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1、承包商现场作业安全生产管理协议书承包商现场作业安全生产管理协议书Agreement of Safety Production Management of Contractors Site Operation甲方: *有限公司 Party A: *Co., Ltd. 乙方: Party B: 自 年 月 日至 年 月 日, 乙方在甲方工厂为甲方提供 服务,根据安全生产法以及国家安全生产法律、法规及其它要求,经友好协商,就服务期间职业健康安全管理事务,双方达成如下协议:Whereas, Party B will provide Party A with service at Party As fa

2、ctory from to , Now therefore, according to Safety Production Law and national safety production laws and regulations and other requirements, the Parties have entered into the following agreement through friendly negotiation in respect of the occupational health safety management affairs during the

3、service period:一、甲方的权利和义务I. Party As Rights and Obligations甲方有权要求乙方严格遵守国家安全生产法律法规及甲方安全管理要求,有权对乙方安全生产情况进行监督检查,有权对违反安全生产法律法规及甲方安全规章制度的行为予以制止和纠正,严重时有权终止施工作业合同。Party A has the right to require Party B to strictly comply with national safety production laws and regulations and Party As safety management

4、requirements, and to supervise and examine the safety production circumstances of Party B, and to stop and correct any breach of Party B of the safety production laws and regulations and Party As safety rules and regulations, and if serious, to terminate construction operation contract. 二、乙方的权利和义务II

5、. Party Bs Rights and Obligations 1. 乙方必须贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的安全生产方针,严格执行国家安全生产和环保法律法规以及甲方安全生产和职业卫生管理制度,并告知甲方其作业或服务可能产生的安全隐患或风险。1. Party B must carry out the safety production guidelines of “Safety First, Prevention Foremost”, strictly implement the national safety production and environmental protection l

6、aws and regulations and Party As safety production and occupational health management system, and notify Party A of such hidden danger or risk that may result from the operation or service. 2. 乙方指定_为本工程负责人(同时也为安全负责人),该负责人在施工期间必须在现场指挥施工直至验收完毕。2. Party B appoints as the person in charge of the project

7、 (also the person in charge of safety), who shall command the construction on site during the construction period until acceptance completion. 3. 乙方进厂前应通知甲方,在征得甲方同意后方可施工。3. Party B shall notify Party A before entry into the factory, and may commence the construction only with Party As consent. 4. 乙方

8、须办理本工程生产安全保险以及第三者责任险或为施工现场从事危险作业的人员办理意外伤害保险。4. Party B must handle production safety insurance and third party liability for the project, or accident injury insurance for the personnel who engage in dangerous operation on the construction site. 5. 乙方必须对乙方员工进行安全生产教育,并提供适当的合格的劳动防护用品, 要求他们正确穿戴必须的劳动保护用品

9、(如:安全帽、安全带、安全网、绝缘鞋、护目镜等)才能作业;乙方的施工设施(如:手动工具、电焊机、切割机等机械设备、施工机具及配件)必须符合安全要求,施工应做到必要的安全防范措施;本工程期间由于乙方原因发生的一切安全事故责任由乙方全部承担。5. Party B must conduct safety production education to Party Bs personnel, provide proper and qualified labor protection articles, and require them to correctly wear the labor prote

10、ction articles that must be worn (such as safety helmet, safety belt, safety net, insulating shoes, protective goggles, etc); Party Bs construction facilities (such as manual tools, electric welding machine, cutting machine, construction equipment and accessories) must conform to safety requirements

11、; necessary safety preventive measures must be taken for construction; all safety accident liabilities arising due to Party Bs cause during the period of this project shall be assumed by Party B. 6. 乙方应严格约束其施工的员工,遵守甲方管理规定,乙方须完全按本合同遵照指令执行本工程。6. Party B shall strictly restrain its construction personn

12、el and cause them to observe Party As management regulations, and Party B must completely perform the project as instructed herein. 7. 乙方须按甲方对本工程计划进度要求施工,并已视为完全知晓对本工程一切要求及有关条文、工地条件及本工程之性质及范围及一切影响其施工之因素。7. Party B must construct the project according to Party As schedule plan, and shall be deemed to

13、have been completely informed of all requirements, articles, site conditions of this project, nature and scope of the project and all factors that may impact its construction. 8. 乙方对甲方的违章指挥强令冒险作业有权拒绝执行。8. Party B has the right to refuse to implement Party As any instruction in violation of rules and

14、 regulations, or any dangerous operation. 9. 乙方应按甲方厂区规章制度办理有关动火作业、高空作业、带电作业、有限空间作业、动土作业及厂区出入手续。9. Party B shall according to the rules and regulations of Party As factory, handle the formalities for fire work, high-altitude work, hot-line work, limited space operation, ground-breaking work and acces

15、s to the factory. 10. 特种作业(如高处作业、焊接与热切割、制冷与空调维修、电工维修、叉车、压力容器、压力管道、电梯、起重机械、厂内专用机动车辆)操作人员须持有效的特种作业操作资格证才能作业。10. The operators of special operation (such as high-altitude operation, welding and hot cutting, cooling and air-conditioner repair, electrician maintenance, forklift, pressure vessel , pressur

16、e pipe , elevator, lifting equipment, motor vehicle specially used for factory) must have the valid qualification certificate of special operation. 11. 动火作业必须经过相关部门审批,采取有效的措施,才能动火,并有专人现场监控。用火完毕,施工单位要清理现场,确认无隐患才能离开,以防火灾发生。11. Fire work may not be operated unless it has been examined and approved by r

17、elevant department, valid measures have been taken and special personnel monitor the site. Upon the completion of fire work, the contractor shall clean up the site and may not leave unless it has confirm that there is no hidden danger, so as to prevent fire. 12. 高处作业人员施工安全要求:12. Construction safety

18、requirements of high-altitude work personnel: 12.1 凡有下列情况之一者禁止从事高处作业:患有职业禁忌症(例如恐高症、心脏病、高血压等)年老体弱,疲劳过度,视力不佳,酒后人员;12.1 The person who has any of the following circumstances may not conduct high-altitude work: having occupational contraindication (such as acrophobia, hear disease, hypertension, etc), o

19、ld and infirm, excessive fatigue, poor eyesight, drunken man; 12.2 熟悉现场环境和施工安全要求,应按作业要求佩戴安全带,安全帽、防滑鞋等劳保用品和登高器具,作业前应检查上述用品、用具是否有效,作业中正确使用;12.2 Such personnel shall be familiar with the site environment and construction safety requirements, and wear safety helmet, antiskid shoe, climbing apparatus, et

20、c according to the requirements of the operation, and shall examine whether the aforesaid articles and tools are effective prior to operation, and shall correctly use the same during operation; 12.3 安全带应拴挂于作业点上方无锋利棱角的坚固构件上,不得低挂高用;安全帽使用时必须戴稳,系好固定带;12.3 Safety belt shall be hung to solid component wit

21、hout sharp edges over the point of operation, not hanging low and using high; safety helmet must be worn firmly and fixation band must be fastened firmly; 12.4 使用的各种梯子要坚固,放置平稳,立梯坡度一般以60度70度为宜,人字梯的拉条须牢固,梯脚的防滑胶要齐全有效;12.4 The elevators used during the operation must be placed firmly and stably, the ver

22、tical gradient is 60 to 70 degree generally; the brace of standing ladder must be fastened firmly, and antiskid rubber of the foot of ladder must be complete and effective; 12.5 在有危险的坑、洞、井或转动的设备旁边进行高处作业时,必须采取措施设置盖板或安全网,关掉设备动力源;12.5 Where the personnel conduct high-altitude operation aside dangerous

23、pit, hole, well or rolling equipment, they shall take measures to set up a cover or safety net or cut off the power supply of such equipment; 12.6 高处作业中所用的工具、零件、材料等必须装入工具袋,上下时手中不得持物不准在高处投掷材料、工具,不得将易滚、易滑的工具、材料放在脚手架和梯子上;作业结束应将物品收拾妥当,防止掉落伤人;12.6 The tools, components, materials, etc used for high-altit

24、ude operation must be placed in kit; may not hold any thing in hand or throw from height any materials, tools, etc during up or down time; may not place rolling and/or sliding tools or materials on scaffold and ladder; things shall be put in order by end of operation so as to prevent dropping and wo

25、unding; 12.7 高处作业现场区域应保证四周环境的安全,其作业下方应设置警戒线和危险施工标志牌;高处作业应与地面保持联系,根据现场情况配备必要的联络工具;12.7 The safety of surrounding environment shall be protected within the area of high-altitude operation; alert lines and dangerous construction signs must be set below the operation; high-altitude operation personnel k

26、eep contact with the personnel on the ground, and necessary contact tools must be provided according to the circumstances of the site; 12.8 在六级以上强风或其他恶劣气候条件下(如大雨),禁止登高作业(抢险情况除外);12.8 High-altitude operation (except rescue) is forbidden in case of strong breeze of over force 6 or other atrocious weat

27、her (such as heavy rain); 12.9 在夜间无照明或距离高压线10米区域内无特殊安全防护措施时禁止高处作业。12.9 High-altitude operation is forbidden when there is no lighting at night or there are no special safety protective measures within 10 meters away from high voltage cable. 13. 甲方厂区为禁火禁烟区,乙方作业人员不准在甲方厂区吸烟。13. Party As factory is non-

28、smoking area, and Party Bs operation personnel may not be allowed to smoke at Party As factory. 14. 乙方在施工现场临时用电必须符合JGJ46-2005施工现场临时用电安全技术规范,固定式配电箱应安装漏电开关,应设置围栏并有明显的安全警示标志,严禁非专业人员接拆电线。14. The temporary electricity of Party Bs construction site must conform to JGJ46-2005 Technical Specification for Te

29、mporary Electrical Safety of Construction Sites; fixed distribution box shall be equipped with earth-leakage breaker and shall have the enclosure with obvious safety warning signs; non-professional personnel are strictly forbidden to connect and break any wire. 15. 乙方不得擅自动用甲方安全设施消防器材生产装备和辅助设施,如需使用,必

30、须经甲方同意;施工过程中使用的水电风,须先经甲方同意方可使用。15. Party B may not employ Party As safety facilities, fire-fighting equipment, production equipment and ancillary facilities without authorization; Party B may not use without Party As consent; water, electricity, wind used during the construction must be subject to b

31、eing agreed by Party A in advance. 16. 乙方施工作业中可能对他人产生危险的,乙方必须做好安全防护及设置安全警示标志。16. If Party Bs construction operation may have any danger upon other person, Party B must make safety protection and set up safety warning signs. 17. 施工单位对施工过程中的污水、废气、粉尘、废弃物、噪声等污染,采取有效的措施,保证实施并及时修复或复原受到破坏的环境。17. The contra

32、ctor shall take effective measures in respect of the sewage, waste gas, dust, waste, noise, etc arising during the construction, and undertake to implement such measures to timely repair or restore the environment that has been damaged. 18. 乙方作业过程中如污染了施工现场,作业后须及时清理干凈,作业中产生的污染物必须按甲方的要求进行处置。18. If Party Bs any operation pollutes the construction site, Party B shall timely clean up the site after the operation. The pollutants aris

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