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1、初中新目标英语300句初中新目标英语300句注:黑体字为知识点,划线部分为从句,括号内是黑体部分的意思。七年级(上)1 Good morning. /Good afternoon./Good evening. 问候语(早上好/下午好/晚上好)2 1) - How are you? 问候语 - Im fine, thanks. 2)-How s he/she? -He/She is fine. 3)- Hows the things going (on)? -Its not bad.3 -Whats this in English? 用What对物提问 -Its an apple./Its a

2、pen.4 Spell it please. / How do you spell it,please?5 -What color is it? 用What对颜色提问 -Its red.6 -Whats your/his/her name? 用What对人名提问 -My/His/Her name is Gina.7 -Nice to meet you! 问候语 -Nice to meet you, too.8 Whats your/his/her family name? (family name 姓 first name 名)9 Whats your/his/her telephone nu

3、mber? 用What对电话号码提问10 1) -Is this / that your pencil? Is 的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2)-Are these / those your pencils? Are的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, they are. /No, they arent.11 -Excuse me , may I speak to Mr Wang? 电话用语 -This is Mr Wang speaking. / Speaking.12 !)-Here you are. -Thank you. 怎样答谢别人 2)

4、-Oh, your skirt is so beautiful! - Thank you.13 1)-Happy new year! -The same to you. 怎样回答别人的祝福 2)- Have a nice weekend. -The same to you.14 -Merry Christmas! -Merry Christmas! 怎样回答别人的祝福15 This is my sister. 怎样介绍别人 These are my sisters. That is my brother. Those are my brothers.16 Thanks for your hel

5、p. / Thanks for the photo of your family. 短语thanks for17 -What size do you want? -Size 8. 用 What size 对尺寸、大小 提问18 Here is my famoly photo. / Here it is. / Here they are. 19 -Wheres my backpack? 用Where对地点、方位等提问 -Its under / on /behind / in my desk.20 -Are they on the bed? Are的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, they are

6、. / No, they arent.21 Please take those things to you sister. take 的用法及其意义22 - Im sorry ( I am late). -It doesnt matter. / Thats all right./ Never mind. (sorry及其回答)23 -Can you bring some things to school? can的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes,I can. / No,I cant.24 -Do you have a soccer ball? do的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, I do. /

7、 No, I dont. 25 I dont have a soccer ball. Dont表否定 I dont have any soccer balls. any 用在否定句26 -Does she/he have a soccer ball? does的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, she/he does. No, she/he doesnt. 27 1)-Mum, I have finished my homework well. - Well done. 怎样夸赞、祝贺别人 2)-Mike, I got the first prize in the English competi

8、on! - Congraduations!28 -Lets play volleyball! -That sounds interesting. 表建议及其回答29 1)- Good luck with your math test! -Thank you. 怎样答谢别人 2)-Best wishes for you! -Thank you.30 For breakfast,she likes an egg, a banana and some apples. For breakfast 应注意31 -How much are these pants? -They are 20 dollars

9、. How much对价格提问32 -How much potatoes do you want? -Three kilos. How much 对不可数名词多少提问33 -Can I help you,Sir? -Yes, please. I want a sweater. 买卖双方的用语34 OK,Ill take it. (我买了)35 -Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. (谢谢的表达方式) -Youra welcome. / Thats all right. / Not at all. (不用谢的表达方式)36 I like English ve

10、ry much. 表示“非常”喜欢、想要、想念 的表达 I want a bike very much. I miss you very much.37 We have great bags for only 2 dollars. 用for表示价格38 Anybody can afford our prices. 不定代词的用法 Everyone can afford to buy them.39 -When is your birthday? 用When 对时间提问 -My birthday is October twelfth.40 -How old are you /they ? How

11、 old is he/ she? 用How old 对年龄大小提问 -Im /Were/Theyre /Hes/Shes 12 (years old.) 年龄的表示方法41 -Do you want to go to a movie? Want 的用法 -Yes,I do.I want to see a comedy/an action movie.42 -What kind of movies do you like? What kind of 对种类提问 -I like action movies and documentaries. 43 She thinks she can learn

12、 about Chinese history. Think 后的宾语从句44 I often go for a walk with my friends on Sunday mornings. go for a walk 去散步 on的用法45 My favorite actor is Jet Lee. Favorite 的意义、词性等46 -What club do you want to jion? Club 俱乐部 -I want to jion the misc club.47 Can you help the kids with swimming? (Helpwith 在 方面帮助)

13、48 -Could you get me some salt? Could 的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, Ican./Id love to./ My pleasure.49 You can be in the school music festival. Be in 在这里的意义 50 Please call Bill at 7787070. 注意介词at51 May I know your name,please? 礼貌地询问别人的名字52 -What time do you usually get up in the morning? What time对(具体)时间提问 -I usu

14、ally get up at half past six.53 What a funny time to eat lunch! How、 what感叹句的应用 What a beautiful girl she is ! How beautiful she is!54 He takes the number 12 ( No.12 ) bus to school. 乘第几路车的表达55 People love to listen to him. (听)56 He goes to bed at 8:30 every night. (去睡觉)57 -Whats your favorite subje

15、ct? 对喜好提问 -My favorite subject is science.58 -Why do you like math? Why的问句及其回答 -Because its interesting.59 -Who is your science teacher? Who对人提问及其回答 -My science teacher is Mr Wang.60 -When do you have math? When对时间提问及其回答 - I have math on Monday.61 September is the ninth month of year. 序数词的用法、意义、写法62

16、 Its very exciting to have a Chinese friend. 形式主语结构七年级(下)63 -Where is your pen pal from? Be from 来自 -She is from Japan.64 -What language can they speak? 操语言 -They can speak English and a little French. a little表示“一点”,后接不可数 65 -Does she have any brothers and sisters? (Some 、any 在一般疑问句、肯定句、 -Yes, she

17、has some. 否定句中的用法)66 -Would you like a cup of tea or an apple? Or 用于选择疑问句 -A cup of tea, please. 67 -Is there a bank near here? There be 句型的一般疑问句及其回答 -Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.68 The pay phone is across from / next to / in front of the library.(在的对面/挨着/在前面) Its down the Bridge street on the r

18、ight. (在右边)69 Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. Through “穿过” 的用法意义70 -Whats the date today? -Its October ninth today. 对日期提问71 -What day is it today? -Today is Wednesday. 对星期提问72 Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. 介词with短语作定语73 This is the beginning of the gar

19、den tour. (起初/的开始)74 Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 不定式作定语75 Let me tell you the way to my house. (去我家的路)76 I hope you have a good trip. (我祝你一路好走)77 My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. (有点儿)78 What other animal do you like? (其它的动物)79 -What do you want to be? 对想干什么提问 -I want to

20、be an actor.80 1)-What do you do? / What are you? 对职业提问 -Im a teacher. 2)-What does she do? / What is she? - She is a doctor.81 We have a job for you as a waiter. (作为一名服务生)82 -What are you doing? 对正在作什么提问 -Im watching TV.83 -What is he waiting for? (等待) -He is waiting for a bus.84 -Who is he talking

21、 to? (跟说话 to 的对象是who) -He is talking to Mary.85 Im sorry to have to say that, but the room is too dirty. 表示礼貌的对对方批评指正86 -Hows the weather in Beijing? / Whats the weather like in Beijing? 对天气提问 -Its snowing.87 The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai. 注意that在此类比较级中的用法88 1)-I think so. -

22、 I dont think so. 注意so 和not 在这些简略句中的意义 2)-I hope so. -I hope not. 3)-I suppose so -I suppose not 4)-I guess so. -I guess not. 5)-Im afraid so. -Im afraid not. 6)-I believe so. -I believe not.89 There are many people here on vacation,some are taking photos,others are lying on the beach. Some others 表

23、示“一些 另一些 ”90 Everyone is having a good time. (每一个人都玩得开心) 不定代词Everyone作主语,谓语用单数91 Im surprised they can play in this heat. 本句作surprised宾语,叫宾语从句92 The library is between the hotel and the mall. (在两者之间)93 -What does your friend look like? 对别人的外貌长相提问 -She is medium height and she has long hair.94 She is

24、 good-looking, but shes a little bit quiet. (有一点安静)95 -What is she like? -She is shy but hard-working. 对性格提问及回答96 I dont think he is so great. 否定提前句 ,指的是he is so great本身是否定句,但not不能放在从句,而要放在I 与think 之间。97 -What kind of food would you like ? 对种类提问 -Id like some noodles. / Some noodles , please.98 -Wha

25、t size bowl of noodles would you like? 对尺寸、分量大小提问及其回答 -Small. / Medium. / Large.99 The coat is very cheap,but the price of the shoes is quite high. 物贵贱,价高低100 -What did you do last night? 对过去作过某事提问 -I practiced reading English. Practice 后接动词-ing 分词101 -Did you / she /he /they go to the movie? 一般过去时提

26、问及其回答 -Yes, I / she /he /they did. No, you / she /he /they didnt.102 -How was your weekend? 谈对过去的感受 -It was great.103 It was time to go home. (是该作的时候) It was time for supper.104 Theres no time for you to think. (没有时间)105 They often do that for fun. (那样做是闹着玩的)106 -What does Lily think about / think of her vacation? 对某人、某物的评价 -It was great.107 We have great fun playing in the water. have great fun 接动词ing108 We went shopping last weekend. (去购物)109 I found a small boy crying in the corner. find 后接动词ing分词作宾语补足语110 He was los

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