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高考英语一轮复习精品讲义Unit 4 Sharing新人教选修7.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习精品讲义Unit 4 Sharing新人教选修7.重点单词识记1fortnight /ftnaIt/ n两星期2weekly /wiklI/ adj.& adv.每周(的)3catalogue /ktl/ n目录4purchase /pts/ vt.& n买;购买5anniversary /nIvsri/ n周年纪念(日)6arrangement /reIndmnt/ n安排;排列7political /plItIkl/ adj.政治的;政党的8concept /knsept/ n观念;概念9otherwise /waIz/ conj.否则;不然;adv.用别的方法;其他方面1

2、0privilege /prIvlId/ n特权;特别优待11relevant /relvnt/ adj.有关的;切题的relevance n中肯;切题12remote /rImut/ adj.遥远的;偏僻的remotely adv.遥远地;偏僻地13adjust /dst/ vt.& vi.调整;(使)适合adjustable adj.可调整的;可调节的adjustment n调整14participate /ptIsIpeIt/ vi.参与;参加participation n参加;参与15donate /dneIt/ vt.捐赠;赠送donation n捐赠;赠送16voluntary /

3、vlntrI/ adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的volunteer n自愿者;志愿者17distribute /dIstrIbjut/ vt.分配;分发distribution n分配;分发;分布状态18security /sIkjrtI/ n安全;保护;保障secure adj.安全的19operate /preIt/ vt.操作;vi.工作;运转 operation n操作;运转operator n电话接线员;操作员.重点短语识记1hear from接到的信2(be) dying to极想;渴望3be relevant to与有关4dry out(使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透5dry up(

4、指河流、井等)干涸6in need在困难中;在危急中7the other day不久前的一天8participate in参加.经典原句默写与背诵1Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students,most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway.有时我在想化学和这些学生有何关联,反正8年级之后他们中的大多数会回到他们的村子里(生活)。2But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I di

5、d visit a village which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe.但是上个周末,我和另一个老师珍妮,确实拜访了一个村庄,其中一个男孩汤贝的家就在那里。3We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美

6、的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。4Tombes father,Mukap,led us to his house,a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roofthis shows it is a mans house.汤贝的父亲,缪卡领我们到了他的房子,一个低矮的小竹屋,草伸出屋顶,这表明是男人住的房子。5The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribution towards the lives of peop

7、le who really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。1The doctor said he was a volunteer and had operated on the patient.He was willing to participate in the voluntary activity.(volunteer)2We donate to the school fund every year.The donation is given to those who do best in exams.(donate)3Yo

8、u can adjust the desks and chairs to the height of the students.The adjustment is not difficult to make.(adjust)4Some of the magic tricks call for audiences participation(participate)5The distribution(distribute) of the rescuing goods is under discussion.6These children in the mountainous area are d

9、ying(die) for knowledge.7What you say has no relevance(relevant) to the subject.8We are privileged(privilege) to welcome you as our speaker this evening.9What things do you do weekly(week) or monthly,but not every day?10The new couple spent some money on the purchase(purchase) of the furniture neces

10、sary for their new house.1adjust sth.调整以适应adjust (oneself) to.(使自己)适应于adjust to doing.适应做make an adjustment to sth.对作出调整To attract investors,Panama has adjusted its tax and labor laws.为吸引投资者,巴拿马调整了税法和劳动法。We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使

11、他们适应普通的社会生活。夯实基础(1)用所给词的适当形式填空She found it hard to adjust to working(work) at night.He will have to make major adjustments(adjust) to his thinking if he is to survive in office.She soon adjusted herself(she) to his way of life.(2)When a child is studying abroad,he must learn to adjust to living on h

12、is own(适应独立生活)2participate with sth.同某人参与某事participate in参加participant n.参加者;参与者participation n.参加;参与I am going to participate in an English speech contest for senior high school students to be held in July.今年我要参加7月份举行的高中生英语演讲比赛。 (2011山东写作)夯实基础(1)Everyone in the class is expected to participat

13、e in these discussions(参与这些讨论)(2)同义句改写She actively participated in local politics.(用part改写句子)She took an active part in local politics.(3)翻译句子他们希望他参加典礼。They expected him to participate in the ceremony.3 otherwise adv.否则(or);除此以外(apart from);在其他方面(in a different way);conj.否则,要不然or otherwise或其他情况;或相反o

14、r else否则,要不然的话Im lucky that Im interested in school work,otherwise Id go mad.我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。We welcome any comments from viewers,favourable or otherwise.观众的任何意见,无论是褒是贬,我们都欢迎。夯实基础(1)There was some music playing upstairs.Otherwise(除此之外) the house was silent.(2)Make sure the gas is turned off af

15、ter a bath,which would otherwise cause danger(否则会引起危险)4 privilege n特殊利益;特权;荣幸;光荣;v.给予特权a privilege of doing sth./to do sth.做某事是荣幸It is a privilege to do sth.做某事是项荣幸have the privilege to do sth./of doing sth.有做某事的特权be/feel privileged to do sth.做某事是荣幸的Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood,she

16、 was carrying on a family tradition by acting.她出身于过去好莱坞的名门,继承了当演员的家族传统。夯实基础(1)Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great privilege of introducing our speaker(介绍我们的演讲者) for tonight.(2)同义句改写We are privileged to have a distinguished guest with us tonight.(用it作形式主语改写句子)It is a privilege for us to have a dist

17、inguished guest tonight.(3)翻译句子认识这样的人肯定很荣幸。It must be a privilege to know such a man.5donate把某物捐献给collect donation for.为募捐make/give/present a donation to捐赠Luckily,many people and organizations donate a lot of money to help them receive college education smoothly.幸运的是,许多人和组织捐了大笔钱帮助他们顺利地接受大学教育

18、。(2011湖南书面表达)He frequently donates large sums to charity.他常常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman.银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。夯实基础(1)用donate的适当形式填空We are collecting donations for the relief fund.All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.(2)Has she really donated(她

19、真的捐献了) one of her kidneys to the advanced teacher?Thats true.6on a voluntary basis在自愿的基础上do voluntary work参加志愿工作volunteer for自愿参加volunteer to do自愿做volunteer as志愿当We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules.我们必须严格自愿地遵守交通规则。 (2013安徽书面表达)The scheme,due to begin next month,will be voluntary.

20、定于下个月开始实施的方案是自愿性质的。夯实基础(1)语法填空She works there on a voluntary basis.Why do you want to volunteer for our organization?(2)He volunteered as a teacher(自愿当老师) in Tibet.7distribute sb.把某物分配(发)给某人distribute sth.among sb.在某人中进行分配distribution of sth.的分发、分配Thousands of soldiers are working to distribu

21、te food and blankets to the refugees.数以千计的士兵正在给难民们分发食物和毯子。In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbors or distributed among friends.大部分家具在搬家的时候都留给了邻居或送了朋友。夯实基础(1)A much better way must be found to achieve an equal distribution(来达到公平的分配) of the resources.(2)Some blood types are quite c

22、ommon,others are regionally distributed(有些血型呈现地区分布的特点),and still others are rare everywhere.8operate on/upon sb.给某人动手术be in operation在运转;在行动中;在实施中come/go into operation开始工作(生效)put/bring into operation实施;实行The department store is well operated.这家百货公司经营得很好。Do you know how to operate the heating system

23、?你知道怎么操作这个加热系统吗?夯实基础(1)用operate的适当形式填空Do you think the new machine very easy to operate?In the good care of the nurses,the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation.(2)The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once(不得不立即做手术),which made us all worried.1The papers were stick

24、ing out of his pocket.2Everyone is expected to participate in the coming discussion.3Whether you go or not makes no difference to me.4The stream dries up during the hot summer.5I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.1be dying for sth.渴望/想要某物long for sth.渴望某物long to do sth.渴

25、望做某事be thirsty/hungry/eager/anxious for渴望得到Were dying to meet your new boyfriend.我们非常想见你新交的男朋友。Im dying for a cup of coffee.我真想喝一杯咖啡。夯实基础(1)Im dying to know what happened(很想了解发生的事情)(2)I know you are busy,but do you think you could spare us a few hours?We are dying to hear your experiences abroad(急切地

26、想听听你在国外的经历)2dry up(指河流、井等)干涸dry off使变干;弄干If the soil is allowed to dry out,the tree could die.如果任由土壤变干,这棵树可能会枯死。Rivers and lakes might dry up in some places,and glaciers might melt.某些地方的河川跟湖泊可能干涸,冰川也可能融化。夯实基础(1)All his clothes were wet in the heavy rain,so he couldnt go out until his clothes dried o

27、ut(直到衣服干透)(2)We must save every drop of water in case the lake near the city dries up(以防城市附近的湖泊干涸)3in need of需要satisfy/meet ones needs满足某人的需要neednt have done.本来没必要做(而做了)There is no need (for sb.) to do./for (doing) sth.(某人)没必要做How do you say no to someone in need?你怎么忍心对有困难的人说不呢?The whole house is in

28、 need of decorating.整座房子需要装饰。夯实基础(1)There is no need(没有必要) for you to come if you dont want to.(2)It should suit you perfectly,and meet/satisfy your needs (满足你的需求).1Do finish(一定要完成) your homework on time.2What if(倘若怎么办) he gets angry? 3Not he but you(不是他而是你) are wanted on the telephone.4China is the

29、 birthplace of kites,from where(从那里) kiteflying spread to Japan.5What surprised me was not what he said but the way he said it(他说话的方式)We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.我们走了两个半

30、小时才到了那儿。先爬到了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了优美的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山坡到了下面的山谷。from where.引导定语从句,修饰a ridge。where一般用作关系副词,其前不加介词;但where有时也可作关系代词,其前可加介词from。There are many websites,from where you can find almost all the necessary information.有许多网址,从那里你能够找到几乎所有必要的信息。Alice stood at the window,from where she could watch her classmates playing football.Alice站在窗户旁边,从那里她可以观看同学们踢足球。夯实基础(1)After supper,he usually stood near the window,from where he could see the tower(从那里他能看到塔),the tallest building in this city.(2)When I arrived,Bryan took me to see t

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