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1、检测报告常用专业翻译骑缝章分两种,一种是盖有许多页纸的文件时,为了避免有人换掉其中几页纸又不想每页都去盖章,而把文件几页纸张的边缝连在一起盖章(我要用的应该是这个)。还有一种是在一张可以分成两半,留下底根的的介绍信上盖章,一个章盖在撕下的正本介绍单位落款处,一个章盖在将要撕开在地方,撕开后介绍信上有一半,底根上有一半,以防假冒。前一种应该叫paging seal,后一种才叫a seal on the perforation。Instruction1. the report is invalid when there is no special stamp for inspection repo

2、rt or inspection organization stamp.-报告无检验报告专用章 或检验单位公章无效。2. The report copy is invalid when there is no special stamp for inspection report or inspection organization stamp.复制报告未重新加盖检验报告专用章或检验单位公章无效。3. The report is invalid when there is no auditor and certifiers signature.报告无审核、批准人签章无效。4. The ault

3、ered report is invalid.报告涂改无效。5. Telling the inspection organization in 15 days since you receive the report when you dont agree, otherwise it is not accepted.对检验报告若有异议,应于收到报告之日起十五日内向检验单位提出,逾期不予受理。6. The entrust inspection is responsibility for the received sample only.委托检验仅对来样负责。未经本中心许可本报告不得用于任何广告宣

4、传和成果鉴定,本报告部分复印无效。The report could not be used for any advertisement and evaluation.-The part report copy is invalid.国家汽车质量监督检验中心 National Quality Control & Inspection Center for Automobiles希望对大家有用.一质量检验报告单-Quality Inspection Report一般包括:1.日期-Date2.检验员-Inspector3.产品名称-Item Description4.产品编号-Part Numbe

5、r/PT.NO5.检验数量-Quantity Inspected6.客户定单号-P.O.NO7.发现问题详述:-Discrepancies found(一般与检验标准对照,列出不符合标准的差异)8.不合格数量:Reject Number9.通过数量:Pass Number10.全部合格:Pass all11.全部不合格:Reject all12.不合格产品处理办法-Disposition of Rejects另外需要得到质检部经理和质检QA的签字:Sign1.质检部经理-QA Manager2.质检员-QA/InspectorInspection Report (By * #) 验货报告 (后

6、面是写报告的人或部门名称及报告日期) Item No.: 款号:(例如A-501) Item Description: 产品描述:(例如塑料玫瑰花,也就是说明上面那个代号代表什么具体的产品) Supplier/Manufacturer: 供应商/制造商: Quantity Received: 收到货数量: Quantity Inspected: 验货数量: Quantity Passed: 合格数量: Pass Rate: 合格率: Quantity Rejected: 不良品数量: Defects: 瑕疵/缺陷: 1.Not removable dirts: 20pcs 20件产品带有不可清

7、除的脏污 2.Scratches: 10pcs 10件产品带有刮痕 3.Dye faded: 30pcs 30件产品褪色检验报告 Certificate of analysis 化工有限公司 chemical CO. , LTD制药(药业)有限公司 Pharmaceutical co. ,Ltd.化工厂 CHEMICAL PLANT 精细化工有限公司 FINE CHEMICAL CO., LTD品名 PRODUCT /title批号 batch NO.生产日期 manufacturing date / manu. Date 检验日期 Analysis date有效期 Exp date / ex

8、piry date 检验标准 quality standard /inspecting basis /Specification数量 QUANTITY 报告日期 report date 包装规格 package 企业标准Company Standard/enterprise standard检查项目 test items/analytical items 性状 appearance / characteristics/description/Character分子式 molecular formula 分子量 molecular wt 化学式Chemical formula 鉴别 identi

9、fication 溶液外观 appearance of solution 澄清度&颜色clarity & color白色或类白色结晶粉末white or almost white crystalline powder 味微苦a little bitter taste 无色无味 odorless,smelless酸碱度 acidity and alkalinity 铅盐Plumbum salts 砷盐Arsonium salts有关物质 related substances 分为:individual impurity substance NMT.;total impurity substanc

10、e NMT。干燥失重 loss on drying 炽灼残渣residue on ignition 重金属 heavy metals 溶剂残留 solvent residue 有机挥发性物质 organic volatile impurities溶解度solubility 熔点melting point 旋光度optical rotation 灰分 sulphated ash 水分water content /moisture粒度particles size PH值PH Value 吸收系数absorption coefficient氯化物 chloride 硫酸盐sulphate 农药残留

11、residue of pesticide 微生物限度细菌Microbial Limit bacteria细菌总数total plate count 霉菌和酵母菌yeast & mold /Mildew&Microzyme大肠杆菌. /Esherichia coli沙门氏菌salmonella 含量按归一法计算 Calculated on the Normalization method按干燥品计算 Calculated on the anhydrous substance应符合规定complies with the CRS /meet the requirements 不少于no less t

12、han 不多于no more than /NMT 无negative 有positive 欧洲药典美国中国. P *.目mesh 澄清无色clear and colorless 紫外灯Ultraviolet ray lamp 溶于soluble in .易溶于freely soluble in. 微溶于sparing soluble in .与对照品图谱一致Corresponding to Reference Spectrum 结果results 符合规定conforms / complies with / pass /meet the requirement 结论符合英国药典版with BP

13、 2000 化验员Analyst 复核员hecker 质保经理 manager / QA directorLast edit by happyjyl1. 本院检验工作不受任何来自商业、财政、行政的干预,对委托方的技术、资料、数据及其商业机密严格保密,检验人员严格执行标准和程序,对出具的数据负责;The inspection work of our Institute is free from any intervention from commercial, financial, administrative aspects, the technologies, documents, data

14、, and commercial secrets from the commissioning parties of the commission, information, data and business secrets are kept strictly confidential, the inspectors strictly enforce the standards and procedures, and are responsible for the data issued;2 检验报告无“检验报告专用章”或检验单位公章无效;The Inspection Reports without Special Seal for Inspection Report or the unit seal of the inspection unit would be invalid;3 复制检验报告未重新加盖“检验报告专用章”或检验单位公章无效;The copied inspection without stamping Special Seal for Inspection Report or the unit seal of the inspection unit would be invalid;4 未经本院书面同意,

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