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1、句型和句子成分第二讲: 句型和句子成份概说:由不同词类的单词,按照一定的语法规则组合在一起,能表达一个完整意思的语言单位叫句子。一个句子由各个功能不同的部分构成,这些部分叫做句子成分。句子的直接成分是主语和谓语。构成主语的名词词组比较划一,而构成谓语的动词词组在结构上却变化多样。有时可以由谓语动词独立充当谓语,有时谓语动词须带宾语或主语补足语,而有时谓语动词须带宾语,或宾语和宾语补足语的复合结构。谓语动词的类别决定着不同的谓语结构,而不同的谓语结构又决定着不同的句型。重点:五个基本句型的构成及句子成分的分析。难点:五个基本句型的构成及句子成分的分析。内容: 一 基本句型(Basic Sente

2、nce Patterns) 英语的基本句型主要有五个: Pattern 1 S V Cs (主动主补) -Mr. Brown is a doctor. -She looks fine. -You are here. Pattern 2 S V (主动) -The telephone rang. -He works extremely hard. -My parents will soon be arriving. Pattern 3 S V O (主动宾) -He has bought a new car. -You may have seen each other. -She is wash

3、ing the dishes. Pattern 4 S V Oi Od (主动间宾直宾) -Mrs. Blake told us a story. -I sent him a letter. -She lent me her guitar. Pattern 5 S V Od Co (主动直宾宾补) -They found the old man dead. -His mother kept him off cigarettes. -We elected her monitor.二. 主语(Subject) 主语是句子所要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体。它的位置通常在句首,一般不省略。主语常由以

4、下词、短语或从句构成:1. 名词,代词和数词(Nouns, pronouns and numerals) -Prevention is better than cure. -A friend in need is a friend indeed. -Nobody knows who took the key. -One is enough.2.the+ 形容词/ 动词-ed分词(The +adjective/ -ed participle) 形容词或某些动词-ed分词,前面用了限定词the,往往可以就其所表示的动作或状态来代表具有这种动作或状态的人或物。因此,这种the+ 形容词/ 动词-ed

5、结构,实际上是个名词词组,可以在句中担任主语。 这种结构可以指事物的全体,也可指个别部分的人和物,谓语动词在数上与主语相一致。例如: -The old enjoyed themselves at the group. -The unknown is always something to be feared. (未知的事物总是一种令人害怕的东西。) -The wounded are taken to the hospital.3 .不定式短语(Infinitive phrases)-To lean out of the window is dangerous.-To receive your

6、telegram delighted us.-How to get enough capital is still a question. 不定式短语做主语时,往往用it作形式主语放在句首,而将实际主语(不定式短语)放在句末。例 如: -It is an offence to drop litter in the street. -It would be foolish not to accept their offer. -It would take years to rebuild the castle.4 .动词-ing形式(V-ing forms) 不定式和动名词都可以作主语。一般来说

7、,在表示具体某次动作或将来发生的动作时,多用不定式;在表示比较抽象的或习惯性的一般行为时,多用动名词。例如: -Talking mends no holes. -Rowing keeps you fit. -Tonys being always late for class affected his final grade. 在某些结构中,也可用it作形式主语放在句首,而将实际主语(动名词)放在句末。例如: -It is no use crying over spilt milk. -It is a waste of time discussing such matters. -It is n

8、ice talking to you.三.谓语动词(Predicate Verb)(1). 有些动词只能用作及物动词,例如: -Most students enjoy asking questions in English. -It would be a mistake to ignore their advice. -Why not complete your medical course?(2). 有些动词只能用作不及物动词,例如: -I remembered the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. -Smith arrived punct

9、ually at four oclock. -Gradually a smile appeared on her face.(3). 多数动词既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。例如: -It started raining. (及物动词) -How did the war start? (不及物动词) -When did you leave Beijing? (及物动词) -We left last week. (不及物动词)2 .连系动词(Link verb) 当某一动词起连系作用,后跟主语补语时,该动词称为连系动词。连系动词有以下几种:(1). become, come, fall, ge

10、t, go, grow, run, turn等表示“变得”、“成为”的动词。例如: -The room soon became crowded. -His dream has come true. -The courtroom fell silent. -Im getting bored and homesick. -Something has gone wrong with the engine. -It grew colder as night drew on. -The little pond ran dry. -Andrew turned pale at the thought.(2)

11、. continue, hold, keep, lie, remain, stand, stay等表示“保持着某一状态”的动词。例如: -The winter continued damp and wet. -Will the good weather hold warm? -I hope youll keep fit for the races. -The snow lay thick on the ground. -The door remained closed. -The plot now stood revealed. -He stayed single all his life.(

12、3). appear, look, seem等表示“看起来”,“好象”的动词。例如: -The children appear to be asleep. -He looked English. -The girl seemed restless.(4). feel, smell, sound, taste等表示“实感”的动词。例如: -He feels hot. -Dont the smell nice? -That music sounds like Mozart. -Sea water tasted nasty. 3 .某些容易混淆的近形的及物动词和不及物动词(Certain troub

13、leverbs) 请对照下表左右栏:lay (laid, laid, laying) vt. He lay the new clock on the desk. lie (lay, lain, lying) vi. The new clock is lying on the desk. raise (raised, raised, raising) vt. The price was raised to $10. rise (rose, risen, rising) vi. Prices rose last week. shine (shined, shined, shining) vt (使

14、光亮) He shined his shoes yesterday. shine (shone, shone, shining) vi. (发光,发亮) He polished his shoes till they shone. grind (ground, ground, grinding) 磨(成粉末),磨(刀、牙等) Corn is ground into flour in a mill. ground (grounded, grounded, grounding) (使)搁浅,(使)着陆 Our ship grounded in shallow water

15、. hang (hung, hung, hanging) vt. (挂,悬,吊,垂) An oil painting was hung on the wall over the sofa. hang (hanged, hanged, hanging) (吊死,绞死) The murderer was hanged this morning. 4. 主语补足语(Subject Complement) 主语补足语是用来说明主语的身份、特征和状态的。它的位置通常在连系动词之后。主语补足语常 由以下词、短语或从句构成:四.1. 名词和代词(Nouns and pronouns) -Jim

16、 became a pilot. -Oslo seems a pleasant city. -Whos this? Its me.2.形容词和副词(Adjectives and adverbs) -Your suspicions are entirely correct. -They have remained loyal to the Government. -The kitchen is downstairs.3 .介词短语(Prepositional phrases) -They were out of breath. -He feels at home. -That is of no

17、importance.4. 不定式短语(Infinitive phrases)-My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.-Relations between us continue to be strained.-Your mistake was not to write the letter. 如主语部分有动词do,不定式作主语补足语时通常不带to。例如: -All we have to do is push the button. -The best way to do is wait. -What I really wanted t

18、o do was drive all night.5 .动词-ing形式和动词-ed分词(V-ing forms and ed participles)-Seeing is believing.-That is fascinating.-The door remains locked.6. 名词从句(Noun clauses)-The question under discussion now is where they should build the office building.-Our belief is that things will improve. .-That is why

19、 he likes the place so much.五. 宾语(Object) 宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者。它的位置通常在及物动词之后。英语介词后也会跟宾语。 宾语常由以下词、短语或从句构成:1. 名词、代词和数词(Nouns, pronouns and numerals)-She wanted some help.-Some of the women noticed me.-How many do you need? We need three.2. The+形容词/ 动词-ed 分词(The+adjective/ -ed participle)-The experienced

20、old worker often helped the unskilled young.-We take good care of the aged in the village.-The stretcher teams carried the seriously wounded.3. 不定式短语(Infinitive phrases)-He continued to live above the shop.-We cant bear to see you like this.-She promises to make no mistakes at all.4 .动词-ing形式(V-ing

21、forms)-She recommends buying the big tin.-I regret spending so much money.-Imagine not knowing the answer to such an easy question!5 .名词从句(Noun clauses) -Everybody hoped (that) she would sing.-Can you confirm which flight we are taking?-Did you write down what the teacher said?6 .直接宾语和间接宾语(Direct an

22、d indirect objects) 动词宾语可分为直接宾语和间接宾语,上文所述均为直接宾语;而间接宾语表示动作的方向和目 标,只用在双宾语及物动词之后。例如: -Dad gave me a car. -Dr Robey handed David a piece of string. -We asked the students what they wanted. 带间接宾语的动词(verbs with the indirect object)常用的带间接宾语的动词如下:accord, allow, assigh, award, bring, cause, deal, deny, do, f

23、etch, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer,owe, pass, pay, post, promise, read, recommend, refuse, render, return, sell, send, show, sing, take, telephone, teach, tell, throw, wish, write等。 直接宾语和间接宾语的位置(position of the direct and indirect object) (1) 该句型的语序一般是S+V+Oi+Od。间接宾语后移时,必须在它的前面加to, for等介词。例如

24、: -He handed his room key to the receptionist. -He had taught English to all the youth of Ceylon and India. -Mother has made a new dress for Alice. 突出间接宾语时,或间接宾语比直接宾语长得多时,常用这种结构。加介词to表示间接宾语是动作 的接受者,适用于这一情况的动词有:assign, award, bring, cause, deliver, deny, feed, give, grant, grantee, hand, leave, lend,

25、 offer, owe, pass,pay, promise, read, recommend, render, rent, sell, send, serve, show, sing, take, teach, tell, throw,write等。 加介词for表示间接宾语是动作的受益者,适用于这一情况的动词有: bake, boil, book, build, buy, change, choose, cook, cut, do, find, fix, fry, get, grow, leave, make, mix, order, paint, peel, play, post, po

26、ur, prepare, reserve, save, spare等。 (2) 个别动词如leave在间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前既可加to,也可加for。例如: -When he died he left his property to his adopted daughter. -Has he left any bread for the others? (3) 个别动词如ask在间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前加of。例如:-May I ask you a favor? -May I ask a favor of you? (4) 直接宾语为代词时,必须紧跟在动词后面;如果直接宾语和间接宾语都是

27、代词,直接宾语一般放 在前面。例如: -We sent it to the headmaster. -We sent it to him.六.宾语补足语(Object Complement)在SVOdCo句型中,谓语动词虽然有宾语,但句子意义仍不完整,需要在宾语之后增加一个成分以补足其意义,这种成分叫做宾语补足语。宾语补足语说明宾语所表示的人或物的属类、性质、状态等,宾语和 补语在这种结构中实际上是一种主谓关系。宾语补足语常由以下词、短语和结构构成:1 .名词(Nouns)-They consider him an embarrassment.-Can you recommend me a good novel?-The queen appointed William her personal secretary. .2 .形容词和副词(Adjectives and adverbs)-She proved herself worthy of confidence.-He declared the meeting official.-I supposed h

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