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1、云南省腾冲八中学年高一下学期期中考试云南省腾冲八中2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What is the woman going to make today? A. Cups. B. A vase. C. Some flowers. 2. How much did the woman pay for the shirt yester-day? A. $8. B. $4. C. $3.3. Why is the man unhappy? A. He was

2、not told the news earlier.B. He forgot to call off the meeting.C. He had to put off the meeting. 4. What will the woman do? A. Give the man a lift. B. Meet a friend. C. Post a parcel. 5. Which means of transport will the woman take to the airport? A. The bus. B. The subway. C. The taxi.第二节(共15小题;每小题

3、1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What class are the two speakers planning for? A. The Chinese class. B. The English class. C. The music class.7. What will the woman probably do tomorrow? A. Sing a song about spring.B. Tell a story about spring.C. Draw a picture about spring.请听第7段材料

4、,回答第8、9题。8. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A suggestion for city planning.B. A problem with traffic rules.C. A way to improve air quality. 9. What does the woman think of the mans idea? A. Its interesting. B. Its impractical(不现实的). C. Its worth trying. 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What kind of

5、 room does the man want? A. A single room. B. A double room. C. A suite(套房).11. When will the man arrive? A. On May 26th. B. On May 27th. C. On May 29th.12. How much will the man pay in all? A. 1,200RMB. B. 1,600RMB. C. 2,000RMB请听第9段材料,回答第12至16题。13. Where are the two speakers? A. In a park B. In a z

6、oo. C. In an aquarium(水族馆).14. Why will the mans uncle go to South Africa? A. For business. B. For study. C. For holiday.15. What does the man say about the gift his uncle will give him? A. Its expensive. B. Its beautiful. C. Its not powerful.16. What will the mans uncle actually leave for him? A. A

7、n elephant. B. A house. C. A sports car.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When will the race be held? A. On March 1st. B. On March 4th. C. On March 12th.18. Where should students sign up for the race? A. On the first floor of the teachers building.B. On the third floor of the teachers building.C. On the fourth

8、 floor of the teachers building.19. When will the runners gather before the race? A. At 11:30 am. B. At 1:30 pm. C. At 2pm.20. What should the runners do at the end of the race? A. Circle the school twice.B. Run after a police car. C. Circle the playground once more.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题

9、2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AOn a cold winter day Nasruddin was having a chat with some of his friends in a coffee house. Nasruddin said that cold weather did not trouble him. and in fact, he could stay, if necessary, all night without any heat. “If you stand all night in the village

10、 square without warming yourself by any other means, we will treat you to a feast, ” they said, with looks of total disbelief. Nasruddin accepted the bet.That very night, Nasruddin stood in the village square till morning despite (尽管) the bitter cold. In the morning, he ran proudly to his friends an

11、d told them that they should keep their promise.“But as a matter of fact you lost the bet, ” said one of them. “At about midnight, I saw a candle burning in a window about three hundred yards away from where you were standing. That certainly means that you warmed yourself by it.”“How can a candle be

12、hind a window warm a person three hundred yards away?” Nasruddin argued. But no matter what he said. the men were not convinced. And it was decided that he had lost the bet. He had to invite all of them to dinner that night at his home.They all arrived on time, laughing and joking, awaiting the feas

13、t. But dinner was not ready. Nasruddin told them that it would be ready in a short time, and left the room to prepare the meal. A long time passed, and still no dinner was served. Finally, they went into the kitchen. What they saw, they could not believe. Nasruddin was standing by a huge pot which h

14、ung from the ceiling. There was a lighted candle(蜡烛) under the pot.“Be patient, my friends, ” Nasruddin told them. “Dinner will be ready soon.”“Are you out of your mind, Nasruddin?” they shouted. “How could you with such a tiny flame boil such a large pot?”“If the flame of a candle behind a window t

15、hree hundred yards away can warm a person, surely the same flame will boil this pot which is only three inches away,” answered Nasruddin.21. According to Paragraph 1, the attitude of Nasruddins friends toward what he said was_. A. supportive(支持) B. worried C. satisfied D. doubtful22. Nasruddins frie

16、nds insisted that _.A. he stayed inside a house that night B. he ran quickly to keep warm that nightC. he warmed himself with a candle D. he spent that night in a wrong place23. What did Nasruddins friends find that _.A. Nasruddin was not in the kitchen at all.B. Nasruddin was boiling his pot with a

17、 candle.C. There was only an empty pot on the ground.D. There was no fire to boil the large pot.24. We learn from the passage that in the end _.A. Nasruddins friends were fooled(愚弄) by NasruddinB. Nasruddins friends were treated to a delicious meal.C. Nasruddin had to invite his friends to dinner ag

18、ain.D. Nasruddin was made fun of by his friends.BFalling through thin ice kills many people every year . Knowing the conditions and thickness of the ice can save your life or the life of someone close.Snow-covered ice makes it difficult to check the thickness. Stay away from cracks(裂缝) or darker are

19、as. It is always a good idea for ice fishers to drill (钻孔) test holes as they go further out onto the lake. This is because ice can vary (变化) in .thickness from one part of the lake to the other. Daily changes in temperature can cause ice to change so be sure to ask the locals before you set out.Fou

20、r inches of ice is okay for a group of people to walk on, six inches for snowmobiles. twelve inches for an automobile and fifteen inches for a truck. During the early winter it is advised to double(两倍) these figures. When you are not sure of the ice you should also be wearing a life jacket and carry

21、 a cellphone. If someone falls through be sure to act quickly by calling 911. Try to reach the victim with a long pole, a rope, or something long. If you cant do that, throw the victim(受害者) a life jacket or wood or something else that you can find. Only go to the victim if you cant do anything else.

22、 Do this by forming a human chain where everyone lies down and grabs the person in front by the ankles (踝)After the victim is saved, his wet clothing should be removed and replaced with dry clothing quickly, or he would be freezing. If possible, you should put the victim in a sleeping bag. Immediate

23、ly take him to the hospital for further treatment.With this knowledge you can have safer ice fishing and save someones life.25. Why are ice fishers .advised to drill holes as they go further out onto the lake? A. Because in different areas the thickness of ice is different. B. Because ice fishers ca

24、n catch fish through these holes. C. Because ice fishers can look for fish through the holes. D. Because there are many cracks in the ice of the lake.26. How thick should the ice be for a truck to drive on in the early winter? A. Twelve inches. B. Fifteen. inches. . C. Twenty inches. D. Thirty inche

25、s.27. What should people do to go to the victim according to the passage? A. Rush to him and pull him out. B. Jump into the water to save him. C. Throw a life jacket and help him swim out. D. Lie on the ice forming a human chain to save him.28. After saving the victim, one should immediately_. A. pu

26、t him into a sleeping bag B. change his wet clothes for dry ones C. give him first aidD. take him to hospitalCAt 3:30 am. Wednesday, the 11-year-old woke up when a fan started pushing heavy black smoke into the room where he slept. He was the only one in his grandmas house to notice. Adonis went to

27、the kitchen where he saw the ceiling on fire near his bedroom black smoke and orange flames that were forming a hole above the kitchen stove (火炉). The boy remained calm. “I knew what to do,” Adonis said. “A fireman came to our school.” He ran to wake his mother, who told him to get his 2-year-old si

28、ster, Jordan Hobbs, out of the house. Jordan was sound asleep. Adonis threw her over his shoulder and carried her out the front door. Then, Adonis, a fifth-grader, ran back into the burning building.“I went to get my Auntie Karen in her room,” he said. “My mom got my brother, and he ran upstairs to

29、wake up my grandma.” When firefighters arrived, Adonis and his family were safely watching almost everything they ownedclothes, shoes, even the computer Adonis was usingburn up.“Thirty years of life in that home and it was gone in the smoke,” Adonis grandmother, Karen Bell said.The fire started afte

30、r Adonis sister left the stove on unattended (无人照着的), family members said. Fire spread throughout the wood house. . Now. her seven family members who lived at the Roseland house are staying with one of Bells daughters.“I dont know what were going to do,” she said. “But were alive.” Thanks to her her

31、o grandson.“Adonis has been a blessing (恩赐) to us,” Bell said. “He was able to think clearly when most people, most children, would panic and just run out of the house themselves. He saved our lives. All of our lives.”Adonis says he knows that hes a hero. His family told him so.How does he feel? “Un

32、happy,” the boy said.29. Why did Adonis know how to deal with a fire? A. Because he learned it at school. B. Because he saw firemen coming. C. Because he got help from his mother. D. Because he was brave enough.30. Who woke up Grandmother Karen Bell? A. Adonis. B. Adonis brother. C. Auntie Karen. D. Jordan Hobbs.31. What was the most probable ca

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