首或句尾;instea

22、d of后接名词或doing,表示“而不是”。 例句: 大卫没有跟我们一起购物,而是去了公园。1. David didnt go shopping with us. Instead, he went to the park.2. David didnt go shopping with us. He went to the park instead.3. David went to the park instead of going shopping.小试身手1. _ studying hard at school, Eric went to a movie on Monday. A. Ins

23、tead B. Instead of C. Except D. Besides 2. George, how can you prove the earth is round? I cant, sir. _, I never said it was. A. Then B. However C. Besides D. Instead So do I / So I do / Neither do I.1.Lucy likes reading and so does Lily.露西喜欢阅读,丽丽也一样。 =Lily likes reading, too.2. Lucy is a good stude

24、nt. So she is. 确实是这样3. Lucy has never been abroad and neither has Lily. =Lily has never been abroad, either.露西从没出过国,丽丽也一样。4. I dont have a pet.Me, neither. / Neither do I. / I dont have a pet, either.我也没有。5. I have a pet.Me, too . / So do I. / I have a pet, too.我也有。动词位于句首doing/to do/do的区别1.陈述句表达观点时d

25、oing作主语,如: I think doing chores can help develop childrens independence. 我觉得做家务有助于培养孩子的独立性。 do位于句首用来强调主要动词的目的,如: To prove himself right, he did lots of experiments. 为了证明他是对的,他做了大量的实验。 To support his family, David has to work even harder. 为了养活一家人,戴维不得不工作更努力了。3.表达指令的祈使句用do,如: Open the door and com

26、e in. 把门打开进来吧。 Get up, or you will be late. 起来,否则你就要迟到了。rather than1. rather than (连词)连接两个对等结构:与其说不如说。Mary hopes to stay at home rather than me.玛丽比我更想呆在家里。I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想我将来杯冷饮而不是咖啡。These shoes are comfortable rather than good-looking.这双鞋的舒适度比外观好些。You are doing th

27、is for yourself rather than for your friend.你这样做与其说为朋友,不如说为你自己。I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.我更倾向于早着手而不是把一切都推到最后一分钟。I decided to write rather than give him a call. 我决定写信而不是打电话给他。2.rather than可以和would连用,如would ratherthan或wouldrather than前后并列同等结构。 1)

28、Id rather have the red one than (have) the green one.我愿意要个红色的而不要绿色的。 2)Id take the slowest train rather than go there by air.我宁愿坐慢车而不愿坐飞机。 3)He would rather walk than drive.我宁愿走路,而不愿意开车。冠词1.定冠词用到名词前边表示“特指”:如“第几、最”和一定范围内独一无二的事物,如the earth, the book on the table和特指双方都清楚的事物及上文提到过的名词。总之,只要说话双方所谈论的事物是双方心

29、知肚明的,就用定冠词。另外,定冠词还用到乐器和姓的复数前,如the piano, the Smiths。2.不定冠词用到名词前表示某一类别中的“一个”:如:a beautiful flower一束漂亮的花(漂亮花中的一束)。3.在修饰单数可数名词时,a用在辅音(这里指读音而不指字母)开头的单数名词之前;an用在以元音(指读音不指字母)开头的单数名词之前。 如:a one-year-old baby, a university, a useful tool, a European country, an honest boy, an unusual day, half an hour。小试身手用( a, an, / )完成下列空格。1. _one-year-old baby; 2. _university 3. _European country 4. _useful book 5. _apartment; 6. _exciting story; 7. _important lesson; 8. _orange; 9. _11-year-old student; 10. _ unlucky day ; 11. _honest boy; 12. _interesting news;

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