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1、英语面试常见问题及回答精选全集英语面试常用问题及回答精选全集A.Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job?谢谢你对本公司的兴趣,为何你认为自己符合这职位的资格?B.I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people,so I think I could handle the work of a receptionist.我能说流利的英语,而且我喜欢接

2、触不同的人,所以我认为我能胜任接待员一职。A.Why did you choose to come here for a job?你为何选定到此地来谋职?B.I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.我希望有一个提供升级机会的工作。A.What interest you most about this job?你对这份工作最感兴趣的是什么?B.I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.我喜欢和团队一起工作及解决问题。A.W

3、hat do you think you would bring to the job?你认为你将能为这份工作带来什么?B.I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.我有为工作有关的教育及工作经验。此外,我是一个很好的群体工作者并有把工作做到最好的信念。A.Why should I hire you?我为什么要聘请你

4、?B.My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.我的教育背景和工作经验使我能够胜任这项工作。B.My business experience in China,mainly.I know a lot abut how the Chinese market works and how business is done there.大概是我在中国大陆贸易的经验。我对中国贸易有相当深的认识,并了解在大陆应如何经商。A.What do you consider importan

5、t when looking for a job?你选择工作时主要的考虑是什么?B.I think the most important thing is the nature of the job.One should never do anything one is not Interested in.我认为工作的性质最重要,千万不要做你没有兴趣的工作。1.介绍你的家乡我来自*,*在*的北部,是*的故乡。淮安有着悠久的历史,很多历史名人出生在淮安,比如A,B,C,D等,今年正好是 C 的120周年诞辰,纪念馆举办了展览活动。*公园,*古镇的风景很美,*还是是淮扬菜的发源地之一,如果你要来*

6、旅游,我非常愿意带你逛古城,吃特色菜。I come from *, it is in the north of ABC province. It is the hometown of *. Many historical figures was born in *, such as A, B, C, D and so on. This year is the 120th anniversary of the birth of C and The memorial held an exhibition to commemorate him. In my hometown, the scenery

7、 of * mountain park and *Ancient Town is very beautiful. In addition, my hometown is one of the birthplace of huaiyang cuisine, so, if you want to visit *, I can show you around this ancient city, and take you to eat our special food.2.介绍你的家庭我的家庭是十分幸福的四口之家,爸爸妈妈我还有一个可爱的弟弟,他们对我人生的影响是巨大的,爸爸教会了我无论遇到什么困难

8、都不低头和做人要有基本的原则,妈妈让我从她身上看到即使一个女人不够美丽但是从容的处事态度和善良和蔼的性格是多么迷人。I was born in a happy and warm family. There are four people in my family,my father, my mother, my lovely brother and me. They all taught me a lot. My father told me that do not be afraid and give up easily no matter what difficulties you mee

9、t. I learned from my mother that even if a woman is not beautiful, but if she is calm, kind and gentle, she is also very charming. I love my family very much.3.你说你喜欢旅行,可以举个例子吗我喜欢旅行,因为我觉得旅行可以放松心情并且可以发现不一样的风景从而改变着你的思维和行为。我印象最深的一次旅行是大一暑假的时候自己一个人去云南大理义工旅行,其实就是一种打工换宿的旅行方式,父母很支持我,我在网上提前联系了客栈确定好时间,买了火车票也买了

10、保险,在客栈认识了很多有趣的朋友,也把大理玩了个遍,这次旅行对我影响很大,因为我从此爱上了摄影和自由行,并且我发现自己人生观豁达了很多。I love travelling, because I think traveling can give us a relax and different scenery, and then change the way we think and behave. My most memorable trip was a volunteer travel to Dali during my freshman summer vacation, which is

11、actually work exchange, I can work for the hotel in return for accommodation and meals. Although my parents were worried about me, they supported me. I contacted the innkeeper in advance online, and then I bought the train ticket and insurance.I met a lot of interesting friends in Dali and visited t

12、he whole city. This trip had a great influence on me, I fell in love with photography and independent travel, and I found myself much more open-minded.(I make the plan and strategy by myself, stay in youth hostels or budget hotels.)4.你做过哪些志愿者活动呢学校组织的志愿者活动我基本都参加过,比如去敬老院慰问老人,去医院、地铁站做志愿者、关怀留守儿童等等,我自己还组

13、织了一次志愿活动,我主动联系了当地福利院的院长,表示我希望能有一个星期陪伴那些残疾儿童或者孤儿,院长看了我的策划案然后答应了我,我们组了一个团队然后每天有不同的任务,我记得我有一天就是弹吉他给小朋友们听和他们一起唱两只老虎,当时有一个自闭症儿童也开心的笑了,我觉得特别满足I participated in many volunteer activities organized by the school, such as going to the nursing home to visit the elderly, going to the hospital and subway statio

14、n to be a volunteer, taking care of left-behind children, and so on. I also organized a volunteer activity by my self , I take the initiative to contact the director of the local orphanage, said that I hope to accompany those disabled children or orphans, the director read my plan and then promise m

15、e, I formed a team then assign different tasks to each person. I still remember that one day I was playing the guitar for the children and sing two tigers with them, I felt satisfied because I made an autistic child smile.5.举个例子说明你遇到的优秀管理者我印象深刻兼职经历有两段,可能讲的时间会有点长。(其实这两个算是兼职,因为我两次实习遇到的leader都很就不想写)一次是



18、诚并且善解人意所以整个商场没有人不喜欢她。她认为经理与员工之间是平等的,只是工作任务不同。我也很赞赏她的性格和能力,我认为她是一名出色的管理者。I was impressed by two parts of my part-time job, which may be a little long.One is working for GREEN BAZAR, its original name is SWEET GREEN.This is a restaurant that sells salads, drinks and wraps. I join in it when it hasnt s

19、tartedbusiness, Im just a little part-time worker, but I have witnessed its development that it started from a store to a lot of chains or franchisees in suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing. The CEO of company called yumiao, he graduated from Beijing university and majored in psychology, he is a gentleman. Hi

20、s management idea is very open, because he believes that if employees are not happy, the service or food they provide will not satisfy the customers. He thought that consumption is no longer just to meet the needs of consumers, but more close to innovation, convenient and Shared values. So he wanted

21、 to create a green, healthy catering enterprises. When I worked in the cafe, I never see overnight food, and in the shop,salad and drink is very nice. I think hes a great manager who uses his knowledge of psychology flexibly in management.Another experience was an internship at Salvatore ferragamo.

22、My manager Angela was a woman with only a high school degree, but her management ideas and methods were excellent. As a sales manager, she love and proficient in sales. She is outgoing and sociable and she usually chats with employees. Ses so sincere and considerate that no one in the mall doesnt li

23、ke her. She thinks that managers and employees are equal, they just have different tasks. I appreciate her character and ability and I think she is an excellent manager.6.你说你想做*(未来职业),你了解*吗据我所知,*(战略咨询师)的职责应该是在对企业管理的各方面进行调研和诊断后判断企业问题,找出问题原因,给出针对性指导和解决方案。所以战略咨询师是管理咨询岗位里面要求很高的岗位,不只是需要扎实专业的理论基础,还要有有相关资深

24、的工作经验,解决问题的能力、个人影响力、领导能力、主动性以及很高的英语水平。所以我想通过硕士和博士阶段不断提神自己各方面能力,也能掌握熟悉战略及行业分析的工具和数据处理能力。So far as I know, the job of a strategy consultant should be researching all aspects of the business, identifying the situations or problems,and giving specific guidance or solutions. So Strategy Consulting is not

25、 a simple job. I need to master theoretical knowledge , have relevant work experience, problem solving skills, personal influence, leadership, initiative, and a high level of English. Therefore, I want to improve myself in all aspects and learn data analysis and processing.1. What is your greatest s

26、trength?(你最大的优势是什么?)This is one of the questions that employers almost always ask. When you are asked about your greatest strengths, its important to discuss the attributes that will qualify you for the specific job and set you apart from the other candidates.Examples of Best Answers I have an extre

27、mely strong work ethic. When Im working on a project, I dont want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. Last year, I even earned a bonus for completing my three most recent reports one week ahead of time. I have extremely strong writing skills. Havi

28、ng worked as a copy editor for five years, I have a strong attention to detail when it comes to my writing. I have also written for a variety of publications, so I know how to shape my writing style to fit the task and audience. As a marketing assistant, I will be able to effectively write and edit

29、press releases, and update web content with accuracy and ease. I am a skilled salesman with over ten years of experience. I have exceeded my sales goals every quarter and Ive earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer. I pride myself on my customer service skills and my abilit

30、y to resolve what could be difficult situations. With five years of experience as a customer service associate, I have learned to effectively understand and resolve customer issues. On a related note, I also have strong communication skills, which helps me work well with customers, team members, and

31、 executives. I am known for being an effective team member with a talent for giving presentations.2. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的缺点是什么?)Another typical question interviewers will ask is about your weaknesses. Do your best to frame your answers around positive aspects of your skills and abili

32、ties as an employee.Examples of Best Answers When Im working on a project, I dont want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule. Being organized wasnt my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills. I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to perhaps spend a little too much time checking it. However, Ive come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everyt

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