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1、PEP关于小学三年级下册英语课文及翻译PEP三年级下册英语课文及翻译Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolA Lets talkGood morning, boys and girls!早上好。同学们。Good morning, Miss White.早上好,Miss White.Class, we have a new friend today.同学们,今天我们有一个新朋友。Hi! Im Amy. Im from America.你们好。我是Amy.我来自美国。Welcome!欢迎! Lets learnboy 男孩 girl女孩watch out!小心!Oh, no!啊

2、!不!Lets sayapple苹果ant蚂蚁boy 男孩bag书包Coke可乐coffee咖啡B Lets talkGood afternoon.下午好!Good afternoon. Mr Black.下午好!Mr Black.This is my friend, Amy.这是我的朋友,Amy.Nice to meet you.认识你很高兴。Nice to meet you, too.认识你也很高兴。Where are you from?你从哪里来?Im from America.我是美国人。Goodbye, Mr Black.再见Mr Black.Goodbye.再见!Lets lear

3、nboy 男孩girl女孩Come in进来。Im sorry. 对不起。Its OK. 没关系。Lets saydog 狗duck鸭子egg蛋elephant大象Lets doA A A, say OK!B B B , touch your knee.C C C , look and see.D D D , make a “D”E E E , drink some tea.A B C D E ,come and follow me.Unit 2 My familyA Lets talkWhos that woman?那个女人是谁?Shes my mother.她是我妈妈。Whos that

4、man?那个男人是谁?Hes my father.他是我爸爸。Hi, Mom! This is my friend, Amy.嗨!妈妈,这是我的朋友。Amy.Nice to meet you.认识你很高兴。Nice to meet you, too.认识你也很高兴。Lets learnfather 爸爸dad爸爸(口语)mother妈妈mom妈妈(口语)grandfather爷爷grandpa爷爷(口语)grandmother 奶奶grandma 奶奶(口语)man 男人woman女人Lets sayfish鱼father 爸爸girl女孩goose鹅BLets talkCome on, Ba

5、i Ling. Lets watch TV.过来,白玲。让我们看电视吧!Great!太好了。Whos this boy?那个男孩是谁?My brother.我的哥哥。Cool!好酷呀!Whos this girl?这个女孩是谁?Oh! Shes my sister.哦,她是我的姐姐。Really?真的吗?Look! This is my mom. And this is my dad.看!我是妈妈。这个是我爸爸。Wow, how funny!哇!好滑稽!Lets learnbrother兄弟 sister姐妹What a big fish! 好大的一条鱼!Wow!Lets sayhamburg

6、er汉堡包Hot dog热狗ice-cream冰淇淋ice冰Lets doA B C , look and see.C D E, draw a tree.E F G, have a seat.G H I , fly a kite.A B C D E,Read after me.E F G H I ,Say“Goodbye!” Unit 3 How many?A Lets talkLook, Amy! I have a new kite.看!Amy.我有一只风筝。Oh, its beautiful.哦!它好漂亮!Lets fly it.我们来放它吧!OK.好的!How many kites ca

7、n you see?你能看见多少只风筝?1,2,3I can see 12.1,2,3我能看见12只。No, 11. The black one is a bird.不,是11只。那个黑色的是一只小鸟。Oh!噢!Lets learnone two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen Lets sayjeep 吉普车jump跳kangaroo袋鼠key钥匙B LetstalkHi, Chen Jie. Look at my new crayons.嗨!陈洁。看我的新蜡笔。

8、Oh, hownice!噢!多好啊!How many crayons do you have?你有多少只蜡笔?Guess!猜猜!Twelve?12只?Open it andsee!打开来看看!1,2,316! You have 16 crayons.1,2、316。你有16只蜡笔。Thats right.你说对了!Lets learneleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentyLets saylion 狮子lock锁milk牛奶mouse老鼠night夜晚nest鸟巢 Uni

9、t 4 Do you like pears?A Lets talkDo you like peaches?你喜欢吃梨吗?Yes, I do.是的。我喜欢。Do you like oranges?你喜欢吃结子吗?No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。What about pears?桃子呢?Oh, I like them very much.噢!我非常喜欢它们。Lets have some peaches and pears.让我们吃一些梨子和桃子吧!OK!好的。BLets learnwatermelon西瓜peach桃pear梨orange橙子Lets sayorange橙子 OK 好的peac

10、h桃pear梨queen女王 quiet安静的B Lets talkHave some juice.请喝一些果汁。Thank you, Miss White.谢谢你!Miss White.Do you like bananas, Chen Jie?你喜欢吃香蕉吗?陈洁?Sorry, I dont like bananas.对不起,我不喜欢吃香蕉。Can I have an apple, please?我可以吃一个苹果吗?Certainly!当然可以!Have some more?还要吗?No, thank you.不,谢谢!Lets learnapple苹果strawberry草莓grapes

11、葡萄banana香蕉Lets sayrainbow彩虹 rain雨squirrel松鼠 snake蛇tiger老虎 taxi出租车Unit 5 Where is my ruler?A Lets talkMom, where is my car?妈妈,我的小汽车在哪呢?On your desk?在你的课桌上吗?No!没有。In the toy box?在盒子里吗?No!没有。Look! Its under the chair.看!它在椅子底下。Oh, yeah! Thanks, mom.噢!嘢!谢谢妈妈!Lets learnBus公共汽车bike自行车Taxi出租车 jeep吉普车Lets sa

12、yumbrella伞under在.下面vest背心 violin小提琴window窗户 wind 风BLets talkExcuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil?对不起,打搅一下。我可以用一下你的铅笔吗?No problem!没问题!Where is my pencil?我的铅笔在哪儿?Look, its here, under the book.看,它在这里。在书本下面。Here you are.给你!Thank you.谢谢你!Lets learnLamp台灯 walkman随身听desk课桌 chair 椅子Lets sayfox狐狸 box盒子yell

13、ow黄色 yo-yo溜溜球zoo动物园zebra斑马Unit 6 At the zooA Lets talkCome on, children. Look at the elephant.过来,孩子们。看那个大象。Wow! Its so big!哇!它好大呀!Look! It has a long nose and a short tail.看!它有着长长的鼻子和短的尾巴。It has small eyes and big ears.它有着小眼睛和大耳朵。Oh, its so funny.噢!它太滑稽了。Lets learnsmall 小的 big大的long长的 short短的Lets do

14、Tall, tall, tall. Make yourself tall.Big, big, big. Make your eyes big.Long, long, long. Make your arms long.Short, short, short. Make yourself short.Small, small, small. Make your eyes small.Short, short, short. Make your arms short.Lets sayPRC中国CAN加拿大UK英国USA美国BLets talkLook at the giraffe.看那个长颈鹿。Oh, its so tall.噢!它好高啊!Look at the deer.看那个小鹿,Its short.它很矮。You see. The giraffe is tall. The deer is short.你明白。长颈鹿高,小鹿矮。Yeah!是的。Dad, youre tall. Im short.爸爸,你高,我矮。Youre right.你说对了。Lets learntall高的 short矮的giraffe长颈鹿deer小鹿Lets sayA.M.(a.m.)上午P.M.(p.m.)下午TV电视 CD VCD 碟片

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