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1、四级模拟阅读及答案1. Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases, a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children. According to United States requirements, life preservers must design, reversible capable of being quickly adjusted t

2、o fit the uninitiated individual, and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.Sufficient buoyancy(浮力) to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water, and it should be reliable even after long pe

3、riod of storage. Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight, gasoline, and oils, and it should be not easily set on fire? The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important, as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the wa

4、ter from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position, with his face clear of the water, even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.The method of adjustment to the body should be simple, and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,

5、 which follow a disaster. Thus, the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong. Catches, straps, and ties should be kept to a minimum. In addition, the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers, since this greatly affects the positio

6、n of floating and the self-righting qualities. A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times, in and out of the water, not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger, nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.1. The

7、passage is mainly about_.A) the uses of life preserversB) the design of life preserversC) the materials for life preserversD) the buoyancy of life preservers2. According to the passage, a life be first of all _.A) adjustable B) comfortable C) self-evident D) self-righting3. United States Coast Guard

8、 does NOT require the life preserver to be made _.A) with as few strings as possibleB) capable of being worn on both sidesC) according to each wearers sizeD) comfortable and light to wear4. By “the uninitiated individual” (Para. 1, Line. 4) the author refers to the person _.A) who has not been instr

9、ucted how to use a life preserverB) who has a little experience in using a life preserverC) who uses a life preserver without permissionD) who becomes nervous before a disaster5. What would happen if a person were supported by the life preserver in a wrong position?A) The waves would move him backwa

10、rds.B) The water would choke him.C) He would immediately sink to the bottom.D) He would be exhausted or unconscious.答案解析:1. B。文章主要讲述了救生衣的设计。间接题型段首主旨题。C项和D项都是对救生衣设计中设计材料的说明。A项为陷阱,指救生衣的用途,尽管开头提到,但范围不着边际。故只有B是正确选项。2. D。根据文章,救生衣首先会自动扶正。事实细节题。本文第三段主要讨论救生衣落水位置,应设计的能“自动扶正”,或稍向后仰。B项是对材料的描述,范围太窄,而A和C不合题意,因此D

11、是正确答案。3. C。美国海岸巡逻队不需要救生衣根据穿戴者的尺寸生产。事实细节题。A项和B项都涉及method,其相关部分见最后一段第三句,A,B,D三项都是文章中提及的,C项与本题无关的内容,因此应该选C。4. A。“the uninitiated individual”作者指的是不知道怎么使用救生衣的人。语义指代题。根据文章最后一段第一句,我们可推出“the uninitiated individual”就是指的那些不知道怎么使用救生衣的人。故A是正确选项。5. D。如果一个人没有正确使用救生衣,就会发生什么?细节辨别题。第三段第一句后半句中a face-down position和本题中

12、的 in a wrong position相对应。因此选项D“他可能太累了或者是已经失去知觉”是正确答案。2.Follow the following tips to reduce your stress to manageable levels! Avoid “Must” think. Let go of the notion that you must do something in a certain wayfor example, “I must get a great score on a test, or else.” This thought pattern only adds

13、to the stress youll feel. Evaluate your situation coldly and analytically, and not as a “life or death” situation. Watch the Mess. Dont study in a messy or cramped area. Clear yourself a nice, open space thats free of distractions. Set Manageable Goals. Break large projects into smaller and doable p

14、arts and youll feel a positive sense of accomplishment as you finish each part.Ocean Dumping. Visualize yourself walking on a beautiful beach, carrying a sand pail. Stop at a good spot and put your worries into the pail. Drop the pail and watch as it drifts away into the ocean. Think Good Thoughts.

15、Create a set of positive but brief affirmations and mentally repeat them to yourself just before you fall asleep at night, and you will feel a lot more positive in the morning. ImagineYourself Succeeding. Close your eyes and remember a real life situation in which you did well. Imagine facing your s

16、tressful situation with the same feelings of confidence. Use Your Bed for Sleeping, not Studying. Your mind may start to associate your bed with work, which will make it harder for you to fall asleep. Soothing Sounds. If you want to play music, keep it low in the background. Classical music especial

17、ly can aid the learning process. Take a Hike, Pal. Need a study break? Take a short, brisk walk. Clear your mind.26.If you meet a great difficulty, how can you reduce your stress?A.To retreat from it.B.To imagine that you are successful.C.To turn to others.D.To divide it into small parts and finish

18、them one after another.27.“Ocean Dumping” really means _.A.putting things into the oceanB.forgetting ones worriesC.swimming in the oceanD.sailing across the ocean28.The passage might be taken from _.A.a science fiction B.a report of a psychologistC.a popular magazineD.a text book29.According to the

19、passage, which kind of people are easy to come under pressure?A.Open minded people.B.People with tidy habbits.C.Self confident people. D.Work addicts.30.As for the following statements about how to reduce ones stress, which one hasnt been mentioned?A.To work in a nice and neat environment.B.To smile

20、 when one fails.C.To divide an object into small parts.D.To have a rest after a long times work.短文大意本文主要介绍如何缓解压力。作者给出了9点建议。第一,避免“必须”的想法;第二,注意不要杂乱;第三,制定可行的目标;第四,将烦恼倒入海中;第五,往好处想;第六,想像自己正在获得成功;第七,上床睡觉,不要考虑别的事;第八,听听舒缓的音乐;最后一点,去转一圈吧,朋友。这是一篇心理学性质的科普短文。26.答案D。【参考答案】如果现在遇到了一个大难题,你将如何来缓解压力?【试题分析】 此题考查学生“运用材料

21、中的事实进行推测”的能力。【详细解答】根据问题所问内容,可知解答此题的关键在第六点建议上,制定可行的目标。也就是说在遇到较 大任务时将其分为几个小目标,逐个完成。现在我们就可以来分析选项了。A项说“知难而退”,显然不正确。B项说“想像自己正获得成功”,是作者的建议,但用在这里又不太合适,先标出。再看C项“向别人求助”,文章中没有提。再看D项“将难题分为几个小部分,逐一解决”,正是我们根据文章内容得出的对策。这题,将B项与D项比较,还是以D项更合理贴切,所以选D。27.答案B。【参考答案】“Ocean Dumping”的真正含义是【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据上下文推测生词含义”的能力。【详细

22、解答】首先找“Ocean Dumping”在文中的位置,为作者第四条建议的标题。只看标题,或许还不能理解此词组的正确含义。为“倒入海中,还是在海里游泳”。但再看下文对这一建议的具体阐述,我 们可以断定,作者意在说“将烦恼忘掉”,而海只是一种想象,或激起联想的媒介。这样就可以判断A项“把东西放入大海”,太笼统,也是字面理解。再看B项 “忘掉烦恼”,这正是作者的意思,这样也就不必看C、D项了。而C项“在大海里游泳”,D项“在海上航行”,显然是凭字面意思的错误理解,都不正确。28.答案C。【参考答案】此文可能选自【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据材料进行推理”的能力。【详细解答】解答此类题一方面涉及到

23、对文章主旨的把握,一方面也涉及到文章体裁、风格的认识,属于文章鉴赏方面 的要求,有一定难度。根据文章内容、体裁及风格推断此文章属于科普说明文。而这只是确定答案的第一步,接下来就要考查我们对不同书刊上应包含什么样的文章这一知识的掌握了。现在来分析选项。A项说“科幻小说”,显然不正确,因为文章没有丝毫科幻内容。看B项“心理学家的报告”,有道理,因为内容确属于心理学方面的。但此文是否有点太通俗了,科学家的报告一般应使用大量的术语,只好先标出。再看C项“一本流行杂志”。这样的刊物应该内容广泛,有影视动态,有人生品味,也应有心理咨询方面的,所以与B项相比,更好一点。最后看D项“一本教科书”。如此短小的文

24、章,似乎不应列入教科书上的范文。这样分析下来,C 项应为最佳答案。29.答案D。【参考答案】根据文章,下列哪一种人易有压力?【试题分析】 此题考查学生“根据事实进行推断”的能力。【详细解答】解决此题时首先要了解全文的主旨和大意,特别注意作者提到的九点建议。现在来进行选择。A项“心胸 开阔的人”,这样的人,按常理也不会有太多压力,而且作者的第一、第七条建议都涉及到一个人性格与压力的关系。据此可以排除。看B项“一个有整洁习惯的 人”,这不是在作者的第二条建议中涉及到了吗?既然整洁环境可以缓解压力,一具有整洁习惯的人也不会有太多压力,故也应排除。再看C项“自信的人”,也不 正确。这样D项理应是选项了

25、。看其内容“工作狂”,显然,这样的人易有压力,作者在最后一条建议中已暗示了这一点。所以可确定D项为正确答案无疑。30.答案B。【参考答案】下列关于缓解压力的建议中,哪一项没有在文章中提及?【试题分析】 此题考查学生“利用已知信息进行判断”的能力。【详细解答】解答此题的方法与上题类似。先通读全文,明白作者在文中提到了哪条建议。我们在做29题时已做 了这项工作,所以现在就可以直接来看选项了。A项“在一个整洁优雅的环境中工作”,显然是作者的第二条建议,所以排除。B项“失败时微笑”,这可能是一条比较好的建议,但文中并没有提及,所以应为选项。为确证,再看一下C项和D项,可知分别为第三、第九项建议中内容所

26、以也应排除,这样就可确定B为正确答案 无疑。3.Ascientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data both on resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spendi

27、ng.If an economist as asked which of three groups borrow mostpeople with rising incomes, stable incomes, or declining incomeshe would probably answer:those with declining incomes. Actually, in the years 19471950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People with declining incomes were next and

28、 people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hasten to buy. If they expect prices to go down, they will

29、postpone buying. But research surveys have shown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increase may not stimulate buying. One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices. “In a few months,” she said, “well have to pay more for

30、 meat and milk; well have less to spend on other things.” Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyers resistance may be evoked.The investigations mentioned above were carried o

31、ut in America. Investigations conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The condition most conductive to spending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and peo

32、ple consider that they are reasonable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.21.If a scientist wants to study consumer behavior, what must he do?A) He must predict the way in which consumers will spend their money.B) He must do scientific research.C) He must know background of customers.D) He must do research and lear

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