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新视野 英语第四册 18单元讲义.docx

1、新视野 英语第四册 18单元讲义讲义新视野大学英语第四册(二版)第一单元教案讲义Notes to the TextI. Active ExpressionsIn English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but theyare active and powerful. • Whats on at the cinema tonight? • 今晚电影院上演什么?• Whats he up to? • 他忙什么呢?Find out the active ex

2、pressions:1. The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not 2. both social and sexual, to which the public objected, paid heavily for remaining true to himself.3. until he came upon the idea of teaching children and developing the 1. at best even when considered in the

3、 most positive way2. end up finally be in a particular situation or place3. object to oppose or disapprove of something4. come on/upon find something or meet someone expectedlyTranslation1. 这次会议充其量只是部分成功。 2. 结果,他失业了很长一段时间。3. 我一直反对这种想法:一切都事先定好,我们没有任何选择。4. 我们无意中想到在网上请人们捐款。1.The meeting was at best par

4、tially successful.2.He ended up unemployed for a long time.3. I always objected to the idea that everything is predetermined and that we have no choice.4. We came upon the idea of asking people to donate money over the Net.II. Focus Study1. Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got th

5、ere. be hard-pressed to do sth. 做某事有困难Translation• 今年这家航空公司要赢利困难重重。• 你很难找到更好的人做这项工作。• This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.Youd be hard-pressed to find anyone better for the job.2. The public simply discounts styles other than those for which the artist has b

6、ecome famous.other than 除了Translation• 他只提到了自己的贡献,而没有提其他任何人的。• 我们错过了最后一班公交车,所以除了走回家别无选择。• He didnt mention anyone elses contributions other than his own.• We missed the last bus so there was no choice other than to walk home.3. It takes you out of yourself: You must be what t

7、he public thinks you are, not what you really are or could be. It takes sb. out of 使得某人缺乏Translation这使得我丧失了理智,从而做出了错误的决定。我失去了自我,再也做不回当初的自己。It takes me out of mind to make wrong decisions. • It takes me out of myself: I cant come back to what I used to be.Words and ExpressionsI. Word Using1. ch

8、ase v. to run after someone or something in order to catch them• Police chased the thief and eventually recovered the missing money.• The kids chased each other in the garden.2. participate in to take part in or become involved in an activityTranslation• 班里的每个人都应该积极参加这些讨论。• 他

9、们希望有机会参与决策制定。• Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.• They wanted opportunities to participate in the decision-making process. 3. pessimistic a. expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result• 我

10、对未来感到极其悲观。 • 这听起来像是本末倒置,是不必要的悲观。• I am deeply pessimistic about the future.• This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic. pessimistic adj.1)悲观的 -This is too pessimistic a view. 这一观点太悲观了。 2) 悲观的, 厌世的; 悲观主义的 -take a pessimistic view of .

11、对.抱悲观见解 Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法? -I have to say Im rather pessimistic. 我得说我相当悲观。 -She tried to shut all pessimistic thoughts out of her mind. 她努力从头脑中排除一切悲观的想法。 -The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no impr

12、ovement. 那篇文章不甚乐观, 暗示将无改进. 4. worship vt. to admire and love someone very much• 我们都要有崇拜的英雄,无论他们是运动员、电影明星还是政治家。• 我小时候崇拜我哥哥。• We all want heroes to worship, be they sportsmen, film stars, or politicians.• As a child, I worshipped my older brother.worship n. U strong feelings of

13、 love, respect, and admiration-He does not conceal his skepticism about a worship of universities that hold the superiority of the academic over the practical, of the pure over the applied. v. 1) have a strong feeling of respect and admiration for people or objects, often without being aware of thei

14、r faults -As a child, I worshipped my elder brother. worship power / money 2) have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god; go to a religious ceremony -They worship regularly. 5. spur vt. to encourage someone or make them want to do something• 我们鼓励他们做出更大的努力。•

15、是当地报纸上一篇文章最终促使他采取了行动。• We spurred them on to greater efforts.• It was an article in the local newspaper that finally spurred him into action. 6. drown vt. 1) to have a very strong feeling or a serious problem that is difficult to deal with• 这个国家债台高筑。• 我们被数据包围,可是却缺乏信息。•

16、The country is drowning in debt.• We were drowning in data but starved of information.2) to die from being under water for too long, or to kill someone in this way• 他们的船在暴风雨中翻了,淹死了48个人。• 昨夜有一个男孩在河里淹死了。• Forty-eight people have drowned after their boat overturned during a stor

17、m. • Last night a boy was drowned in the river.7. exploit vt. to use something well in order to gain as much from it as possible• 你可以利用已有的才能。• 我们需要确保尽可能充分地利用资源。• You can exploit a talent which you already possess.• We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as f

18、ully as possible.exploitn. 1)功绩勋, 业绩, 英勇的行为, 辉煌的成就 -the exploits of the famous heroes 著名英雄的丰功伟绩 v. 1)开发,利用,开拓 -People should read the related regulations before they exploit natural resources. 在开发自然资源前,人们应该先了解相关的规定。 -Television advertisers can exploit a captive audience. 电视广告?棠芾?帽欢?壑?. -The daring e

19、xploits of the parachutists were much admired. 跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已. -In computer security, a computer program with an apparently or actually useful function that contains additional(hidden) functions that surreptitiously exploit the legitimate authorizations of the invoking process to the detriment of

20、security. 在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用的功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。 8. idle a. not working or producing anything• 一半的工厂在停工。• 汽车厂的关闭使数千人无事可做。• Half these factories are now standing idle.• Thousands of workers are idle now that the car factories have closed.idle:a.

21、1)without any particular purpose 无目的的-an idle glance漫不经心的一瞥-I dont know why I asked just idle curiosity. 我不知道我为什么问这个问题,只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。2)(of people) unwilling to work or be involved in any activity; lazy; wasting time 闲散的,懒散的,无所事事的-Men are left idle when machines break down. 机器出故障时,人们就闲着没事干了。-There are

22、 few idle people in their department. 他们部门几乎没有闲散人员。-They kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.-Owing to the electricity strike, a lot of factory workers were left idle. 3)not working or operating productively 空闲的,闲着的-We cant afford to have all this expensive machinery lying idle. 让所有这些贵

23、重机器闲置着,我们可担负不起损失。-The new financial supervisor intends to make full use of the companys idle capital. 新来的财务总监打算充分利用公司的闲置资本。idle: a. doing sth. for no particular reason, often because one has nothing to do-Owing to the electricity strike, a lot of factory workers were left idle. 由于电业工人罢工,许多工厂里工人无活可干。

24、-They kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.他们把这个无聊的谈话又继续了5分钟。idleness: n. inactiveness; indolence-A man, like a sword, rusts in idleness. 刀不用会生锈,人闲着会怠惰。句中-ing分词短语accompanying him in his idle covered himself作方式状语说明动词词组imposed her company upon him。9. bore vt. to make someone lose interest

25、 and become tired and impatient• 我就不拿这些技术上的细节来烦你了。• 那部冗长的小说烦死我了。• I wont bore you with all the technical details. • The long novel bored me to death.10. sustain vt. 1) to make something continue to exist for a period of time• 他发现自己无法维持对那份工作的兴趣。• 这位演讲者成功地使听众的注意力保持到

26、了最后。• He found that he couldnt sustain his interest in the job.• The speaker succeeded in sustaining the listenersattention right to the very end. 2) to give someone strength, energy or hope• 一顿丰盛的早餐能维持我们一天的精力。• 整个审讯过程中,他家人的支持使他得以支撑下去。• A good breakfast will sustain us

27、through the day. • Throughout the trial he was sustained by the support of his family. 11. minute a. very small• 擦痕很轻微,几乎看不清。• 不应让他们被这些琐碎的事压垮。• The scratch was almost too minute to see.• They shouldnt be loaded down with minute and unimportant details.12. discount n. 1.

28、 折扣 2. 【商】贴现; 贴现率 3. 不全信; 不重视 -at 15% discount 打八五折 -discount of 30% 七折 -They give 10% discount for cash payment. 现金付款, 他们给以九折优待。 -accept a statement with some discount 不全信一种说法 n.CU 1. 折扣;打折扣 -We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash. 如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。 -The authors conclusions must be taken

29、 at a discount. 作者的结论我们不应全信。 v. 1. 打折扣,贴现 vi. 1. 打折扣出售商品 -Many stores do not discount at all. 许多商店出售商品一概不打折扣。 vt. 1. 将.打折扣;将商品打去.折扣 -You must discount much of what he says. 他说的好些话,你必须打个折扣听。 -The price of the stock fell before its dividend was reduced, for the reduction had already been discounted. 股

30、票的价格在股息降低之前下跌,因为股息降低早在预料之中。 -That store discounts all its slow-selling goods. 那家商店削价出售所有滞销货。 更多例句 -The discount was very huge. 折扣的幅度非常大。 Concern for others seems to be at (something of) a discount today. 如今好像不兴关心别人了. -You can discount what Jack said: hes a dreadful liar. 杰克说的话你不必当真, 他可是个说谎大王. -Bette

31、r reduce the price than allow a discount. 与其给折扣,不如减价。 -We give 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款,我们九折优惠。 -On production of your membership card, you will receive a discount on purchases. 持会员证购物可享受折扣优待. -In view of our long-standing relationship, we agree to allow you a discount. 考虑到我们长期的关系, 我方同意给你方折扣。 -These goods will be sold at a discount. 这些货物将减价出售。 13. distinct: adj. easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite 清楚的;清晰的;明显的;明白的;明确的-The footprints are quite distinct; they

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