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本文(高中英语 语法考点一遍过 第4辑 专题十九 强调.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语 语法考点一遍过 第4辑 专题十九 强调.docx

1、高中英语 语法考点一遍过 第4辑 专题十九 强调专题十九 强 调强调句知识网络强调句型注意点例 句It is (was) +被强调部分+that(who)为了强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语、宾语或状语),常用强调结构:It is (was) +被强调部分+that(who);表示强调的it在这种结构的句子中作主句的主语,it本身没有词义。一般讲,原句的谓语动词如果是现在或将来各种时态,用It isthat (who);如果原句谓语动词是过去各种时态,则用It was that(who)。原句:Last night I saw a film in the Youth Palace.强调主语:It

2、 was I that (or: who) saw a film in the Youth Palace last night.强调宾语:It was a film that I saw in the Youth Palace last night.强调地点状语:It was in the Youth Palace that I saw a film last night.强调时间状语:It was last night that I saw a film in the Youth Palace. 谓语动词的强调It is/ was that 结构不能强调谓语,如果需要强调谓语时,要用助动词d

3、o/does或did。注意:do用于对肯定的祈使句的强调以及对实义动词一般现在时肯定句(除主语是第三人称单数)的强调;does用于对实义动词一般现在时肯定句主语是第三人称单数的强调;did用于对实义动词一般过去时肯定句的强调。Do be careful when you cross the street.过马路时,务必(千万)要小心啊!They do work hard at maths.他们对数学的学习确实很努力。He does send an email to me every day.他确实每天都给我发电子邮件。He did do his homework yesterday.昨天他确实

4、做了家庭作业。It is (was) +被强调部分+that(who)句型的变式It is (was) +被强调部分+that(who)句式基本特征:Is/ Was it +被强调部分+ that;或情态动词+it+ be+被强调部分+ thatWas it in 1969 _ the American astronauts succeeded _ landing on the moon ?A. when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; inCould it be in the restaurant in _ you had dinner with m

5、e yesterday _ you lost your handbag?A. that; which B. which; that C. where; that D. that; where特殊疑问句形式句式基本特征:特殊疑问词+is/was it that?或特殊疑问词+情态动词+it+be+被强调部分+ that_is it _has made Peter _he is today?Determination.A. What; that; that B. That; that; what C. What; what; that D. What; that; what反意疑问句形式句式基本特

6、征:It is/was+被强调部分+that,isnt / wasnt it?It was Alice and her boyfriend who sent the old man to the hospital, _?A. do they B. didnt they C. wasnt it D. was it强调句与其它句型的结合与名词从句的结合句式特征为:整个强调句型用作名词性从句或者在强调句型中含有名词性从句。Ive already forgotten _you put the dictionary.A. that it was there B. where was it that C.

7、 that where it was D. where it was that【解析】D。本题是经过变形的强调句型用作宾语从句的体现,为了更好地理解,我们分三步对其进行讨论。第一步:复原It was on the desk that I put the dictionary.第二步:对划线部分提问Where was it that you put the dictionary?第三步:变为陈述语序,将其用作forgotten的宾语从句则变为:Ive already forgotten where it was that you put the dictionary.It was at the

8、very beginning _Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more firefighters there.A. when; which B. where; what C. then; so D. that; that【解析】D。 第一个that为强调句型中的that;第二个that引导同位语从句,说明the decision的内容。与定语从句的结合句式特征为:在强调句型的被强调部分或其他部分中找出一个先行词,附上修饰该部分的定语从句。It was in the small house _was built with stones by

9、 his father _he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which【解析】A。本题含义为是在这间小房子里他度过了童年,the small house作先行词,其后的定语从句缺做主语的关系代词;第二空所缺的应是强调句型中的结构词that,故答案选A。Is _three hours _the boy _family is poor to come to school on foot?A. it; that; whose B. it; that it takes; whos

10、e C. it for; that it takes; whose D. it; when; that;【解析】B。本题结构复杂,是定语从句、强调句型的一般问句形式和句式It takes sb. some time to do sth.的糅合。我们也分几步来看这个句子:第一步:基本句式It takes the boy three hours to come to school on foot.第二步:以the boy为先行词,后面附上定语从句,则变为:It takes the boy whose family is poor three hours to come to school on f

11、oot.第三步:用强调句型对上句中的划线部分进行强调,则变为:It is three hours that it takes the boy whose family is poor to come to school on foot.第四步:将上句变为一般疑问句可知答案。强调句型的省略形式句式特征为:在一定的上下文中,强调句型的that(who)及其后面的部分可以省略。作题时要特别注意将其复原并加以比较。Who is making so much noise in the garden?_ the children.A. It is B. They are C. That is D. The

12、re are【解析】答案为A。强调句型在具体的语境中的省略,其完整形式应是:It is the children who are making so much noise in the garden.。He was nearly drowned once. When was that?_ was in 1998 he was in middle school. A. That; that B. it; when C. This; that D. It; that【解析】B。强调句的一种省略,完整形式是:It was in 1998 when he was in middle school th

13、at he was nearly drowned.强调句型的构成是:Itis(was) + 被强调部分+that(who) + 句子的其他成分。被强调的部分放在Itis(was) 之后,其它部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,可以由who代替that。1. 被强调的成分举例:原句:Tomfoundmypenintheclassroomyesterday.强调主语:ItwasTomwho/thatfoundmypenintheclassroomyesterday.强调宾语:ItwasmypenthatTomfoundintheclassroomyes

14、terday.强调地点状语:ItwasintheclassroomthatTomfoundmypenyesterday.强调时间状语:ItwasyesterdaythatTomfoundmypenintheclassroom.2. 强调句型的一般疑问式:直接把is或was提到it之前即可。如:WasitTomthatfoundyourpenintheclassroomyesterday?3. 强调句型的特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+is(was)it+that+句子的其他成分。特殊疑问词即是被强调的成分。如:Whowasitthatfoundyourpenintheclassroomyesterda

15、y?4.that(who) 有时可以省略:这种强调句型中的that或who有时可以省略。如:Itwasmybrother(that/whom)yousawtheotherday.5. 强调原因状语从句要注意:若从句由as或since引导,强调时则改为because,这是因为,because引导的原因从句表示的意义非常强烈,符合强调句的目的。例如:Asshegotuplate,shemissedthefirstbus. 变为:Itwasbecauseshegotuplatethatshemissedthebus.6. 强调句的否定转移:有些否定句在变成强调句时,要把否定转移到被强调的词语之前。尤

16、其是not.until.;句式的强调要特别注意。例如:Hedidntrealizehismistakeuntiltheteacherhadtoldhim. 变为:Itwasntuntiltheteacherhadtoldhimthatherealizedhismistake.【注意】 在强调句式中,虽然not被提前,但not.until.句型不要倒装。高考中强调句型考查热点考点一:强调句型的基本结构强调句型Itis/was+ 被强调的成份 +that+ 其他成份;用来强调主语、宾语和状语等成份。that只起连接作用,不作成份,但不能省略。有时强调的部分比较特殊,如主语从句、状语从句、名词、不定

17、式短语、V-ing的复合结构等。如:ItwasinthelibrarythatIsawheryesterday. 我昨天正是在图书馆见到她的。【典例】(2016天津)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel _ the coach picks up tourists. A. who B. which C. where D. that【答案】D【解析】句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客车是在旅店接送游客的。本题考查强调句,强调句型结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that+其余部分,如果强调部分是人,也可以用who,这句话强调的

18、是地点状语at the hotel。故选D。1.(2014福建) It was the culture, rather than the language, _made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroadA. where B. why C. that D. what【答案】C【解析】这个句子中含有it was,首先要考虑所给题目是不是一个强调句。把It was和横线去掉,发现句意仍然完整清楚,所以说这里就是一个强调句。强调句的基本结构是it is / was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其他成分,所以用tha

19、t,所以选C。句意:是文化,而不是语言,使得他很难适应国外的新的环境。考点二:特殊句式中的强调句型1. 如果强调的是特殊疑问句中的疑问词,表示到底、究竟等语气时,就用如下结构:特殊疑问词 +is/was+it+that+ 该句的其余部分。如:Howisitthatyouusuallygotowork? 你通常是怎样去上班的?2. 在强调not.until结构中由until所引导的短语(或从句)作时间状语时,要用固定的强调句型:It+is/was+notuntil. +that+ 该句的其余部分,that所引导的从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。如:Hisfatherdidntcomebackfromw

20、orkuntil12oclock. =Itwasnotuntil12oclockthathisfathercamehomeformwork. 直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家。【典例】1. (2015重庆)Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century_ his musical gift was fully recognized.A. while B. though C. that D. after 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:马赫死于1750年,但直到19世纪他的音乐天赋才被承认。强调句与not until 连用。It

21、 be not until that 故选C项。2.(2014四川)Was it because Jack came late for school _ Mr. Smith got angry?A. why B. who C. where D. that【答案】D【解析】A为什么;B谁;C哪儿;D那个。通过翻译可知本句话意思完整,不缺少成分,由此判断该句是强调句型,被强调部分是because引导的状语从句,故答案选D。句意:是因为杰克上学迟到史密斯先生才生气的吗?考点三:强调句型与时间状语从句、定语从句的判断强调句型要注意和it代表时间、距离、温度、自然现象、具体事物或人物等时所构成的各种句型

22、的区别。试比较:ItwasonMarch1thatIhadmyhaircut. (强调句)ItwasMarch1whenIhadmyhaircut. (后面是定语从句)判断是否是强调句,可采用还原法。如果还原为一般句式后,句子各种成份完整,则是强调句。否则不是。如第一句可还原成:IhadmyhaircutonMarch1.考点四:偶尔考查谓语动词的强调句式 英语中常用助动词do、does或did强调谓语。如:Hedidgototheairportyesterday,buthedidntfindyou. 他昨天确实去了机场,但他没有找到你。能力提升单项填空1.Who are making so

23、much noise in the garden?_ the children.A. It is B. They areC. That is D. There are2. It is _ he often fails in exams _ makes his parents worried about him.A. what; that B. that; whatC. that; that D. / ; that3. It is the protection for the trees _ really matters, rather than how many trees are plant

24、ed.A. what B. thatC. 不填 D. which4. It is _ my father worked _ I work now.A. where, that B. where, whenC. that, where D. that, that5. Was _ that I saw last night at the concert?A. it you B. not youC. you D. that you 6. It was ten oclock _ he came back home.A. when B. thatC. since D. after7. It was no

25、t until he came back _ he knew the police were looking for him. A. which B. sinceC. that D. before8. Was it under the tree _ you were away talking to a friend? Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone.A. that B. whereC. which D. while9. Its more than half a century _ my grandfather joined

26、the Party and became a servant to the people.A. when B. thatC. since D. while10. It was lack of money, not of effort, _ defeated their plan. A. which B. asC. that D. what体验真题1.(2014湖南)Its not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do makes life happy.A.that B. which C. what D. wh

27、o2.(2013重庆) It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.A.who B.that Cwhen D.how3. (2013课标全国卷)It was only after he had read the papers _ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.A.when B. that C. which D. what4.(2013天津) It was not unti

28、l near the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan.A. that B. where C.why D.when能力提升单项填空1. A 【解析】考查强调句型。 It is the children who are making so much noise 之省略。2. C 【解析】考查强调句型。被强调成分为主语从句 that he often fails in exams。3.B 【解析】考查强调句型。句意为真正重要的在于保护树,而不在于种多少树。4.A 【解析】考查强调句型。整个句子为 it was that 格式的强调句式,即

29、第二空要填that;第一空填where,where my father worked 为地点状语从句,为强调句的被强调部分。句意为我现在我父亲曾经工作过的地方工作。5. A 【解析】考查强调句型。为强调句的一般疑问句形式,其相应陈述句为 It was you that I saw 6. A 【解析】when 表示当的时候,句首的 it 表示时间,全句意为当他回到家时,时间是10点钟。7. C 【解析】为 He didnt know the police were looking for him until he came back 之强调形式。注意,not until 的强调句式通常为 It was not until that 的形式。8.D 【解析】此题很容易误选A,认为这是强调句型。其实此题应选D。做好此题的关键是正确理解

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