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1、GRE笔考机考词汇GRE笔考机考词汇.txt恨一个人和爱一个人的区别是:一个放在嘴边,一个藏在心里。人生三愿:一是吃得下饭,二是睡得着觉,三是笑得出来。GRE笔考机考填空单词list 1 abandon -consternationabandonin favor of 放弃转而支持(注)in favor of:in support ofablution n. 洗澡,淋浴(washing)(例)His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled Opera in the Bath.(记)词根

2、:lut(洗)参考:dilute 稀释;另类记忆:参看 pollution联想:被污染所以要洗干净。abortive adj. 流产的,失败的(unsuccessful; fruitless)(例)We had to abandon our abortive attempts.abreast adj&adv 并排的(地)(beside one another with bodies in line) 齐头并进的,比肩的(up to a particular standard or level) (例)keeps abreast of the latest trends 与最新的潮流齐头并进。(

3、记)a+breast 胸acclaim v. 喝彩,欢呼APPLAUD,PRAISE(同)commend,applaud,compliment,hail,kudize,praise,recommend(派)acclaimed adj. 受欢迎的accountability n. 有责任,有义务(注)来自account 帐目,说明acidulous adj. 微酸的,尖刻的(slightly sour; sharp; caustic)(例)James was unpopular because of his sarcastic and acidulous remarks.act against

4、v. 消灭,消除,淘汰actuate vt. 开动,促使,激励(例)I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post.我真不明白,什么原因使你放弃了这样一个很有前途的职位。address v. 致词(to deliver a formal speech to)对付,处理,着手解决(to deal with TREAT)(例)He addressed himself to the problem. 他忙于处理问题。adjunct n. 附属物,辅助物,助手,副手;adj. 附属的(例)an

5、 adjunct clause. 附属从句adventitious adj. 偶然的(accidental; casual)(例)He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely fortunate. aegis n. 盾,保护,庇护(例)a child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts.儿童福利现在处于法庭的保护之下a hint of n.少许,微量air n. 外观,神态(the look,appearance,or bearing of a pers

6、on) (例)an air of dignity 一种高贵的姿态all but adv. 几乎,差一点(almost)conj. 除了都(例)It would be all but impossible. 这几乎是不可能的。albeit conj. 尽管(例)clear albeit cold weather. 虽然天冷但仍很晴朗all the more adv. 更加,格外,愈发allusion n. 间接提及,暗示(an implied or indirect reference especially in literature) (例)Without naming names, the

7、candidate criticized the national leaders by allusion.没有指出姓名,候选人间接批评了国家领导们animus n. 仇视,敌意(A feeling of animosity; ill will)antedate vt. 将时间提前;先于,前于(例)That event antedated World War. 那事件发生在第二次世界大战之前。The cold weather antedate ed their departure. 寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。anything but adv. 决不(例)I will do anything b

8、ut go there. 我决不到那里去。anything more than adv. 不仅仅是(not merely) apparition n. 鬼怪,幽灵(a ghostly figure)(特异景象的)显现(an unusual or unexpected sight) (同)specter幽灵;wraith 幽灵 需掌握(记)三个幽灵的开头字母合起来是was appeal to v. 求助于,诉诸于 (例)appeal to arms诉诸于武力apprehension n.忧虑,担心,恐惧;逮捕;理解(三个意思都很重要)appropriation n. 拨款,拨付;挪用,占用(例)

9、appropriation bill 拨款预算案(记)注意两个意项的关联:不少贪官会演出将国家拨款挪用的好戏。arbitrary adj. 武断的;专制的,独裁的(例)the arbitrary rule of a dictator. 独裁者的专制统治arcane adj. 晦涩难解的,神秘的(known or understood by only a few)archaic adj. 古代的;陈旧的,废弃不用的(例)an archaic bronze statuette. 一种相当古老的青铜小雕像archaic laws.已不使用的法律aristocracy n. 贵族artful adj.

10、 巧妙的(performed with or showing art or skill),狡猾的(SLY)(例)The furniture is an artful blend of antiques and reproductions.这件家具是古董与仿制品的巧妙结合as for prep. 至于,关于as long as I know 就我所知as yet adv. 迄今为止(up to the present or a specified time)aspiration n. 强烈的愿望,抱负(a strong desire )吸入(inhalation)assassination n.

11、 暗杀assessor n. 技术顾问,估价者at a moments notice prep. 一俟通知马上就 at first glance adv. 初看起来;乍看起来at onceand conj. 既又,不仅而且 at odds (with) (与)意见不一致;与不和attribute n. 属性,特性;标志,象征 (例)a scepter is the attribute of power 权杖是权力的象征auspice n. 预兆,吉兆(a favorable sign)赞助,支持(kindly patronage and guidance)authenticate vt. 证明

12、,证实,鉴定(例)authenticate the authorship of an old poem 证实某古诗为某人所作autonomous adj. 自治的(having the right or power of self-government)(例)an autonomous region of a country. 一个国家的一个自治地区availability n. 可操作性,实用性,有效性avant-courier n. 先驱,前卫,先锋(记)参考:courier 信使 the Liverpool Courier利物浦信使报avert v. 防止,避免;(AVOID)转移(目光

13、等)为避免(例)averted an accident by turning sharply. 迅速转弯防止事故的发生banish v. 驱逐出境;放逐;忘却;摒弃(例)Banish that thought from your mind. 你不要那样想了be bound to v. 必然会,注定要be free from v. 无的,摆脱了的be oneself 1.(人)处于正常状态(指精神、身体等方面) 2. 显得自然(或真诚) be preferable to v. 相对于更为可取bespeak v. 显示出,证明(INDICATE, SIGNIFY)预订(to hire, engag

14、e, or claim beforehand)(例)her performance bespeaks considerable practice 她的表演显示出她曾大量的练习be subject to v. 受支配,倾向于,易于接受befuddlement n. 糊涂,迷惑不解(CONFUSE)烂醉(to stupefy with drink)(例)John is very amusing when he is completely befuddled.当约翰喝得完全糊涂了的时候, 他非常有趣儿。belch v. 打嗝,喷出(例)A volcano belches smoke and ashe

15、s. 火山喷出黑烟和灰土。belie v. 掩饰;证明为虚假(to show (something) to be false or wrong) (例)His trembling belied his words. 他的战栗表明他的话是假的。benefactor n. 捐助人,赞助人,施主,恩主benign adj. 善良的,慈祥的;良性的;吉利的 betray v. 背叛,辜负;泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现(例)Her hollow laugh betrayed her contempt for the idea. 她的大笑显示了她对此观点的蔑视bewail v. 悲悼,哀泣;表示悲叹

16、(例)bewailing the possible effects of double-digit unemployment 为可能是两位数的失业结果而悲叹bewildering adj. 令人困惑的,令人昏乱的bias n. 偏见,偏袒;倾向,爱好(例)a scientific bias科学方面的偏爱bilious a. 胆汁质的,坏脾气的birthright n. 生来就有的权利,长子继承权bizarre adj. 怪诞的,异乎寻常的(strikingly out of the ordinary) bluff v. 欺骗,愚弄;吓唬,虚张声势(例)Hes only bluffing. 他只

17、是虚张声势而已。Board of Trustees n. 董事会bogus adj. 假冒的,伪造的boost v. 推动,提高,增加(例)We need to boost our spirits. 我们需要鼓舞士气。breakthrough n. 突破 物价暴涨breathing spell n. 喘息的机会brook v. (只用于否定句)忍受,容许;n. 小河(例)He would brook no interruptions. 他不容许别人打岔。building blocks n.(建筑)砌块;基础材料bulk n.(巨大)体积,容量;主体,绝大部分(记)The great bulk

18、of necessary work can never be anything but painful大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦by far 到目前为止bygone adj. 过去的 n. 过去的事(例)Let bygones be bygones! 过去的事就让它过去吧!cabinet n. 橱柜;内阁call into question v. 对提出怀疑candid adj. 坦率的,诚恳的;公正的cannibalism n. 同类相食 canny adj. 谨慎的,精明的,节约的(CLEVER,SHREWD;PRUDENT)cant n 隐语,黑话,行话(记)联想cant 不能;不能听懂

19、的话隐语,黑话capsule n. 胶囊caste n. 种性制度 等级制度,社会集团 catastrophe n. 大灾难惨败 cathedral n. 大教堂 cautionary adj. 劝人谨慎的;警戒的(例)cautionary advice. 忠告ceremonious adj. 礼仪的,隆重的过分讲究礼节的,拘泥的(PUNCTILIOUS)characteristics in common n. 共同特征 charge n. 价钱,费用 2.控告,指控charitable adj. 慈善的宽厚的 chastise v. 严责,惩戒(to punish, as by beatin

20、g)chimera n. 吐火怪物,妖怪,狂想(记)谐音:痴梦狂想chivalrous adj. 骑士的 侠义的,正直的civility n. 礼貌,客气,谦恭 clam n. 蛤,沉默寡言的人(类)She clammed up whenever I mentioned her husband. 每当提到他丈夫,她就不说话了。(记)蛤(拼音:ge 2声)的形状象嘴,紧紧闭着沉默寡言clamor v. 吵闹,喧嚷(例)The representatives clamored their disapproval. 代表们吵嚷着不赞同clannish adj. 氏族的,部落的 2.排外的(记)来自c

21、lan 部落,氏族;党派cleave v.砍开,劈开;使分裂,使分开close the book v. 停止入账;了结,中止 cloud vt. 以云遮敝,玷污,使黯然 coercion n. 强迫,威胁压制,高压统治 collective consciousness n. 集体意识 color v. 渲染,文饰,歪曲(例)color the facts. 歪曲事实commitment n. 托付,委托;承诺,保证;义务,责任(例)Ive taken on too many commitments. 我承担的义务太多了。compartmentalize vt. 划分compatriot n.

22、同胞 compelling a. 强制的,强迫性的;令人注目的compensation n. 补偿,赔偿 工资,报酬 complacent adj. 自满的complementary adj. 补充的,互为补充的,相配的(例)complementary colors互补色complicated adj. 复杂的,难懂的,结构复杂的 compromise v. 妥协;危及,损害(例)Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 如此举动将会损害你的名誉。make compromise with与.妥协concede v. 让步,勉强承认,让与 con

23、ceivable a. 想得到的,可想像的,可能的confidentiality n. 秘密,机密;信任conformism n. 因循守旧,墨守成规 confound v. 使混淆,使惊慌失措;挫败(例)confound fiction and fact. 把事实与假设混为一谈picayune demands that all but confounded the peace talks.这些琐碎的要求只会使和平谈判受挫conjecture n. 猜测,揣摩(例)The rumor raised much conjecture. 谣言引起很多猜测。conjure v.念咒召唤(或驱赶);用魔

24、法影响;祈求(例)I conjure you not to betray me. 我恳求你不要背弃我。connive v. 默许,纵容;共谋,密谋 conscientious adj. 凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的(例)a conscientious piece of work凭良心做的工作consequence n. 结果,结局;重要性,价值(MOMENT) conservatism n. 保守主义 consign v. 把委托给(例)to consign money in a bank在银行存款 to consign goods by rail货物交铁路运送consternation n. 惊

25、恐,惊愕List 2 constitutional- fosterconstitutional a.素质上的,本质的 2.章程的,法规的,宪规的(例)a constitutional inability to tell the truth. 生来爱撒谎的毛病consummate v. 完成,实现;使完美(例)A dream that was consummated with the publication of her book.书的发表实现了她的梦想contemplate v. 沉思(例)The surgeon contemplated the difficult operation.外科医

26、生为这一棘手的手术苦思冥想。content adj. 满足的,满意的 contrivance n. 发明,发明的才能,想出的办法,conundrum n. 谜,难题,谜样的人convalescent adj. 病后康复的 cope vi. 竞争,对抗,克服(例)coping with child rearing and a full-time job. 一面抚养孩子一面做份全职工作costless adj. 不必花钱的,不需付出代价的coterminous adj. 有共同边界的,邻接的(记)co(共同)+ termi(边界)counselor n. 顾问 参赞,法律顾问 counterbal

27、ance v. 使平衡,抵消,补偿 counterpart n. 副本,对等的人或物(a thing that completes another)(例)The foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state.外交部长是和国务秘书对等的人counterpoise vt. 平均,平衡,使平衡(例)be in counterpoise保持平衡/均衡coup n.突然而巧妙的行动(计划,策略),成功之举(例)make a great coup极大成功, 一鸣惊人court v. 招致,引诱 (例)courts disaste

28、r by taking drugs. 因吸毒而招致灾祸courteous adj. 谦恭有礼的,殷勤的 critical adj. 危急的,严重的(例)a critical shortage of food. 严重短缺食物cult n. 膜拜,狂热,迷信(例)a cult figure崇拜偶像;cult films 风靡一时的电影curriculum n. 课程 cutting edge n. 刀锋,最前沿dastard n. 懦夫(=craven)decent adj. 象样的,得体的 高雅严肃的,正派的(例)a decent salary. 一份相当不错的薪水decentralize vt

29、. 使分散,排除集中,使地方分权(例)a decentralized state实施地方分权的国家deferential adj. 恭敬的,惯于顺从的 definitive adj. 决定性的,最后的,确定的(most reliable or complee)deluge n. 大洪水 demise n. 死亡(death)(例)Upon the demise of the dictator,a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.demonstration n. 游行示威,示威集会deplete v. 耗尽(to empty

30、of a principal substance)(例)We must wait until we deplete our present inventory before we order replacements.deprive vt. 剥夺,使丧失 deseam vt. 除去表面上之缺陷(记)seam 除了有缝合,焊接的意思,还有缝合后留下伤痕的意思。desperate adj. 绝望的,危急的,极严重的 极度的,极强烈的detachment n. 超然公正,不偏不倚 detrimental adj. 有害的,不利的 devastate v. 1.破坏,蹂躏 压倒,使垮掉 devoid(

31、of) adj. 毫无的,没有的 (例)a criminal utterly devoid of conscience丧近天良的罪犯A well devoid of water is useless. 无水的井没有用途。dichotomy n. 两分, 二分法, 分裂 (记)dicho(二)+tom(切割)dictate v. 规定,支配,命令 die hard v. 顽固的,死硬的differential adj. 有差别的,不同的 differentiate v. 区分 dim v. 使暗淡,使模糊,使失去光泽 disagreeable adj. 1.令人不快的,讨厌的 2.难相处的,脾气坏的 discipline n.学科 disclose v. 揭露,泄露,透露 discourse n. 1、论文 2、演讲 3、谈话 discourteous adj. 粗鲁

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