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1、解读自动喷水灭火系统施工方法中英文详解解读自动喷水灭火系统施工方法中英文详解Interpretation of the automatic sprinkler system construction method.本工程在各方面条件允许的情况下,将采用流水施工与平行施工相结合的方法进行全面施工,并结合实际对施工区域内的施工工序进行穿插配合,严格控制施工进度,合理安排工序,对各工序间的衔接进行动态管理。The project in all aspects of the conditions allow, will adopt the method of water construction an

2、d parallel construction by combining the comprehensive construction, combined with the actual construction process for the construction area were interspersed with, strictly control the construction schedule, reasonable arrangement process, dynamic management of cohesion among each working procedure

3、.自动喷水灭火系统施工方法Automatic sprinkler system construction method1施工顺序:放线支、吊架预制管道及阀门安装系统吹扫系统主要组件安装系统试压刷漆系统调试。1 construction sequence: line, branch, hanger, piping and valves installation of prefabricatedsystemsystem purge main components test debugging pressing, brush paint, system installation, system.2

4、放线The 2 line根据施工图确定喷淋管线的位置并作标记,查看有无障碍并现场解决。According to the construction drawings to determine the spray pipeline location and marking, see accessibility and the solution.3 支、吊架安装3, installation of hanger(1)安装前的准备工作:室内管道的支架,首先应根据设计要求定出固定支架和活动支架的位置,再按管道的标高,把同一水平水管段两端的支架位置画在墙或柱子上;要求有坡度的管道,应根据两点间的距离和坡度

5、的大小,算出两点间的高度差,然后的两点间拉一条直线,按照支架的间距,再墙上或柱子上画出每个支架的位置;如果土建施工时已在墙上预留的预埋支架孔洞,或在钢筋混凝土构件上预埋了焊接支架和钢板,应检查预留孔洞或预埋钢板的标高及位置是否符合要求,预埋钢板上的沙浆或油漆应清除干净。( 1 ) preparation before installation: support indoor plumbing, first of all should be designed according to a fixed bracket and the movable bracket position require

6、ments, then press the pipe elevation, the same level of pipe section at both ends of the bracket position paintings on the walls or columns; the requirement of pipe slope, should be based on the distance between two points. And the sizes of the slope, the height difference between two points is calc

7、ulated, and then pull a straight line between two points, in accordance with the support spacing, then the wall or pillar draw each bracket position; if the civil engineering construction has been buried in the wall bracket holes reserved in advance, or in the reinforced concrete member is embedded

8、with bracket and the steel plate welding, should check whether the elevation and position the preformed holes or embedded steel to meet the requirements, the pre-buried steel sheets of the mortar or paint should be cleaned.(2)支架安装的一般要求:支架横梁应牢固地固定在墙、柱子或者其它结构物上,横梁长度方向应水平,顶面应与管子中心线平行;固定支架承受着内压力和反力,因此固定

9、支架必须严格安装在设计规定的位置,并应使管子牢固地固定在支架上,在无补偿装置且有位移的直段上,不得安装一个以上的固定支架。( 2 ) General requirements: stent installation bracket beam should be firmly fixed in the walls, pillars and other structures, the length of the beam direction should be level, the top surface should be parallel with the centerline of pipe

10、; fixation under internal pressure and force, so the fixed bracket must be Yan Gean installed in the design of a prescribed position, and be the pipe is firmly fixed in the bracket, without compensation device and the displacement of the straight section, shall not be installed fixed support more th

11、an one.(3)支架的受力部件,如横梁、吊杆及螺栓等的规格应符合设计或标准图的规定。( 3 ) the stress components support, such as a beam, rod and bolt specifications should meet the requirements of design and drawing.(4)支架安装应使管道中心偏离距离符合设计要求,一般管道的表面离墙和柱的表面的净距离不应小于60mm。( 4 ) bracket installation shall be the pipeline center distance deviatio

12、n meets the design requirements, the surface general pipeline net distance from the surface of the wall and column shall not be less than 60mm.(5)支、吊架不得有漏焊、欠焊部位,不得有表面裂纹。( 5 ) branch, hanger not leak welding, welding parts in, there shall be no surface crack.(6)支架的固定方法:墙上有预留孔洞的,可将支架横梁埋入墙内,埋设前,应清除孔洞内的

13、碎砖及灰尘,并用水将洞浇湿,埋入深度应符合设计要求或有关标准图的规定,填塞使用1:3水泥沙浆,必须填密实饱满;钢筋混凝土构件上的支架,将支架焊接在预埋板上;在没有预留孔洞和预埋板的砖或混凝土的构件上,根据管道直径采用M10-M16膨胀螺栓安装支架。管道安装时使用的临时支架应有明显的标志,不可与正式支架位置冲突,管道安装完毕应拆除。( 6 ) fixed bracket : wall has reserved holes, the bracket beam can be embedded into the wall, buried before, should be cleared of rub

14、ble and dust holes, holes and water will be wet, buried depth should meet the design requirements or the relevant standard requirements, full use of 1:3 cement mortar, must be filled and compacted full reinforced concrete; frame member, will support are welded on the embedded plate; in the member is

15、 not reserved holes and embedded board brick or concrete, according to the pipe diameter using M10-M16 bolt installation stent expansion. The temporary support during installation of pipeline used should be clearly marked, not with formal support location conflict, the installation should be removed

16、.4管道安装4 installation of pipeline(1)管件在安装前,应进行外观检查,并符合以下要求:( 1 ) pipe before installation, should carry on the inspection, and in accordance with the following requirements:a、材质、规格、型号符合设计要求;A, materials, specifications, models meet the design requirements;b、表面应无裂纹、缩孔、夹渣、折迭、重皮等缺陷;B, the surface should

17、 be no crack, shrinkage, slag, folding, double skin defects;c、尺寸偏差应符合现行的国家标准及规范要求;C, size deviation should comply with national standards and specifications for the current request;d、螺纹密封应完整,无损伤、毛刺等缺陷,精度及表面粗糙度应达到设计要求和制造标准;D, thread sealing should be complete, no damage, burr, accuracy and surface ro

18、ughness should meet the design requirements and manufacturing standards;e、各种非金属垫片应质地柔韧,无老化、变质和分层现象,表面无折损、皱纹等缺陷。E, various non-metallic gaskets should be flexible texture, no aging, deterioration and stratification, surface without damage, defects such as wrinkles.(2)管道联接:当管子的公称直径小于100mm时,采用螺纹联接;当管子的

19、公称直径大于或等于100mm时,采用沟槽式卡箍联接。( 2 ) pipeline connection: when the nominal pipe diameter is less than 100mm, with thread; when the nominal pipe diameter greater than or equal to 100mm, the groove type clamp connection.采用螺纹联接的要求:The thread connection request:a、管子采用机械切割,切割面不得有飞边、毛刺。A, the pipe by mechanica

20、l cutting, cutting surface shall not have burr, burr.b、加工的管子螺纹密封面完整、光滑,不得有缺丝或断丝现象。Pipe thread B, sealing surface processing complete, smooth, not a lack of wire or wire breaking phenomenon.c、管道变径时应采用变径管,不得采用补心,公称直径大于50mm的管道上不得采用活接头。螺纹联接的密封填料应均匀附着在管道的螺纹部分,拧紧螺纹时不得将密封材料挤入管内,联接后应将外部清理干净。C, pipe diameter

21、 should be used when the tube, and shall not be used, shall not use union nominal pipe diameter larger than 50mm. Screw thread connection sealing packing should be evenly attached to the pipe, tighten the screw must not be sealing material into the pipe, connection shall be external clean.5 系统主要组件的安

22、装The main components of the 5 system installation5.1 喷头安装5.1 installation(1)闭式喷头应进行密封性能试验,并以无渗漏、无损伤为合格。试验数量从每批中抽查1%,且不得少于5只,试验压力为3.0MPa,试验时间不得少于3min。当有两只及以上不合格时,不得使用该批喷头。当有一只不合格时,应再抽查2%,且不得少于10只重新进行密封性能试验,当仍有不合格时,亦不得使用该批喷头。( 1 ) closed nozzle sealing performance test should be carried out, and with

23、no leakage, no damage for qualified. The number of test sample from each batch of 1%, and not less than 5, the test pressure for the 3.0MPa, the test time shall not be less than 3min. When the two are not qualified and above, shall not use the number of nozzle. When there is a failure, should check

24、2%, and not less than 10 to seal performance test, when there are still unqualified, also must not use the number of nozzle.(2)安装喷头应具备的条件:( 2 ) the installation of sprinklers should have the conditions:a、喷头安装应在系统管网经过试压、冲洗。A, head shall be installed in the pipe network system, pressure test, after wa

25、shing.b、安装喷头所需要的弯头、三通采用专用管件。B, the installation of sprinklers required elbow, three with special fittings.c、安装过程中不得对喷头进行拆装、改动、也不得加任何装饰性涂层或外套。C, the installation process may of nozzle disassembly, change, nor shall any decorative coat or jacket.d、喷头的安装应采用工厂配备的专用扳手。D, nozzle installation should use sp

26、ecial wrench factory equipped with.e、发现喷头的框架、溅水盘变形或释放元件损伤时应更换喷头。E, discovery framework, deflector deformation or release component damage should be replaced nozzle.f、当喷头需要更换时,更换上的喷头与原喷头规格、型号相同。F, when the head needs to be replaced, the replacement of the same specifications of the nozzle, the nozzle

27、 type and.g、喷头安装时应按设计规范要求确保溅水盘与吊顶、门、窗、洞口和墙面的距离。G, the nozzle should be installed according to design specifications to ensure a splash plate and the ceiling, doors, windows, entrance and wall distance.5.2 报警阀的安装5.2 alarm valve installation(1)报警阀安装应具备的条件:( 1 ) the alarm valve installation should have

28、 the conditions:a、报警阀的铭牌、规格、型号应符合设计图纸要求。A, alarm valve nameplate, specifications, models should comply with the design requirements of the drawing.b、报警阀组合体配件完好齐全;阀辨启闭灵活、密封性好;阀体内清洁无异物堵塞。B, alarm valve combination valve accessories complete and in good condition; identification of flexible opening and

29、 closing, good sealing performance; the body clean and no blockage.c、系统的主管网已安装完毕。The C system has been installed.(2)报警阀安装应先安装主阀体,与消防立管的连接,应保证水流方向一致,再进行报警阀辅助管道的连接;报警阀应安装的明显而便于操作的地点,距室内地面高度为1.2米;两侧距墙不小于0.5米,正面距墙不小于1.2米;安装报警阀的室内地面应有排水措施。( 2 ) the alarm valve should be installed to install the main valv

30、e body, connected with the standpipe, shall ensure that the flow in the same direction, connected to the alarm valve auxiliary pipeline; alarm clear and convenient operation place valve should be installed, is apart from the indoor ground height of 1.2 meters on both sides of the wall; distance of n

31、ot less than 0.5 metres, positive away from the wall not less than 1.2 meters; the installation of indoor ground alarm valve should have drainage measures.(3)报警阀辅助件的安装应符合下列规定:( 3 ) alarm valve auxiliary parts shall meet the following requirements:a、在报警阀前后便于观测的位置应安装压力表。A, in the alarm valve and is co

32、nvenient for observing the location to install pressure gauge.b、在报警阀上应安装水力警铃、压力开关。B, in the alarm valve should be installed on the water alarm, pressure switch.c、安装水力警铃检测阀、动作检测阀、报警阀进水控制器等。C, install the hydraulic alarm valve detection, motion detection, alarm valve inlet control valve.d、在便于操作的位置安装排水管和放水闸阀。D, in a convenient location to install

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