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1、川大大学英语四000416秋在线作业12答案川大大学英语(四)000416秋在线作业12答案一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。) V 1.It ws on the eh _Miss White foun the ki lying e. . tht . this . it . whih 标准答案: 2.It is essentil tht these pplition forms _ k s erly s possile. . must e sent . will e sent . re sent . sent 标准答案: 3. Our hils ehvior is gretly in

2、fluene y the wy we ret to wht he hs one. Our retions help to etermine whether our hil will repet his ehvior or whether he will o something ifferent. This sttement isvery importnt prt ofpriniple of ehviorl psyhology. The priniple sttes thtehvior is influene or ffete y how the environment - people, pl

3、es n things - immeitely respons to the ehvior. Perhps without relizing it, you hve use this priniple mny times. On the osion when you tol your hil whtgoo oy he ws fter he lene up his room, you use the priniple. When you sent your hil to his room for fighting with his rother, you use the priniple. Wh

4、en I gve Kimookie fter she strte to ry, I use the priniple. In eh of these exmples,prtiulr ehvior ourre first - lening uproom, fighting, n rying. In ition, there wsretion to eh ehvior - the hil ws prise, sent to his room, or givenookie. y these tions, we hve influene the previous ehviors n hve helpe

5、 to etermine whether those ehviors will our gin in the future. (1)、Wht is the leture minly out? . hilren n environmentl protetion. . hilrens ehvior n fighting. . hilrens ehvior n our response. . hilren n priniples. 标准答案: 4. own the entrne hll of the shool wlk four eighth-gre stuents. Eh one is rryin

6、gsmll sket withsingle egg insie. Soon more stuents join them-eh one of them is lso rryingsket with n egg. The eggs insket re prt ofnew shool progrm tht helps young people unerstn tht hvingy isgret uty. t the eginning of the progrm, the teher puts the stuents in pirs-one girl n one oy. Eh pir gets n

7、egg, whih they must tke re of for two weeks. For those fourteen ys, the stuents hve to tke re of the eggs s though they were rel ies. Stuents whose eggs get roken hve to strt the two weeks ll over gin withnew egg. One person in eh pir must hve the egg with him or her t ll times-twenty-four hoursy. t

8、 no time n they let the egg e out of sight. "Ifteher thes you without your egg," si one stuent, "she mkes you go get it. They re relly strit." The tehers lso mke the stuents spen hlf n hour eh y sitting with the egg n just wthing it. Tht n get pretty oring. ut its lso something t

9、ht prents spenlot of time oing. hilren sy tht the progrm hs helpe them unerstn the uties involve in hvinghil. "It ws relly hr," si one stuent, "You h to think ll the time out the egg." (5)、From the lst prgrph, we n infer tht _. .progrm is the only wy to eute hilren . one hs to th

10、ink outprogrm ll the time . only one hil grsps the purpose of the progrm . the progrm is of help to hilrens unerstning of prents 标准答案: 5.- Is there nything serious, otor? - _ . Im going to hve nother hek-up. . The results of the loo test re wrong. . No. Just sty in e n rink more wter. . Yes. You n g

11、o home tomorrow. 标准答案: 6.It is neessry tht he _. . sty . oul sty . woul sty . stys 标准答案: 7. true frien will not turn wy when you re in troule. . 真正的朋友不会远离你的,无论是在什么时候。 . 真正的朋友不会在你困难的时候离你而去。 . 在你处于困难之中的时候,你的朋友会立即出现在你身边。 . 在你处于困难之中的时候,你的朋友不会转身就走。 标准答案: 8.If he _ tht piture, he woul hve signe his nme in

12、 the orner. . pinte . pints . woul hve pinte . h pinte 标准答案: 9.- _? - Shes our history teher. . Where is she from . Where oes the womn work . Who is she . How is the womn 标准答案: 10.- _ - Im suffering fromstomhhe. . re you feeling etter? . Whts troule with you? . Is there wrong with you? . Whts the mt

13、ter with you? 标准答案: 11. Our hils ehvior is gretly influene y the wy we ret to wht he hs one. Our retions help to etermine whether our hil will repet his ehvior or whether he will o something ifferent. This sttement isvery importnt prt ofpriniple of ehviorl psyhology. The priniple sttes thtehvior is

14、influene or ffete y how the environment - people, ples n things - immeitely respons to the ehvior. Perhps without relizing it, you hve use this priniple mny times. On the osion when you tol your hil whtgoo oy he ws fter he lene up his room, you use the priniple. When you sent your hil to his room fo

15、r fighting with his rother, you use the priniple. When I gve Kimookie fter she strte to ry, I use the priniple. In eh of these exmples,prtiulr ehvior ourre first - lening uproom, fighting, n rying. In ition, there wsretion to eh ehvior - the hil ws prise, sent to his room, or givenookie. y these tio

16、ns, we hve influene the previous ehviors n hve helpe to etermine whether those ehviors will our gin in the future. (2) On wht kin of priniple is the leture se? .priniple in hemistry. .priniple in ehviorl psyhology. .priniple in physis. .priniple in geology. 标准答案: 12._ energy uner the erth must e rel

17、ese in one form or nother, for exmple, n erthquke. . umulte . ssemle . Gthere . ollete 标准答案: 13.- Hello, my I hve n ppointment with the otor? - _ . Sorry, he is usy t the moment. . Why int you ll erlier? . ertinly. My I know your nme? . Sorry, he oesnt wnt to see you. 标准答案: 14.To el with ll these pr

18、olems _ impossile. . is . re . hve . hs 标准答案: 15.When you re the ook, you etter mkemrk _ you hvequestion. . whih . on whih . where . t where 标准答案: 16.There _ook n some mgzines on the esk. . is . re . hve . hs 标准答案: 17.- Wht time is the next flight to Wshington? - _ . Itssmller one. . Its too lte . .

19、 Its 1.45 pm. . It souns goo. 标准答案: 18.I woner how mny yers go _. . i you fther retire . your fther retire . hs your fther retire . your fther hs retire 标准答案: 19.The pulisher n the uthor _ me n greement. . is . hs . re . hve 标准答案: 20.- Exuse me, oul you tell me how to get to the post offie? - _ . Yo

20、u nt miss it . I ont know . No, I nt . Sorry, ut I mstrnger here myself 标准答案: 21.His nswer is not orret, n _. . neither m I . either is mine . neither is mine . mine is neither 标准答案: 22. Our hils ehvior is gretly influene y the wy we ret to wht he hs one. Our retions help to etermine whether our hil

21、 will repet his ehvior or whether he will o something ifferent. This sttement isvery importnt prt ofpriniple of ehviorl psyhology. The priniple sttes thtehvior is influene or ffete y how the environment - people, ples n things - immeitely respons to the ehvior. Perhps without relizing it, you hve us

22、e this priniple mny times. On the osion when you tol your hil whtgoo oy he ws fter he lene up his room, you use the priniple. When you sent your hil to his room for fighting with his rother, you use the priniple. When I gve Kimookie fter she strte to ry, I use the priniple. In eh of these exmples,pr

23、tiulr ehvior ourre first - lening uproom, fighting, n rying. In ition, there wsretion to eh ehvior - the hil ws prise, sent to his room, or givenookie. y these tions, we hve influene the previous ehviors n hve helpe to etermine whether those ehviors will our gin in the future. (3)、Who o you think th

24、e uiene t this leture might e? . Tehers. . otors. . Soil workers. . Prents. 标准答案: 23. pir of spetles _ wht I nee t the moment. . is . re . hs . hve 标准答案: 24.-_I put my ot here? -Sorry, you _. . My; mustnt . o; ont . n; neent . My; nt 标准答案: 25.She knew tht soiety woul _ her for noning her hilren. . i

25、suss . lme . sy . onemn 标准答案: 26.- Hello, I woul like to open n ount. - _ . Whih ount o you wnt to see? . Hve you mke up your min? . Wht kin of ount o you hve in min? . Youre welome. 标准答案: 27.The ol ly _ is Toms grnmother. . you tlke . who you tlke to her . whom you tlke . to whom you tlke 标准答案: 28.

26、The young tor who h een thought highly of _ to egret isppointment. . turne up . turne out . turne own . turne in 标准答案: 29.- Must we hn in our homework now? - _ . Yes, you will. . Yes, you mustnt . . No, you neent. . No, you mustnt. 标准答案: 30.o _ you re tol; otherwise you will e punishe. . tht . wht .

27、 whih . whom 标准答案: 二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。) V 1. lert Einstein hgret effet on siene n history, greter thn wht onlyfew other men hve hieve. n merin university presient one ommente tht Einstein h retenew outlook,new view of the universe. It my e some time efore the verge min unerstns fully the ientity

28、of time n spe n so on-ut even orinry men unerstn now tht the universe is something lrger thn ever thought efore. y 1914 the young Einstein h gine worl fme. He epte the offer to eomeprofessor t the Prussin emy of Siene in erlin. He h few uties, little tehing n unlimite opportunities for stuy, ut soon

29、 his pee n quiet were roken y the First Worl Wr.Einstein hte violene. The misery of wr ffete him eeply, n he st unhppily in his offie oing little. He lost interest in his reserh. Only when pee me in 1918 ws he le to get k to work. In the yers following Worl Wr I honors were inresingly hepe on him. H

30、e eme the he of the Kiser Whihem Institute of Theoretil Physis. In 1921 he won the Nole Prize, n he ws honore in Germny until the rise of Nzism when he ws riven from Germny euse he wsJew. (3)、oring to Prgrph 2, lert Einstein heereserh institute. . 错误 . 正确 标准答案: 2. Until 1983, Tillson Lke h eenlovely weeken n vtion ple for mny fmilies. Then everything hnge. uring the Fourth of July weeken, resients woke up one morning to fin tht the lke h isppere. Some people int elieve wht they were seeing. They looke gin, ut to their mzement they foun they h een right the first time. The lke

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