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1、新目标英语八年级下Unit6学案集体备课Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? 学案第一课时Section A (1a-2c)课时目标导航知识目标:单词:collect, shell, skate, since, marathon, 词组:how long, collect shells, a pair of,句型:1 How long have you been skating? 2 How long did you skate?Ive been skating since/for I skated for two hours.能力目标

2、:1学会谈论做某事持续多长时间“How long”。2学习现在完成进行时态,它表示从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去的动作,常与for, since, how long等词连用。其结构为:havehas been + 动词-ing3since与for的用法和区别。since 某一时刻的词,短语或从句,for 一段时间的词或短语4、pair (由两部分合在一起的单个物品) 一对,一双 a pair of 一双,一对 pairs of 几双,几对a pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeansa new pair of shoes two

3、 old pairs of skates three expensive pairs of glasses 注意:修饰名词的形容词,要放在pair前。必做题一英汉互译。1多久 _ 2自从 _ 3溜冰鞋 _ 4.溜冰者 _5滑冰马拉松 _ 6collect shells _ 7a pair of _二根据句意、音标或首字母提示完成单词。1. My best friend bought me a p _of skates for me on my birthday.2. My hobby is to c_ stamps (邮票). There are about five thousand sta

4、mps.3. Lisa has been studying English s_ she was six years old.4Was this your first skating _mrn?选做题一用since 或for 填空。1 Sarah has been sleeping _ eight oclock.2 He has been drawing _ four hours.3 His uncle has been teaching Chinese _ he was twenty years old.4 I havent gone for a walk in the park _ a l

5、ong time.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1 How long have you been _ (skate)? I have been skating for seventeen _(minute).2 Mary _ (have) been shopping for two hours.3 My sister got a pair of _ (skate) yesterday.4 When did you _ (start) class today?5 I like _ (collect) _ (shell) very much.提高题一用for/since填空。1. Ive been p

6、racticing the piano _ 10:30.2. Mario has been running _ 15 minutes.3. Sarah has been sleeping _ 9:00.4. Dale has been talking on the phone _ five minutes.5. Louie has been studying Chinese _ he was six years old.二单项选择 1. _ have you been living here? For ten years.A. How muchB. How manyC. How longD.

7、How soon2. _ did you first skate? Two years ago.A. WhenB. WhatC. WhyD. How3. I have been skating _ two hours.A. inB. atC. forD.since4. Mr Green _ in China since five years ago. A. livedB. has livedC. livesD. is going to live 5. is the meeting going to last? About twenty minutes. A. How farB. How soo

8、n C. How long D. How often三汉译英:1、我们学英语已经两年了。 2、我昨晚睡了八个小时。3、自从八点开始,我就已经滑冰了。 4、自从1999年以来,我一直听音乐。5、自从我来到中国以来,我一直在这儿。八年级下Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? 学案第二课时Section A (3a-4)课时目标导航知识目标:单词:raise, several, skater, charity 词组:talk to, three and a half years三年半, raise money for 为筹钱,for whol

9、e five hours整整五个小时, the序数词to do sth 第几个做句型:1Im talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. 2The skating marathon has been going for five hours now.能力目标:能掌握并熟练运用现在完成进行时态。知识点拨: 1. (1)talktosb.在此意为“向某人报道”,相当于reportto。例如:Imreportingtoyouaboutthesportsmeeting.我正在向你报道运动会的情况。MrLiwilltalktoyoua

10、boutYaoMing.李先生将向你报道关于姚明的情况。(2)talktosb.“与某人谈话”也可以说:talkwithsb.但它侧重于谈话双方都说。2.raisefor为筹集。例如:翻译:许多歌手为贫穷学生能上学而募集资金。3.Foreveryhourtheyskate,eachstudentraisestenyuanforcharity.他们每滑一个小时,每个学生就会为慈善机构筹集到10元钱。(1)every形容词,意为“每一,每一个”,在句子中只能作定语,与单数名词连用。例如: Everyboylikesplayingfootballinourclass.我们班的每一个男生都喜欢踢足球。

11、(2)Each形容词,意为“各个,每一”,后接单数可数名词。例如: Eachdayisbetterthantheonebefore.一天天好起来。(3)each本身为代词作主语时,其谓语动词为单数。(4)each跟在主语后起同位语的作用,这时主语和谓语动词都应该是复数。(5)each与every的区别。each强调“个体”,every强调“整体”。every只能作定语,each可作定语、主语、宾语和同位语。例如:Eachofuswantstobuythebook.我们每个人都想买这本书。Weeachwanttobuythebook.我们每个人都想买这本书。4. whole形容词,“整个的”。例

12、如: thewholenight整个晚上thewholeschool全校必做题一选词补全对话。A: Ye Lan, _ sport do you _?B: Tennis.A: When did you _?B: _ I was eleven.A: So _ have you been playing?B: Three and a _ years.二阅读课本P46的3a, 判断正(T)误(F)。1. The skating marathon is in the Hilltop School. ( )2. The students are skating to raise money for th

13、eir English Summer Camp. ( )3. For every hour the students skate, each student raises fifteen yuan for charity. ( )4. The skating marathon has been going for six hours now. ( )5. Alison was the first to start. ( ) 选做题一完成句子1. 我打球有三个小时了。 I have been _ basketball _ three hours.2. 完成这项工作花了Lucy整整五天的时间。 I

14、t took Lucy _ _ _ to finish the work.3. 李磊经常在因特网上搜集信息。 Li Lei often _ information _ the Internet.4. 他们每滑冰一小时,每个学生就为慈善机构募集一百元。 For _ _ they skate, _ _ raises 100 yuan for charity.5. 我们一直在造一艘轮船。 We _ _ _ a ship. 二单项选择( )1. We are here to _funds for the charity.A. raise B. rise C. get D. want( )2. When

15、 I got up this morning, it_ .A. is raining B. rains C. rained D. was raining( )3. Do you know what _this time yesterday?A. they are doingB. were they doing C. they were doingD. are they doing( )4._ have you been skiing? Half a year.A. How long B. How often C. How far D. When( )5. Mother has _for two

16、 days.A. left B. arrived C. been D. been away提高题根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 从今早六点起,我的爸爸就一直在田间劳动。My father _ _ _ in the field _ _ _ this morning.2. 自从他中学生以来,他就一直在学英语。He has _ learning English _ he was a middle school student.3. 他有几个好友,但不太多。 He has _ good _, but not _ _.4. 戴夫打网球已有两年半了。 Dave has been playing tennis

17、for _ _ _ _ _.5. 那个女孩一直哭了整整两个小时。 The girl has been crying _ the _ two _.八年级下Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? 学案第三课时Section B (1a-2c)课时目标导航知识目标:单词: stamp, kite, coin, collector, collection 词组: fly a kite/fly kites 放风筝, would like 想要, so far 至今为止, stuffed animal 填充玩具动物,句型:1Id like to co

18、llect stamps because they are interesting. 2How many do you have? I have 20.3. What does Bob collect? He collects kites 4How long has he been collecting kites? Hes been collecting kites since he was ten years old能力目标:通过对话的学习与操练去掌握表示业余兴趣的句型。如:I would (Id) like to because, I likebest, I also like, sb.

19、 have/has been collecting for/since知识归纳:1.wouldliketodosth.同义词为wanttodosth./feellikedoingsth.wouldlike/wantsb.todosth.想让某人做某事。如:Mymotherwouldlikemetobeareporter.我妈妈想让我成为一名记者。2. how long, how often, how soonhow long “多长”,用来提问有多长时间,答语通常是表示一段时间的话。How long are you going to stay here? Five days.也可提问长度。Ho

20、w long is the road? Its about 500 often “多长时间一次”,用来提问在某一特定的时间内进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是never,sometimes,quite often,usually,three times a year等表示频度的副词或短语。How often do you go to the library?Once a dayhow soon “(需要)多久”,谓语动词多用终止性动词,即某一动作要花多长时间才能完成或发生,常与将来时连用,答语常用in a weekmonthyear等。How soon can you fin

21、ish the work? May be in three days3.interesting “有趣的”,描述事物的特征。interested “感觉有趣的”,描述人的感觉,多用于短语be interested in。4.(1)thanksfor意为“为而感谢”,后接名词和动词的-ing形式。如:(2)Thanksalot.还可表示为:Thankyouverymuch.非常感谢。 2. runoutof用尽,缺乏。例如:Heranoutofallhismoneytobuythebook.他用尽了他所有的钱来买这本书。 3. room“空间,余地”,不可数名词。例如:Couldyoumaker

22、oomformydaughter?你能给我女儿腾个地方吗?3. (1)anyoneelse其他的人,形容词修饰不定代词要后置。如:(2)somethingdifferent不同的东西总结:不定代词和形容词的位置关系:4.Bytheway,whatsyourhobby?顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?(1)bytheway顺便问一下,顺便说一下。例如:Bytheway,wheresthebank?顺便问一下,银行在哪里?(2)onthewayto.在去的路上(3)ononeswayhere/there在某人来这儿/去那儿的路上必做题一英汉互译。1放风筝 _ 2集邮 _ 3硬币 _ 4.收藏家_4收藏

23、品 _ 5想要_ 6stuffed animal _7. so far _二选词补全对话。A: _, Linda! I heard you love _ very much.B: Yeah! I have been _ for nine years so_.A: Well, _ do you have?B: Let me see. Er, I _over 10000. A: Wow! How _ have you collecting stamps?B: Ive been collecting it _ I was six years old. What do you collect?A:Me

24、? Nothing. _ like to save more money. B:Haha!I think you are a _ of money.三句型转换。(20分)1. The player has been skating for five hours today. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has the player _ skating today? 2. I have been sleeping since eight hours ago. (同1) _ _ have _ been sleeping? 3. How long have you been collecting sh

25、ells? (用twenty years 回答)I have been collecting shells _ _ years. 4. How long have the boys been flying kites? (用since thirty minutes 回答) They _ _ flying _ thirty minutes ago.5. I have been interested in the job as a writer for eight years. (同义句) I have been interested in the job as a writer _ eight

26、years _.选做题一根据句意、音标或首字母提示完成单词。1. What _ Bob collect? He collects kites.2. Can you fly a k_. Yes, I can. It is very easy.3. When we post(寄) a letter, we have to put a s_ on the envelope(信封).4. My little sister loves to play s_ animals.5. Our science teacher is an old stamp _klekt.二单项选择。1. I like to c

27、ollect shells _ they are very beautiful. A. since B. because C. for D. so2. _ has he been collecting coins? Since he was a little boy. A. When B. How long C. What time D. How soon3. Id like _ shopping with you, but I am very busy now. A. to go B. go C. going D. went八年级下Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? 学案第四课时Section B (3a-4b)课时目标导航知识目标:单词: globe, favorite, monster, store, cake, particularly, collector, hobby, common, 词组: thanks for doing感谢, snow globe雪球, send sb sth.

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