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1、英语2翻译拿分璀璨一击教学教材英语2翻译拿分璀璨一击英语2翻译大法俞老师倾力推荐把看懂的英语意思用像中文的中文表达出来!修饰成分看不懂?去掉或笼统化翻译主干有词(主谓宾)看不懂?结合上下文编完整至少做到:一段中文读下来是通顺完整的留空不如狗带!部分意思漏掉/略偏,so what ?! 答题时间:最多20分钟 做题步骤:1. 先通读全文,一定要知道topic, 主题知道后,基本意味着翻译能拿及格分了;编也有方向了。2. 逐句翻译,不纠结不认识的词;但一定结合上下文来编通顺即可。3. 通读译文,一定保证中文段落像个人话。只要主题每篇,中文通顺,一定及格。句子翻译的步骤1.以找句子主干为目的的阅读

2、主语+谓语+宾语, 找谓语,判主干2.边读边断句,边读边简化(修饰成分) 先翻主干,后翻修饰成分(腹稿,草稿)学会放弃与编造 3. 按照汉语的表达习惯,按照合理的顺序把意思写出来要求:会翻的,要通顺;不会的,编合理。 需断句/简化的句子成分:前提是长的句子结构,或不易理解的。所有的后置修饰成分定语从句、分词短语、介词短语、同位语、插入语等逻辑关系词,连词处断句读,逗号处断句主语从句 宾语从句 把从句看成整体A 一:先简化 使用“圈点勾画”让成分清晰起来 / _ () But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more pr

3、ofoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. 但是记者必须比普通人更为深刻理解法律的这个观念是建立在对新闻媒体的既定惯例和特殊责任的基础上的。Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium t

4、echnology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place. 皮尔森汇集了全世界成百上千名研究人员的工作成果,制作出了一个科技千年日历,这个日历给出了我们能够期待上千项关键突破和发现的最晚日期。2015Think about driving a route thats very familiar. It could be your commute to work, a trip into town or

5、the way home. Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. On these sorts of trips its easy to lose concentration on the driving and pay little attention to the passing scenery. The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has.

6、 This is the well-travelled road effect: people tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route. The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention. When we travel down a well-known route, because we dont have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly. And afterw

7、ards, when we come to think back on it, we cant remember the journey well because we didnt pay much attention to it. So we assume it was shorter.第一步:在讲什么?人对熟悉的路线不大重视,所以会觉得所花的时间会比实际时间短。(这点没偏,基本就能及格了)第二步: Think about driving a route thats very familiar.想象一条非常熟悉的开车路线吧。Route? ,trip, journey It could be

8、your commute to work, a trip into town or the way home.它可以是你去上班的路线,去城镇的路线或是回家的路线。 Commute? 反正我是不认识 Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. 无论哪条了,你知道(路上的)每个弯道每个转向,就像你对自己的手背一样熟悉。 Like the back of your hand: 很熟悉,了如指掌 On these sorts of trips its easy to lose concentrat

9、ion on the driving and pay little attention to the passing scenery.在这样的旅途当中,你很容易开车注意力不集中,对经过的景色不怎么在意。 Scernery? 经过的事物 The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has.后果是,你觉得这样的旅途所花费的时间比实际所用的要少。Perceive? Underestimate, assume, 不管怎么样:都是人的想法(认为) This is the w

10、ell-travelled road effect: people tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route.这就是熟路效应: 人们倾向于低估对他们走熟悉的路线所花费的时间。Underestimate? 人们往往误以为走熟悉的路线时间比实际所用的要少。 The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention. 这个效应是由我们分配注意力的方式造成的。 Allocate ? 这个效应和我们的注意力相关。 When we travel down a

11、 well-known route, because we dont have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly. 当走在一条熟悉的路线上时,因为我们不需要关注太多,时间似乎就过得更快。流的更快. And afterwards, when we come to think back on it, we cant remember the journey well because we didnt pay much attention to it. 而之后,当我们回想起来的时候,我们不大记清这个旅途,因为当时我们就没有多么在

12、意 So we assume it was shorter.因此,我们会把这条路线想的更短。 Assume? 不管怎么样:都是人的想法(认为)2014 Most people would define optimism as being eternally hopeful, endlessly happy, with a glass thats perpetually half full. But thats exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldnt recommend. “Health

13、y optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels

14、 down say, after giving a bad lecture he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what do

15、esnt. Finally, theres perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesnt matter. Most people would define optimism as being eternally hopeful, endlessly happy, with a glass thats perpetually half full. 主干: people define A as B-大多数人把乐观定义成充满希望的,一直幸福的W

16、ith 部分:一个半满着的杯子? 像是一个半满着的杯子?eeternally? Perpetually? 应该都和endlessly 差不多吧?大多数人把乐观定义成一直充满希望的和幸福的,半杯水摆在面前,始终觉得杯子里有一半是满的而不是杯子里有一半是空的。 Glass half full or half empty 是英语里常见的一个典故 . 半杯水摆在面前,你看到的是什么?如果你的第一反应是the glass is half full (杯子里有一半是满的),说明你注重积极的一面,是乐观主义者,如果你的第一反应是the glass is half empty (杯子里有一半是空的),说明你注

17、重消极的一面,是个悲观主义者. But thats exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldnt recommend. 主干: thats the kind of false cheerfulness -但这正是错误的喜悦 定从:积极的心理学家不会推荐的组合: 但这正是积极的心理学家不会推荐的那种错误的喜悦 “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professo

18、r. 主干:optimism means being in touch with reality-健康的乐观意味着要接触(面对)现实哈佛大学教授泰本沙哈说 According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.主干:optimists are those 乐观主义者是这样的人 定从:who make the best of things tha

19、t happen 最好地利用现在发生的事情的人 But not those who believe everything happens for the best 而不是那些相信事情会往最好的一面发生的人 根据本沙哈的说法,真正的乐观主义者是最好地利用现在发生的事情的人,而不是那些相信事情会往最好的一面发生的人 Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. 主干个P! 本沙哈使用了练习乐观的3个步骤。 When he feels down say, after giving a bad lecture he grants himself permiss

20、ion to be human. 当他心情低落的时候(比如做了一次糟糕的演讲),他会告诉自己也是普通人,难免有做得不好的时候。Grant sb. permission: 给予许可 He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. 他提醒自己不是每个演讲都是获得诺贝尔奖者(的发言那样),有一些讲座会比其他讲座效果差。 Next is reconstruction. 接下来是:重建 He analyzes the weak lecture

21、, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesnt. 主干:他会分析不好的演讲后面呢?学到课 为未来 关于什么有用什么没用说人话:了解哪些是有用的,哪些是没用的,这对未来有益他会分析这次失败的演讲,哪些地方可取,哪些不可取,为将来的演讲积累经验。 Finally, theres perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesnt matter.最后,_, d 要承

22、认在人生的宏大蓝图中,一次演讲没什么 最后,用这样的角度来看问题:要知道在人生的宏大蓝图中,一次演讲没什么 2012When people in developing countries worry about migration, they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley orto hospitals and universities in the developed world. These are the kindof workers

23、that countries like Britain, Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countriesare particularly likely to emigrate. Abigsurvey of Indian households in 2004found that nearly 40%

24、 of emigrants had more than a high-schooleducation, compared with around 3.3% of all Indians over the age of 25. This “braindrain” has long bothered policymakers in poor countries. They fear that it hurtstheir economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could havetaught at their uni

25、versities, worked in their hospitals and come up with clever newproducts for their factories to make. When people in developing countries worry about migration,发展中国家的人担心移民问题的时候, they are usually concerned at the prospect of the best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and unive

26、rsities in the developed world .他们通常担忧的是这样前景(局面)最好的和最优秀的人才到了硅谷或是发达国家的医院或是大学。These are the kind of workers that countries like Britian ,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates .主干:他们是那样的工人 定从:像英国,加拿大,澳大利亚试图去吸引的, 通过使用移民政策(定从:给予大学生特权的)推荐:他们是那些像英国,

27、加拿大,澳大利亚这样的国家试图通过移民政策新引来的人才 通过给予大学生毕业优待的移民政策吸引来的人才 Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate .大量的研究发现:来自发展中国家受过良好教育的人特别有可能移民。 A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearly 40%of emigrants had more than a high-scho

28、ol education,compared with around 3.3%of all Indians over the age of 25. 在2004年对印度(家庭)的一项大规模调查发现 :接近有40的移民接受过高中以上的教育,而印度25岁以上接受过高中以上教育的人只占3.3% 左右。 This brain drain has long bothered policymakers in poor countries . 人才流失一直长期困扰着贫困国家的决策者们。这样的问题需要贫困国家的决策者们?。 They fear that it hurts their economies ,depr

29、iving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught at their universities ,worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factories to make .他们担心这样的现象伤害到了他们国家的经济,剥夺了(流失了)很多他们非常需要的熟练人才,这些人才本可以在他们国家的大学里任教,在他们国家的医院里工作,开发新的产品让他们国家的工厂去制造。 2013I can pick a date from t

30、he past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the day of the week. Ive been able to do this since I was four.I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information my brain absorbs. My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly. Whe

31、n I think of a sad memory, I do what everyone doestry to put it to one side. I dont think its harder for me just because my memory is clearer. Powerful memory doesnt make my emotions any more acute or vivid. I can recall the day my grandfather died and the sadness I felt when we went to the hospital the day before. I also remember that the musical play Hair opened on the Broadway on the same daythey both just pop into my mind in the same way. I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the

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