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郑州市中原区公开招聘教师考试真题 2.docx

1、郑州市中原区公开招聘教师考试真题 22008中原区招教考试部分真题1教师主导作用实质在于( )A 教书育人 B 讲授知识 C 教学艺术 D 引导启迪4简答:课堂评价的功能。课堂评价是对教师的教和学生的学两个方面的评价,其功能如下:1诊断学生的优势与不足。2.监控学生的进步。3.评定等级。4.评定老师自己的教学效果。5.影响公众对教育效果的认识。有助于评估教师。6.明确教师的教学目标。(意思对即可) (初中数学)5 . 小学美术。三备指什么?备教材、备教法、备学生。毛笔字 桃李满天下,春风遍人间 简笔画 猴子、自行车、水杯、亭子、电话、游泳、柳树、白菜、小学数学考的主要是中招函数,初中数学大题主

2、要考的是高考压轴题,选择小学版一、单选题1.中华人民共和国义务教育法规定由( )确定义务教育的教学制度、教学内容、课程设置等。A. 全国人大 B. 人大常委会 C. 各级政府 D. 国务院教育主管部门2.教师上课时,经常把讲解与直观材料的运用结合起来,利用的是( )A. 创造想象 B. 再造想像 C. 有意注意 D. 知觉整体性 3.数学题一题多解属于( )A. 无意想象 B. 有意注意 C. 发散思维 D. 聚合思维.活动课的特点在于动手做,以获得( )A. 直接经验 B. 直接知识 C. 直接技能 D. 间接经验.课堂上有是学生会开小差,是( )A. 注意的转移 B. 注意的分散 C. 注

3、意的起伏 D. 注意的分配.教学管理工作从事的实际工作是( )A. 学校日常管理工作 B组织实施教学工作C. 学生思想政治工作 D. 教师管理工作二、填空题清华大学校长在一次开学典礼上说:学校不仅要给学生“干粮”,更要给“猎枪”。可)。 “干粮”指 “猎枪”指 ,这句话强调了 三、案例一个爸爸很关注儿子的学习情况和班级里学习环境情况。于是一次他问儿子:“你们班上自习课的时候有多少人?”儿子说:“老师在的时候有45人。”于是爸爸又问:“老师不在的时候有多少人”儿子回答:“一个人也没有。”问题:1.你评价一下这个班级的学习环境(学风)怎么样? 2.请你针对上面的情况提出一些对班级的老师或学生合理的

4、建议。四、作文:现代社会,多数人都有两个自己,一个是外在的、社会的、包装的自己;一个是内在的、本质的、真实的自己。有人喜欢前者,有人钟爱后者,也有人让两个自己不是的进行交流融合你认为当今社会中应该如何选择呢?请以“慎对自己为话题 ,写400字左右的作文。初中英语:一.选择题1.心理学属于( )A.自然科学B.社会科学C.自然科学与社会科学的交叉学科 D.哲学2.信息在短时记忆中,一般只能保持( )秒钟A.0-2 B.20-40 C.60-70 D.70-803.先有一个目标,它与当前的状态之间存在差异,人们认识到这个差异,就要想办法来减少这个差异,这种解决问题的方法或策略是( )A.爬山法 B

5、.手段-目的分析法 C.逆向推导法 4.“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”这句话反映了下列( )因素对人的影响A.环境 B. 遗传 C. 教育 D. 物质 .课的类型一般分为两大类,即()A. 新授课与复习课 B. 选修课与必修课C. 活动课与学科课 D.单一课与综合课 二.简答题1.简述心理健康的标准(1)自我意识正确。能正确评价自己,接纳自己,能对自己进行全面评价。(2)人际关系协调。乐于与人交往,能与多数人建立良好的人际关系,具有处理矛盾的能力。(3)性别角色分化。能够获得相应的性别角色,行为方式与相应的性别角色规范一致。(4)社会适应良好。能够面对现实,接受现实,适应现实。(5)情绪积极稳定。情绪

6、乐观稳定,热爱生活,积极向上,对未来充满希望,有烦恼能自行解脱。(6)人格结构完整。具有较高的能力、完善的性格、良好的气质、正确的动机、广博的兴趣和坚定的信念等。教育基础理论知识一、判断题1.“侧耳倾听”、“举目凝视”、“屏息”等现象都是注意的外部表现。( )2.动机越强,解决问题的效率越高。( )3.“入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香”,这种现象是感觉对比。( )4.气质只有好坏之分,性格却有善恶之别。( )5.“知之深,则爱之切”说明情依附于认识过程。( )6.捷克著名教育家夸美纽斯的普通教育学的出版是教育学形成一门学科的标志。( )二、简答题1.引导学生提出问题,教师应采取怎样的行动策略?2.如

7、何培养学生的意志品质?学科基础知识一、积累与运用1.给下面加点的字注音,根据拼音写出汉字。台湾省国民党主席连战和亲民党宋楚瑜应胡锦涛主席之邀来访,受到了大陆同bo( )由zhng( )的热烈欢迎,树立了中华民族同脉同宗,团结奋进的里程bi( )。宋楚瑜先生说,他此次来,寻血缘( )之根,j( )皇帝陵,谒( )中山陵,湘潭j( )祖,访岳麓( )书院,圆了他50多年来的一梦,这让踽踽( )独行的“台独”分子陈水扁非常烦恼。2.按要求默写古诗文(1)在古诗文中有许多表达爱国情感的语句,请你写出两句 ; 。 (2)古今往来,当人们身处困境,进退两难时,便自然而然吟咏起陆游游山西村中的名句 、 。(

8、3)晏殊浣溪沙中的 , 两句被誉为“千古奇偶”。(4)酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠中蕴含哲理,表明新事物必将取代旧事物的诗句是 , 。3.选择题 (1)If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, A.he will too B.he wont,either C.he does,too D.he doesnt,either(2) Do you know Hong Zhanhui? YesHes the college student has moved Chinese people a 1otAwho Bwhich Cwhat Dwhom(3)They say th

9、eres a new restaurant nearby Yes,and it for no more than a week Ahas been open Bopens Cis opening Dis opened4.选择题如图,是二次函数y=ax2+bx+c (a0)的图象,请你根据图中的信息,判断下列4个结论: abc0 ba 9a+3b+c0 a+bk(ak+b)(k1)。其中正确的结论有( ) A1个 B2个 C3个 D 4个5.填空 2007年10月24日18时5分,搭载着我国首颗探月卫星嫦娥一号的长征三号甲运载火箭在西昌卫星发射中心三号塔架点火发射,此次发射圆满成功,嫦娥一号要经

10、过38万千米的漫漫征途去访问月球,用科学记数法表示380000千米为 米。6.“但见:一个是沂水县成精异物,一个是小孤山作怪妖魔,这个是酥团结就肌肤,那个如炭屑凑成皮肉,个是马灵宫白蛇托化,一个是赵元帅黑虎投胎,这个似万万锤打就银人,那个如千千火炼成铁汉一个盘旋良久,汗流遍体迸真珠,一个揪扯多时,水浪浑身倾墨汁,那个学华光教主,向碧波深处显形影,这个像黑煞天神,在雪浪堆中呈面目。”本段语句选自哪?文中两个人物分别是谁?二、完形填空 New rules and behavior standards(行为规范)for middle school students came out in March

11、 Middle school is going to use a new way to decide who the 1 students are. The best students wont only have high 2 . They will also be kids who dont dye their hair,smoke or drink.The following are some of the new rules. Tell the truth. Have you ever 3 someone elses work on the exam?Dont do it again!

12、Thats not4 an honest student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your bedroom at home,dont tell your 5 you have done your homework. Do more at school.Good students love 6 and care for other people. Have you ever joined in celebrating Bird-loving Month in China? That way,you

13、 can learn more about animals and 7 to protect them .Have you ever quarreled with your teammates 8 your basketbal team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger.Try to think of others ,not only 9 . Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that pople could live on the moon? Maybe you

14、 will discover Earth some day. Everyones ideas are important.You should welcome 10 . Protect yourself. Has someone ever 11 money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen 12 you. If you have to go home 13 ,you should let your parents know. Use the Internet careful. The Internet 14 be very usef

15、ul for your studies.But some things on the Internet arent for kids,so try to look at web pages that are 15 for you. ( )1.A.strongest B.worst D.popular ( )2.A.marks B.IQ C.brains D.spirits ( )3.A.done B.copied C.taken D.helped ( )4.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing ( )5.A.teachers B

16、.friends C.parents D.neighbors ( )6.A.birds B.people C.parents D.animals ( ) B.what C.when D.where ( )8.A.unless B.though C.when D.while ( )9.A.himself B.yourslef C.themselves D.ourselves ( )10.A.him B.her D.them ( )11.A.made B.taken C.brought D.bought ( ) B.of C at D.with ( )13.A

17、.often B.soon C.early D.late ( )14.A.must B.may C.will D.need ( )15.A.interesting B.exciting C.good D.bad三、阅读理解A A turtle(龟)and two cranes(鹤)lived near a large pond.They were good friends. One year it did not rain. Slowly,the pond dried up.One day the turtle said to the cranes,“You can fly far away,

18、Why dont you search for a pond with water?” The cranes accepted the idea and found a large lake near the mountain. They were all very happy, but there was one problem. There was no way the turtel could walk to it. After a while,the turtle shouted,“I have a great idea.Both of you can hold onto the en

19、ds of a stick with your strong claws.I will hold onto the stick with my mouth.Then I can fly with you.” They warned the turtle,“You must remember not to speak at all as you fly”. As they were flying over a village, a little girl saw them. She shouted to her friends, “Come over here! Look at the flyi

20、ng turtle”.Soon,whole village was outside shouting. “Flying turtle!” The turtle was very happy to see such a big crowd looking at him. He started to say, “They are shouting about m”But just as he opened his mouth to speak ,he fell down. The cranes were very sad. One of them said ,“I wish he had paid

21、 more attention to what he was doing, and not what the people were saying”. ( )1.Where did the turtle and the cranes live? A.They lived in a village. B.They lived near the mountain. C.They lived near a pond. D.They lived in the sky.( )2.What idea did the turtle come up with to solve the problem? A.H

22、e could fly with the cranes with the help of the stick. B.He could hold the stick with his mouth and fly far away. C.The cranes flew first and he could follow them. D.The crane could carry him with their claws.( )3.How did the turtle feel when he heard people shouting at him? A.Nervous B.Happy C.Fri

23、ghtened D.Disappointed( )4.Why do you think the turtle fell down? A.Because people were shouting at him. B.Because he opened his mouth and spoke. C.Because they were flying too fast. D.Because the turtle was too tired to fly on.( )5.What does the reading tell us? A.Pay more attention to what we are

24、doing. B.Its dangerous to fly in the sky. C.Dont fly with sticks. D.Learn to fly when we are young.B Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas.But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day.They dont want anyone to go shopping on that day. Bu

25、y Nothing Day is November 29. Its 25 days before Christmas shopping.Its after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping. At this time, we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to“buy, buy, buy!” The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver,British Columbia. Now people all

26、over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day.In California,parents and children get together to read stories,sing songs,and paint pictures.The children talk about why they dont need many toys.Last year, in Manchester,England,people dressed up in castumes to tell people that we bought too much. In Albuqu

27、erdue, New Mexico,high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner party to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate the food. They made posters and talked to other students about it

28、.The dinner was a big success,and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29th. The students at the high school liked the idea of this new tradition.( )1.When is Buy Nothing Day? A.The day before Thanksgiving B. 25 days after Christmas C.The 29th of November D.Christmas Day( )2.What do

29、people NOT do to celebrate Buy Nothing Day? A.Dress up in costumes B.Get together to read,sing and paint pictures. C.Talk about why they dont need many toys. D.Spend money on clothes,toys ond so on.( )3.Where was the idea stared? A.In California B.In New Mexico C.In London D.In Vancouver( )4.Which o

30、f the following is TRUE about the spaghetti dinner party? A.It was organized by students themselves. B.A lot of foreigners took part in it. C.The students bought some food from the restaurants in the neighborhood. D.The students parents made the dinner in the spaghetti party.( )5.What did many stude

31、nts agree to do after taking part in the dinner party? A.Buy nothing every day. B.Buy nothing on November 29th. C.Buy nothing from then on. D.Buy nothing on Christmas Day. 四、阅读下面的文字,回答后面的问题。给孩子一片空间章智伟 在2003年举行的全国青少年科技创新大赛上,一个名叫聂利的12岁小学生撰写的科学论文蜜蜂不是靠翅膀振动发音荣获大赛优秀科技项目和高士其科普专项奖。 蜜蜂只能靠翅膀的振动来发声生物学界一直这么认为,我们的各种教科书也一直是这样写的,但12岁的聂利推翻了这一似乎铁定的“真理”。她通过认真地实验,仔细地观察,用事实证明:蜜蜂不是靠翅膀的振动发声的,它有自己的发声器官。 个小学生何以能取得如此大的成绩呢?为什么那么多的专家、学者都没有发现蜜蜂有自己的发声器官这样一个事实,小聂利却发现了呢?这恐怕与聂利有一种怀疑与创新的精神有关,12岁的她大概还没有受到太多僵化的所谓“标准”的束缚,她还有属于自己的一

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