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1、河北学位英语下新增课文一单元 OldPhone,SteadyFriend旧式手机,可靠的朋友A few weeks ago,I met an old friend for lunch. We hadnt seen each other for years and our paths crossed again because of work. We decided to go to a restaurant. On our way there,my mobile phone rang.I was on the verge of answering it when I stopped mysel

2、f.Oh,its not important,I told my friend, quickly changing the subject. Meanwhile, my fingers did some secret walking into my bag. I switched off the phone. I admit it : I was -an ashamed of my mobile phone, which is old-fashioned,behind the times and outdated. What phone you carry these days says a

3、lot about you and I am apologetic about mine because it is at least two generations behind the models that people carry so proudly these days. In early 1998, I bought a Motorola StarTac 70 Gsm 1800. It was pretty trendy at that time,and I was pleased to finally join the cellular crowd.The ting was ,

4、I didnt us it much, perhaps twice a week when I couldnt find a proper phone. It wasmostly switched off. Then last December,Idiscovered SMS.(Yes, I am really behind the times.)Oh,the thrill of receiving email over the phone! Istarted using it more often,but it isalready out of date and becomes a laug

5、hing stock. Most phones today dont feature a flip-open cover or detachable battery any more.And mine does look big and fat compared to those slender ones which fit into the curve of a palm. The ringing tone of my phone is irritating. My Sms function doesnt come with a Reply option. I have problems r

6、eceiving signals when other phones dont. With phones becoming cheaper by the day ,most people can afford one. And itis precisely because thdy are now so common that they have become the status symbol of our times. If you own a model that is at the forefront of cellular technology,you immediately and

7、 effortlessly distinguish yourself from the mobile-clutching masses. And in a world so ruled by appearances and possessions,why havent I changed my mine yet? Its not as if I havent been tempted. My office even has a phone plan in which I get money to upgrade my cellular. I have received the cheque,b

8、ut have yet tocash it. For one, I dont need a new phone. Except for some reception problems,myStarTac works fine. Besides,I find it painful to put money down on electronic devices when I dontunderstand half their functions. But the main reason is I am actually fond of my phone. I do poke fun at it w

9、hen my friends catch me using it,but this is a defensive gesture, to prevent othersfrom laughing at it and at me . That bulky(庞大的笨重的)old thing has served me well. It has traveled withme over the years and has been the vessel of so many sweet conversations and funny messages. Abandoning it for no bet

10、ter reason than it having become unfashionable would be shrugging off an old and faithful friend just because he doesnt he doesnt fit into your new and trendy crowd. Besides,I remind myself,there might just come a day when styles of mobile phones from past days become popular again. When that day co

11、mes,my heavy brick will be in vogue-and I will have the last laugh.几周前,我约了位老朋友共进午餐。我们已经有好多年没有见面了,由于工作原因又碰到了。 我们决定去餐馆吃饭。路上,我的手机响了,我正要打算接的时候,我挂掉了。“这个电话不重要。”我给我的朋友说,并迅速转移了话题。同时,我悄悄地把手伸到包里,关掉了手机。 我承认:我的老款和过时的手机让我感到惭愧。 手机体现了你的内涵,因为我的手机要向大家道歉,它比起让人自豪的新手机来说至少落后了2代。 早在1998年,我买了一款摩托罗拉startac70(GSM1800),那款流行于

12、那个时代,我也兴奋地加入了手机流中。问题是,这不是适合我的一款手机,我也不常用,可能是一周二次,几乎关机状态。 然后去年12月份,我发现了SMS(我确实够落伍的了),靠收邮件带给我的惊喜超过了电话!我开始频繁的使用,虽然已经过时,也会成为别人的笑料。当今,大部分手机不是翻盖的或独立电池的。我的手机比起那些超薄的,手握感很舒服的来说显的有些肥大。 我的手机的铃声也是气人的,我的SMS功能也没有“回复”这个选项,接受信号上我的也比别人的有问题。 伴随着手机价格的降低,大多数人能买得起。毫无疑问,手机已经成为我们这个时代身份的象征。如果你拥有一款在技术上时髦的手机,你会毫不费力的在云云手机中脱颖而出

13、。 总而言之,这样依靠款式和功能来判断,为什么我没有换一个呢? 我并不是没被诱惑过,我们部门曾经出台过一个关于更新手机的计划。我已经收到了支票,但是没有兑现。 首先:我不需要新手机,除了面子上的问题,我的摩托罗拉挺好使的。 除此之外,我发现把自己的金钱花在连一半功能都用不上的手机上是件痛苦的事情。 最主要的是我很喜欢我的手机,当我朋友用我的手机的时候,我就那我的手机看玩笑,这只是一个小小自卫计策,防止他们嘲笑我。 那个笨重的家伙让我很满意,它跟随了好多年,也见证了我的甜言蜜语和趣闻乐事。不能就凭落伍就抛弃了它,就像不能随便抛弃老朋友。 另外,我提醒自己,可能会有一天我的老款手机成为一中时尚,当

14、那天到来的时候-我将笑到最后。第5单元 Now we are getting the messageWhen computers first started to be used on a wide scale , some people predicted that we would spend so long staring at computer screens that we would end up forgetting how to talk to one another .but in fact. The rapid expansion of electronic communi

15、cation in the 21st century has had the opposite effect . Rather than retreating into themselves , people are using new technology , in particular email and text messaging .to find more and more ways to expand their network of friends.当电脑第一次被用到一个更宽的领域,一些人预测我们将花费很长的时间盯着电脑屏幕以至于我们会最终忘记怎么和其他人谈话。但事实上, 快速扩

16、充的电子设备交流在21世纪已经有了反面影响。人们利用特殊的技术,尤其是电子邮件和短信息.寻找越来越多的方法扩大他们的网络朋友圈,而不是退化他们自己。 Alice Thompson , 23 , is known as the text queen to her friends because she sends so many messages .” my friends and I take our phones out with us and send messages to other friends saying , were in this club and its really g

17、ood . Come and meet us ,”she said” it means we dont have to spend ages planning a night out . you can just send the same message to everyone.”23岁的Alice Thompson,被她的朋友们称为短信女王。因为她发送了许多信息.我的朋友和我带着我们的手机出去给其他朋友发信息说:“我们参加了这个俱乐部并且这个俱乐部非常好,来这和我们会面吧”她说,这意味着我们不必花费时间去计划晚上的外出.你可以发同样的信息给每个人.Alice has found that

18、text messaging has other advantages too .”if there is a guy I like ,I find it easier to send text messages initially rather than phone him up ,”she said” Because were not face to face, I dont feel nervous .there is one guy , a friend of a friend ,who I dont know that well, but weve started to text m

19、essage each other and thats how we communicate ,I would never have phoned him up but this way it feels ok.”爱丽丝发现发信息也有其它好处.我想如果有一个伙伴,我发现首先发短信交流要比打电话简单得多.,她说,因为我们没有面对面.所以我不会感到害羞,有这样的一个伙伴,是朋友的朋友,这个人我了解的不多.但是我们开始互相发短信息并且这是我们交流的方式,我从没有打过电话给他但是我觉得这样感觉很好。Text messaging and email also help Alice keep in tou

20、ch with old schoolmates she would probably have lost contact with otherwise .she finds its much easier to send a message saying “hi , thinking of you ,”rather than having to write a long letter.发短信息和电子邮件也帮助爱丽丝跟老同学保持联系,否则他将失去和他们的联系,她发现发一个信息说:“嗨,想你”要简单得多,而不是写一封长长的信。It seems these forms of communicatio

21、n have filled a gap ,offering something that face-to face conversation does not. Professor Pam Briggs, a psychologist at the University of Northumbria ,elieves they have become popular because they offer people a chance to present themselves in the way that they want to .”people seem to really enjoy

22、 sending text messages and emails ,”she says ,”they can take their time planning their message ,and they can be a bit more playful ,adding jokes and little bits of video clips and so on . they prefer it to the one - to one communication of speaking on the phone to each other -maybe also because this

23、 way they can choose when they want to respond to someone. ”这种形式的交流似乎(看起来)填补了人们面对面交流时而无法说出一些话的缺陷。Northumbria大学的心理学家Pam Briggs教授认为他们变得出名的原因是他们提议人们应该有一个机会用他们的方式去实现他们想做的事。“人们似乎真的很喜欢发短信息和电子邮件”她说。他们可以有足够的时间编写他们的短信息,而且他们能多一些好玩的,增加些笑话和一点短片等等。比起通过电话一对一的对话,他们更喜欢这种交流方式也或许是因为用这样的方法他们就能选择什么时候回复一些人。The fact that

24、 text messages are so quick and easy is a big part of attraction .many people also find text messaging more informal than making a phone call or writing a letter, and therefore simpler to use .Annabelle Rose, who teaches at a London sixth form college , uses email and text messaging to keep in touch

25、 with her students .they often email or text her with questions about their work .”they dont find it so difficult to keep in touch that way , whereas they might feel that a phone call is more of an interruption,” she said,” I have always given my number out to students and told them to call me if th

26、ey have any problems . But no one ever did before text messaging really started taking off.”事实上短信息具有吸引力的一个主要原因是它的快捷和简单。许多人也发现短信息比打电话和写信更实用(日常使用的),而且对于我们来说更简单、方便。London sixth form college大学的Annabelle Rose,用email和短信息和他的学生保持联系。他的学生经常给她发email和短信息问他一些有关工作(学习)的问题。他们没有觉得用这种方法保持联系很困难,而觉得打电话更打扰一些,她说,“我经常把我的号

27、码给学生们并且告诉他们如果有什么问题就打电话给我”。但是在短信息真正开始使用前从来没有人这样做过。So is it all good? Annabelle has identified one negative result of text messaging “the popularity of this way of writing among my students can cause a few difficulties as they have started using these abbreviations in their normal writing ,like writin

28、g tomoro for tomorrow,” she said .”but they are never rude .if I text them back answering their queries (疑问,问题)”,they always send another message saying Thx, even though its not really necessary.”这样是不是发短信息就全是好处呢?(这样是不是发短信息就没有坏处呢?)Annabelle鉴别出发现短信息的一个消极的结果;“在学生之间用这种最流行的方式交流能产生许多困扰,比如他们在正常的写短信时用这些缩写,例

29、如把tomorrow写成tomoro”。她说,“但是,他们永远都不傻。如果我回他们短信息回答他们的问题,他们总是发给我另外一条信息说Thx,即使真的不需要”。第十三单元课文08年PocketyWomenUnite?Pockets are what women need more of. The women s movement in the past decade has made giant strides in achieving greater social justice for females, but theres a great deal of work yet to be do

30、ne. And it cant be done without pockets.“口袋是当下妇女们最需要的,虽然过于几十年的妇女运动为妇女们在很大程度上争取到了社会地位,但是还有很多的工作要做,而这些工作没有口袋做后盾是不能完成的。It has been commonly thought that men get the best jobs and make the most money and dont have to wash the dinner dishes simply because they re men, that cultural traditions and social

31、conditioning have worked together to give them a special place in the world order.在大众的意识里,男人可以得到最好的工作,可以挣更多的钱,而且还不用刷盘子仅仅因为他们是男人,在文化传统和社会制约的共同作用在世界秩序中给予男性特殊的地位。While there is undoubtedly some truth to this, the fact remains that no one has investigated the role that pockets have played in preventing

32、women from attaining the social status and rights that could and should be theirs.这观点无疑也有一定的道理,没有人去研究口袋对于妇女们得到本应该属于她的社会地位和权利的阻碍作用。Consider your average successful executive. How many pockets does he wear to work? Two in the sides of his trousers, two in the back, one on the front of his shirt, three on his suit coat, and one on the inside of the suit coat. Total: nine.想想那些成功人士,他们去工作时穿的衣服上有几个口袋呢?裤子两侧两个,裤子后面两个,衬衣前面一个,西装

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