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1、电动汽车发展过去现在与未来外文文献翻译中英文翻译外文翻译译文标题电动汽车发展:过去、现在与未来原文标题Electric Vehicle Development: The Past, Present & Future作 者Lixin Situ译 名国 籍中国香港原文出处http:/译文:摘要当比传统的石油燃烧发动机更环保时,这种车辆被认为是绿色环保的,其中包括混合动力汽车,插电式,燃料电池,生物燃料等可以改善燃油经济性的任何非传统汽车。电动汽车的发展已有一百多年,但由于各种原因的解释,

2、未能在各阶段得到公众的认可。虽然电动汽车从未大量生产,但混合动力汽车近年来取得了势头。福特已经推出了第二代HEV,通用还宣布在2010年首次亮相Volt。与常规HEV相比,插电是混合动力汽车开发的新趋势,因为只要行驶距离小于充电阈值,那么电动模式下行驶距离可以延长并达到零排放的可能性。 然而,最近汽车行业的电气化趋势已经发展一段时间了并将使汽车行业发生彻底的革命。 随着电动汽车技术的正确政策和政策的推进,电动汽车的发展前景将是未来发展的重点。关键字:电动汽车 混合动力 插入 绿色 历史1 引言与能源独立和环境问题相关的替代燃料车辆,特别是电动和混合动力电动汽车已成为全球政府政策的一部分。美国要

3、求制定更严格的燃油经济标准。中国今年发布新能源汽车政策,加快推行电力配置,2011年达到500k的目标。香港在不久的将来也建立了电动汽车应用的明确愿景。至于汽车行业,汽油价格大幅上涨至超过2美元水平和市场对此类汽车的需求后,无声的绿色解决方案将经历重大转型。该行业推出更多的燃油高效HEV和较少污染的车辆进入市场。随着过去几年油价急剧上涨,这一现象推动了纯电动汽车的发展,重新吸引了汽车制造商和政府。消费市场在替代燃料车辆以及HEV和电动车辆方面带来了显着的增长。 PolkCompany进行的HEV研究表明,美国和西欧的HEV销售市场份额呈上升趋势。事实上,OEM厂商的HEV模型选择从2000年的

4、两倍(InsightPrius)增长到今天的二十多岁。 2007年,HEV的销售量已经超过了30万辆HEV。来自OEM的HEV和电动车辆的进一步已知承诺将进一步改善HEV生产。增加插电式和电动汽车,将加强和加快目前的电气化趋势。第一款插电式混合动力车雪佛兰Volt,以及北美最终消费者的一批计划中的电动汽车,将为市场带来一轮新能源汽车。一、电动车发展历史电动汽车的发展历史悠久。自从发明电动机以来,电动汽车已经有150多年了。从简单的不可充电到现代技术控制系统,电动汽车的发展可分为三个阶段:A.早期发展阶段电动汽车被认为是最早的汽车之一,远优于内燃机。在20世纪20年代后期至20世纪30年代,汽油


6、现,廉价燃料的准备就绪也促成了汽油车辆的普及。汽油在20世纪30年代为车辆运输提供了直接的便宜的能源。它可以通过容器携带,从而使拥有车辆的流动性得以扩大。B.中期发展(20世纪30年代至80年代)电动汽车的生产和发展在1935年内燃机接管后的个人运输中停止。与欧佩克的政治敏感性在20世纪60年代和70年代创造了能源独立的必要性。美国政府和环境保护主义者重新制定了更严格的燃油效率标准,并引发了该期间董事会对电动汽车的兴趣。 70年代初的能源危机驱使美国邮政服务放置了大量的350 EV测试车队。它是中期发展的最高节点。然而,部分原因是由于业绩有限,其他政府优先事项,董事会基础设施配置的缺乏和公司参

7、与的范围,这一时期的发展很慢。C.现代发展现代EV发展由通用汽车公司生产的EV1车队主导。在能源部资助的计划之后,福特开发了EV Ranger接收卡车,丰田提供Rav4 EV,而本田在20世纪90年代末和21世纪初期也有EV可用。不幸的是,由于政治,经济,教育和技术这个复杂的问题,包括车辆生产成本和安全问题,电动车可用性的短暂增长并没有实现到商业生产中。 EV1,Ranger,Rav4和本田EV仅用于舰队测试,几乎所有车辆已经停产,销毁和回收利用。只有少数电动车在电动汽车爱好者手中幸存下来。D.现代HEV发展然而,在1999年至21世纪初期,纯电动汽车出现了一种新型的电动汽车。本田向美国市场推

8、出首款HEV,本田Insight,为汽车行业带来了另一个里程碑。随着市场的接受和普锐斯的成功,HEV技术显示出成熟和潜力。福特在“曼哈顿坦克”活动期间推出了第一款美国混合动力电动汽车Escape SUV HEV,并在充气城市交通中注册了600英里/坦克,开启了HEV中美国新时代的竞争。截至2008年,HEV销售总额达到2.5以上。深刻的是,丰田,本田和福特的下一代HEV已经在2009年引入了更新技术的进一步细化。燃油效率也有所提高。丰田是HEV竞技场的明显领导者,以其“协同驱动系统”的体积和范围。本田和福特公司正在配备完整的混合动力车。通用在混合客车和卡车方面也提供了“双模”技术。E.未来发展

9、随着汽油价格快速上涨,再加上环保问题,社会责任重新得到社会责任。电动车等AFV突然变得流行起来。随着几年前Chevy Volt插件概念的推出以及日产的纯电动汽车,新一轮的电动汽车发展已经在未来几年复活到OEM的周转计划中。这一EV趋势的结果将在未来三年内出现。与以往的电动汽车发展相比,有以下几个因素可以确保未来的发展取得成功:汽车经营者是开发电动汽车的直接目标客户。市场驱动的方法始终以合理的成本和性能创造出具有竞争力和吸引力的产品。早期的技术和环境采用者将是最初的领导者和用户。他们愿意支持并有能力影响成功。各种教育计划和电动汽车计划也改变了对燃油效率车辆的普遍了解以及他们的好处。电动汽车的热烈


11、前景,特别是推动运输电气化的采用。电动车将是最终目标。事实上,随着OEM到2012年为终端消费者推出更多的电动汽车模型,电动汽车的展示将被广泛认可和认可。随着新型电动汽车的发展,同时也将引进电力电子技术相关技术的巨大机遇。利用这个机会,为绿色发展做出贡献。原文:AbstractA vehicle is consider Green when it more environmentally friendly than the traditional petroleum combustion engine, in which includes any nontraditional vehicle

12、like, HEV, Plug In, EV, Fuel Cell, Bio fuel etc. that improves fuel economy. The development of electric vehicle has been over a hundred years but failure to gain the public acceptance in various stages due to various reasons which explained. While EV was never mass produced, Hybrid electric vehicle

13、 gains the momentum in recent years. Ford has launched its second generation of HEV and GM also announced the debut of the Volt in 2010. Comparing to the regular HEV, Plug in is the new trend in hybrid auto development due to extend travel range in electrical mode and a possibility of a zero emissio

14、n as long as travel distance is less than charging threshold. However, more recently, an electrification trend in automotive industry has been evolved and will revolutionize the industry. With the correct policy and government help and advancement of electric vehicle technology, the prospect of Elec

15、tric Vehicle will be bright and the focus point of future development.Key words: electric vehicle, hybrid, plug in, green, historyI.INTRODUCTIONAs associated with energy independence and environmental issue, alternative fuel vehicle, especially Electric and Hybrid electric vehicle has become part of

16、 the government policy all over the world. The united State mandates a stricter fuel economy standard. China issued a new energy vehicle policy to accelerate & subsidize the deployment of electric this year and set a goal of 500k for 2011. Hong Kong also set a clear vision for EV application in the

17、near future.As for the auto industry, a silent green resolution is undergo significant transformation after gasoline price rose significantly to exceed US$2 level and market demands for such vehicle. The industry introduced more fuel efficient HEVs and less polluted vehicles to the market. As Oil pr

18、ice surged rapidly during the last few years, the phenomenon has pushed pure electric vehicle development regaining traction among automakers and governments.The consumer market has brought significant gain in alternative fuel vehicle as well as HEV and electric vehicles. A HEV study (Fig. 1) conduc

19、ted by Polk & Company indicated an upward trend of market share of HEV sales in United State and Western Europe. An even bigger share of HEV and EV were predicted when they combined. In fact, selection of HEV models from OEMs have grown from two (Insight & Prius) in 2000 to more than twenties as tod

20、ay. Sales of the HEV are in the fast track along with more than 300,000 HEV sold in 20072. Further known commitments of HEV and electric vehicle from OEM will improve the HEV production even more. Adding plug-in and electric vehicle to the line up will strengthen and accelerate the current electrifi

21、cation trend.Chevy Volt, the first plug-in hybrid, and a bunch of planned electric vehicles saluted for end consumer in the North America will lead to a round of new energy vehicle in the market.II.HISTORY OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE DEVELOPMENTThe development of electric vehicle has a long history. Since t

22、he invention of electric motor, electric vehicle has been around for 150 years. From simple non-chargeable to modern state of art control system, the development of Electric vehicle can be classified into three stages:A.Early development stageElectric vehicle was considered among the earliest automo

23、bile and well ahead of combustion engine. It dominated the vehicle registration with 3:1 comparing to gasoline vehicles in the late 1920s to 1930s and held most of the land vehicle performance record in early 1900s. It was a major transportation tool and widely used in the society for local transpor

24、tation improved from horse carriages. Until 1930, electric vehicle leadership was overtaken by gasoline vehicle development and was never able to reclaim the status for following reasons: Maturity of Gasoline vehicle and can be mass produced at a reasonable cost. With the mass production of Model T

25、& manufacture process revolution, vehicles became suddenly available to general public and proceed as a way to improve life; Gasoline vehicle took over as the leader and surpass electric vehicle both in performance and cost. Infrastructure improvement and demand of inter-city travel required a longe

26、r travel distance that was never able to exploit by electric vehicle before. Lacking of charge infrastructure development, reliable electricity transmission and limited travel distance, electric vehicle no longer suited for consumer demand and lost the edge to regular gasoline vehicle. Limited or no

27、 electrical infrastructure support forced the resignation and abundance of earlier electric vehicle.Widely discovery of gasoline in the sate and ready availability of cheap fuel also contributed the spread of gasoline vehicle. Petrol in the 1930s provided a direct cheap source of energy for vehicle

28、transportation. It could be carried around by container which enabled and extended the mobility of owning a vehicle.B. Midterm development (1930s-1980s)Electric vehicle production and development came to a halt as personal transportation after combustion engine took over in 1935. Political sensitivi

29、ty with OPEC created a necessity of energy independence during the 1960s and 1970s. U.S Government and environmentalist reintroduced tougher fuel efficient standard for the industry and ignited a board interest in electric vehicle in the period. Energy crisis in early 70s driven the US postal servic

30、e placed a large order of 350 EV test fleet. It is the highest node of midterm development. However, partly due to limited performance, other governmental priorities, lack of board infrastructure support and range of corporation participation, the development quiet down quickly during this period.C.

31、 Modern DevelopmentModern EV development was dominated by EV1 who produced by GM for fleet application. Following a program funded by Department of Energy, Ford developed EV Ranger pick up truck, Toyota provided Rav4 EV and Honda had an EV available as well during late 1990s and early 2000s. Unfortu

32、nately, this short surge of EV availability did not realized into commercial production because of a complicated issue of politics, economic, education and technology that includes vehicle production cost and safety concerns. EV1, Ranger, Rav4 and Honda EV were intended for fleet test only, almost all the vehicles has been discontinued, destroyed and recycled. Only a handful of electric vehicles were survived under the hands of EV enthusiasts.D. Modern HEV developmentHowever, in 1999 and early 2000s, a new type of electric vehicle emerged from p

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