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1、口译资料口译资料高级口译推荐教材:1上海英语中级口译全真模拟考试 龚龙生 上海外语音像出版社 (制作与口译考试形式、难度相似,适合考前使用)2现代汉译英口译教程 吴冰 外语教学与研究出版社 34.90 元(目前未出磁带,不适合做考前备考资料,最多把一些相关词汇或表达法熟读即可)3现代汉译英口译教程练习册 吴冰 外语教学与研究出版社 23.90 元4通用口译教程 梅德明 北京大学出版社 (内容编撰较新,可以巩固基础知识)温馨提示:如果复习期间没有找到上述书本或材料,可以以手头所有的资料为蓝本,巩固基础,重点提高听力和口头语言表达能力即可。.临考小贴士:1遇到听不懂得词怎么办?翻译时,最怕遇到听不

2、懂的词克服这一障碍的唯一方法是应培养应变和预测能力当然,事先充分了解必要的背景材料和知识是十分重要的这样就能心中有数,知道讲话人要讲什么方面的内容在这个基础上进行翻译时,个别不会的词,根据上下文,根据对整个讲话精神的体会,也可以将全句内容表达出来,千万不能被一个词卡住,而不能将翻译继续下去如果翻译任务是不可提前知道的,(譬如考试中,就要在听到材料的几秒内把自己的注意力和精力全部转向此方面的平时准备和积累的知识上.)2如何在现场纠正翻译中的错误要快速和准确,难免发生错误漏译和误译 译错后,如果是小错,只要是不影响大局的,则不必纠正,可接着往下进行;如果译的内容出现了大的错误,则必须立即纠正,可以

3、明确地说: “刚才这点翻译错了.” 千万不能顾及自己的面子而造成损失;如果完全听漏了一句话,不要慌,最好的办法就是接着现在的话往下译,而不必考虑刚才漏听了什么,漏掉的话如同洒出去的水,是无法收回的有的人过分认真,总在想刚才漏掉了什么,这样一来,不但漏掉的话补不回来,而且会漏掉更多的话3 碰到发言人/磁带录音讲话速度过快怎么办?遇到这种情况时,一定要稳住,不能着急,要仔细分析整段的内容,紧紧抓住中心即可在理解的基础上用目的语准确清晰完整地传达原语信息4. 必须在影响同声传译质量的个重要因素上下功夫,它们是:()记忆的作用()预测()应变能力()储存能力()共时理解和共时表达理解原语信息应放在首位

4、,用目的语传达原语信息应放在末位所以,传译中,最关键的问题是把发言人讲话的意思清晰地准确无误地传达给观众,帮助双方的交流得以实现要等听清一个至多个意群后再做口译。短期记忆为同声传译提供可能性。比如:对于发言中出现的数字、术语、缩略语、专有名词等.尽量顺着原语语序,即一听到一个完整的意群,就马上将其译为目的语。若有疏漏,可视情况做适当补充或说明。在对可能出现的词或词组预测把握不足的情况下,可选用一些外延较广的中性词来组织句子结构,然后视具体情况将疏漏部分补全。如果预测与发言人讲话的意义发生冲突,译员不应停下正翻译到一半的句子,重新组织译句。 这里,唯一可取的办法就是可将话锋巧妙一转,补上讲话人的

5、原意。例如:“The lack of these preconditions was demonstrated only recently in a frightening manner by the shooting down of a civilian airliner.” 当译员听到“the lack of these preconditions,”他会预测这将是一个“没有就会”的结构(没有这些先决条件,就会导致的结果。但是,当译员说完“没有这些先决条件”,后面听到的讲话于他的预测完全不同。这时,他不应重新翻译原句,而应及时补上:“这种情况,表现在最近一架民航客机被击落了。这是一个骇人听

6、闻的事件。”此外,必须对不同国家的社会、文化和语言背景有一定的了解. 例如:中国人说:“诸位长途旅行后一定很劳累了。”以表示对客人的关心。可是,西方人不喜欢别人说自己看起来很疲倦。所以,在这种场合不必字字对译,可以用“I believe you had a real nice trip.” 这样的句子来表达讲话人的关切。当然,强调译员的应变能力在同声传译中的重要性并不意味着可以随意拼凑。译员应熟练掌握自己的工作语言(包括母语)。如果口译中不知道使用固定译法,而编造出另外的译法,会大大影响口译质量。例如:“明天我们将开一个吹风会。”“吹风会”的固定译法是“briefing”。如果译成“to bl

7、ow wind”或“to give information”,都会使听众迷惑不解。成功的口译必须清晰易懂。因此,在口译时要摆脱原语的形式而掌握发言人讲话的意义,然后用最自然、贴切的语言(目的语)将其传达给听众。例:“No nation can survive without peaceful environment. We maintain no situation is pertinent which does not take into count the legitimate wishes of the majority of people of any country.”如果字字对译,

8、译句将是:“没有国家的生存,没有和平的环境的话。我们认为没有情况是持久的,那种不考虑多数人民合法愿望的情况。”显然,这样的译句拗口难懂。若能够领会发言人的意思,用合乎中文语法的结构把原意表达出来,效果会理想得多:“任何国家要生存必须有一个和平的环境。5. 为避免遗忘,要尽量顺译,及时处理每一个意群。 对新生事物感兴趣并及时记住新闻新语的表达。 6. 平时的语言积累可以确保有扎实的双语能力,同时还要有较强的口头表达能力。要掌握百科知识,例如:旅游、政治、经济、文化、环境、卫生、战争、和平等。要培养良好的心理素质:起初经常会觉得“心发慌、嘴发紧”,可能会译得一塌糊涂,这主要是准备不充分造成的。更是

9、由于心理素质欠佳造成的。要能做到“处乱不惊,情绪稳定”否则会出现怯场现象,甚至大脑空白。因此,要有自信心,并做好充分准备。7. 考试时考生要自带纸张或笔记本及笔,准备做笔记使用。8考试时通常播放磁带录音,建议考前练习用录音机扬声练习以适应考试;9考口译时,听完录音,不要延误时间,不重复已答内容,尽量简洁答题,听懂多少回答多少;10应试阶段要重点练习带有数字的段落,数字能力为考察重点;高级口译考题分析:北京市高等教育自学考试口译课程试题及参考答案试题(一)汉译英:敬老院朋友们,欢迎你们到我们的敬老院来参观者。在你们参观之前,请允许我借此机会简单地介绍一下我们敬老院的情况。Friends, wel

10、come to our old folks/peoples home! Please allow me to take this opportunity to give you a briefing on the Home before I show you round. 我们这个敬老院是在1991年根据社会发展的需要而建立的。朋友们可能知道,中国老年人口一直以平均每年大约3%的速度增长。现在我市的老年人口就有156万。This old folks home was built in 1991 to meet the needs of the social development. As yo

11、u may know, Chinas elderly population has been increasing at an average annual growth rate of about 3%. Currently, the aged population in city has reached 1. 56 million.敬老院的建筑面积近1,000平方米,我们还有一个很大的活动中心,老年人不但可以在这里读书看报、打牌、下棋、打乒乓,还可以学书法和绘画,或者学一种乐器。The Home occupies a floor space of some 1,000 square met

12、ers. We have a large recreational center for the elderly to read newspapers and magazines, play cards, chess or ping pong. They may also take lessons in calligraphy and painting, or learn to play a musical instrument. 过去我们敬老院只收无子女的老人,现在有许多老人因为呆在家里太寂寞,也希望住到敬老院里来。因此,凡是交得起费用的,我们尽可能地接收。We used to accept

13、 only elderly people without children. Now that many senior citizens feel lonely staying at home all by themselves and want to come to live in our old folks home, we try to admit as many as possible those who can afford the expenses.不过目前我们的地方太小,想接收更多的老人心有余而力不足。好了,情况就介绍到这里,大家如果有什幺问题,我很乐意回答,谢谢!But the

14、 trouble is that the place is too small, so we are unable to accept as many as wed like to. Well, so much for the briefing. If you have any questions, Id be very glad to answer them. Thank you!英译汉:中美首脑互访Question:How do you comment on President Jiang Zemins visit to the United States and President Cl

15、intons visit to China?问:你如何评价江泽民主席对美国的访问和克林顿总统对中国的访问?Answer:I think the fact that our two president(s), the President of China and the President of the United States, have visited each others countries, eh, is indicative of the fact that our two countries are coming closer together and cooperating i

16、n a whole host of areas.答:我认为中国国家主席和美国总统(中美两国首脑)实现互访,这意味着两国的关系更加密切,各个方面都在进行合作。And I think that we Americans and Chinese citizens are very fortunate in that both our presidents like each other and they have a good close personal relationship.我认为中美两国人民都是幸运的,中美两国首脑彼此留下了良好的印象,他们建立了亲密了个人关系。Theyve met eac

17、h other many times over the past 6 years. Theyve come to know each other; they respect each other.过去六年来,他们多次会晤,他们彼此了解,相互尊重。They, eh they meet each other in an, in an attitude of mutual respect and mutual cooperation and I think thats very beneficial to the Chinese people and, and also to the America

18、n people and beneficial to the world at large.他们的会晤是抱着相互尊重、相互合作的态度,我认为这对中国人民、对美国人民、乃至全世界都是十分有利的。试题(二)汉译英:经济发展在过去的一年里,中国贯彻扩大内需的方针,经济得到稳步发展,人民生活水平得到显着提高。Last year, China implemented the policy of enlarging domestic demand, which led to a steady economic development and a significant improvement in the

19、 quality of the peoples life.初步统计显示,国内生产总值为8万9千4百多亿元,比上年增长8Preliminary statistics show that the GDP was over 8, 940 billion yuan, an increase of 8 percent over the previous year.到2000年底,中国人均国内生产总值达到800美元,创历史最高纪录。数字化家电、汽车和电脑已经进入越来越多中国人的家庭。By the end of 2000, the per capita GDP in China came to a hist

20、orical high of US$800. Digital electric appliances, cars and computers have entered more and more Chinese homes.在物质生活进得到提高的同时,人民的文化生活也得到进一步的充实。他们用于文化活动、医疗健身的支出稳步增长,用于教育的支出大幅度提高。Along with the improvement of their material life, the cultural well-being of the Chinese people has also improved. Their s

21、pending on cultural activities, body-building and health care has grown steadily, while that on education has increased considerably.1998年以来,国家增加了公休假日。现在春节、五一、十一人们都有七天的长假,这使旅游市场一片火爆。Since 1998,the Government has increased the number of public holidays. People now have 7 days off during the Spring Fe

22、stival, May Day and National Day holidays, which has led to the boom of the tourism market.英译汉:中美首脑互访Question:Could you tell me what impression President Jiang Zemin gave you during his visit to the United States?问:你能谈谈江泽民主席访美时给你留下的印象吗?Answer.Well, President Jiangs visit to the United States was a g

23、reat success. It was also, its a success from the standpoint of view of the government, the government relations, but its also I think a great personal success.答:江主席对美国的访问取得了巨大的成功。这不仅从政府关系来说是成功,而且我认为,这也是江主席个人的重大成功。The American people saw the President of China Jiang Zemin and they liked him. They li

24、ke him because he had a smiling face and he portrayed himself as a friend of the American people. 美国人民看到了中国国家主席江泽民,他们对他表示欢迎。他们欢迎江主席,因为他面带微笑,因为他表明了自乙是美国人民的朋友。He, as the representative of the Chinese people, had a great understanding of the American people, and their history.他作为中国人民的代表,对美国人民,对他们的历史十分了

25、解。And I think he advanced the Sino-American relations a great deal by that visit. It was a very successful visit and the American people like the President of China and I think primarily because of that visit.我认为他通过这次访问,极大地推进了中美关系的发展。这是一次非常非常成功的访问,我认为美国人民之所以喜欢中国的中家主席,主要归功于这次访问。试题(三)汉译英:信息产业信息产业已成为中国

26、的主要支柱产业和出口大户。中国政府将大力推动信息技术的应用,促进经济和社会的发展。The information industry has become a major pillar industry and the top exporter of China. The Chinese government will make great efforts to push forward the application of information technology to boost economic and social development.统计数字表明,去年该行业制造部门的年产值达到

27、了1200亿美元,出口产量达到551亿美元。Statistics show that the annual output value of the industrys manufacturing sector topped US; 120 billion last year, when total exports reached US$55.1 billion. 中国的信息产业在未来5年里的年均增长率要达到20%,到2005年,其增加产值要占到国内生产总值的7%。Chinas information industry is set to work for an average annual g

28、rowth rate of 20 percent in the coming five years, with its value accounting for 7 percent of the countrys GDP by the year 2005.为了更好地发展我们的信息技术产业,我们要引进一个更加开放的竞争体制,创造一个有序的、法治的外部环境。To better cultivate our It industry, we will introduce a more-open competition system, creating an orderly and law-based e

29、xternal environment.作为发展中国家,中国的信息技术远远落后于许多发达国家。我们需要借鉴别国的经验,同时也要顾及我们自己的具体情况。As a developing country, China is lagged far behind many developed countries in information technology. We should draw upon experience from other countries while considering our own specific conditions.Did you have a chance t

30、o meet President Jinag Zemin when he paid his official visit to the United States?问:江泽民主席正式访问美国时,你见过他吗?Answer:Yes, in fact when he was in Washington for the official visit, I was able to attend the luncheon in his honor. That was hosted by Vice President Gore and I ended up by sitting very close to

31、the President.答:见过的,江主席在华盛顿进行正式访问时,我参加了欢迎他的午宴。那是副总统戈尔为他举行的宴会,我坐的位置离江主席很近。And much to my surprise he speaks quite good English and so we were able to have a, a very brief but pleasant conversation. 令我感到十分惊讶的是,他能讲一口很好的英语,因此我们进行了简短而愉快的交谈。I actually was, I guess like a lot of Americans, expecting someon

32、e much more formal and stiff, but he came across as very humane, with a sense of humor, which Americans particularly appreciate.我想实际上我同许多美国一样,原以为见到的中国领导人会比较拘谨正式,但他却表现得颇有人情味,并具有幽默感,这是美中人特别欣赏的。And I think that help them to get to know him and to relax with him and feel that they could trust him.我认为这有利于美国人了解,与他轻松相处,并感到能够信任他。试题(四)汉译英:大学女士们、先生们,欢迎你们到我们学校来!很高兴今天由我带大家参观我们学校,大家有什么问题,我可以为您解答。Ladies and gentlemen, w

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