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1、刑事公开审判制度摘 要审判公开这一原则起源于资产阶级革命时期,是针对封建主义的司法专横、秘密审判和法官擅断而提出来的旨在保障人权的一项重要思想。在现代诉讼中,公开审判作为一项重要制度,己为法治国家所普遍遵循。我国亦在宪法、诉讼法等法律中将公开审判确认为一项重要法律制度。尽管如此,当前在我国对于公开审判制度的理论研究仍然不够深入,实践中对这一制度的贯彻落实也存在着一些问题。本文主要从刑事诉讼角度,对我国刑事公开审判制度中所存在的某些理论及实践问题进行探讨。刑事公开审判制度作为一项重要的诉讼制度,能够得到世界各国的普遍重视并得以贯彻,具有历史的必然性,是人类社会实践,特别是诉讼实践发展的必然要求。






7、要加强在判决中对判决理由的论证,也即加强判决说理,做到判理公开。三是在公开的形式方面,要增加对庭审电视直播的限制,与此同时还要积极探索其他公开形式,尝试网络公开审判。关键词:刑事诉讼, 审判制度,公开审判AbstractThe principle of opentrial originated from bourgeoisre volution was an important thinking directed against the judicial arbitrary, secret trial and judges monopolizing power of feudalism in

8、order to guarantee human rights.In modern lawsuit,opentrial as an important system has been followed by all countries which are governed by our country in the constitution,procedural law and other relevant laws, open trial is also affirmed as an important system. This not with standing, at present i

9、n our country the theoretical study of open trial system is not in a deep-going way, and in practice there are some problems during the implementation of the open trail system. In the paper some theoretical and practical problems concerning the penal open trial system in our country are discussed.Th

10、e penalopent rialsy stem asa ni mportantli tigations ystem hasb eenwell received and implemented by all countries in the world, and this is the inevitable trend of the history,the inexorabler equirement of social practice of mankind and especially the development of litigation practice.In the first

11、part of the paper,the theoretical foundation and value of the system are approached. From the angle of theory of democratic administration of a country, the development of democratic politics requires the penal open trial system. From the angle of human rights theory, to ensure the right of beingin

12、th ek nowo fci tizenth ep enalop entr ialsy stem isd omt he angle of the theory of procedural law, firstly the aim of modem penal trial requires that the penal trial should be open, secondly the openness of penal trialis the basic standard and requirement,thirdly the implementation of a lot of trial

13、 principles require the penal open trial system. The design and application of any system should take the realization of certain value as their basic point and end-result, and the penal open trial system is no values (such as fair, order, efficiency, etc.) which should be realized by IV thepenal tri

14、al are exactly the values which are pursued by the penal open trial system. The penal open trial system is closely related to fair, and the concrete expressions of their relation are as follows: the penal open trial system is helpful to promote the equality between the accusant and the accused; the

15、penal open trial system is helpful to ensure the sufficient participation in the trial a tivities of parties in action,the penal open trial system is helpful to the supervision of the public to the trial activities. For the value of order, from one side the penal open trial system is needed to safeg

16、uard the social order by means of penal trial, and from another side the penal open trial system is alsoneeded to safeguard the order of penal trial itself. In penal trial, the fair and efficiency often clash with each other, but the clash is not irreconcilable, and the penal open trial system can p

17、lay an important role in the equilibrium between fair and is because that throug hits openly designing of program,not only the realization of the value of penal trials efficiency can be promoted,but also the happening of the damage of trial fair due to blindly pursue an excessively high efficiency c

18、an be prevented.Since the establishment of penal open trial system in the eighteenth century, it has fully developed and become mature. Especially the legislation of the penal open trial system by a lot of foreign countries possesses very important referential significance for our country to impleme

19、nt the penal open trial system.In the second part of the paper,the general situation of legislation concerning the penal open trial system in foreign countries is introduced the investigation of open trial documents of the United Nations and the legislation concerning the penal open trial system of

20、Britain,USA, France, Germany, Japan, etc. The characteristics which should be possessed by modern penal open trial system include the following four aspects: The objects of the trial should open to both the parties in vaction and the society and none of them can be neglected. The contents of the ope

21、nness of trial should include bothThe openness of the trial process and the openness of trial results. The form of the process and result of the trial conductedby the lawcourts hould open to the parties in action and the society by means of as pecial forms,the direct open form and the indirect open

22、direct open form includes two situations,namely,direct open to the parties in action and direct open to the indirect open means the public can directly understand the situation of trial of the law case though the press interview and news report. The exceptional the socialse curity or the basic human

23、 rights of citizens will be harmed because of open trial,the law case should not be trailed openly.We investigated the legislationc on cerning the penal open trial system of foreign countries, summed up the characteristics of modem penal open trial systems, and contrasted the present situation of th

24、e penal open trial system in our country with that in foreign countries. After we carried out the above mentioned works, it was found that although the penal open trial system has been established in our country, some problems exist. Therefore in the third part of the paper the existing problems of

25、the penal open trial system of our country are discussed emphatically:the problems that happened during the trial example,in the preparative course of law court trial the evidences are not fully opened to the accused,the cases that can be tried by simple and easy judicial proceduresare not fully ope

26、ned, the discussion of the case by judicial commitee is not opened, the number of cases tried by retrial is too small, the procedures of Supreme Peoples Court review of cases in which death sentences have been passed by lower courts are not fully opened,etc. The problems that exist in the open of tr

27、ial strikingvi example is the not-public of the reason of court decision due to the insufficient proof of court decision reason.The problems that exist in the form of main problem is the excessive restrictions on the live telecast of court trial and the networklive telecast remains to be explored.In

28、 view of above mentioned problems that exist in the penal open trial system of our country, in the fourth part of the paper the measures forimprovement and perfecting are presented: The penal open trial system of our country should follow certain principles,such as the principle of litigationle gali

29、ty,the principle of litigation participation and the principle of litigation economy. The concrete measures of improvement and perfecting a representedFirstly during the opening of trial process,the system of evidence demonstration at the law court should be established, the openness of simple and e

30、asy judicial procedures should be strengthened, the judicial committee should be disbanded, hearing in private session for cases tried by retrial should be abolished and the openness of the procedures of review of cases in which death sentences have been passed勿lower courts should be enhanced.Second

31、ly during the opening of trial result,the demonstration of thereason of court decision should be strengthened, that is to say, the argumentation of court decision should be strengthened and the reason ofcourt decision should be opened.Thirdly for the form of the openness,the restrictions on the live

32、telecast of court trial should be added, and at the same time other forms of publicityShould also be explored actively,and network open trial should be tried.keywords: criminal law; suit trial; open trial1 序言公开审判是现代诉讼制度的重要表征,它是在资产阶级革命时期作为封建司法擅断和秘密审判的对立物而出现的。在近代资产阶级革命中,审判公开与审判独立被置于相同的地位而得到倡导和推崇。现今,公开审判作为世界各国普遍认可的一项诉讼制度,在各国的宪法、刑事诉讼法中都有体现。在英美法系国家,如美国、英国,庭审公开进行,而且允许新闻媒体采访。关于法庭内摄影、摄像和庭审直播问题,在美国,法庭规则规定:法庭不允许在诉讼进行期间在或在法庭进行无线电广播。然而,在许多州,是否允许在法庭内摄像是由审判法官自由裁量决定的。另外,在美国和英国,法律还规定了公开审判的例外情形,这主要是出于保护未成年人的需要,保守国家秘密的需要以及保护公共利益和善良风俗的需要。在大陆法系国家,如法国,无论重罪法庭、轻罪法庭和违警罪法庭在审理所有刑事案件时都应遵循公开审判这一重要制度,对案件实质所作的判决,一律公开宣

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