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1、牛津letsgo1全套完美习题 Lets go 1 -Unit 1 一、Write the words.(写出以下单词) 一张桌子_ 一把椅子 _ 一支铅笔 _ 一本书 _ 一块橡皮 _ 一把尺子_ 一支钢笔_ 一个书包 _ 二、Fill in the blanks as required.(按要求填空) What is (缩写)_ It is (缩写)_ is not (缩写)_ 三.Write the letters(写出所给字母相邻的两个字母) B b _ e _ K k_ h_ P p_ l_四.Choose the best answers.(选择最正确答案) _ Kate. 2.

2、_is a book . s your name ? _ m fine. name is Alice. m OK. it ? -Its a desk. s this a _?Yes , it is. A、pen this a chair ?No , is isnt t 7. _ to the teacher .A、Write 8. _ your desk . be _ . 10 ._ your book . (把书合上) .五Translate the sentences .(翻译以下句子) 1.你叫什么名字?Whats _ _ ?我叫John. My _ _ John. 2.这是

3、什么? What _ _ ?它是一块橡皮. Its _ _ . 3.它是一张桌子吗?_ this _ _ ?是的,它是. Yes , _ _. 4.它是一支铅笔吗?Is _ _ _ ?不,它不是,它是一支钢笔。No, it _ . Its _ _ . Lets go 1 Unit 2 一、Write the words(写出以下单词) 1) 绿色 _ 2)棕色 _ 3)紫色 _ 4)红色 _ 5)蓝色 _ 6)灰色 _ 7) 桔色 _ 8) 粉色 _ 9) 白色 _ 10)黄色 _ 11)黑色 _ 二、Fill in the blanks as required.(写出以下单词的缩写) 1)I

4、t is =_ 2) I am = _ 3) What is = _ 三、把字母表前3个字母的大小写写在下面,并写一个代表单词. 例 Dd dog_ _ _四、Choose the best answers.(选择出最正确答案)( ) , Andy . How are you ? m five m a boy m fine( ) _ is this ? Its orange. B.不填 ( ) is a red _yellow book. ( ) is _blue _black book. / and / and / or( ) is _orange book. C .or( ) is _pu

5、rple eraser. C .or( ) your hand down . ( ) _ the board. ( ) your book _ .(把你的书放起来) ( ) your name .A、write 五、Translate the sentences .(翻译以下句子)1、你好吗?我专门好,谢谢。 2、这是什么颜色?它是红色。 3、这是什么?它是一本书。 4、这是一本蓝色的书。 5、这是一支紫色和红色的铅笔。 6、这是一个桔色和白色相兼的书。 Lets go1 Unit3一.Write the words.(写出以下单词)1.蜡笔_ _ _4.课桌_ _ _ _ _ _二Fill

6、in the blanks.(按要求填空) 1they are (缩写)_ 2. crayon(复数) 3. is (复数)_ 4. this(复数) 5. it is(缩写)_ 6. is not(缩写)_7. what is(缩写) 三Write the letters.(写出所给字母的相应大,小写) A_ _b C_ _d _e F_四Choose the best answers(选择最正确答案) is my friend, Sarah. you B. Hello is s this?_ is a table. is a table. s a table. s your name?_

7、is John. name is John. m fine. are you ?_ m fine. B. Im five. s OK. color is it?_ s a white cat. s pink. is a blue. hat are these? _ re cassettes. re book. C. Its a marker. 7. How many sneakers?_ A. One sneakers. sneaker. sneaker. s this? Its _book. and white red and orange orange and red this a not

8、ebook?_ , it is. ,it is. , it isnt. these cassettes?_ , it isnt. ,they arent. , they arent.五Match the sentences.(连线) 围成一个圈 Count the boys. 去门那 Give me the crayon. 到这来 Go to the door. 数一数男孩 Make two lines. 画一幅画 Make a circle. 给我蜡笔 Draw a picture. 站成两排 Come here.六Fill in the blanks as required.(按要求填空)

9、1.-Whats your _? -My name is John.2.-What_is this? -Its blue. are _(这些)? -They are cassettes.4.-_are you? -Im fine. this a bag? -No,_(it is not) these _(蜡笔)? - Yes,they are.七Translate (翻译) 4.这是什么?它是一只猫。_5.你好吗? 我专门好。_6.这是一只蜡笔吗? 是的,它是。7.这些是什么?它们是铅笔盒。8.这些是桌子吗?不,它们不是。9.多少书?三本书。间的书包。 Lets go 1 Unit 4一、Wr

10、ite the words.(写出以下单词)爸爸 _ 妈妈 _ 妹妹 _ 兄弟 _ 爷爷 _ 奶奶 _ 小妹妹 _ 朋友 _ 年轻 _ 年老 _ 高 _ 矮 _ 漂亮 _ 丑 _ 瘦 _ 胖 _ 女孩 _ 屋子 _ 墨水 _ 跳绳 _二、Write the letters.(写出字母Gg后面三个字母及对应单词)_ _ _三、Fill in the blanks as required.(按要求填空)It is (缩写) _ What is (缩写) _ Who is (缩写) _ She is (缩写) _ He is (缩写) _四、Choose the best answers.(选择最正

11、确答案)s he ?_ is my mother. is my father. is my mother. 2. Whos _ ? Shes my sister. s nice to meet you . Its nice to meet you , _. is my mother. Nice to meet you. _ . to meet you, too . re welcome. is my sister. She is _. sister. _ mess. C .a watch TV t B. Dont _ is it ? Its yellow. she your mother ?

12、Yes ,_ . is are is is he ? Hes my brother. s s 五.Fill in the blanks.(按要求按空) is she ? Shes my mother . he your grandfather ? No , _ _ .(he is not ) watch TV . (不要看电视) s nice to _ (见到) you . is _ _ (我的朋友). is _(漂亮) is _ ? (他)六Translate the sentences.(翻译以下句子) 1.她是谁? 她是我的妈妈。 _ 2.他是一个高个男孩。 _ 3.她是你的小妹妹吗?

13、是的,她是。 _ 4.很快乐见到你。 _ 5.她是一个既年轻又漂亮的女孩。 _ 6.他是我的朋友。_ 七.Write the words.(写出反义词) young _ ugly _ short _ thin _八Match the sentences.(连线) 去睡觉 do homework起来 eat dinner做作业 watch TV用饭 Dont make a mess看电视 play the piano 弹钢琴 wake up不要乱扔东西 Dont sit down 请不要坐下 go to sleep Lets go1 Unit5一Write the words.(写出以下单词)1

14、.风筝_ 2.小轿车_ 3.球_ 4.洋娃娃 _ 5.拼图 _ 6.棒球棒_ 7.笔记本_ 8.狮子_9.跳绳 _ 10.妈妈 _ 11.机械人_ 12.自行车_二.Fill in the blanks.(按要求填空) is(缩写) _ (缩写)_ am(缩写) _ 4. big(反义词) (反义词)_ (复数) _三.Write the letters(写出所给字母的相应大.小写) J_ e_ L_ K_ m_ f_ b_ D_四、Choose the best answers.(选择最正确答案) ( ) old are you ?-_. A. Im fine. B. Im 7. C. Th

15、ank you. ( ) is for you !-_. A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. Its a doll. ( ) is it ?-_. A. Its car . B. Its kites. C. I dont know. ( ) it a ball ?- Yes,_. A. is it . B. it is. isnt. ( ) it a little ball ? -No, its a_ball. A. long B. square C. big ( ) is it ?-_. A. Its a kite. B. Yes, it is. C. it is

16、 a kite. ( ) it a pencil ?- No,_. cant . dont . C. it isnt. ( ) you jump rope ? -Yes, _. can . cant . do. ( ) you play with a yo-yo ?-_. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can. , I cant. ( ) it a pencil ? No,_. A. it is . B. isnt. isnt.五.Fill in the blanks.(按要求写句子) is it ?_ a kite.(回答下列问题) this a yo-yo ? Yes, _

17、 _.(确信回答) you do a puzzle?No, _ _(否定回答)4.生日欢乐!_!(翻译句子) old are you?Im seven_(year) old.六.Match the sentences.(连线)扔球 hit a ball接球 jump rope拼拼图 play with a yo-yo跳跳绳 catch a ball打球 do a puzzle玩溜溜球 throw a ballLets go1 Unit1-5一Write the letters.(写出以下字母相邻的两个字母) 二Write the words.(按要求写单词)1.晴天的_ 2.多云的_ 3.下雪

18、的_ 4.起风的_ 5.下雨的_ _ 7.树_ 8.云_ 9 .水坑_ 11.在隔壁_ 12.在上面_ is(缩写)_ 16. They are(缩写)_ 17 .It is(缩写)_ 18 .where is (缩写)_ 三Choose the best answers.(选择) ( )1 .-Hows the weather ?- Its_. A. sunny B. cloud C. sun ( ) How many _ are there ? -Theres one_. A. flowers / flower / cloud C. flower / flower ( )3 .There_

19、 four puddles. A. be B. are ( ) are the rulers ?-_under the bag. A. Its re C. Theyre ( )5. -wheres the cat ? - Its_the tree. A. are C. on ( ) big clouds in the sky. ( ) is a_on the desk. B. balls 四Fill in the blanks.按要求写句子。 1Where_(are / is) the balls? Theyre in the bag. 2There_(is /are) one kite in

20、 the tree. 3Hows the weather ? Its_(cloud) (用适当形式填空) many_(tree) are there ? (用适当形式填空) (are / is) the car ? Its by the table. many clouds are there ? (There be)_three clouds.五用所给单词写一句话 trees there how are_? is kite where _? how is the_? are they table the_? climd can tree a_?六按要求写句子。1.在桌子上有一本书。(用the

21、re be 句型)_ _ a book_the desk.2.天气怎么样? 是晴天。_ _ weather ? Its_.3.那些自行车在哪? 在桌子隔壁。_ _the bicycles? They are _ the desk. 4.风筝在哪里? 在树上。_ the kite ? Its _ the tree.Lets go1-Unit61 .( )A. hot B. not C. Home2. ( )A. egg 3. ( )A. cat B. name 4.( ) 5.( ) this (复数)_ is (复数)_ I am (缩写)_ It is (缩写)_big(反义词)_ long

22、(反义词)_ cannot(缩写)_风筝_ 小轿车_ 球_ 洋娃娃_拼图_棒球棒_ 自行车_ 机械人_ 跳绳_ 狮子_妈妈_ 笔记本_ 圆形的_ 方形的_ 1.( )Happy birthday?_. you. . m seven years old.2.( )How old are you?_. m fine. m five years old. you.3.( )This is for you! _. , it is. you. s a doll.4.( )What is it?_. s car s kites. dont know.5.( )Is it a ball? Yes,_. is it isnt6.( )Can you play with a yo-yo?_ , I can. , I can. , I cant.7.( )Is it a little ball? No, its a _ ball. 8.( )Who

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