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1、八年级英语OurHobbies单元练习新版Unit3 Our Hobbies单元练习一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) I.听句子,选择正确答语。 1. A. Its about 5 kilometers deep. B. Its about 5 kilometers long. C. Its about 5 meters wide. 2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I was. C. No, I skated in a marathon last year. 3. A. Yes, we really do. B. Yes, well buy a car. C. Not

2、 until the wind stops. 4. A. I went shopping by car. B. Yes, you may give me a hand. C. Id like to order a room. 5. A. I have about 35. B. Yes, Ive been collecting them for five years. C. I like the panda best. II.听对话,选择正确答案。 6. A. Six. B. Four. C. Two. 7. A. Did homework. B. Cleaned the room. C. Me

3、nded the bike. 8. A. Twenty. B. Twelve. C. Ten. 9. A. Baseball. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.10. A. Seventeen hundred. B. Six hundred. C. Seven hundred. III.听对话,选择正确答案。11. What does Bob like collecting? A. Coins. B. Kites. C. Stamps.12. How many kites does Bob have? A. 200. B. 135. C. 220.13. When d

4、id Marcia collect coins? A. In 2008. B. In 1998. C. In 2001.14. What does Jim collect? A. Kites. B. Stamps. C. Coins.15. When did Jim collect? A. In 2001. B. In 2013. C. In 2003. IV. 录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。16. What is a hobby according to the writers idea? A. It is something we

5、like to do in our free time. B. It is something we do on weekends. C. It is what we often do in the weekdays.17. How do people often enjoy themselves on their holidays? A. By watching TV. B. By doing sports. C. By doing all kinds of things.18. What do stamps bring the stamp collector? A. Lots of mon

6、ey. B. Much pleasure and knowledge. C. Many new friends.19. What do most people take up hobby for? A. To spend their money. B. To keep themselves busy. C. For pleasure, friendship, or to develop new interests.20. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Hobbies. B. Sports. C. Weekends.二、单词拼写(根据中文

7、提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)21. -Have you heard about the news?-Yes. The (价格) of petrol(汽油) went up last month!22. When spring comes, all kinds of flowers will produce (令人愉快的) smell.23. They are planning to go on a (假期) to the USA next month.24. He is very funny and often makes us (笑).25. Do you want to (继续)

8、 your English study?26. The (重量) of these apples is about 20 kilos.27. We all regard that (友谊) is the most important in the world.28. You should learn to (分享) your happiness with others.29. Lang Lang gave a piano (音乐会) in our city last month.30. Its easier to learn a foreign (语言) when you visit the

9、country.三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)31. - Whats your h ?- I like fishing.32. Dont tell anyone about my plan. Keep it a s .33. Tom is interested in stamps. He likes c stamps very much.34. - Lily is a l girl.- Yeah! She never cleans her room at home.35. I dont like lions because theyre u .36. Im going

10、to the post office. Will you l me your bike?37. Would you please write down your name, home a , and mobile phone number?38. Its a u book. You can learn a lot from it.39. If something happens d , it happens every day.40. Spring is the best time for p trees.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)41. 我喜欢在空闲时间锻炼。I

11、 like to exercise .42. 父母经常说我们太年轻,不能自己做决定。Our parents often say that we are young decide for ourselves.43. 迈克经常做鬼脸逗我们开心。(词数不限)Mike often to make us happy.44. 昨天中午他在哪里等你? he for you at noon yesterday?45. 听他弹钢琴多开心啊!(what) it is to listen to him playing the piano!46. 他们对打篮球感兴趣。They are in basketball.47

12、. 我不同意你关于太空的看法。I dont you about space.48. 当我们在广播上听到这个消息的时候,我们正在厨房吃晚餐。We dinner in the kitchen we heard the news on the radio.49. 爸爸过去常常酗酒,但现在戒掉了。(词数不限)Dad too much, but he has stopped it now.50. 这个慈善机构成立的目的是帮助城市里无家可归的人。(词数不限)The charity to help homeless people in the city.五、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)51. Hangz

13、hou is famous its silk in China. A. from B. at C. in D. for52. Yao Ming used basketball in NBA. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played53. - interesting the storybook is! - Yes. I have read it twice. A. What a B. What C. How a D. How54. Our teacher told us not to make any noises. A. to stop talking

14、B. to begin to talk C. to stop to talk D. to begin talking55. Why not to the city? A. go B. going C. to go D. goes56. Do you prefer ? A. skate B. skates C. skating57. is great fun in the hot weather. A. To swimming B. Swimming C. Swim D. Swims58. The boy was doing homework while his mother dinner. A

15、. cooks B. cooked C. was cooking D. will cook59. How much did you pay that bike? A. over B. in C. on D. for60. - Do you think Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not? - Sorry, Ive no idea. A. that B. which C. if D. whether61. Your working experience these years is of great . A. usefu

16、l B. value C. unit D. victory62. - Morning, class. Is here? - No, sir. Tom is absent. A. anybody B. everybody C. nobody D. somebody63. - Wow, so many coins here! - Right! My father is fond of coins. A. collect B. collects C. collecting64. The Old Town of Lijiang is with tourists for its beautiful ol

17、d buildings. A. popular B. famous C. special D. different65. My father must be angry me, ? A. about; mustnt he B. with; mustnt he C. with; neednt he D. with; isnt he六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Almost everyone has his own hobby. My hobby is reading. When I was young, I didnt have any hobbies. I always watched

18、 TV at home all day and my parents were 66 about me. One day, my father took me to my aunts home. When I got there, I saw my cousin 67 in his room. I ran to him and said, Reading books is so boring. Why not go out to play games? Thats more 68 . I dont think so. Reading is really interesting, and als

19、o I can get a lot of 69 from my books. Then my cousin asked me some questions, but I couldnt 70 most of them. He was two years younger than me, but he knew much more. My face turned red. That day he told me many interesting stories. I 71 myself in his stories. From then on, I became interested in re

20、ading. Now I have a room 72 books. In my free time, Im happy to be 73 and read the books. I do well in my subjects because of all the books Ive read, and Im especially good at 74 . I have won many prizes in writing contests(比赛). That makes me feel very 75 .66. A. tired B. scared C. worried D. excite

21、d67. A. read B. reading C. playing D. play68. A. important B. enjoyable C. surprising D. comfortable69. A. activities B. programs C. instructions D. knowledge70. A. receive B. repeat C. answer D. follow71. A. helped B. taught C. encouraged D. lost72. A. full of B. short of C. opposite of D. fit for7

22、3. A. special B. early C. different D. alone74. A. writing B. English C. P. E. D. science75. A. nervous B. sick C. proud D. sorry七、阅读理解(共14小题;共28分)A Starting a stamp collection is easy and not very expensive. Before you start, you need to decide what kind of stamps you want to collect. Most people c

23、ollect stamps that they are interested in: a certain country or an animal, a famous person or even a sport. Whatever you choose, you will find that there is a world of knowledge in stamps: you will learn about people, geography, building, history and culture. You can collect stamps from letters, ask

24、 your friends to let you have their old stamps, or you can buy used stamps. When you get a letter with a stamp on it, carefully cut out the stamp. Leave lots of space around the stamp so that you will not damage it. Put the stamp in water and wait until you can safely remove the stamp. Carefully rem

25、ove the stamp off the letter. Place the wet stamp between two clean pieces of paper. A stamp can get wrinkled(褶皱的) when it dries, so put some books on top.76. What does the writer think of collecting stamps? A. Hard B. Expensive C. Useful D. Boring77. What does the underlined word damage mean? A. 损坏

26、 B. 保存 C. 利用 D. 删除78. Whats the correct order when we try to get a stamp on a letter? Remove the stamp off the letter. Place the wet stamp between two pieces of paper. Cut out the stamp. Put the stamp in water. Put some books on top. A. B. C. D. B Are you tired after studying hard? American country

27、music will take you away for a while. The guitars and songs will take you to mountains and fields there. Country is simply music. It talks of everyday life and feelings. Its the spirit of America, easy to understand, slow and basic. Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the f

28、olk music of the American countryside. Many of the songs tell about the lives of farmers. They talk about love, drops or death. Rural life can be hard, so the words are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular. In the 1920s, people played countr

29、y songs on the radio, and they made them into records. When people moved to towns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Country music continued to change and became popular across America. John Denver was one of Americas most famous country singers in the 1970s. His song Take

30、 Me Home, Country Roads is well-known and people still play it today.79. Which of the following is NOT true about country music? A. Its fast and loud. B. Its usually about everyday life. C. It started in the south of the U.S. D. The words about rural life are often sad.80. The underlined word rural

31、probably means . A. the city B. about school C. about work D. the countryside81. People often play country music with . A. the guitar B. the piano C. the violin D. the drum82. When did people begin to make records? A. In the 1950s. B. In the 1930s. C. In the 1920s. D. In the 1940s.83. Take Me Home, Countr

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