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1、最新整理外贸英语口语情景对话外贸英语口语情景对话 中国国际地位的迅速提升,对外交流的日益频繁,在这一大背景下,许多成年人把使用英语作为日常用语,今天小编就给大家分享一下外贸英语,要好好学习哦 建立贸易 J:Good morning. My name is John. Im from Japan. Here is my business card. 约翰:早上好。我是约輸,来自日本。这 是我的名片。 W: Good morning. My name is Wang. Take a seat, please. 王:早上好。我姓王。请坐吧。 J: Thank you. Im here because

2、 I admire your companys fame. Your leather shoes have a very high reputation. So, Im thinking to establish trade relations with you. 约翰:谢谢。我到贵公司是慕名而来。你 们的皮鞋享有很高的声誉。所以我 想和你们建立贸易关系。 W: We are willing to cooperate with you. Our products are of high quality and each product is through strict inspection.

3、 Would you like to see our catalogue and samples first? 王:我们很愿意和你们合作。我们的产品确实有很好的质量,并且每一个产品都是经过严格检验的。你要先 看一下我们的产品目录和样本吗? J: OK. Thank you. Your shoes all seem very beautiful. 约翰:好的,谢谢。你们的鞋看起来都很漂亮。 W: Of course. Each of our products is elaborate, and they are not only beautiful in design, but also dur

4、able in use. 王:那是当然。我们的每一个产品都是 我们精心设计的,他们不仅漂亮而 且还经久耐用。 J: Thats great. If the price is reasonable, Id like to buy some for trial in our market. But I have to consult my manager. Can we discuss the details of purchase tomorrow? 约翰:太好了。如果价钱也合理,我想买 一些在我们的市场上试卖。但是我 必须咨询一下经理。我们能明天详 细讨论一下购买的细节吗? W: Sure.

5、See you. 王:没问题。再见。 J:See you. 约輸:再见。 T: Hello, Im Tom. Here is my card. 你好,我是汤姆。这是我的名片。 L: Hello, Im Lin Yang, the sales manager. What can I do for you? 你好,我是林洋,销售部经理。我能为你做点什么吗? T: We are interested in your products, and hoping to develop direct contact with you. We believe this will be of great ben

6、efits to both of us. 我们对你的产品很感兴趣,想和你们建立 直接的联系。我们相信这会对我们双方都 有好处。 L: We are looking forward to trading with people in any country on the basis of equity and mutual benefit, and our foreign trade is expanding every year. Im glad to do what I can do for you. 我们很期望与任何一个国家的人民在平等互 利的基础上建立贸易关系,我们的对外贸易 每年都在不

7、断扩大。我会很高兴尽力为你做 些事情的。 T: Thats great. We are willing to exchange with you what we have for what we need.I hear your company mainly handles foodstuff. Is that right? 太好了,我们想和你们互通有无。听说你们 公司主要经营食品,是吗? L: Yes, thats right. 是的。 T: Can you give me an introduction of your company and your product? 你能介绍一下你们公

8、司和你们的产品吗? L:Sure. Our company is a joint-venture. Many of our advanced equipments are imported from Germany. Our raw materials all come from regular channels, and our products all pass strict inspection, so they are both tasty and safe. 当然。我们公司是一个合资企业。许多先进 的设备都是从德国进的。我们的原料都来 自于正规渠道,产品都要经过严格检验。因 此我们的

9、产品既美味又安全。 Well,I believe they must be supreme in quality. With the communication between our countries becomes increasingly close, I think we need your product. Can I place an order of 100 tons for your products? 哦,那我想你们的产品质量一定都很好。我 们两国之间的交流日益密切,我想我们需要 你的产品。我可以订购100吨的产品? We can easily supply that. I

10、f our transaction goes smoothly, we can give you a discount. 我们很容易能供应那些。如果我们的交易顺 利的话,我还可以给你们一个折扣。 Thank you. Ill come this afternoon to sign a contract. 谢谢了。我会今天下午来签一个合同。 Thats good. See you in the afternoon. 好的。下午见。 See you. 再见。 迎接外商 Mr. Smith, an American business man, arrived at an Baiyun airport

11、. He walked to Ms. Wang Yang and Mr. Yuan Jiang who are from Guangdong Textiles Import and Export Corporation, after seeing his name on board they held 美国商人史密斯先生到达白云机 场。当看到来自广东纺织品进出 公司的王阳小姐和袁江先生手 里举着写有自己名字的牌子后, 向他们走去。 W: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America? 王阳:请问,你是来自美国的史密斯先 生吗? S: Yes, its me

12、. 史密斯:是的,就是我。 W: Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith. Im Wang Yang from Guangdong.Textile Import and Export Corporation,and this is Mr. Yuan Jiang, the region manager of our corporation. We are here to meet you. 王阳:很高兴见到你,史密斯先生。我 是来自广东纺织品进出公司的王阳,这位是袁江先生,我们公 司的地区经理。我们是到这里来 迎接你的。 S: Thank you. Nice to meet yo

13、u, too. 史密斯:谢谢。我也很高兴见到你们。 W: You are welcome. Thats what we should do. Is this your first time to come to China? 王阳:不用客气,这是我们应该做的。这是你第一次到中国来吗? S: No, Ive been here some years ago. But Im really impressed by what a great change has been made in China these years. 史密斯:不是,几年前我来过一次,但是我真的被中国这几年的巨大变化深深 吸引

14、了。 W: Thank you for saying that, but we do make great progress every year, and I hope we can cooperate happily. 王阳:谢谢你能那样说,但是我们真的 每年都在发展着,希望这次我们 合作愉快。 S: So do I. 史密斯:我也很希望。 W: Are these all your luggage? 王阳:这是你所有的行李吗? S: Yes, a travelling bag and a briefcase.Thats all that I bring. 史密斯:是的,一个旅行包和一个公

15、文包,这是我所胡的行李。 Y: Let me take this bag for you. 王阳:让我帮你拿这个包吧。 S: Oh, thank you. 史密斯:哦,谢谢。 W: Mr. Smith, did you have a good journey? 王阳:史密斯先生,你的旅途愉快吗? S: Very well, thank you. 史密斯:还不错,谢谢。 W: This way, please. 王阳:请这边走。 S: OK. 史密斯:好的。 At the reception desk of the Hotel 在宾馆接待台前 A: Good afternoon. What ca

16、n I do for you? 下午好。请问我能为你们做点什么? W: Good afternoon. Ive booked a room for my client, Mr Smith, from America. 你好,我为来自美国的史密斯先生预订了一 个房间。 A: Let me see. Oh, yes. Its Room 1102,on the eleventh floor. Welcome to our hotel, Mr.Smith. 让我看一下。哦,是的,是1102房间,在11楼。史密斯先生,欢迎入住我们宾馆。 S: Thank you. 谢谢。 A: Mr. Smith, h

17、ere is the guest registration form. Please fill it up. And will you give me your passport? 史密斯先生,这是我们的客人登记表,请填一下。另外,能给我你的护照吗? S: Sure, (after finishing the form) Here you are. Is It all right? 当然。(填好表格后)给你,这样好了吗? A: Well, let me have a look. Thats right. Here are your passport and the key to your ro

18、om, Mr. Smith. Please call us if you need anything else. 我看一下,是的,这样就好了。这是你的护照和房间钥匙,史密斯先生。如果你另外需要什么,请给我们打电话。 S: Yes,I will. Thank you. 好的,我会的。谢谢。 A: You are welcome. Now Ill lead you into your room. This way, please. (In the front of the room) Here you are. May you have a good time here. Goodbye. 不客气

19、。现茌我带领你们去你的房间。请这 边走。(在房间门前)到了,祝你在这里过 得愉快,再见。 S: Bye-bye.Ah,what a good room!(Towards Wang Yang and Yuan Jiang) Thank you very much for your consideration and arrangements. 再见。啊,多好的房间(转向王阳和袁江)非常感谢你们的照顾和安排。 W: Dont mention it. Well, you should have a good rest today and we can discuss our business tom

20、orrow. 客气。好了,你今天应该好好休息一下,明天我们再讨论我们的业务。 S: Thats good. What time shall we meet tomorrow morning. 好的,明天我们什么时候见呢? Y: How about 9:00 oclock? 9点怎么样? S: OK. See you then. 好的,那会儿见。 W: See you. 再见。 Sending Proforma Invoice 寄形式发票 1)We thank you for your inquiry of . and have pleasure in enclosing our Proform

21、a Invoice No. . As soon as you have handed in your application for import license, please send us a copy for reference. 感激你方的.月.日询盘。现附上我方形式发票第.号。一俟你方交上进口许可证申请,请即寄我方复制件一份,以供参考。 2)Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No. . for. 附上我方.形式发票第.号,请查收。 3)We are pleased to send you our Proforma Invoice No. . in triplicate as requested. 按要求,兹寄上我方形式发票第.号, 一式三份. 4)We have been informed by . that you are thinking of purchasing. and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice in duplicate. 我方从.获悉你方正在考虑购买.,现附上我方形式发票,一式两份。

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