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1、非赌博式交易形成最终成功的交易计划docTRADING WITHOUT GAMBLING DEVELOP A GAME PLAN FOR ULTIMATE TRADING SUCCESS非赌博式交易形成最终成功的交易计划孟女士叫我帮忙把前面的介绍翻译出来,以看看是否有翻译整本书的价值,所以我就翻译出来了。第一轮翻译质量总是最差的,请大家理解。另外请大家看看是否值得翻译。张轶MARCEL LINK马塞尔林可Dedicated to all the people who bought my first book, giving me the opportunity to write another

2、, and, to all the people I ignored and didnt have time for while I wrote this book.感谢所有买了我第一本书的人,你们的鼓励让我开始写作第二本书;同时还要感谢我在写作本书时忽略了的朋友们。ContentsAcknowledgments 感谢词Introduction 介绍CHAPTER 1 Everyone Needs a Plan第01章 每个人都要有个计划The Hanging Curveball好打的球A Typical Bad Trader一个糟糕的交易者A Typical Good Trader Prep

3、ared with a Plan一个典型的有计划的优秀交易者The Trading Plan and the Game Plan交易计划和游戏计划A Disclosure or Two before We Continue在继续之前揭露一两件事情CHAPTER 2 The Trading Plan第02章 交易计划What Is a Trading Plan?什么是交易计划A Simple Trading Plan一个简单的交易计划Why a Trading Plan?为什么需要交易计划A Business Plan for Traders交易者的计划Making a Trading Plan

4、 制定交易计划Breaking Down the Trading Plan交易计划的具体细节Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 3 The Game Plan第03章 游戏计划(张轶注:作者总是用“游戏”这个单词,具体含义还要慢慢斟酌,不过美国人都喜欢把交易说成是游戏,但有时又把赌博也说成是游戏,到底什么意思,没看后文,确实不知道。以后再说。)Always Be Prepared永远要有准备Why a Game Plan为什么要有游戏计划The Basics of the Game Plan游戏计划的基础知识Know Yourself了解自己Drawing up Scenari

5、os画出框架Making Your Plan Work让你的计划变得有效Closing Thoughts 总结CHAPTER 4 Get to Know Yourself第04章 了解自己Different Types of Traders不同类型的交易者Figuring Out Who You Are想清楚你是谁The Importance of Knowing Your Style了解自己风格的重要性Two Sides to Every Story每个故事都有两面性Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 5 Trading Strategies第05章 交易策略Trading

6、Strategies交易策略Your Strategy Needs to Fit Your Style你的交易策略必须适合自己的个性Technical Strategies机械交易策略Building Systems建立系统Dont Be Stubborn不要固执Why Should You Have a Strategy?为什么你要有个交易策略What Goes into a Strategy?交易策略包括什么The Entry进场Exits出场Times Frames and Holding Times时间框架和持有时间Stick to Your Trading Strategy坚持你的交

7、易策略Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 6 Know Your Markets第06章 了解市场Markets Differ市场的区别Know What You Are Trading知道你在交易什么Whats the Real Risk? 真正的风险是什么Time Frames and Charting时间框架和图表分析Who Moves the Markets?谁在推动市场Know Any Correlations知道有哪些相关性Getting the Big Picture从大局了解Closing Thoughts总结 CHAPTER 7 After the Close

8、第07章 收盘后Lets Review让我们回顾一下The Open Trades持仓中的交易Thinking about Tomorrow为第二天整理好思路The Closed Trades已经平仓的交易Getting Ready for Tomorrow为第二天做好准备Review Your Plans and Strategy审查你的计划和策略Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 8 Before the Market Opens第08章 在开盘前To Each His Own萝卜青菜各有所爱Getting the News了解消息Know Your Markets了解市场

9、Look at Overseas Markets查看海外市场How Are the Markets Opening?市场是如何开盘的Making Adjustments制定调整计划Were There Any Big Moves Overnight?晚上会不会有大动作?Look for Possible Trading Situations 寻找可能的交易机会Draw Up Scenarios画出框架Adjusting Size调整仓位大小Make Your Daily Game Plan制定每日交易计划Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 9 Drawing Up Scenar

10、ios第09章 画出框架Know Your MarketsRevisited了解市场进一步修改Getting the Big Picture从大局了解Getting a Better Picture更好地了解情况End of the Day一天的结束Back to Monitoring Open Positions查看持有的仓位Once the Trade Is On一旦建仓了The Day Trader日内交易者Making Scenarios for the News根据消息制定应对策略Generic Stuff to Look at with Open Positions查看持仓的常用方

11、法Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 10 Taking the Gamble Out of Trading第10章 去除交易中的赌博心态Good Trades Can Be Losers好的交易也会亏损Two Parts to a Trade交易的两面性Same Market, Two Views同样的市场,两种观点Going Long做多Going Short做空Waiting for the Right Opportunities等待正确的机会Measure the Risk-to-Reward Ratio计算风险回报比率Ways to Get the Odds in Y

12、our Favor让概率对你有利的方法Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 11 Getting In 第11章 进场Spotting the Opportunity发现机会Planning the Trade计划交易Drawing Scenarios for Getting into the Trade为进场交易画出框架Dont Chase the Market不要追涨追跌Timing the Trade做好交易时机Look For Patterns within the Long-Term Trade寻找长线交易的模式Knowing the Risk了解风险Deciding

13、How Much to Trade决定交易资金大小Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 12 Getting Out第12章 出场Preestablish Your Exit Strategies提前做好出场策略Cutting Losses and Letting Proffits Ride截断亏损让利润奔跑Using Stops in Your Game Plan 止损Planning Your Risk衡量风险The Setup设置Trading the Gap利用缺口做交易Another Trade另一笔交易A Crazy Day疯狂的一天Planning Your Tar

14、get设定目标How Will You Exit?如何出场The In-Between Area犹豫之间Closing Thoughts 175总结CHAPTER 13 Reviewing and Managing第13章 检查和管理After the Trade Is on建仓之后Looking Ahead目光要长远Reviewing Your Trading回顾你的交易Keeping a Journal坚持写日记Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 14 How to Keep from Overtrading第14章 如何避免过度交易Why Have a Plan为什么要有

15、计划You Dont Always Need to Be in the Market不必总是持有仓位Stop Being in Too Many Positions不要同时持有多个仓位Using a Game Plan to Help if You Trade Too Many Positions找到确认你是否持有多个仓位的方法Keeping to Risk Management Limits 做好风险管理Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 15 Money Management第15章 资金管理Dont Take Risk Lightly不要轻视风险Another Gambl

16、ing Analogy另一个关于赌博的比喻The Money Management Basics资金管理的基础知识Incorporating Your Money Management Plan into Your Trading Plan将资金管理和交易计划结合在一起Incorporating Your Money Management Plan into Your Game Plan将资金管理和赌博计划结合在一起Establishing Money Management Procedures for Open Positions为持有仓位建立资金管理程序Closing Thoughts总结

17、CHAPTER 16 Trading Rules第16章 交易原则Trading Rules交易原则Using Your Rules to Make a Trading Plan使用交易原则制定你的交易计划My Trading Rules我的交易原则Appling the Money Management Rules使用资金管理原则Applying the Entry Rules使用进场原则Applying Your Exit Rules使用出场原则 Applying the Discipline Rules使用纪律原则The Top 25 Rules最重要的25项原则Closing Thou

18、ghts总结CHAPTER 17 Focus and Discipline第17章 聚焦和纪律Staying Focused保持聚焦Distractions分散注意力的事情Have a Routine to Help You Write a Game Plan日常事务可以帮助你制定计划Following Your Plan跟进计划How to Stay Focused if You Have Trouble Staying Focused当你保持聚焦状态有困难时你如何保持聚焦Mental Side of Discipline纪律的思想层面Keeping Tabs做好交易记录Unwinding

19、after the Day收盘后放松一下Closing Thoughts总结CHAPTER 18 Learning How to Win第18章 学会如何赚钱Clean Out Your Closet清理你的抽屉Dont Blame Others for Losses亏损时不要把责任推到别人身上Think of It as an Expense and Not a Loss把它当作是成本而不是亏损Self-Destructive Behavior自毁行为Learn from Mistakes从错误中学习Trade, Trade, Trade交易,交易,交易Curb Your Emotions控

20、制情绪Losses Are in the Past亏损已经成为了历史Money Management Is More Important than Trade Selection资金管理比选择交易机会还重要Treat Yourself对待自己Preserve Precious Capital保住珍贵的本金Have a Cutoff Point要有止损点Jumping in Too Soon or Getting in Too Late出场太早或进厂太晚Do Not Let Big Winners Turn to Losers不要让大利润变成了亏损Make a List of Rules把所有原

21、则列出来Trade Your Style按你的风格交易Use a Proven Strategy使用证明有用的策略Tips Are for Bartenders消息是给酒保用的Learn as Much as You Can about What You Are Trading尽量多了解你交易的品种Keep Learning坚持学习Read and Learn阅读和学习Trade with a Plan按计划交易Fill In Your Own充实自己Final Thoughts最终感想About the Author关于作者Index索引Acknowledgments感谢词Id like t

22、o thank the following people:我想感谢以下人:(张轶注:回头再翻译)Stephen Isaacs of then McGraw-Hill for giving me a shot with my first book;Dr. Alexander Elder, for assisting me in getting an agent for this book; Ted Bonanno, that agent who helped me land a deal for this book with John Wiley & Sons;Kevin Commins, La

23、ura Walsh, and Emilie Herman of John Wiley & Sons for working with me on this book, for giving me free rein, and for putting up with my requests for extensions;Those unfortunate copyeditors at Wiley who had to fix my grammar; And last, my family for letting me ignore them while I finished up the boo

24、k.Introduction介绍So here I am again, writing another book. After the incredible runaway success of my debut smash book High Probability Trading, there was interest in another, so here I am. If you havent read my first book you should instantly go out and buy a few copies of it now.我又写了一本书。我的第一本书高胜算操盘

25、获得了惊人的成功,很多人希望我再写一本,所以我就写了。如果你还没看过我的第一本书,我建议你尽快去买。Anyway, High Probability Trading realistically took a trader through the steps of becoming a better trader showing him how to succeed and how to avoid pitfalls. It covered many aspects of trading including entering and exiting trades, money managemen

26、t, making and back testing systems and fighting many of the personal demons traders have.高胜算操盘一书用具体地步骤告诉交易者如何避免陷阱,如何取得成功。它包含了交易的很多方面:进场、出场、资金管理、开发系统、测试系统、控制个人心魔。NO GAMBLE TRADING非赌博式交易If you took everything from the first book, put it into a funnel and strained out the fluff, the key things would al

27、l boil down to one basic concept and that is the importance of making a trading and game plan to trade with, and following it, of course. This new book will take that concept and expand on it as I believe it to be the key to successful trading.如果你仔细阅读了高胜算操盘一书,它所有的内容可以总结成一个基本概念,这个概念才是最重要的,你的交易计划当然要跟着

28、这个概念走。因为我相信这才是成功交易的关键,所以本书会继续从这个概念讲起,并扩展开来。Many people look at trading as a gamble, and yes there is risk involved, but a well-prepared trader, with a solid game plan and discipline can learn to trade without gambling, the same way the professional gamblers do.很多人把交易当作是赌博,没错,交易确实有风险,但是一个准备充足的交易者,只要他

29、有具体的计划和纪律,他能学会像职业赌徒一样没有赌博心态地去交易。Though Ill show examples of my trading and talk about technical analysis, this book is not about how to pick market bottoms or giving you great trading systems, instead it will focus on how you can become a better trader. They key to winning in the markets is planning

30、 for it and knowing in advance how to react to certain situations, and this is what a game plan will do for you. Trading is not simply about buying and selling, but about the knowing when, and why to do so.虽然本书中也会提到我的一些交易案例,也会讲技术分析,但是本书的主要目的不是教你如何寻找底部,也不是给你一个优秀的交易系统,本书重点讲如何成为一个优秀的交易者。交易的关键就是做好交易计划和应变计划,这就是计划给你带来的好处。交易不仅仅是买和卖,而是知道何时买卖以及买卖的理由。WHY THIS BOOK 为什么写这本书I have found over the years that there are many ways to make and lose money in the market. For th

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