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本文(届云南普洱思茅三中初三下期学业水平测试模拟考试二英语卷含答案及解析.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届云南普洱思茅三中初三下期学业水平测试模拟考试二英语卷含答案及解析2019届云南普洱思茅三中初三下期学业水平测试模拟考试(二)英语卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六总分得分一、单项填空1. Han Li is _ amazing singer. He got the first prize of I AM A SINGER . A. a_ B. an_ C. the_ D. / 2. Yesterday I lost my pencil box . I couldnt find _ . Oh, its a pity . Youd better buy_ this afte

2、rnoon. A. it ,it _ B. it ,one C. one , it_ D. one ,one 3. May I speak to Robert? _ . A. Im Robert _ B. Speaking, please C. Its 78345190 D.He is Robert 4. Jenny ,whats your favorite _ ? I like bananas best . A. vegetable_ B. fruit_ C. meat_ D. Drink 5. When the traffic lights are red , people_ go ahe

3、ad. A. can not B. mustnt C. shouldnt_ D. neednt 6. The food safety has become one of the_ problems in our daily life. A. more expensive_ B. more important C. most expensive_ D. most important 7. _ ? Yes, please. I want a sweater. A. How much_ B. Can I help you C. Excuse me_ D. What will you take 8.

4、Would you mind closing the window? Its too noisy outside. _. Ill do it right now. A. No way _ B . Of course C . Pretty good D . Not at all 9. Sam and Henry play football very well. We hope of them can join our team. A. all_ B. both_ C. every_ D. Neither 10. Granny Li, lets help you to carry the heav

5、y bag! _. A . Im fine, thanks B . Its very kind of you C . Sure, Id love to D . Im glad to hear that 11. The school has eight_ students, and_ of them are boys. A. hundreds; two thirds_ B. hundred; two thirds C. hundreds; two third_ D. hundred; two third 12. Why not _ your teacher for help when you c

6、ant finish _ the story by yourself. A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; to write2 13. My mother has been to Kunming before. _ . Its a good place . A. so have I _ B. so I have C. neither have I_ D. neither I have 14. _ wonderfully Yang Liping dances! A. What B. what a_ C. H

7、ow_ D. How a 15. Excuse me, Could you tell me_ ? A. where I can buy stamps B. where can I buy stamps C. where I could buy stamps D. where could I buy stamps 二、完形填空16. 完形填空。 Do you feel worried in front of teachers? And If you do, what would you do if you need help from a teacher? The students in Cla

8、ss 4, Senior 2 at the High School in Shanghai are happy that they have a new way to _ their problems with teachers. They talk with their teachers and _ for help from QQ. A young class teacher, Miss Jin is the QQ_ of students in her class. “Many students are too _ to talk with us teachers face to fac

9、e. This can _ them solve their problems easily . So I hope online chats will _ them relaxed,” she said. “Whats more, its _ and convenient(方便的)for me to communicate with students as a math teacher ,Its also a good _to help students who in trouble. As students , they dont have to give their real names

10、, Miss Jin would not know _ he is. The relationship(关系) between teachers and students become _. Its another way to know our teachers and ourselves better. 1. A. write down B. deal with C. look for_ D. think of 2. A. get _ B. prefer _ C. ask _ D. advise 3. A. teacher B. person _ C. girl _ D. friend 4

11、. A. shy _ B. excited_ C. unhappy D. bad 5. A. stop _ B. let _ C. miss D. help 6. A. expect _ B. make _ C. agree D. teach 7. A. angry _ B. interesting C. popular_ D. known 8.A. tastes _ B. way _ C. ages _ D. problems 9. A. who _ B. what _ C. how _ D. where 10.A. close _ B. closer _ C. closing D. clo

12、ses 三、阅读理解17. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。对的在括号内填“T”,错的填“F” I had many teachers that I loved. Mrs. Green was one of them. She was my fifth grade teacher. Because I was a new student in her class, she made my time there more pleasant. I began to like her at once. She was really funny and I knew that she liked m

13、e. She made us learning fun. She taught us how to make toys. My parents still have some of the toys I made. She made me become the leader for many group activities and that made me feel happy . I think that would make many children feel special, especially a child in a new place with no friends. In

14、fact, she tried to make every student feel that they are really good . That year, I received a special prize. I was really proud and so were my parents. When I looked back, I think I did so well mainly because I felt important. Students do better when they feel that they are important or loved. Mrs.

15、 Green always gets to know her students and make friends with them. I will try to be like her some day. I just hope that there will be a student who finds me to be their favorite teacher, just as I found her to be mine. 1. Mrs. Green was the only teacher that the writer loved. 2. Mrs. Greens way of

16、teaching was fun. 3. My parents were proud of me because I was given a special prize. 4. Mrs. Green didnt like making friends with her students. 5.The writer is going to be a teacher in the future. 18. 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出正确答案,填在相应的位置上。 Many people think heroes need to be handsome, rich, or

17、 very smart. But as for me, a hero is a person who always helps others. My hero is Uncle Bill. He is the oldest son of a worker, and he grew up in a poor family with four younger brothers and two little sisters. He was good at neither writing nor math. In fact, he never did well in school. so he had

18、 to give up school at a very young age. He worked and gave all his money to help his parents. When he was getting older, he found that he was very interested in fixing things. he collected broken things which people threw away and fixed them into good ones. He could fix almost everything that did no

19、t work. He worked hard never gave up. Finally, he opened his own repair shop. It took him about 20 years to become a successful shopkeeper(店主)。 Now, he is very rich and has four shops. But he never forgets the days when he had nothing. He gives money to poor families, helps poor kids buy books and o

20、ffers them free lunch. He also encourages people to reuse things. He always says :Make good use of what you have because we just have one earth. I am proud of Uncle Bill. He is really a hero. 1.How many people were there in Uncle Bills family when he was a child A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10 2.What does Uncl

21、e Bills father do? A. He is a shopkeeper_ B. He is a worker C. He is a math teacher. D. He is a farmer. 3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Uncle Bill has worked hard and finally owns six repair shops B. With the help of his parent, Uncle Bill became successful. C. Uncle Bi

22、ll was interested in writing books about fixing things. D. When he was young, he had to work to help support the family. 4.Why does the writer think Uncle Bill is a hero ? A. He is rich and smart. B. He is successful shopkeeper. C. He always tries his best to help others. D. He is good at fixing bro

23、ken things. 5.Whats the best title(标题)for this passage? A. Uncle Bill My Hero. B. I want to have an uncle. C. Save Our Earth. D. Can you help me? 19. In todays society , every day we may face some kinds of stress and difficulties from work、school or family. They can influence both our bodies and our

24、 minds. So learning how to deal with stress is very important for keeping healthy. Well, how do we reduce stress. In my opinion , the best ways are exercise and to make contact with nature(亲近自然). For example, we dont have to go to a gym or spend much money on exercise fact, walking or riding to work

25、 are all suitable for exercise. The second way of dealing with stress to make contact with nature. You can take many ways, including walking in the forests ,hiking in the mountains or walking in the garden is very great and if you can make contact with her, you can enjoy the smell and the sight(风景)

26、of green plants and then let us feel delighted. Some of these activities can let you get exercise, but also you can enjoy the beauty of your garden every day. So, take my advice and start now, if you meet some kinds of pressure in your work or study. Good luck! 1.Which is NOT true according the pass

27、age? A. Stress comes from school and family B. Stress is only bad for our bodies. C. Reducing(减少) stress is very important for us . D. Making contact with nature is one of the best ways of reducing stress. 2.If you want to exercise you dont have to _ . A. do housework B. walk C. go to a gym D. ride

28、a bike 3.Which way of making contact with nature is not mentioned according to the passage ? A. Walking in the forests. B. Hanging out in the park C. Climbing up the mountains. D. Doing something in the garden. 4.The underlined word “ delighted ” means _ . A. happy B. excited C. nervous D. energetic 5.Walking in your garden makes you _. A. get exercise B. contact with nature C. neither get exercise nor contact with nature D. both get exercise and contact with nature 四、其他题20. 根据短文内容,选出能填入空白的最佳选项.其中有两项是多余的。 Life is fille

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