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届高三英语大一轮复习讲义 教师用书 Book 2 Unit 5 Music 新人教版.docx

1、届高三英语大一轮复习讲义 教师用书 Book 2 Unit 5 Music 新人教版 2014届高三英语人教版大一轮复习讲义教师用书 Book 2 Unit 5 Music .联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语) 1dream of/about 梦见;梦想achieve ones dream 实现梦想 2to be honest 说实话honestly speaking说实话to be frank坦率地讲 3attach.to认为有(重要性、意义);附上attach importance/significance to. 认为有重要性,有意义 vt4earn .挣得;赚earn on

2、es/a living 谋生 5in cash用现金by cheque 用支票 6play jokes on 戏弄make fun of 戏弄 adj7rely on 依靠depend on依靠;取决于reliable .可靠的 8be/get familiar with与熟悉起来be familiar to为所熟悉 adv9or so大约approximately .大约 10break up打碎;分裂;解体break down 出故障;垮掉;没结果break out (疾病、 火灾、战争等)爆发break through突破break away from挣脱,脱离 11in additio

3、n另外;也besides/apart from.另外;也 12above all首先;最重要in all 总共first of all 首先all in all 总之after all 毕竟,终究 .构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词) vtvin1perform . & .表演;执行performance 表演 adjn2attractive .吸引人的;有吸引力的attraction 吸引;吸引人的事物attract vt.吸引 adjn3confident .自信的confidence 信心 nvt4invitation 邀请invite .邀请 .语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词

4、或短语填空) 1Many parents do everything they can to realize their childrens dream(梦想), but to be honest(说实在地),the children should learn to rely on(依靠) themselves. 2Many people are familiar with(熟悉) him because he often performs to the passersby(行人) to earn(挣得) a living. 3He dreams of(梦想) becoming a music

5、ian and forming(组成) his own band. 42,000 or so(大约) people attended the performance(表演), in which actors played jokes on(戏弄) each other. 5Since he broke up(分手) with his girlfriend, he has been very pessimistic and 1 lost interest in everything that used to be attractive(有吸引力的) to him. .语境记忆(背诵语段,记忆单元

6、词汇) We are familiar with the musicians devotion to music and attachment to musical instruments.In addition,we all like his humorous,attractive and sensitive performances.He often invites people,whether millionaires or passersby to his studio. .课文原句背诵 1At last feeling very upset and sensitive,Freddy

7、and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. 终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到他们必须在自己感到太痛苦之前离开这个国家。 2The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. 电视台的组织者本打算找四个既会唱歌也会表演的音乐家。 3Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of

8、 thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你曾是否梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众,观众一边为你鼓掌,一边欣赏你的歌唱? .单项填空 1Your as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. (2012浙江,7) Aoperation Bgrowth Cperformance Dcharacter 答案 C 解析 句意为:作

9、为一名学生,如果你能够养成对所学的东西进行思考的话,你的成绩会很棒的。performance成绩,表现,符合句意。operation操作,手术;growth增长;character人物,角色。 (教材原句:Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs.) 2Excuse me.How much is the shirt? 2 . (2012四川, 1) AExtra large B50 each CIt sells well DAltogether there are 5 答案 B 解析 考查交际用语。句意为:打扰一下,这衬衫多少钱?每件5

10、0。根据语境可知选B。 (教材原句:Find the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.) 3He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the airconditioning system . (2012陕西,19) Abroke in Bbroke up Cbroke out Dbroke down 答案 D 解析 考查动词短语辨析。break in打断,闯入;break up结

11、束,散开,分解;break out爆发;break down崩溃,垮掉,出毛病,抛锚。句意为:他不得不时不时地停下来擦去额头的汗水,因为空调出毛病了。故选D。 (教材原句:The band broke up about 1970.) 4You are old enough to your own living. (2011辽宁,24) Awin Bgain Ctake Dearn 答案 D 解析 句意为:你足够大了,可以自己谋生了。earn ones living意为“谋生;维持生计”,为固定搭配,还可以说make ones living。 (教材原句 that they can ea

12、rn some extra money.) 5To be great,you must be smart,confident,and, ,honest. (2011安徽,24) Atherefore Babove all Chowever Dafter all 答案 B 解析 句意为:要想伟大,你必须聪明、自信,最重要的是诚实。therefore因此;above all最重要的是,尤其是;however然而,但是;after all毕竟,终究,归根结底,(解 3 释或说明理由)别忘了。所以选above all。 (教材原句:Above all,just have fun!) .完形、阅读英译汉

13、 1Its nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really dont care all that much. (2012广东阅读A) 知道他们在乎假装在乎自己不在乎的东西,这很好。 2“Lets be honest, though,” she said.“If everyone got surgeries to become pretty, everyone would be exactly the same.There is beauty in differences.” (2012湖南完形) “可是,我

14、们还是诚实些吧。”她说,“如果所有人都通过手术变漂亮,那么大家就都一 个模样了。可是美是各种各样的。” 3The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of a very goodlooking person and sometimes that of a less attractive person. (2012上海完形) 附在申请信上的照片上的人有时很漂亮,有时不那么吸引人。 .书面表达汉译英 1第二,学理科能实现我童年时当科学家的梦想。(dream) (2012安徽书面表达) Second, the science ma

15、jor can help me achieve my childhood dream of becoming a scientist. 2这次经历让我明白诚实是基本的原则。(honesty) (2012湖南书面表达) From the experience, I have learned that honesty is the basic policy. 历年高考热点:performance,each,break up,earn,above all,pretend,honest,attach, attractive,dream,honesty等的用法。 2014考点预测:pretend,for

16、m,attach,to be honest, dream of,break up,above all等的用法。 1pretend v双语释义 假装;假扮(behave to make people believe sth. is true or not true) 学情诊断 4 (1)完成句子 She pretended to be reading a novel when I came into the room. 当我走进房间时,她假装在读一本小说。 She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help. 她假装很喜

17、欢他们,借以获得他们的帮助。 When I asked her,she pretended as if she had no idea at all about it. 当我问她时,她假装似乎对此事一无所知。 (2)When his mother came in,he pretended his homework. Ato be doing Bdoing Cto do Dto have done 答案 A 归纳拓展 pretend to do/to be doing/to have done sth.假装要/正在/已经做某事 adjn pretend to be ./.假装是 pretend

18、that.假装 2form n双语释义 类型;种类(type,variety);形式;外表;样子(looks,appearance); v表格;形状;体形(shape);.(使)出现,产生(begin or make.exist);(使)形成;(使)成形,组成;组织,建立 学情诊断 (1)写出下列句子中form的汉语意思 Please fill in the form as soon as possible.表格 The aid may take the form of personal service or cash.形式 They hope to form the new governme

19、nt.建立 The old man has formed the habit of getting up early every morning.形成, 养成 (2)Dad,I have doubted about myself whether I shall go on with my present career. Dont be discouraged,my boy.If you insist on what you are doing,youll a successful man. Amake Bform Cget Dgrow 答案 A 解析 句意为:爸爸,我怀疑我自己是否应该继续我现

20、在的事业。不要泄气,我的孩子。如果你坚持你所做的,你会成为成功的人。make成为,符合题意。form形 5 成;get变成;grow成长。 归纳拓展 form the habit of (doing) sth.养成(做)某事的习惯 take the form of.采取的形式 in the form of.以的形式 in form状态良好 out of form状态不佳 in any form以任何形式 3attach v双语释义 把固定,把附在上(fasten;join);认为有重要性,重视 (value);与有联系(connect) 学情诊断 (1)翻译句子 They have attac

21、hed some conditions to the agreement. 他们在协议上附加了一些条件。 He attached a label to his luggage. 他在行李上贴了一个标签。 Nowadays an increasing number of parents are attaching importance to educating their children. 如今越来越多的家长认识到教育孩子的重要性。 (2)Franks ability to learn from observation and experience greatly to his success

22、 in public life. Aowed Bcontributed Drelated Cattached 答案 B 解析 句意为:Frank从观察及经验中学习的能力对他在公共生活中的成功起到了很大的促进作用。contribute to有助于,符合句意。owe to归功于,欠;attach to附上; relate to 涉及,了解。 归纳拓展认为有重要性、意义;把附在上;连接 attach importance/significance/value to认为有重要性/价值 adj attached .依恋的;附属于 be attached to喜欢;沉迷;被附属在 n

23、 attachment .附属;依恋;附件;附属物 6 4to be honest 双语释义 说实话(honestly speaking) 学情诊断 (1)To be honest,I was surprised you called. Honestly speaking,I was surprised you called. (2)It is important to be honest(诚实) (3) ,I dont like the way you spoke to your mother. AGenerally speaking BOn the contrary CIn particu

24、lar DTo be honest 答案 D 归纳拓展 to be honest可以作插入语,像这种用法的还有: to be frank坦率地说 to be brief简要地说 to tell you the truth老实对你说 to be sure可以肯定地说 to begin with 首先 to start with 5dream of/about doing sth.梦想做某事 学情诊断 用适当的介、副词填空 (1)We dream of/about buying our own house. (2)I dreamt about/of you last night. (3)Time

25、and tide wait for no man.Dont dream away your valuable time. (4)Who dreamt up such a crazy idea like this? 归纳拓展 dream about/of sb.梦见某人 dream away虚度光阴 dream up虚构出;凭空想出 6break up 双语释义 打碎(separate into pieces);解散;结束(come to an end);分手;拆散 学情诊断 (1)同义词语替换 Their marriage has broken e to an end 7 Talks betw

26、een the two sides have broken down.failed (2)单项填空 Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have . So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them. Abroken up Bfinished up Dclosed up Cdivided up 答案 A 解析 break up拆散,分开,(关系)破裂;finish up完成,吃光,杀死,毁掉;divide up瓜分,分配;close up靠近,愈合,关闭。上句句意为:听到Sue和Pa

27、ul分手了,我很惊讶。 How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car twice on the way. Aslowed down Bbroke down Cgot down Dput down 答案 B 解析 A项意为“减慢速度”;B项意为“出故障,抛锚”;C项意为“降下”;D项意为“把放下,记下,平息”。 归纳拓展 break down出故障;失败;分解;身体垮掉 break out战争等爆发 break through突破,取得突破 break away from脱离,

28、挣脱 break in打断;闯入 break into闯入;突然起来 7above all 双语释义 最重要的是,尤其是(most importantly;especially) 学情诊断 (1)同义词语替换 Max is fair,hardworking,and above all honest.most importantly (2)用适当的介、副词填空 Why are you so anxious?It isnt your problem after all. Above all,make sure you keep in touch. All in all it has been a

29、great success. There were twelve of us in all for dinner. 8 They obviously werent at all happy. 归纳拓展 after all毕竟 all in all总的说来 in total/all总共 not at all一点也不;完全不 first of all首先 写作句组 满分作文之佳句背诵 aThe exciting and delightful experience,the encouragement of the students and,above all,the lovely children

30、made me make up my mind to devote myself to the education.(2009湖南) bFirst of all,they brought the fruits to the elderly.(2009浙江) cIn my opinion,ones character is the most important of all.(2009江西) 1错误! 电视台的组织者原本计划找四位既能唱歌又能表演的音乐家。 句型公式:had planned to doplanned to have done 学情诊断 (1)He planned to have

31、organized a party,but he had something else to do. 他原本计划组织一个聚会,但是他有别的事情要做。 (2)Tom had intended to come to help, but he had an unexpected visitor. Tom本打算来帮忙,但有一个不速之客拜访他。 归纳拓展 had planned to do sth.planned to have done sth.原本计划做某事,而事实上 未做成。符合这种用法的动词还有:mean,think,wish,want,intend等。 2单元语法:“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 学情诊断 用定语从句改写下列句子 (1)In the novel by Peters,the main character is a teenager.The film is based on the novel. In the novel by Peters,on which the film is based,the main character is a teenager. 9 (2)The valley is heavily polluted.The town lies in the valley. The va

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