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1、中考英语常考短语汇总中考常考短语一 . 常用动词短语归类 1. 动词 +介词短语 add to 增加agree with somebody 同意某人的意见或看法 arrive at (in到达ask for 请求begin with 以 开始 care about关心change into变成come from 来自 , 出身于 come over走过来deal with对付 , 处理 depend on依靠die from (of死于do with对付 , 安排dream of梦想feel like doing想要做 get into进入get off下车 (船等 get on上车 (船等

2、go over复习 , 查阅 , 穿过 go through通过hear of听说hear from收到某人的来信 join in加入 , 和 在一起 knock at (on敲击laugh at嘲笑lead to导致learn from向 学习 leave for动身listen to听 live on靠 谋生look after照看 , 照顾 look around环视look at看 look for寻找look into朝里看look like看起来像look the same看起来相像 look through查看make use of使用 pay for付款play against

3、与 比赛play with和 一起玩 , 玩弄 prepare for为 做准备send for派人去叫 (请 send up发射shoot at朝 射击shout at 朝 叫喊talk about谈论talk of谈起think about考虑think of想法wait for等待work at从事 , 致力于worry about担心write to给某人写信2. 动词 +副词短语 (不带宾语 come along走过来come back回来come down下来come in进入come up过来get home回家go out出去 ,(灯 , 火 熄灭 grow up长大hurry

4、 up赶快lie down躺下run away逃跑turn around转身3. 动词 +副词短语 (带宾语 cut down砍倒eat up吃光find out弄清 , 查出hand in上交hand out分发pick up拾起point out指出put away把 收起来put off推迟put on穿戴 , 上演put up举起 , 建造 , 张贴send out发出take away取出think over仔细考虑try on试穿 , 试戴4. 动词 +副词短语 (可带宾语 , 也可不 带宾语的 fill in填满 , 顶替get back回来 , 取回get on使 进展 (继续

5、 , 登上get out取出 , 出来go on继续 , 穿得上keep back阻止 , 不上前knock down击倒 , 平静下来look up查阅 , 抬头看set off衬托 , 出发take off取下 , 脱下 , 起飞turn back阻挡 , 返回wake up叫醒 , 唤醒wear out使 筋疲力尽 , 穿坏work out制订出 , 算出write down写下 , 降低 5. 动词 +副词 +介词短语catch (keep up with跟上 , 赶上com up to 到 跟前do well in在 方面做得好get on (along with 的进展情况 , 与

6、 相处get out of 从 中出来look forward to doing期待work hard at在某方面努力学习write back to给 回信6. 动词 +名词短语catch ( have, get a cold感冒do one s homework做作业do (try one s best尽力do some shopping (cooking, reading, washing 购物 (做饭 , 读书 , 洗衣服 enjoy oneself ( have a good time 玩得高兴give a concert举行音乐会give a talk做报告have a cold感

7、冒have a headache头痛have a lesson上课 have a look (rest, swim看一看 (休息 , 游泳 have a seat入座have breakfast (lunch, supper吃早饭 (午饭 , 晚饭 have sports进行体育活动join the Party (League 入党 (入团 lose one s way迷路make a living谋生make a mistake犯错误make a noise吵闹make faces做鬼脸make one s way前行make up one s mind下定决心take one s temp

8、erature量体温take photos照相take place发生7. 动词 +名词 +介词短语catch (get, take hold of 抓住give a lesson to 给 上课have a word with 与 交谈have something (nothing to do with 与 有关 (无关 help oneself to 随便用 (吃 , 喝 make a sentence with用 造句make friends with与 交朋友make fun of取笑make room for给 让出地方make use of 使用pay attention to注意

9、put one s heart into全神贯注于say hello (goodbye, sorry, yes, no to 向某人问好 (道别 , 道歉 , 同意 , 拒绝 shake hands with与某人握手show somebody around带领某人参观某地take a message for给 捎个信take care of照看 , 照料take part in参加二 . 常用介词短语归类for ages很久的by air (train, bus乘飞机 (火车 , 公共汽车 above all首先 , 最重要的是after all毕竟at all根本in all总共on bu

10、siness出差in a condition处于 状态out of control无法控制at the corner在拐角处in the corner在角落里of course当然in the day在白天to one s surprise使 感到吃惊的是 in surprise吃惊地on duty值班on earth究竟in the end最后for ever永远for example例如in fact实际上by far无比 , 显然at first起初at last最后on foot步行in the future在将来by half一半in half成一半的by hand用手工on the

11、 one hand on the other hand 一方面 另一方面 at home (work, school在家中 (在上班 , 在上学 in a hurry匆忙地in no hurry不慌不忙地at least至少on the left (right在左 (右 边in life一生中in line成一条线地before long不久at table在吃饭at the table在桌子旁边in mind在心中in a minute一会儿by mistake由于差错at once立刻 , 马上 by oneself独自地in the open air在户外in order按顺序的of o

12、ne s own 属于自己的 at present如今in public公开地over the radio通过无线电 on sale可供购买的 , 出售 at sea在海上航行on show展览in size在尺寸方面in space在空中in the sun在阳光下at a time每次at all times总是at times有时behind the times 落后于时代 in time及时on time按时in no time立刻in town在城里in turn轮流 , 依次2. 名词 +介词短语advice on 方面的建议 answer to 的答案difference bet

13、ween 的区别 help with在 方面的帮助 key to 的钥匙knowledge of对 的了解 member of 的成员money for 的钱way to去 的路3. 介词 +名词 +介词短语 at the age of 在 岁时at the beginning of在 的开端 at the head of在 的带领下 by the side of在 旁in place of代替in the middle of在 中间 4. 名词 +介词 +名词短语 arm in arm手挽手day after day日复一日day by day逐日的face to face面对面的first

14、 of all首先little by little逐渐地once upon a time从前one after another一个接一个 one by one一个一个地step by step逐步地year after year一年接一年地 5. 介词 +名词 +介词 +名词短语 from beginning to end 从头到尾 from east to west从东到西 from first to last自始至终 from head to foot从头到脚 三 . 常见形容词短语归类be absent from缺席be afraid of害怕be angry at因某事生气be ang

15、ry with生某人的气 be careful of细心be close to靠近be covered with被 所覆盖 be different from与 不同 be famous for以 而闻名 be far from远离be filled with充满be fond of喜欢be friendly to对 友好be full of充满be good at擅长be good for适于 , 对 有益 be interested in对 感兴趣 be kind to对 仁慈be pleased with对 感到满意 be polite to对 有礼貌be proud of以 感到自豪

16、be ready for准备好be rich in丰富be short for 的简略形式 be slow at迟钝be sorry for遗憾 , 抱歉be strict with对某人要求严格 be successful in在 方面成功 be sure of对 有把握be surprised at对 感到吃惊 be worried about对 感到担忧 重点句型1. as soon as一 就I will call you as soon as I arrive in New York.我一到纽约就给你打电话 .2. as as 与 一样 He is as clever as his

17、brother.他和他的哥哥一样聪明 .3. not as/so as 不像 那样 This book is not as (so interesting as that one.这本书不像那本书那么有趣 .4. as as possible尽可能 Try to speak English as much as possible.尽可能地多说英语 .5. ask sb. for sth.向某人要某物Tom always asks his mother for pocket money.汤姆总是向他的妈妈要零用钱 .6. ask sb. to do sth.请某人做某事 My classmate

18、s often ask me to go swimming with them.我的同学经常请我和他们一起去游泳 . 7. ask sb. not to do sth.请求某人别做某事Peter s wife often asks him not to smoke.彼得的妻子经常求他别抽烟 .8. tell sb. to do sth.告诉 (叫 某人做某事Teacher always tells the students to finish homework on time.老师总是告诉同学们要按时完成作业 . 9. tell sb. not to do sth.告诉 (叫 某人别做某事Mo

19、ther told her son not to play in the street.妈妈告诉她的儿子别在街道上玩 . 10. be afraid of sth.害怕某物Mary is afraid of dogs.玛丽害怕狗 . 11. be afraid of doing sth.I am afraid of getting to school late. 我害怕上学迟到 .12. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事Everybody on the foot ball team is afraid to lost the game.足球附后每个人都害怕输了这场比赛 .13

20、. be afraid that(宾语从句 恐怕 I am afraid that you are right this time.恐怕你这次不对 .14. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事The students are busy preparing for the coming exam.学生们正忙着准备即将到来的考试 .15. be busy with sth.忙于某事Look! People are busy with farm work.看 ! 人们正忙着农活 .16. be famous for以 而著名Xi an is famous for its long his

21、tory.西安以它悠久的历史而闻名 .17. be late for sth. 误了某事Don t be late for the meeting next time.下次开会别迟到了 .18. be late to do sth.做某事迟了I was late to get to school yesterday.昨天我到校晚了 .19. be ready for sth.为 做准备I am ready for the match.我为比赛做准备 .20. be ready to do sth.准备好去做某事John is always ready to help others.约翰随时准备

22、着帮助别人 sorry for sth.为 感到难过 (遗憾 , 抱歉 I forgot your birthday. I am sorry for that.我忘了你的生日 , 为此我感到抱歉 .22. be sorry to do sth. 做某事很难过 (遗憾 , 抱歉 I am sorry to tell you that you didn t pass the driving test again.我很遗憾地告诉你又没通过驾驶考试 .23. be glad/happy that(宾语从句 高兴 I am glad that everyone is ready.我很高兴大

23、家都准备女孩子 .24. both and 两者都 We are both classmates and friends.我们既是同学又是朋友 .25. buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sb.买给某人某物 /把某物买给某人My father bought a gift for me last week.我爸爸上周给我买了个礼物 .26.give sb. sth./give sth. to sb.给某人某物 /把某物给某人Please give some water to me.请把水给我 .27. show sb. sth./ show sth. to sb.给某人看某物

24、Show me your ticket, please.请出示你的票 .28. send sb. sth./ send sth. to sb.给某人寄 /发某物On your mother s birthday, you should send your mother a present if you can t go back home.在你妈妈生日的时候 , 如果你不能回家 , 也应该给你妈妈买件礼物 . 29.pass sb. sth. / pass sth. to sb.传递给某人某物Mark, pass a piece of paper to me.马克 , 请递给我一张纸 .30.

25、 bring sb. sth./ bring sth. to sb.给某人带来某物When you come here tomorrow, please bring me a storybook.当明天来这里的时候 , 请带来一本故事书 .31.lend sb. sth. /lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物Please dont lend others this bike.请不要把这辆自行车借给别人. I can lend some money to you if you need some.如果你需要的话,我会借你一些钱. 32.borrow sth. from sb.从某人处借

26、用某物 He always borrows things from others but never gives back. 他总是向别人借东西,却从不归还. 33.tell sb. sth. / tell sth. to sb.告诉某人某事 I would like to tell you something about myself.我想告诉你一些关于我自己的情况. 34. eitheror或者或者, 不是 就是 These coats are either big or small.这些外衣不是大了就是小了. 35. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 She enjoys re

27、ading funny stories 她喜欢看逗乐的故事. 36. hate to do sth.讨厌去做某事 I hate to do homework this afternoon.今天下午我讨厌写作业. 37. hate doing sth. I hate working outside in hot weather.我讨厌在炎热的天气下在室外工作. 38. finish doing sth.做完某事 If you finish doing your work, you can do what you like. 如果你做完你的工作,你可以做你喜欢做的事. 39. keep (on d

28、oing sth.坚持(持续做某事 Keep practicing English, your English will improve. 坚持练习英语,你的英语就会提高. 40. mind doing sth.介意做某事 Do you mind closing the window?你介意关上窗子吗? 41. get + 形容词的比较级 变得更 Weather is getting hotter and hotter.天气变得越来越热了。 42. get ready for 为做准备 I have already got ready for dinner.我已经准备好晚餐了. 43. get

29、 sth. ready 把某事准备好 Please get everything ready. We will start soon.把一切准备好, 我们很快就出发了. 44. get on/along with 与某人相处 We should get on (along well with others.我们应该与别人相处融洽. 45. had better do sth.最好做某事 You had better leave now because it is getting dark. 你最好现在就离开,因为天要黑了. 46. had better not do sth.最好别做某事 Yo

30、u had better not drink much. It is bad for your health. 你最好别喝很多酒,那对你的健康不好. 47. help sb. do / to do sth.帮助某人做某事 He often helps me (to do some cleaning.他经常帮助我做清洁. 48. help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 We should help our parents with housework.我们应该帮助父母做家务. 49. I dont think that我不认为/我认为不是(不会 I dont think you can win every time.我认为你不会每次都赢. 50. I would like to do 我想要做/我愿意做 I would like to help those who need help.我愿意帮助那些需要帮助的人. 51. Would you like to do sth? 你想/你愿意做吗? Would you like to join us? 你愿意加入我们吗?

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