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1、unit2单词ancient英 einnt 美 enntadj. 古代的,已往的; 古老的,过时的; 年老的; 老式的 n. 古代人; 古文明国的国民; 高龄老人; 旗手 复数: ancients 1. ADJ-GRADED 远古的;古代的 They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。2. ADJ-GRADED 古老的;年代久远的.ancient Jewish tradition.古老的犹太传统 3. N-PLURAL 古代人;(尤指)古希腊人,古罗马人 com

2、pete英 kmpi:t 美 kmpit vi. 竞赛; 竞争; 比得上; 参加比赛(或竞赛) 过去式: competed 过去分词: competed 现在分词: competing 第三人称单数: competes 1. V-RECIP 竞争 2. V-RECIP (与)争夺(以获取) Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water.袋鼠与牛羊争夺稀少的食物和水。 Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poa

3、ch pupils.学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。3. VERB 参加(比赛) Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film.外国译制片不得参加最佳影片的角逐。4. See also: competing competitor英 kmpett 美 kmptt n. 竞争者; 对手 复数: competitors 1. N-COUNT 竞争者;对手 The bank isnt performing as well as some of its competitors.这家

4、银行表现得不如几家竞争对手出色。2. N-COUNT 选手;参赛者 Herbert Blocker of Germany, one of the oldest competitors, won the individual silver medal.德国的赫伯特布洛克尔是年纪最大的选手之一,赢得了个人项目的银牌。take part in参加, 参与活动 stand for代表; 为而奋斗; 拥护; 容忍 1. PHRASAL VERB (某个字母)是的缩写,代表,表示 What does EU stand for?EU代表什么?2. PHRASAL VERB 支持,主张,代表(某种观点或态度)

5、 He hates us and everything we stand for.他仇恨我们以及我们的任何主张。3. PHRASAL VERB 不能容忍Its outrageous, and we wont stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。magical英 mdkl 美 mdkl adj. 魔力的, 不可思议的, 迷人的 1. ADJ 施魔法的;产生魔力的 .the story of Sin-Sin, a little boy who has magical powers.一个有魔力的小男孩辛辛的故事magically: .the story

6、of a young boys adventures after he is magically transported through the cinema screen.关于一个小男孩神奇地进入了银幕之后的历险故事2. ADJ-GRADED (地方或物体)奇妙的,神奇的 volunteer英 vlnti 美 vlntr n. 志愿者,志愿兵; 军义勇军; 植自生植物; 林先锋树种 adj. 自愿的,志愿的 vt.&vi. 自愿去做; 当志愿兵义勇军 vi. 志愿,义务服务 vt. 志愿提供 复数: volunteers 过去式: volunteered 过去分词: volunteered

7、现在分词: volunteering 第三人称单数: volunteers 1. N-COUNT 志愿者;义务工作者;义工 She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。2. N-COUNT 自告奋勇者;主动做事者 Any volunteers?有没有人自告奋勇?3. VERB 自告奋勇;主动要求 He volunteered for the army in 1939.1939年他志愿参军。4. VERB 主动提供(信息)The room was quiet; no

8、 one volunteered any further information.房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。5. N-COUNT 志愿兵;义勇军 Victory in the civil war had been achieved by a mainly volunteer army.一支主要由志愿军组成的队伍取得了内战的胜利。regular英 rejul 美 rjl adj. 有规律的; 规则,整齐的; 不变的; 合格的 n. 正规军; 主力(或正式)队员; 常客 adv. 定期地; 经常地 复数: regulars 1. ADJ-GRADED 定时的;定期的;有规律的 Take

9、regular exercise.定期进行锻炼。2. ADJ-GRADED 经常的;频繁的 This condition usually clears up with regular shampooing.这种情形通常多用香波洗洗头即可消除。3. ADJ-GRADED 经常光顾的;经常去的 She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.她已经成了霍顿府的常客。4. N-COUNT 常客;老顾客;固定成员;正式成员 I wasnt one of their regulars.我并不是他们的正式成员。5. ADJ 经常使用的;固定的 The m

10、an sat at his regular table near the window.这个人坐在他固定的靠窗的位置。6. ADJ-GRADED (声音或动作)规律的,规则的 .a very regular beat.非常规律的节拍 He stood in the doorway, listening to her quiet, regular breathing.他站在走道里,听着她那沉静而规律的呼吸声。7. ADJ 正常的;常见的;普通的 The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.这种产品看起来和点燃后都与常见的香烟没什么两样

11、。8. ADJ (饮品或食物)分量适中的,中份的.a cheeseburger and regular fries.一个奶酪汉堡和中份薯条9. ADJ-GRADED 整齐排列的;(空距)均匀的 .regular rows of wooden huts.整齐的一排排小木屋10. ADJ-GRADED 匀称的;对称的.some regular geometrical shape.一些对称的几何图形11. ADJ (军队)常规的,常备的 Regulars are regular troops.正规军队;常备军队12. ADJ (语法中)按规则变化的,规则的 basis英 beisis 美 bess

12、n. .基础; 主要成分; 基准,基本原则 复数: bases 1. N-SING 基本原则;基本规律 Were going to be meeting there on a regular basis.我们将定期在那里会面。2. N-SING (行事的)理由,根据 3. N-COUNT 基础;起点 Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation.双方大致同意联合国的计划可能成为谈判的基础。4. N-COUNT 依据;根据 This is a common fallac

13、y which has no basis in fact.这是一个没有事实依据的常见谬误。admit英 dmit 美 dmtt.& vi. 许可进入; 承认,供认 vt. 允许; 确认 vi. 承认; 允许 过去式: admitted 过去分词: admitted 现在分词: admitting 第三人称单数: admits 易混淆的单词:ADMIT1. VERB (常指不情愿地)承认,供认 I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes.我愿意承认我确实会犯错。2. VERB 接受(入院);收治 She was admitted to hospit

14、al with a soaring temperature.她因发高烧被送进医院。3. VERB 准许加入;接纳;招收 The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.伞兵团可能会被迫招收女性。4. VERB 准许进入 Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife.使馆保安人员不允许他和夫人进入。as well也, 还有 . in addition;synonym: besides,too,also,likewise responsibility英 rispns

15、biliti 美 rspnsblti n. 责任; 职责; 责任感,责任心; 负责任 复数: responsibilities 1. N-UNCOUNT 责任;义务 We need to take responsibility for looking after our own health.我们必须对自己的健康负责。2. N-UNCOUNT 责任;过失 Someone had to give orders and take responsibility for mistakes.必须得有人下令,并为错误负责。3. N-PLURAL 职责;任务 He handled his responsib

16、ilities as a counselor in an intelligent and caring fashion.作为一名顾问他精明能干、热心周到。4. N-UNCOUNT 重任;职权 She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility.她本想有一份报酬更高、职权更大的工作。5. N-SING (道义上的)责任,义务 As parents we have a responsibility to give our children a sense of belonging.作为父母,我们有责任给

17、孩子一种归属感。6. N-SING 对的责任 She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.她已经决定,作为医生,她应该对自己的同胞负责。replace英 ripleis 美 rples vt. 替换; 代替; 把放回原位; (用)替换 过去式: replaced 过去分词: replaced 现在分词: replacing 第三人称单数: replaces 1. VERB 替换;取代;代替 .the city lawyer who replaced Bob as chairm

18、an of the company.取代鲍勃成为公司主席的市政律师2. VERB 以取代;以接替 The BBC decided it could not replace her.英国广播公司认定那不能取代她。3. VERB 换下(坏的);以新的替换The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但买不起新的来换。4. VERB 把放回(原处) Replace the caps on the bottles.把瓶盖重新盖上。窗体顶端cha

19、rge英 t:d 美 trd 生词本 vt. 装载; 控诉; 记账; 使充电 vt.& vi. 指责; 进攻; 向方向冲去; 注满(玻璃杯) n. 费用; 指示; 掌管; 指责 vi. 索价; 收费; 要求支付; 为收取费用 (常与 for 连用) 复数: charges 过去式: charged 过去分词: charged 现在分词: charging 第三人称单数: charges 易混淆的单词:CHARGECharge1. VERB 向收费;索要(钱);要价 The majority of stalls charged a fair price.多数货摊要价比较公道。2. VERB 将的

20、账单寄给;把记在的账上Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us.去买副眼镜,账记在我们头上。2. N-COUNT (提供服务的)要价,收费 We can arrange this for a small charge.我们可以将此安排好,只收取很少的费用。4. N-COUNT 指控;控告 He may still face criminal charges.他可能仍然要面临刑事指控。5. VERB (警方)指控,起诉 They have the evidence to charge him.他们握有控告他的证据。6. VERB

21、(公开)指责,谴责 He charged the minister with lying about the economy.他指责部长在经济问题上撒谎。7. N-UNCOUNT 负责;管理 I have been given charge of this class.我被分配负责这个班。8. PHRASE 主管;全面负责;统领 Whos in charge here?这儿谁管事啊?9. N-COUNT 被照管的人;所负责的人 The coach tried to get his charges motivated.教练试图激发队员的积极性。10. VERB 猛冲;猛攻 He ordered

22、us to charge.他命令我们冲锋。11. VERB 给(电池)充电 Charge up means the same as charge .charge up 同 charge There was nothing in the brochure about having to drive the car every day to charge up the battery.手册里只字没提这车要天天开,以给电池充电。12. N-COUNT (带电物质的)电荷,充电量 13. N-COUNT (子弹、炮弹所装填的)火药,炸药;子弹;炮弹14. See also: charged 15. P

23、HRASE 免费的 The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices.宣传单可以到邮局免费领取。bargain英 b:in 美 brn n. 契约,协定; 交易; 特价商品; 便宜货 vt. 做交易 vi. 讨价还价; 达成协议 复数: bargains 过去式: bargained 过去分词: bargained 现在分词: bargaining 第三人称单数: bargains 1. N-COUNT 便宜货;廉价货 Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week.

24、这周超市的新鲜鲑鱼特价销售。2. N-COUNT 交易;协议 Ill make a bargain with you. Ill play hostess if youll include Matthew in your guest-list.我们说定了,如果你能把马修也邀请来的话我就做东。3. VERB 商谈;交涉;谈判;讨价还价 Shop in small local markets and dont be afraid to bargain.在当地的小店购物,不要害怕砍价。bargainer: A union bargainer said that those jobs have been

25、 saved.一位工会的谈判人员说那些工作岗位都已经保住了。4. PHRASE 极力讨价还价;提出苛刻的交易条件 5. PHRASE 此外;而且;另外 She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain.她很有钱。现在你又说她还是个美女。6. PHRASE 履行协议 Dealing with this dictator wasnt an option. He wouldnt have kept his side of the bargain.别跟这个独裁者打交道,他不会信守诺言的。deserve英 diz:v 美 dzv vt.

26、应受; 应得; 值得 vi. 应受报答; 应得报酬; 应得赔偿; 应受惩罚 过去式: deserved 过去分词: deserved 现在分词: deserving 第三人称单数: deserves 1. VERB 应得;应受;值得Government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well.政府官员显然也应当承担部分责任。2. PHRASE 罪有应得;活该 One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。

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