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1、虚拟语气练习+知识虚拟语气在英文句子中,谓语动词的语气是用来表示说话人对所讲内容的态度、看法以及心情等。英文句子中谓语动词的语气有三种:A)直陈语气(The Indicative Mood)直陈语气用于直截了当地陈述事实、描述状态:He has published quite a number of essays this year .他今年已发表了好几篇论文。B) 祈使语气(The Imperative Mood)祈使语气用于提出请求、命令、建议或是劝告等:1) Wait outside until you are asked. 请在外面等候,请你进再进去。2) Lets just take

2、 a break, shall we? 我们休息一会儿,好吗?C) 虚拟语气(The Subjunctive Mood)虚拟语气用于表示主观愿望和假设的虚拟情况。虚拟语气不太顾及事实的存在,它表现出说话人的主观因素比较多。所以说话人所讲的内容往往是与事实相反的;或是其实现的可能性微乎其微,甚至于没有实现的可能性。当然,有时为了使说话的语气客气、缓和、委婉,也使用虚拟语气例如:1) I wish you were more careful .但愿你更细心一些。2) If I had more money, I would buy a bigger apartment.我要是有再多一点钱,我就买一

3、套更大一些房子。3) Would you mind shutting the door? 劳驾您把门关上。 虚拟语气是英语语法中的难点。考生应主要掌握虚拟语气在下列情况下的用法:1 虚拟语气在虚拟条件句中的用法; 在宾语从句中的用法; 在壮语从句中的用法; 及主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句中的用法; 在一些特殊句型中的用法等。用于非真实条件句中的虚拟语气几种情况。条件句分为两种:真实条件句和非真实条件句。与现在事实相违背1) If I had time, I would certainly join you in the tennis match. (事实是:我没有时间)我要是有时间肯定和你一

4、起打这场网球比赛。2) If I were you, I would put her suggestion into account.(事实是:我并不是你)我要是你,我会考虑她的建议的。与过去事实相违背1) If I hadnt been caught by something, I would have come to your party yesterday. (事实是:我昨天被某些事缠住了)我昨天要不是被些事缠住了,我就会去参加你们的聚会了。2) If he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a bad mistake.(事

5、实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。与未来事实相违背 1) If I should have a chance to try it, I would do it in another way. (假设的情况不大可能发生)要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种方法做的。 2) Even if they were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage. (说话人不希望假设的情况发生)即使他们万一失败,他们也不会泄气。熟悉并掌握好下面的基本句式:条件从句主句与现在事实相违背过去式(动词是BE用were)Should/would + 动词原形

6、 与过去事实相违背had + 过去分词would/should + have +过去分词与未来事实相违背1) should + 动词原形2) were + 动词不定式3) 过去式(动词是Be也可以用were)would/Should + 动词原形需要注意以下几点: 1. 省略If的几种情况, 当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有had、should、或were时,就将这样的词had、should、或were搬到句首把句子写成倒装句而将连词if省略。例如:1) If you were the manager here, what would you do? =Were you the manager h

7、ere, what would you do? 你若是这里的经理,你会怎么办?2) If he should act like that again, he would be fired immediately. =Should he act like that again, he would be fired immediately. 要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。3) If we had time to spare, we would be glad to go to the park.=Had we time to spare,we would be glad to go to th

8、e park.如果能抽出时间,我们很乐意逛公园。4) If it were not for the discovery of electricity, the modern world would experience great inconvenience.=Were it not for the discovery of electricity,the modern world would experience great inconvenience.假如没有发现电,现代世界将很不方便。2含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现if引导的条件句,而通过其他手段来替代条件句.(

9、1) 用介词短语替代条件句。常用介词有with, without, but for等如:1) We couldnt have succeeded without your help (=if we hadnt got your help).2) But for the rain(=If it hadnt been for the rain),we would have finished the work. 3) Without air, there would be no life on the earth. 要是没有空气,地球上就不会有生命了。4) But for your help, th

10、e little boy would have been drowned. 要是没有你们的帮助,那个小男孩早就淹死了。5) We could have done the work better in that case. 要是那样的话,我们本可以把工作干得更好一些的。(2) 用一个副词或连词but / otherwise / or等表示虚拟条件和真实情况交织在一句中如:1) He telephoned to inform me of your birthday,or (=If he hadnt telephoned to inform me of your birthday)I would h

11、ave known nothing about it. 2) There might have been a terrible accident, but he braked the car before it was too late.= if he hadnt braked the car before it was too late. 3) He would have come to see you earlier but he just came back from his business trip .(本句中的上下文是:but he just came back from his

12、business trip,表示:要是他在家没出差的话)他本来早就来看你了,可他却出差刚刚回来。4) But that you helped me, I would have failed in the experiment. (本句中的上下文是:But that you helped me,表示:要不是有你帮助我)要没有你帮助我,我的试验本做不成功的。(3) be动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用were。在非正式情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用was如:If he were you,he would go at once.(4) 主句中的should通常用于第一人称,would,cou

13、ld以及might可以用于各种人称(5) 在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只能用should,而不能用would,could和might 等如:If it should rain tomorrow,we would not go camping.(should rain也可以用rained,were to rain代替)(6) 错综时间非真实条件句中的虚拟语气在错综条件句子中,虚拟条件从句和主句动作发生的时间不一致,因此,主句和从句的谓语动词应根据所指的时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式。例如:1)If I were you,I wouldnt have missed the film last ni

14、ght.如果我是你,我就不会错过昨天晚上的那部电影。(从句与现在事实相反,主句与过去事实相反。)2)If he had followed the doctors advice,he would recover already.如果他遵照医生的劝告,现在病就好了。(从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。)3) If the boy hadnt been saved this afternoon, his family would not be in peace now.如果那个男孩今天下午没有被救,他的家现在就不会如此安宁。4) If the machine were in good cond

15、itions, we would have used it in our last experiment. 要是这台机器情况良好,我们上次就将它用于试验了。5) If you were to visit Hainan in two days, I could arrange for some of my friends there to meet you at the airport. 假如你过两天去海南,我现在就可以安排我在那儿的朋友去机场接你。当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为错综时间条件句动词的形式要分别根据它所表示的不同时间作相应的调整。3. Impl

16、ied condition1) but for, without, under, with etc. But for electricity, there would be no modern industry.Without your help, we could not have succeeded.Under such circumstances I would probably have done the same.2) otherwise, but, or I ran all the way to school, otherwise I would have been late.He

17、 felt very tired yesterday, or he would have helped you.3) but that (要不是)But that he was short of money at the time, he would have come to help us.4) -ing phrases and to-infinitive You would have laughed to see him jump aside.This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster.5)If it we

18、re (had been) not for 要不是If it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy life today.If it had not been for your advice, I would not have accepted the job.Be-Subjunctive Mood: demand, suggestion, and command, etc.1. 用在宾语从句中:be/ should do He insisted that Kate (should) do the job.We suggested

19、 that the meeting (should) not be postponed.Verbs:ask、advise、determine、decide、command、insist、propose、move、prefer、urge、order、recommend、request、require、demand、suggest、desire、intendExe: She asked that she _ allowed to see her son in police custody.A. would be B. could be C. be D. was 2. 用在主语从句中It is ne

20、cessary that you (should) be present at the discussion.It is essential that you (should) win the voters hearts. Adj.:essential、necessary、important、advisable、appropriate、desirable、fitting、imperative (紧急的)、impossible、necessary、proper、urgent、insistent、strange ed- participle:desired、demanded、ordered、req

21、uested、suggested、recommended、required,etc.Exe: It is imperative that students hand in their terms papers on time. 3. 用在同位语从句或表语从句中1) The suggestion that he be invited was rejected.2) Their demand is that their wages be increased by 20%.Nouns:advice、command、demand、desire、order、decision、decree(法令、判决)

22、instruction、requirement、resolution(决定)、suggestion、recommendation、necessity、request、proposal,etc.3) He left orders that nothing be touched until the police arrived here. 这一用法中,be-型虚拟式可与“should+不定式”交替使用,也可与“to-不定式”交替使用。4) He ordered that the books be sent at once.=He ordered that the books should be s

23、ent at once.=He ordered that the books to be sent at once.Were-Subjunctive Moodwere-型虚拟语气常用于wish, would rather, suppose, imagine之后的分句中,表示一种臆想的(通常不可能发生的)情况。 I wish it were spring all the year round. Id rather I were not at the site of the accident. Just imagine everyone were to give up smoking.上述were

24、-型虚拟式在第一、第三人称单数主语之后可为was所取代。 If it was to rain, the game would be put off. If only I was not so nervous.但在if I were you这一分句中,通常用were,而不用was。另外倒装句中也只能用were。 If I were you, I should wait till next week. Were I to do it (=If I were to do it), I should rely on you.在as it were(作so to speak解,即“宛如”、“好比”之意)

25、结构中,也只用were,不用was。 He is my best friend, my second self, as it were.用动词的过去式表示假设意义1. Subjunctive mood: It is (high/about) time that 1) It is time we had dinner.2) Youve been working hard. Its time you took a rest.3) It is high time we left this place.2. I would rather/ sooner (that) you / he / they 1

26、) Im told they are going by bus, but I would rather they went by train. 2) He didnt attend the meeting. I would rather he had been present.3. If only 1) If only the weather were finer!2) If only you hadnt offended him!4. as if /though1) She always talks to me as if she were my sister.2) He walks slo

27、wly as if he had hurt his leg.3) She looks as if she would cry.在某些语境中,如果不表示假设意义,就不必用过去式。 1) It looks as if it is going to rain. 2) The fish smells as if it has gone bad.5. Subjunctive mood in wish-clauses1)wish (that) +s + v-ed (were)I wish I were as young as you.2)wish (that) +s + had done I wish t

28、hat I had not met him yesterday.3)wish that +s + would/ could/might doIsnt it your wish that you could buy a car like that? I wish和I hope都表示“希望”。但I hope并不表示假设意义,随后的动词形式除表示婉转口气外很少用过去形式。 I hope youre coming to our party. We hope you will be very happy.【练习题 】一、单选题1. If I _ where he lived, I _ a note to

29、 him.A. knew; would B. had known; would have sent C. know; would send D. knew; would have sent2. Mary is ill today. If she _, she _ absent from school.A. were not ill; wouldnt be B. had been ill; wouldnt have beenC. had been ill; should have been D. hadnt been ill; could be3. If you had enough money

30、, what _?A. will you buy B. would you buy C. would you have bought D. will you have bought4. Were I to do it, I _ it some other way.A. will do B. would do C. would have done D. were to do5. I _ him the answer _ possible, but I was so busy then.A. could tell; if it had been B. must have told; were it

31、C. should have told; had it been D. should have told; should it be6. You didnt take his advice. _ his advice, you _ such a mistake.A. Had you taken; wouldnt have made B. If you had taken; would makeC. Were you lo take; shouldnt have made D. Have you taken; won t have made7. -If he _, he _ that food. - Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken

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