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1、外刊经贸知识选读复习资料外刊经贸知识选读复习资料Lesson One China in the Market Place 一、术语: manufactured goods 制成品 capital equipment 资本货物 balance of payments 国际收支 current account 经常项目 visible trade account 有形贸易项目 invisible trade account 无形贸易项目 trade surplus 贸易顺差 trade deficit 贸易逆差 barter 易货贸易 compensation trade 补偿贸易 counter

2、-trade 反向贸易 assembly manufacturing 组装生产 industrial and commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税 joint venture 合资企业 deferred payment 延期付款 buyer credit 买方信贷 supplier credit 卖方信贷 soft loan 软贷款 (低息贷款) MFN treatment: Most Favored Nation treatment 最惠国待遇 PNTR: Permanent Normal Trading Relations 永久性正常贸易关系 NI: Nati

3、onal Income 国民收入 GNP: Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GDP: Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴和开发银行 IDA: International Development Association 国际开发协会 IFC: International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and

4、 Development 经济合作和发展组织 BIS: Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行 EEC: European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 EU: European Union 欧洲联盟 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资 二、词语释义: exacerbate: deteriorate 恶化 disrupt: interrupt 中断 in the wake of: following 继之后 breakdown: analysis by classification 分类分

5、析 buoyant: brisk 上扬的,增产的 run-down: reduction mount exhibitions: hold exhibitions insofar as: to the extent 在范围之内 bottlenecks: obstacles; problems that retard or halt free movement or progress 三、句子翻译: Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese econ

6、omy has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978, placing undue strain on the national economy. 官方认为,外国技术可在中国经济现代化中起重要作用,这导致了1978年中国的进口增加了50%以上,从而给国民经济带来了重压。 The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced Chinas determination to introduce foreign techno

7、logy by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as a

8、n inadequate transport network and energy constraints许多发展中国家面临的债务问题使中国加强了这样的决心:通过外国直接投资和优惠付款方式引进国外技术,而不是利用在国际资本市场上筹集大笔资金的方式。在经济中的许多实际障碍如运输能力不足和能源缺乏被克服之前,中国政府认为招来大笔外债的做法是不妥当的。 外刊经贸知识选读的串讲资料(二)! Lesson two The Curtain Goes up 一、术语: The special Economic Zone 经济特区 a well-placed source 一位高层消息灵通人士 infrast

9、ructure 基础设施 capital stock 实际资本 consumer goods 消费品 preferential tax rate 优惠税率 cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业 ETDZ ( Economic &Technical Development Zone )经济技术开发区 entrepreneurship 企业家精神 means of production 生产资料 stock-taking 评估 二、词语释义: in piecemeal form: piece by piece; gradually 逐渐的 showpiece: a pri

10、me or outstanding example 典范 pipedream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日梦 from scratch: from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始 grassroots: basic level 基层 the dust settles: the confusion ends 尘埃落定 in the drivers seat: in the dominant position 三、句子翻译: In the SEZs, which are being built

11、almost from scratch, foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the country, be it, for example, production of goods for export or construction of private-housing estates. 在一切几乎从零开始的经济特区,只要中国政府认为对国家有益,外国人可对任何项目进行投资,例如出口货物的生产或私人住宅的房地产开发。 So, while comprehensive framework for t

12、he countrys modernization has been provided by the central committees 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systematic way. 因此,虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日的改革经济结构的决定为该国的

13、现代化提供了一个综合的框架,但要等尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道却还需要一段时间。 Lesson Three Beijing Rising 一、术语: economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国 commercial hub 商业活动中心 Per capita 人均 Gross National Product 国民生产总值 punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税 securities 有价证券 real estate market 房地产市场 “ Greater China”trade bloc “大中华”贸易集团 conglom

14、erate 跨行业公司 consortium 国际财团 二、词语释义: jockey: move is bustling with: is filled with giddy: dizzy; euphoric farfetched: improbable; incredible clear: earn a net profitdeal a hard blow to: strike heavily rung: level retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; reprisal career out of

15、control: run out of control 三、句子翻译: With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of Chinas most-favored nation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to preferred status for China. Beijing has cut this years

16、 growth target from 10 to 8.5 per cent, in an effort to keep the economy from careering out of control just as it was cut back in 1989 and 1990 when it overheated. Lesson four The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective 一、术语: centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 market economy 市场经济 disinflationary (anti-in

17、flationary) policies 反通货膨胀政策 deflation 通货紧缩 short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率 commodity market 商品市场 nominal (dollar) terms 名义(美元)价 constant (dollar) terms 不变(美元)价 business cycle 商业周期 weighted average 加权平均数 hard currencies 硬通货 fiscal adjustment 财政调整 portfolio investment 有价证券投资 market diversific

18、ation 市场多元化 tight credit policy 紧缩的信贷政策 exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值 accommodative monetary policy 融通性货币政策 yield curve 收益曲线 per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值 GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 EMS: European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系 GDP deflator 消除国内生产总值通货膨胀因素指数( GDP 平减指数) CMEA (Comecon): Counc

19、il for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会 LIBOR: London Inter-Bank Offered Rate 伦敦同业银行优惠利率 二、词语释义: in a row: in succession easing: slowing down; decrease momentum: force of movement underlying: being at the basis of slackening: slowing of speed compound: worsen moderate inflation: ease inflation robust:

20、 strong and healthy setbacks: frustrations slump: depression edge down: move slowly down depreciation: devaluation spike: abrupt increase pick-up: recovery rein in: control bottoming-out: reaching the lowest point before rising again ( 止跌回升) 三、句子翻译: Although the weakness in demand in the United Stat

21、es led to a sharp decline in short-term dollar interest ratesa positive development for many developing countriesit also contributed to a drop of over 6 percent in nonoil commodity prices and to a slackening, to 3 percent, in the growth of world trade. Increasingly buoyant intraregional trade in Eas

22、t Asia may be viewed as evidence of an ongoing process of “market-oriented” regional integration, a development that could partially offset lackluster progress in the area of multilateral trade agreements. Lesson Five U.S. is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen 一、术语: trade representative 贸易谈判代表 g

23、overnment procurement 政府采购 NAFTA ( North America Free Trade Agreements )北美自由贸易协定 trade sanctions 贸易制裁 trade hawks 贸易中主张强硬路线的鹰派人物 二、词语释义: tough: uncompromising (不妥协的,强硬的) discrimination: unfair treatment sanctions: penalty escalate: develop; intensify frictions: conflicts procurement: purchase be bul

24、lied into doing: be forced to do is awake to: is conscious of amenable to: responsive to a ragged start: a poor start 三、句子翻译: Administration officials see little risk that this more aggressive policy could escalate into a full-fledged trade war that would shock the worlds fragile economies. Thus, th

25、e administration will not be deterred by complaints that it has moved to “protectionism.” In some ways, Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rat

26、her than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S. companies. 外刊经贸知识选读的串讲资料(三)! Lesson four The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective 一、术语: centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 market economy 市场经济 disinflationary (anti-inflationary) policies 反通货膨胀政策 deflation 通货紧缩 short-term dollar i

27、nterest rates 短期美元利率 commodity market 商品市场 nominal (dollar) terms 名义(美元)价 constant (dollar) terms 不变(美元)价 business cycle 商业周期 weighted average 加权平均数 hard currencies 硬通货 fiscal adjustment 财政调整 portfolio investment 有价证券投资 market diversification 市场多元化 tight credit policy 紧缩的信贷政策 exchange-rate devaluati

28、on 汇率贬值 accommodative monetary policy 融通性货币政策 yield curve 收益曲线 per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值 GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 EMS: European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系 GDP deflator 消除国内生产总值通货膨胀因素指数( GDP 平减指数) CMEA (Comecon): Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经互会 LIBOR: London Inter-Bank

29、Offered Rate 伦敦同业银行优惠利率 二、词语释义: in a row: in succession easing: slowing down; decrease momentum: force of movement underlying: being at the basis of slackening: slowing of speed compound: worsen moderate inflation: ease inflation robust: strong and healthy setbacks: frustrations slump: depression ed

30、ge down: move slowly down depreciation: devaluation spike: abrupt increase pick-up: recovery rein in: control bottoming-out: reaching the lowest point before rising again ( 止跌回升) 三、句子翻译: Although the weakness in demand in the United States led to a sharp decline in short-term dollar interest ratesa

31、positive development for many developing countriesit also contributed to a drop of over 6 percent in nonoil commodity prices and to a slackening, to 3 percent, in the growth of world trade. Increasingly buoyant intraregional trade in East Asia may be viewed as evidence of an ongoing process of “market-oriented” regional integration, a development that could partially offset lackluster progress in the area of multilateral trade agreements. 外刊串讲(四) Lesson Six Economic T

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