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1、走向高考高三人教英语一轮总复习课后强化作业42Unit 2Working the land.单词拼写1The twins are so alike that I am always _ (迷惑) by them.2Each classroom in our school is _ (配备) with a computer, which is helpful to our study.3Getting rid of _ (饥饿) is very important in African countries, because too many people have starved to deat

2、h.4He _ (后悔) that he was careless and didnt pass the exam.5The method of _ (减少) the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.6Please repeat. I havent entered your name and _ (职业) yet.7She became the _ (焦点) of attention immediately she turned up.8We have to _ (奋斗) to win our freedom.9Iron will

3、 _ (膨胀) when heated.10Women have gained the _ (自由) to decide whether or not to marry.答案:1.confused2.equipped3.hunger4.regretted5.reducing6.occupation7.focus8.struggle9.expand10freedom.完成句子1我宁愿他在这里。我需要他帮忙。I_ _that he_ _. I need his help.2我们必须想办法把房间里的蟑螂去掉。We must find ways to_the house_blackbeetles.3幸

4、亏医生的及时救治,这个男孩得救了。_ _the doctors timely treatment, the boy was saved.4他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。They_ _ _the soil rich and free of diseases.5过度工作和过少休息会引起疾病。Too much work and too little rest often_ _ _.答案:1.would rather;were here2.rid; of3.Thanks to4.focus on keeping5.leads to diseases.单项填空1(2012临沂模拟)People b

5、elieve that we _ a special ability to learn language and that our brain _ itself to the language we heard around us.Aare prepared for; adjustsBare equipped for; adaptsCare armed with; fitsDare equipped with; adjusts答案:D句意:人们认为我们具备特别的语言学习能力,并且我们的大脑也适应了我们所听到的周围的语言。be prepared for和be equipped for意为“为做好

6、准备”,不符合句意;be armed with和be equipped with意为“用武装好自己;具备”,符合句意。adjust (oneself) to意为“(使)适应”。2We do not have enough money._, we cannot afford to buy the new car.AHowever BAnywayCTherefore DThough答案:Canyway表示让步;however和though表示转折;therefore表示因果,根据句意选C。句意:我们没有足够的钱,因此买不起这辆新车。3The children talked so loudly at

7、 dinner table that I had to struggle_.Ato be heard Bto have heardChearing Dbeing heard答案:A句意:吃饭时孩子们谈话声那么大,我只好极力让人听到。struggle后通常接不定式构成struggle to do sth.,意为“极力做某事”;此处还要考虑被动语态的问题。4I regret_so much money on a car.Aspent Bto spendCto have spent Dspending答案:Dregret doing/having done“后悔做过某事”。句意:我后悔在一辆小汽车上

8、花这么多钱。而regret to do则表示因要做某事而表示遗憾。5About 110 million people have moved to this city. The population is_as ten years ago.Aas twice large Btwice as largeCas many twice Dtwice as many答案:B考查倍数的表达法。句意:大约有1亿1千万人搬到这座城市,现在这座城市的人口是十年前的两倍。表示倍数时,其结构为“倍数asadj./”;此处as ten years ago为省略句,补充完整为as it was ten y

9、ears ago。6Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually_.Abuilding up Bturning upCcoming up Dwaking up答案:Abuild up“增加”。句意:看到你的词汇量在逐渐增长,我很高兴。turn up“出现”;come up“被提出,发生”;wake up“醒来”。7This photograph looks funny; I think you forgot to_the camera.Aguide BaimCdirect Dfocus答案:Dfocus“调焦距”。句意:这张照片看上

10、去有些滑稽,我想你是忘了给照相机调焦距了。guide“指导”;aim“瞄准”;direct“指导”,都不符合句意。8This experienced editor is said to be able to_the mistakes to almost nil.Areduce BincreaseCequip Dbattle答案:Areduce“减少”。句意:据说这位经验丰富的编辑几乎能把错误降低到零。increase“增加”;equip“装备”;battle“战斗”。9The business has_from having one office to having twelve branch

11、es.Aexpanded BexplodedCcracked Dburst答案:Aexpand“扩大”。句意:这个公司已从一间办公室发展到拥有12个分公司了。crack“裂开,断裂,破裂”;explode“爆炸,爆破”,指用炸药;burst“胀破,胀裂”。10Each time I came across failure, my father always used the mottoif your dream is big enough, the facts doesnt_to cheer me up.Acost BcountCvalue Dmean答案:Bcount“有价值”。这是一句谚语

12、,意思是:心中有梦想,风雨不折腰。字面意思是“只要我们的梦想足够大,事实并不重要”。cost“花费”;value“重视”;mean“意思是”。11According to the survey conducted by the website, speed_at least 30 percent of road traffic and deaths.Acontributes to Bresults fromClies in Danswers for答案:A本题考查短语辨析。句意:根据网站进行的调查,超速至少造成了(contribute to)交通事故及死亡的30%。result from“是由

13、引起的”;lie in“在于”;answer for“负责”,均不符合题意。12See if you can understand the following; _, you can look them up in the dictionary.Aif any Bif notCif needed Dif possible答案:B句意:看看你是否明白了下面的意思,如果不懂,你可以在词典里查一下。if not相当于if you dont.表示“如果不”。13One day we will manage to_the world_this terrible diseasecancer.Aget ri

14、d; of Brefer; toCrid; of Dtreat; to答案:C句意:终有一天我们能够从地球上消灭这种可怕的疾病癌症。rid.of.意为“使摆脱”。get rid of“去除”;“把提交”;“请(客)”。14Did you say something rude to her because of what shed done?Yes, but I_so.Ahad better not doBwould rather not doCoughtnt to doDwould rather not have done答案:D考查would rather

15、句型。说话者是想表达“我宁愿没这么做”,所以用would rather not have done。15Sports and games can_our bodies, keep us healthy and help us live a long life.Abuild up Bset upCput up Dbring up答案:Abuild up“增强”。句意:运动和游戏能强健我们的体魄,使我们保持健康,有助于延长我们的寿命。set up“树立,设立”;put up“搭起”;bring up“教育,培养”。.完形填空Farming and GardeningAgriculture has

16、a long history in China. Much of the wisdom_1_by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers and gardeners today. One of Chinas early_2_scientists was Jia Sixie, who lived in the sixth century AD. He spent his time doing_3_into agriculture. He collected information, studied it, did experime

17、nts and learnt from the_4_of farmers.Around 540 AD, he wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu. The book is about both farming and_5_. It includes advice on the following_6_: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping animals, and fish in lakes. There are also_7_for making wine. Jia Sixies book is a

18、(n)_8_guide for farming. Firstly, as a farmer you should do things at the right time of the year. If you sow seeds and_9_young plants in the fields at the correct time of the year, your work will be less and_10_will be better. But if you_11_nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will ha

19、ve to do more work and the results will not be so good. The_12_of the soil is also very important. Examine the soil on your farm_13_. If the condition of your soil is not good, you should improve it. Before sowing or planting crops, you must clean rough ground and_14_ weeds. Let sheep or cows walk o

20、n the land to_15_the weeds or eat them. The best harvest is reached when farmers_16_the crops in their fields. For example, do not plant rice _17_in the same field. But if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field the next year, you will_18_good crops. Other scientists said that whea

21、t should be planted with_19_ between the plants, but Jia did experiments and _20_that planting wheat close together is better.文章大意:本文是议论和说明的结合。主要介绍了我国古代科学家贾思勰对我国古代农业的研究和贡献。他的耕种方法对我国古代农业起了重要的指导作用。1A. discovered B. recoveredC. reported D. repeated答案:A从词语和搭配考虑。此处只有discovered才能与wisdom搭配。2A. industrial B

22、. agriculturalC. cultural D. article答案:B从常识方面考虑。Jia Sixie是我国古代的农业科学家,故选agricultural。3A. search B. researchC. experiment D. movement答案:B从上下文和语境搭配考虑。此处:doing research into agriculture表示“做农业研究”,不用experiment。后文已提到了did experiments。4A. adventures B. advantagesC. tradition D. experience答案:D从词语搭配考虑。此处 “lear

23、n from the experience of farmers”表示“学习农民的耕作经验”。5A. nursing B. gardeningC. produce D. trade答案:B从上下文考虑。由本文的标题和第二段第二、三句推断可知,选gardening。6A. programs B. topicsC. subjects D. events答案:C从语境考虑。本句的下文介绍一些具体的课题,如:种菜,养动物等。因此选subject“科目,课题”;topic“话题”;program“项目,节目”;event“事件”。7A. instructions B. constructionsC. m

24、easures D. treasures答案:A从词语搭配考虑。此处表示造酒的“指导,说明”,选instructions,其他与句意不符。8A. economical B. practicalC. similar D. regular答案:B从词语搭配考虑。“practical guide”意为“切实可行的指导”,economical“经济的, 节省的”;regular“有规律的”,与句意不符。9A. drop B. increase C. grow D. throw答案:C从词语搭配考虑。此处“grow young plants”意为“种植幼苗”,其它选项没有“种植”之意。10A. drea

25、ms B. ending C. hope D. results答案:D从上下文考虑。本题用result,与前文的work相对,表示“工作投入少,而结果更好”,下文也有类似的句子。11A. argue against B. go againstC. compete with D. deal with答案:B从上下文考虑。选go against nature意为“违背自然”,其它选项均不符合句意。12A. application B. situationC. condition D. addition答案:C从词语搭配考虑。本题the condition of the soil表示“土壤的状况,条

26、件”。而situation表示“形势”,与soil不搭配,其它与句意不符。13A. successfully B. carefullyC. gradually D. frequently答案:B从语境考虑。前句指出土壤状况重要,本句说明要细心、仔细检查土壤,因此选carefully。14A. remove B. pull C. kill D. reduce答案:A从词语搭配考虑。本句告诉读者,种庄稼之前需要平整土地和除草,remove weeds意为“清除杂草”。15A. destroy B. prevent C. divide D. limit答案:A从词语搭配考虑。本题选destroy。让

27、牛羊在地里走,这就是为了摧毁杂草或者吃掉杂草。16A. keep B. improve C. manage D. change答案:D从上下文考虑。从下句中“do not plant rice_in the same field”可知庄稼要换着种,因此选change。17A. one after another B. here and thereC. now and then D. year after year答案:D从上下文考虑。选year after year“年复一年”。题意为“不在同一块地里年复一年地种同一种庄稼”。18A. win B. collect C. harvest D.

28、plant答案:C从语境和词语搭配考虑。本句意为“如果每年换种不同的庄稼就会有好收成”。harvest good crops意为“收成好”。19A. holes B. lines C. space D. balance答案:C从词语搭配考虑。本句意思是“种植小麦时,株与株之间要留有空间”, 而非留有线、 洞或平衡, 因此选space。20A. showed B. meant C. intended D. decided答案:A从语境考虑。本句的开头是“but Jia did experiments”,因此后半句是实验结果证明、表明。因此选showed。.书面表达(2012自贡二诊)如今世界粮食

29、短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。请就下面表格所提供的内容进行陈述并谈谈你的看法。造成的原因1.气候变化,造成粮食减产。2工业发展,城市化加速,耕地减少。应对的措施1.注重环保,改善生态。2严格保护耕地。你如何做出自己的贡献观点1;观点2 注意:1.内容需包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译 2字数100词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数3参考词汇:城市化urbanization;生物燃料biofuelsAs you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and_范文借鉴As_you_know,_food_shortages_have_hit_many_countries_in_the_world_and even caused social unrest in some areas. But who is responsible for the current world food crisis?

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