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1、上海公共英语考试真题卷32022年上海公共英语考试真题卷(3)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Its a bird. But I dont know _ name. AA it BB his CC its 2.- Who shall I give this dictionary to -You can give it to _. It doesnt matter. AA anybody BB somebody CC everybody 3.The bus _ yesterd

2、ay. AA repaired BB is repaired CC was repaired 4.He is_ than the other boys in his class. AA more taller BB tallest CC taller 5.English _ in many schools in our country. AA is taught BB taught CC has taught 6.Mary _ that piece of cake for twenty yuan. AA spent BB cost CC bought 7.I _ go there this m

3、orning, so I stayed home. AA didnt need to BB didnt need CC neednt to 8.My mother _ off the bike and broke her leg on the ground. AA falls BB was falling CC tell 9.My little sister is only five, _ she can swim well. AA but BB so CC because 10.Hurry up. Dont keep Xiao Wang _. AA wait BB waited CC wai

4、ting 11.Lucy did her _ in this exam. AA good BB better CC best 12.My aunt will arrive here tomorrow. _ is 50 years old. AA He BB She CC It 13.Day after day the man gets _. AA old BB older CC oldly 14.The _ over there is an Australian. AA standing man BB man stood CC man standing 15._ Russia is next

5、to _ China. AA The./ BB /./ CC The . the 16.The young man over there is an _. AA American BB European CC British 17. What are Mr. Green and Mrs. Green do now They are. AA in breakfast BB at breakfast CC eating breakfast 18.Eric runs _ his classmate Sam. AA as quickly as BB quickly as CC more quickly

6、 as 19.The book on the desk is _. AA Garys BB Garys CC Garys 20.I _ what he said is true. AA trust BB believe in CC believe 21.Mary spent _ to buy the TV. AA two thousand and fifty BB two thousands and fifty CC two thousand fifty 22.There are 19 people waiting before me, so Im the _. AA twelfth BB t

7、wentyth CC twentieth 23.Youd better _ your bed before having your breakfast, Sam! AA do BB make CC clean 24.Julia must _ now, because the light of her room is turned off. AA sleep BB sleeping CC be sleeping 25.The _ is selling goods in the shop. AA teacher BB shop-assistant CC worker 26.- Where is T

8、om Do you know - I think he _ to the library. AA has gone BB has been CC went 27.Many people watched the boys _ the mountain at that time. AA climb BB climbing CC to climb 28.- Have you finished _ the book - Not yet. Ill try _ it to you before Friday. AA reading, returning BB to read, to return CC r

9、eading, to return 29.Linda often helps her mother _ the housework on weekends. AA of BB with CC to 30.The garden _ while the Greens were away from home. AA took good care of BB was taken good care of CC was taken good care 31.If I _ free tomorrow, I will go shopping with my aunt. AA will be BB am CC

10、 be 32.After he heard the news, he went to the hospital _ once. AA at BB on CC in 33.He _ a friend in the country next week. AA saw BB see CC is going to see 34.How wonderful! The _ is made of _. AA house, glass BB house, glasses CC houses, glasses 35.Does Tom often play _ football after _ school AA

11、 /,/ BB /, the CC the, / 36.Whats file _ today Its June 26. AA day BB date CC time 37.A quarter to six is _. AA 6:45 BB 6:15 CC 5:45 38.-Has Tom started to work in your factory -No. He is _ in school. AA yet BB then CC still 39.Can you let me _ home a little earlier AA go BB going CC to go 40.The yo

12、ung man was often seen _ by the lake. AA to draw BB to drawing CC draw 41.Bob and Jim once worked in different factories. AA Right. BB Wrong. CC Doesnt say. 42.Jim was not in the room. AA Right. BB Wrong. CC Doesnt say. 43.Jim was sorry for what he had done. AA Right. BB Wrong. CC Doesnt say. 44.Jim

13、 didnt give back the money to Bob and went to work in another town later. AA Right. BB Wrong. CC Doesnt say. 45.One day Bob borrowed ten dollars from Jim. AA Right. BB Wrong. CC Doesnt say. 46.What do people always make when they hold the Olympic Games AA A picture. BB An emblem. CC A map. 47.The sp

14、irit of the Olympic Games is _. AA history and friend ship BB peace, friendship and development CC faster, higher and stronger 48.What message does the Athens Olympic Games want to give AA Luck. BB Danger. CC Peace. 49.In the summer holidays, the library will have _. AA no special hours BB special hours on weekdays CC special hours on weekends 50.How many years have passed when Athens again holds the Olympic Games AA 104. BB 108. CC 112.

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