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八年级英语上册 阅读理解专项训练四新版人教新目标版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 阅读理解专项训练四新版人教新目标版2019-2020年八年级英语上册 阅读理解专项训练(四)(新版)人教新目标版 阅读理解(一)To: s.saundermoultonshelter.bizSubject: Fashion showDear Sophie,It was really good to meet you last Tuesday.I must say that Im very excited about thefashion show (时装秀) next Friday night,and my students are really happy to haveth

2、is opportunity (机会) to show their talentto other people. I m glad to tell you that Miranda, Sarah and Jim from my school will model (做模特儿) on the night.You asked me to find a good place for the fashion show. Let me tell you about it. Ifound two places. One is the hall at The Seven Stars. It is not v

3、ery new, but it s bigenough for us. We can use the hall for free.The other place for the show is the hall at Layton Hall Hotel. It is new and beautiful. It has a stage (舞台 ). We just need to pay 50 for it. What do you think?Next we need to talk about how to let more people know about the show. Do yo

4、u have any ideas?I hope to meet you again soon.Bob Moore根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )1. e-mail is A. Sophie s B. Bob s C. Miranda s D. Jim s( )2. The fashion show is next . A. Tuesday B.Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday ( )3. How many students from Bob s school will model

5、in the fashion show? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. ( )4. How much do they need to pay if they use the hall at Layton HallHotel? . A. Nothing B.25. C.50. D. 100. ( )5. When Sophie and Bob meet next time, they may talk about . A. what time the fashion show should start B. how let more people kno

6、w about the fashion show C.Who should go to find a good place for the fashion Show D. whereto find more people to model in the fashion show(二)When Charley woke up one morning, he looked out of his window, and saw everything was white and there was so much snow on the ground. On the side ofthe house

7、near the kitchen, the snow was piled ( 堆放) higher than Charley s head. We must have a small road through the snow,said Charleys father. But I must be at the office early this morning. Do you think you could make the smallroad, my son? I? Why? The snow is higher than my head! How could I make a small

8、 road through the snow? By doing it little by little. Just try, said the father, and he left for his office. So Charley started to work. He threw (抛) the snow up one shovelful (一铲) after another, but it was slow work.I don t think I can do it, Mom, he said. A shovelful is so little, and there is so

9、much snow. Little by little, Charley, said his mother. The snow fell flake (小薄片 ) by flake, but you see how much snow there is. Yes, Mom, I see, said Charley. So he worked on. When Charley s father came home for dinner, he was glad to see the fine road. The next day he gave little Charley a blue sle

10、d (雪橇), and there were yellow letterson it, Little by Little.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内( )1. Why did Charley s father ask Charley to make a small road through the snow? A. Because he had no time to do it.B. Because there wash t too much snow. C. Because Charley liked to work in the snow. D. Because h

11、e wanted Charley to some housework.( )2. When Charley threw the snow up, he thought the work was . A. quick B. slow C. interesting D. boring( )3. What did Charley s mother want to tell Charley by saying the underlined (带下划线的) sentence? A. A shovelful of snow was not little at all. B. There was more

12、and more snow on the ground. C. The small snow flakes could make everything white. D. He could make a small road one shovelful after another.( )4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Charleys father gave Charley a blue sled. B. There were some white letters on the shovel. C.

13、The snow was piled higher than Charley s father. D. Charley cleaned all the snow on the ground before dinner.( )5. The passage mainly wants to tell us . A. we need to make a small road when there was heavy snow B. children should help their parents with the housework C. children should learn how to

14、clean the snow D. wc can do a difficult thing little by little(三)Dear Jim.You want to know about my free time activities (活动)I dont have much flee time. Im a student, and I also have a part-time job. But if I have some free time, I usually play sports, listen to music or go on a trip.I love playing

15、sports in my free time. 1 like almost all kinds of sports, such as football, basketball and swimming. But t don t like tennis.Also, l enjoy listening to music. It is relaxing. I like all kinds of music. I am really a fan of 13ryan Adams, Backstreet Boys, Rihanna and Chris Brown. Finally, I also like

16、 going on trips. There are many beautiful places in my country. But I really want to visit the forests and mountains. They are my favorite places, because everything there is peaceful (安静的). Also, I can practise drawing there. I often draw mountains, trees and animals. Yours, Jack 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号

17、填入题前括号内。 ( )1. Theunderlinedword “part-time”means in Chinese. A.忙碌的 B.清闲的 C.全职的 D.兼职的 ( )2. What kind of sport doesnt Jack like? A. Football. B. Tennis. C. Swimming. D. Basketball. ( )3. Listening to music makes Jack feel . A. bored B. tired C. relaxed D. excited ( )4. What s Jack s favorite places?

18、 A. Forests and mountains. B. Museums and forests C. Mountains and zoos D. Museums and zoos. ( )5. What can learn from the passage? A.Jim and Jack cored from the same country. B: Jack enjoys listening to all kinds of music C. Jack doesnt enjoy drawing very much D. JaCk is quite free these days.(四) L

19、ong ago, a giraffes neck (脖子) was not as long as a horse s neck. This was not a problem because there were enough leaves (叶子) for the giraffe to eat. But then the climate changed (气侯变化), and the giraffe had to move to another place. I am a newcomer here, he thought. 1 should only try to eat the food

20、 that other animals cannot reach. 2 Then he had a plan. He decided to eat the leaves of only one tree. Each day, he made his neck just a little longer to reach the leaves that were far awaythe day before. 3 Other animals saw the change in giraffe. 4 They asked, Are you getting taller, or are we gett

21、ing smaller? The giraffe told them what he did. 5 As long as you only eat the high leaves, you will always be welcome, they said. The giraffe thanked them and from then on he 0nly ate the leaves at the top of the trees.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。 A. What a good new

22、comer you are! B. I cannot take the best food C. He tried to reach the high leaves every day D. They were very Surprised. E.After sometime, he could feel his neck became longer1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (五) One day when Philip was doing his homework in his room, his father walked in. Hey, big boy. We arent goin

23、g to the beach this year, said Dad. Why? asked Philip. Because I lost my job, and we don t have enough money, said Dad. Philip could feel that his father was really sad. It s OK, Dad, said Philip. Then his father went out for his afternoon run. After Philip s father left, Philip sat on the bed and t

24、hought. He thought he would miss playing in the beautiful water. I have to do something, thought Philip. he remembered his friend Emily and her family took a staycation last summer, and they found many interesting things to do. Philip ran to his mother. Morn, I have an idea! Well, tell me, said Mom.

25、 We should take a staycation, said Philip. What is a staycation? asked Mom. A staycation is a time when you take a vacation in your own ( 自己的) city or town, and sleep in your own home at nigh.t, said Philip.“My friend Emily and her family took one. And they did lots of cool things here in Summervill

26、e. “Well, said Mom, that sounds like a great idea. For the next few hours, Philip and his mother used the Internet to plan their staycation.They planned a fun week full of biking, swimming and much, much more. After they finished their planning, Philip gave his mother a big hug (拥抱). This is going t

27、o be the best staycation, said Philip. I will run to tell Dad.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )1. Why aren t Philip s family going to the beach this year? A. Because they, dont have enough money. B. Because they don t want to go to the beach. C. Because Philip has too much homework to do. D. Because Phi

28、lip s mother wants to stay at home.( )2. Phihp s father went to after he talked with Philip. A. watch TV B. read books C. cook D. run( )3. Who planned the staycation? A. Philip and his mother. B. Philip and his father. C. Philip s parents. D. Philip and his parents.( )4. Which of the following is TR

29、UE according to the passage? A. Philip was playing in his room when his father came in. B. Taking a staycation doesnt usually cost much money. C. Emily and her family will take a staycation soon. D. Philip doesn t like playing in the water.( )5. In the story, Philip went from being . A. bored to int

30、erested B. interested to bored C. sad to happy D. happy to sad(六)Lani is eight years old, and she is very smart and beautiful. But her older brother Ringo always teases (取笑) her because she is little.He always calls her shorty. One day in August, Lani and Ringo walked home from the park. It was very

31、 hot. When they got to their house, they saw Morn sitting outside the house. She had a bag of food. We can t go into our house, kids! said Morn. I left my keys in the house when I went to the store. Now we have to wait for your dad. Ringo peered into the bag. Morn, it s so hot! he said The ice-creams .will go into water soon ! Im afraid so, said. Mom, Friends in our neighborhood arent at home either. So we cant put our food in theirfridges (冰箱). We could climb through a window! said Ringo. No, I ve already tried that. Only the kitchen window is

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