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Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule1.docx

1、Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule1Our Body and Healthy Habits(Module1)一、考点、热点回顾重点词汇1. 四会词汇diet, fat, fit, flu, rare, toothache, unhealthy, wealthy, rarely, proverb, anxious, injure, pain, lifestyle, head, eye, overweight, lung, throat, breathe, captain, injury, painful, normal, X-ray, awful, questio

2、nnaire, dentist, sweets, insurance, fever2. 认读词汇pneumonia, prescription, symptom, migraine重点短语be connected with, take exercise, be crazy about, have a temperature, lie down, begin with, put . into., become ill, get / catch a cold, Take it easy.重要语法点Nouns used as verbsWhen Zhou Kais mother saw him he

3、ading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.And Im not overweight so I never have to diet.Will / be going to for future actionsCan you lie down, please, and Ill examine you?Ill write you a prescription.My wifes going to visit her this afternoon.My wifes going to pick me

4、up in a quarter of an hour.And Ill ring the hospital.重点句子1. I take at least two hours exercise a week. P12. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. P13. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. P14. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket

5、 on, she eyed him anxiously. P25. Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit. P36. I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. P37. So as you can see from what Ive said, I am a normal kind of person. P38. As Ive said, this isnt a problem. P39. Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow. P4功能句式Ta

6、lk about the future“Youll catch a bad cold,” said his mother.“Ill be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door.“Zhou Kai, youll get ill.”Practice talking about a health problemI think Ive got pneumonia.Why? What are your symptoms?Ive got a high temperature and my chest hurts when I breathe.Oh dear

7、! What are you going to do?Im going to stay in bed and ask the doctor to visit me.Ill ring the doctor for you.Everyday EnglishTerrific!To be off work.Oh, dear!That couldnt be better.I have a sweet tooth.Im crazy about football.习惯搭配make a prediction, stay healthy, take exerciseSayings Food is an impo

8、rtant part of a balanced diet.Fran Lebowitz (1951? - ) Man becomes what he eats. The grosser the food the grosser the body.Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826) Walking is a joy, but an even greater joy is to ride a

9、bicycle. Bicycling is a universal skill in Cambridge: women, small children, old men alike relish the pleasure of the two-wheeled dance.Xu Zhimo (1895 - 1931) The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and Doctor Merryman.Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745) Every day, in every way, I am ge

10、tting better and better.mile Cou (1857 - 1926) A disease known is half cured.Proverb The only way to keep your health is to eat what you dont want, drink what you dont like, and do what youd rather not.Mark Twain (1835-1910) He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.”Proverb I

11、t is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. A. J. Reb MateriOnce you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. Vince LombardiWe are what we repeated

12、ly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sasha Cohen I dont smoke, dont drink much, and go to the gym five times a week. I live

13、a healthy lifestyle and feel great. I can run a marathon, you know. Sarah Michelle Gellar If I have to change my lifestyle, I dont want to live. Robert Mapplethorpe I didnt take drugs and above all I did not let down those who love me.Diego Maradona (1960 - )必备短文Just Do It!If you put off things for

14、too long, they can easily become uncontrollable. The longer you wait to tackle a problem, the more difficult it becomes. Dont waste time thinking about how difficult something is. Just take the advice in this passage.Many people put off tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses t

15、o postpone doing something. In the end, it never gets done. If we leave things undone, we will eventually worry. This will cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, its best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.【参考译文】 事情一旦被拖得太久就会变得难以控制。问题拖得越久,就越难以解决。所以,不要把时间浪费在考虑

16、某事到底有多难,从这篇短文接受忠告! 很多人把今天能做的事推到明日,他们总是找借口拖延做事。到头来,事情总是没做完。如果我们没有把事做完,我们心里会感到忐忑不安,从而造成不必要的压力。因此,如果你有这种坏习惯的话,最好是将它克服,尽快把事情做好。词语搭配HabitAdj.+Habitannoying, bad, dirty, unfortunate 讨厌的/坏的/可恶的/不雅的习惯good habit 好习惯the formation of good habits良好习惯的养成daily, regular 日常习惯buying, shopping, spending 购买习惯;购物习惯;消费习

17、惯dietary, drinking, eating 饮食习惯;饮酒习惯V.+Habitbe in, have 习惯于;有习惯She is in the habit of drinking five or six cups of coffee a day.她有每天喝五六杯咖啡的习惯。acquire, develop, form, make 养成习惯;形成习惯Try to develop good habits and eat regular healthy meals.尽量养成好习惯,吃饭要定时,讲营养。You ought to make a habit of taking notes in

18、class.你应该养成上课记笔记的习惯。break(yourself of), give up 打破习惯;戒除习惯a difficult habit to break很难改掉的习惯You must break yourself of the habit.你必须改掉这个习惯。短语a creature of habit 不易改变习惯的人或动物Horses are creatures of habit and like to have a daily routine.马是受习惯支配的动物,喜欢每天都做一样的事情。the habit of a lifetime 终生习惯Its hard to chan

19、ge the habit of a lifetime.积习难改。HealthAdj.+Healthexcellent, good, perfect 极好的健康状况bad, poor 健康状况不佳;虚弱的体质mental, physical 心理健康;身体健康V.+Healthenjoy, have 享有健康She has never really enjoyed good health.她身体从未真正健康过。maintain 保持健康You need to maintain your physical and mental health.你需要保持身心健康。improve 增进健康ways t

20、o improve the nations general health增强全民体质的方法damage, harm 损害健康Health+N.problem, needs 健康问题;保健需求food 保健食品health food stores保健食品店短语bad/good for your health 对健康有利Smoking is bad for your health.吸烟有害健康。in good/poor health 健康状况良好/较差He felt in much better health.他觉得身体好多了。be fit for: 适于,适合Grass is a fit foo

21、d for cows; it is not fit for men. 草是牛的合适的食物,但不是给人吃的。a bit: 有点儿In other words, you have to do quite a bit more than you think you need to do, rather than quite a bit less. 换言之,与你认为自己需要做的相比,你必须做得更多,而不是更少。make sure:(把.)弄清楚;设法确保Make yourself calm down before doing everything, and give yourself a reason

22、 to make sure you know why and what exactly youre doing. 做每一件事情前首先让自己冷静,确保自己知道,你要做的是什么和你为什么要做这些。pick up: 1.拾起;2.(尤指偶然的、无意的)学会;3.恢复健康(或勇气、希望等)4.用车接某人1. The bird picked up a worm.鸟把虫叼起。2. pick up elementary French in three months三个月学会基础法语3. She is picking up wonderfully.她在迅速恢复。pick out: 1.挑选;2.辨认出1. I

23、 have picked out the bad potatoes from the basket.我已从篮子里把烂土豆拣出来了。2. He could pick out a good cook in a crowd.他能在一群人中辨认出一个好厨师来。 in private: 私下的,非公开的He can be very rude in private, though in public hes usually polite.他在大庭广众之前通常表现得彬彬有礼,但在四下有时会很粗鲁。result in: 导致,结果造成His laziness resulted in his failure.他

24、的懒惰导致了他的失败。result from: 是.的结果,起因于Many illnesses result from lack of exercise.许多疾病是由于缺少锻炼。Nouns used as Verbs1. (1) He went to Europe by ship. (2) The products will be _to Europe.2. (1) Are we allowed to take pictures in the museum? (2) The artist _her as a Spanish dancer.3. (1) This flower smells ni

25、ce. (2) Apple trees _ in Spring.4. I need some water to _ the rose.5. (1) The doctor advised him to take more exercise. (2) To keep healthy, she _ every day.6. (1) He is reading a book in his room. (2) Did you _ a seat on the plane?7. (1) I cant study in this heat. (2) Ill _ some milk for coffee.8.

26、(1) The southern face of the building _ the park. (2) Id like to live in a room whose window_ south.9. (1) My sister is a nurse in the Peoples Hospital. (2) She_ her husband back to health.10. (1) My father works in a middle school. (2) He is going to _ a boy.Key: 1. shipped 2. pictured 3. flower 4.

27、 water 5. exercises 6. book 7. heat 8. faces, faces 9. nursed 10. father 将来动作的八种表达法1用“will/shall动词原形”来表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。这种形式常与将来的时间状语连用。例如:(1)They will fly to Shanghai in three days他们三天之后将乘飞机到上海去。(2)When shall we see you next?我们下次什么时候能见到你呢?2用“be going to动词原形”来表示(句子主语)主观上打算将来做某事。这种打算往往是事先考虑好的。在这种情况下用“s

28、hall/will动词原形”就显得意义不那么明显。例如:They are going to watch TV this evening他们打算今晚看电视。3用“be about不定式”来表示很快就要发生的动作或事件。这种形式通常不与表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:(1)The film is about to begin电影就要开映了。(2)They are about to succeed他们就要成功了。4用“be不定式”来表示按已定的计划或安排将要做的事情。例如:(1)There is to be a sports meet on Sunday星期日举行运动会。(2)You are to b

29、e back by mine oclock你要在9点钟回来。5表示位置移动的动词(如:go,come,leave,start,sail,arrive)的进行时形式可用来表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作。例如:The train is arriving at nine oclock火车9点钟就要进站了。We are sailing next Friday我们在下星期五出航。be to do 表示将来,一般是按计划安排或者注定、应该要做的事情。be doing 是现在进行时表将来,现在进行时表示将来意义时使用的动词通常为瞬间动词,如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, r

30、eturn, meet, get等。be going to表示“想要做什么”,有计划要做什么的含义。will/shall+do表示“将会”。说明某动作肯定会发生。如:Im going to finish my homework tomorrow.我想把作业明天完成。(计划)I will finish my homework tomorrow.明天我会完成作业。(没有任何疑问,肯定能发生)再如:It will rain tomorrow.明天会下雨。(表示肯定,因为是天气预报说的)6表示按说话前已做好的计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于表示位置移动的动词,如go, come, leave, sta

31、rt, arrive等,也可用于其他动态动词。此时,一般带有表示将来的时间状语。e.g.: Were leaving on Friday. The plane is taking off at 5:20.7一些常用的行为动词(如:see,eat,play,spend,join,move等)的现在进行时形式可用来表示将来,这种形式常与表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:(1)I am seeing him tomorrow我明天去看望他。(2)We are moving to a new apartment next week我们下星期就要搬到一套新房子里去。8在表示条件与时间的状语从句中,可用一般现在时形式或现在进行时形式表示将来时间。例如:(1)Hell go if it

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