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1、高二英语Module8unit2Cloning高二英语Module8 unit2 Cloning高考解读【高考导航】2010高考命题趋向分析:1.differ为高中高频动词。考查角度如下:1)differ与不同介词(in,from,with)搭配时的辨析;2)differ的形容词形式different的固定搭配be different from的用法;3)名词形式与动词make的搭配。2010年高考要注意它与make的搭配后河sense等词的短语辨析 2.forbid也是新课标的重要词汇。06年全国卷曾考查过。命题的角度多考查forbid后动词所用形式,一般有forbid sb. to do

2、sth.; forbid doing形式;另外和allow, permit的用法对;和prevent, protect, persuade, stop, keep等词组的辨析;都是2010年考查的重点 3“介词+名词+介词”是历年来高考命题的重点。2006年的陕西卷,2007年的江西卷,都考查过。本单元的in favour of就是其中一个;一般在语境中考查它;2010年仍会对其考查。4pay构成的短语中,要注意pay off”得到回报”之意,以及pay for的“为而付出代价”之意不容忽视。在语法结构上,pay off表示此意时五被动语态,事作主语 5. “主语+谓语+宾语+形容词”句型是英

3、语中的常用句型;对该矩形的考查,多考查形式宾语it,代替后面的不定式或从句真正宾语;2006年湖南卷曾考查过 【真题品析】1_ fire, all exits must be kept clear. 2007 天津卷A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of 【答案】C 考查介词短语辨析 【点拨】按照句意:万一着火的话-;C项符合。A代替;B而不是;D尽管 2.(2009.湖北卷)29. Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question. A.

4、in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in the direction of 【答案】B. 考查介词短语。【解析】此处意思是“以问题方式向对方提出请求显得更有礼貌”。in the form of 符合句意。in search of“寻找”,in need of“需要”,in the direction of“朝方向” 知识网络【考点概览】1.重点单词(1)undertake vt. 着手,承担,从事(2)altogether adv. 总共,完全地(3)shortly adv. 立刻,不久(4)bother vt. 打扰;vi. 操心;

5、n.烦扰(5)merely adv. 仅,不过(6)obtain vt. 获得(7)forbid vt. 禁止,不准(8)differ vi. 不同,相异;different adj. Difference n.(9)disturbing n. 申请人;apply v.申请;application n. 申请(10)socialist adj. 烦扰的;disturbed adj. Disturb v.(11) object vi. 不赞成,反对(12) accumulate vt. 积累,累积;accumulation n.(13) regulation vt. 规则,规章(14) resi

6、st v. 抵抗,对抗; resistance n. resistant adj.(15) argument n. 论据,论点;argue vi(16) reasonable adj. 合情合理的,讲道理的;reason n.2、重点短语(1)cast down 使沮丧(2)object to 反对(3)in favour of 赞成,支持(4)be bound to (do) 一定,注定(5)from time to time 有时,不时(6)bring back to life 复活(7)pay off 成功,奏效,得到回报3、重点句型1)-find this hard-句型2) Then

7、 came the disturbing news that-4语法知识同位语课时复习方案Module8 unit2 第一课时1、重点词汇考点一 differ【基础过关】相异,有区别;1)vi. to do dissimilar in nature, character, type, etc, be different 有区别,与相异I am sorry I differ from you about this question.对不起,关于这个问题我与你不同 My brother and I differ in many ways. 我和我兄弟在许多方面都不同 She differs fro

8、m me in many ways. 她在许多方面都和我不一样 2)vi. (of people) to have an opposite opinion; disagree看法不同;与意见相左(常与with连用)We differ from / with them on / about that question.我们在那个问题上跟他们的意见不同 【归纳】differ from 不同于,意见不一致differ in 在-方面不同differ with sb. on sth. 与某人在某事上意见不同【点拨】a.用作“不同”解时,只接介词from b.有不同意见,表示异议时接from 与with

9、均可 c.表示在某方面不同时,用介词in 【拓展延伸】(派)difference n. 差别 different adj. 不同的be different from与不同 make a(no) difference 有(没有)区分;有(没有)重要关系 It makes no difference to sb. 对没关系 【典型例题】Thoughts of Oriental(东方人) differ much_ westerners in a number of ways.A. between B. between those C. from D. from those of【答案】D 考查dif

10、fer的用法 【点拨】此处应该用指代的词,结构和thoughts of一样,但用those代替 考点二 forbid【基础过关】vt. to refuse to allow 禁止,不许 (forbade, forbidden)常见的搭配有:forbid sth./ doing sth. / sb. to do sth. /sb. from doing sth./sb sthHis parents forbid him wine. 他的父母不准他喝酒 Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. 演奏厅内不准吸烟 I forbid you to go swi

11、mming. 我不准你去游泳 Most of the parents agree to forbid their children to smoke.大多数父母都同意禁止自己的孩子抽烟 【拓展延伸】(派)forbidden adj. 被禁止的 forbidding adj. 样子可怕的【点拨】forbid后面不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,而是跟动名词作宾语,单可以用forbid sb. to do sth. 【举一反三】类似结构动词:allow, permit, advise等 【典型例题】The students are forbidden, unless they have special

12、passes,_after11 p.m.A. from staying out B. to stay out C., staying out D. stay out【答案】B 考查forbid sb. to do sth.的被动语态 【点拨】分析句式,看出forbid sb. to do sth.结构 考点三 bother 【基础过关】v. 打扰;操心;麻烦 n.烦扰bother with/about sth. 操心做某事bother sb. about /with sth. 为某事打扰或烦扰某人bother to do sth. 操心做某事Dont bother about answerin

13、g his letter. 你不必回复他的信。Will it bother you if I turn the television on? 我开电视会不会吵着你?Im busy, dont bother me. 我正忙着,不要打扰我。Im sorry to bother you, but can you direct me to the railway station?劳驾,你能不能告诉我到火车站怎么走?He didnt even bother to say thank you. 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。【典型例题】Im very sorry to have _you with quest

14、ions on such an occasion.A. attracted B. abstracted C. impressed D. bothered【答案】D 考查动词辨析。【点拨】分析bother sb. about /with sth.为某事打扰或烦扰某人考点四 resistresist sth. 抵制,阻挡某事resist doing sth 反对做某事cant resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事She could hardly resist laughing。 她真忍不住要笑 I cant resist baked apples. 我顶不住烤苹果的诱惑 【点拨】res

15、ist表示“忍得住”常与cant/couldnt连用,后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语 【典型例题】She is overweight, but she cant_the temptation to eat more delicious food.A. forbid B. attach C. allow D. resist【答案】D 考查动词词义辨析。【点拨】按照句意此处有忍不住,resist的意思;forbid禁止;attach吸引,粘上;allow允许 考点五 obtain 【基础过关】v. 得到,获得I havent been able to obtain that book. 我还没能得

16、到那本书 Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information. 那时平常的人便能运用它们去获取宝贵的信息 【点拨】辨析 get,obtain,gain,win,earn这组动词的一般含义是“得到”。Obtain 包含着“努力”、“希望”或“决意”去获得某物的意思。The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts. 那位新闻记者立即着手获取这些重要的资料 Get 是最普遍、使用范围最广的词I sat in th

17、e front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. 我坐在公共汽车的前部,以得到有利于观赏农村风光的机会 gain 有obtain的含义,但更强调目的物需要努力奋斗才能得到,而且这种东西具有价值,特别是物质价值 A penny saved is a penny gained. 省一文是一文。(谚语)win 虽然常常可以和gain换用,但win具有gain所不能表达的含义。如:获得者具有有利的品质 It seemed certain that this would win the prize. 这一块会得奖,这似乎是肯定的了。ear

18、n 包含着获得物与所花的气力是相互成比例的His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就为他赢得别人的尊敬和赞美。【典型例题】After questioning the man for six hours, the police_the information they wanted.A. seized B. recovered C. appealed D. obtained【答案】D 考查动词辨析。【点拨】此处句意“获得,得到”D项符合 考点六 in favour of 【基础过关】赞成,支持I am in favor of

19、stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。in favour of 赞成,同意in sb.s favour 对某人有利do sb. a favour /do a favour for sb. 帮某人忙do sb. the favour to do sth./do sb. a favour by doing sth.帮忙做【点拨】 表示“支持,赞同某人/某事”除用in favour of之外;其它常用:be for sb./sth. stand by; stand on ones side等。表示“不支持,赞同某人/某事”be against sb./sth.【拓展延伸】 fav

20、or vt. 赞同;支持The child favors his father with his brown eyes. 这个孩子的棕色眼睛像他的父亲 【典型例题】I dont like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could_me a favour.A. make B. do C. find D. get【答案】B 考查do sb. a favour短语。【点拨】此处句意:帮-忙,B项符合 考点七 pay off 【基础过关】还清(债务等)付清, 报复, 赢利1)to be worthy of 值得的,没有白费2)

21、to pay the whole of (a debt)还清(债款)I paid off my debt after 10 years.【拓展延伸】pay for 付款;为-付出代价pay back 偿还,报复pay out 花费;支出 par sth in 存款pay ones way 自食其力I paid out a lot of money for that car.为了那辆汽车我花了不少钱 【典型例题】If you go for a long ride in a friends car, its the custom to offer to_some of the expenses.A

22、. pay B. pay off C. pay for D. pay back【答案】C 考查pay 短语辨析 【点拨】此处有偿付一部分费用,C项符合 考点八 breakthrough 【基础过关】n. (the making of)an important advance or discovery, often after earlier failures 突破,重大进展【拓展延伸】break down 机器出故障;崩溃; 瓦解 break in 破门而入;插嘴break into the house 破门而入 break ones promise/word 食言break out 战争、火

23、灾等爆发 break into laughter 突然大笑break off the conversation/relations 中断交谈/关系 break through 突破;穿过The car is always breaking down. 这辆车老是出毛病。Children shouldnt break in on adults conversation.小孩子不要打断大人们的谈话 His house was broke into last night.昨天晚上有人闯入他家 【典型例题】To understand the grammar of the sentence, you m

24、ust break it _ into parts.A. down B. up C. off D. out【答案】A 考查break短语辨析。【点拨】break down在此意为“分解” 2. 重点句型考点九 -find this hard-句型【基础过关】“find+宾语(adj./n./adv./宾语补足语”I find the job boring 我发现这工作令人厌烦 He found it pleasant to work with his boss later.【典型例题】A cook will be immediately fired if he

25、 is found _in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked【答案】B 考查非谓语动词用法。【点拨】he可以发出smoke的动作,表示正在吸烟被发现 【实战演练】1.The use of the word “cost” is from of the word“spend”.A.difference;that B.different;thatC.difference;the one D.difference;one2.I this record for you with difficulty.A.gained

26、C.obtained D.was gained3.I dont think Peter is too young to take care of the pet dog A.correctly B.appropriately C.exactly D.actively4.Pop music is loved by lots of pepole,but it is not in everyones A.smell B.favor C.sound D.taste5.Children shouldnt be from school although they disike studies.A.beat

27、en B.removed C.gone D.protected6.When she reads the book,she stops to take some notes or to think about a problem.A.from time to time and thereC.more or less by one7.The genes of the cloned animal are so arranged that it cant such a disease,so it soon died.A.keep B.resist C.exist D.stop

28、8.Photography is strictly here.A.forbidden B.forbid C.forbade D.forbidding9. news cmme that an unknown disease was spreading in the area.A.Disturbed B.Disturbing C.Encouraged D.Encouraging10.As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn, A.the more for life are you equi

29、pped B.the more equipped for life you areC.the more life you are equipped for are equipped the more for life参考答案 1-10 BCBBB ABABB Module8unit2 第二课时 同位语 the Appositive【基础过关】同位语的定义:同位语是句子成分的一种。它位于名词、代词后面 , 说明它们的性质和情况 , 它可以由名词、代词、名词性短语或从句充当 同位语的表现形式有以下几种:名词Tom, our monitor, is a handsome boy. 汤姆,

30、我们班长,是个英俊的小伙子 代词I myself will do the experiment. 我将亲自做这项实验 数词She is the oldest among them six. 她是他们 6 人中年纪最大的 从句He told me the news that the plane had exploded. 他告诉我飞机爆炸的消息 由 such as,that is 引导Some , subjects, such as maths and physics, are very difficult to learn.某些学科,例如数学和物理,是很难学的 由 of 引导The city

31、of Beijing has been greatly changed since 2000. 自从 2000 年以来,北京市发生了很大的变化 由 or 引导The freezing temper,or freezing point, is the temperature at which water freezes under ordinary temperature结冰温度即冰点,是水在常压下结冰时的温度 【拓展延伸】 同位语从句(1)同位语从句的定义在复合句中用作同位语的从句称为同位语 从句 同位语从句是名词性从句的一种。 它在句中起同位语的作用。它一般放在 fact,news,idea,truth,hope,problem,in formation,belief,thou

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