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1、探矿权协议Ds/0 1G42013 BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT-OF THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA (hereinafter called THE GOVERNMENT) acting by ALHAJI INUSAH FUSEINI , the Minister for Lands andNatural Resources (hereinafter called THE MINISTER) of the One Part and CHINAZINZHEN GHANA FRIENDLINESS COMPANY LIMITED, P. 0. BOX 247, TA

2、RKWA-GHANA (hereinafter called THE COMPANY) of the Other Part.本协议于2013年7月8日由协议一方的加纳共和国政府(以下称为“政府”),由该国土地和资源部部长ALHAJI INUSAH FUSEINI(以下称为部长)为代表,和协议另外一方的中国ZINZHEN加纳友好有限公司( GHANA FRIENDLINESS COMPANY LIMITED),位于加纳塔夸,邮政信箱247(以下称为“公司”)共同签署。1 WHEREAS:1 鉴于:A. It is Governments policy to take all such steps

3、 as it deems appropriate and effective for prospecting for minerals in the Republic of Ghana and for producing gold and other minerals hereby ensuring that the maximum possible benefits accrue to the nation from the exploitation of its minerals resources;A 采取这样的措施是政府决策,因为这对于加纳共和国矿产勘查和对于黄金和其他矿物的生产是适当

4、和有效的,特此保证最大可能的好处归于进行其矿产资源开发的国家;B In pursuit of the above policy Government desires to secure the co-operation of Companies which possess the necessary financial and managerial qualifications and skills for carrying out mineral operations;B 在遵循上述政策中,政府希望获得合作的公司在执行矿产业务方面,具备必要的财务和管理资格以及技能;C. The Compan

5、y, which warrants its financial, technical and managerial competence for undertaking mineral operations has declared itself willing to engage in prospecting operations in Ghana on the understanding that it shall bear the risk and cost of such prospecting operations and on establishing that there are

6、 good prospects for undertaking commercial mining operations it may apply for and be granted a mining lease subject to the provisions of the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703);C 公司,保证其财务,技术和管理能力能够从事矿产业务,已经宣布愿意在加纳从事勘探作业,理解其应当承担这样的勘探作业的风险和成本,并确定有很好的前景进行其可能申请的商业开采活动,并按照矿产规定和采矿法,2006(703法案)获授采矿租约;W

7、ITNESSES AS FOLLOWS:见证如下:1. The Government hereby grants unto the Company the right and licence to Prospect for and prove bauxite and other minerals under or in the area described in the Schedule hereto and demarcated on the map which forms part of this AGREEMENT (hereinafter called the Licensed Are

8、a) excluding any parts to be relinquished from time to time for a term of TWO (2) YEARS from the1政府特此授予公司勘探权和许可证,期限为两(2)年的时间从2013年7月4日开始,所提供的延期权参见下文,用以勘探和检验此处计划表中描述的,地图上划定的地区(以下简称“许可区”)的铝土矿和其他矿物,该地图构成本协议的一部分,该地区不含随时放弃的任何部分。2. RIGHTS OF THE COMPANY:2. 公司的权利a. The Company shall have the right to condu

9、ct such geological and geophysical investigations in the Licensed Area, as it considers necessary to determine an adequate quantity of geologically proven and mineable reserve of gold.a. 本公司有权在许可地区进行这样的地质和地球物理调查,只要它认为有必要确定适当数量的地质证据和可采的黄金储量资源。b. The Company may exercise all or any of the rights and p

10、owers granted hereunder through agents, independent contractors or sub-contractors.b. 该公司可以行使所有或任何通过代理人,独立承包商或者分包商所所获授的权力。c. The Company shall not conduct any operations in a sacred area and shall not without the prior consent of the Minister conduct any operations:c. 公司不应在宗教区域进行任何操作,而且未经部长同意不得进行任何操

11、作: 1. within twenty meters of any building, installations, reservoir, dam, public road, railway or area appropriated for a railway; or 1.任何建筑,设施,水库,水坝,公路,铁路的二十米范围内或铁路的适当区域;或 2. in an area occupied by a market, burial ground, cemetery or within a town or village or an area set apart for, used, approp

12、riated or dedicated to a public purpose. 2. 在市场,墓地,坟地区域或在城镇或村庄内,或留作他用,已经使用的,拨用或者专门用于公共目的区域。d. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to permit the Company to dispense with the necessity of applying for and obtaining any permit or authority, which the Company may be required by law or re

13、gulation to obtain in respect of any works and/or activities to be carried out hereunder.d. 本协议中的任何内容不得视为允许公司没有申请和获得任何许可或授权的必要性,这些许可或者授权是根据法律或法规要求公司在进行以下方面的任何工作和/或活动中要求获得的。3. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES:3. 第三方权利: a. The Government reserves the right to grant licences to third parties for prospecting or

14、enter into Agreements for the production of minerals other than gold in the Licensed Area, provided that any such activity shall not unreasonably interfere with the rights granted to the Company hereunder.a. 政府有权允许第三方为勘探目的而获得勘探许可或签署协议在许可区域生产除黄金外的其他矿物,但任何该等活动,不得无理干涉此处获得授予权公司的权利。b. The Company shall n

15、ot hinder or prevent members of the local population from exercising the following customary rights and privileges in or over the Licensed Area:b. 公司不得妨碍或阻止当地人员在授权地区行使下列习俗权利和特权:i. to hunt gameii. to gather firewood for domestic purposesiii. to collect snailsiv. to till and cultivate farmsv. to obser

16、ve rites in respect of groves and other areas held to be sacred.1. 打猎2. 收集家用柴火3. 采集蜗牛4. 耕种农地5. 观察在树林和其他地区举行的宗教仪式。Provided always that where the exercise of these customary rights and privileges unduly interferes with or obstructs the operations of the Company hereunder, the Company shall make arrang

17、ements with members of the said local population for the limitation or waiver of such rights and privileges, such arrangements to include the payment of compensation where necessary. The Government shall furnish such assistance as is reasonably required in the making of such arrangements.但如果这些习惯权利和特

18、权常常过分干扰或阻碍公司的经营,公司应当对这些作为的当地人员做出安排,限制或者免除当地居民的这样的权利和特权,这样的安排包括在必要时支付补偿。政府应该提供这样的援助是在这样的安排使合理要求。4 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS:4. 运作规则a. The Company shall conduct all of its operations hereunder with due diligence, efficiency and economy to the maximum extent possible consistent with good mining industry pr

19、actice and in a proper workmanlike manner observing sound technical and engineering principles and practices, using appropriate modern and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods and to pay particular regard to the protection of the environment.a. 公司应尽职尽责以效率和经济性,尽最大可能的程度符合良好的行业开采实践,并以一

20、个适当的熟练技术方式遵守合理的技术和工程原则和做法,使用适当的现代和有效的设备,机械,材料和方法,进行所有的操作,并要特别考虑到环境保护。b. The Company shall maintain all equipment in good repair and all pits and trenches and all excavated areas in safe and good condition and take all practicable steps:b. 公司应保持所有设备维修良好,所有的矿坑和沟槽和开挖区具有安全和良好的条件和采取一切切实可行的措施:a) to preven

21、t damage to adjoining farms and villages;b) to avoid damage to trees, crops, building, structures and other property in the Licensed Area to the extent however, that any such damage is unavoidable the Company shall pay fair and reasonable compensation.a) 防止对邻近的农场和村庄造成损害;b) 要在一定程度上避免损坏许可区域的庄稼,树木,建筑,结

22、构和其他财产,然而,如果这样的损害是不可避免的,公司应做出公平和合理的补偿。The Company shall provide and maintain in good repair and condition proper roads, gates, stiles and fences for the convenient occupation of the surface of the Licensed Area,公司须提供并以良好维修和条件,维持合适的道路,大门,台阶和围栏,方便对许可区域地面的使用。c. The Company shall use its best efforts to

23、 exercise its rights and powers granted by this Agreement in such manner as not to cause interference with or avoidable obstruction or interruption to the felling of timber by the licensed timber operators within the Licensed Area and the Government shall furnish assistance to the Company to make ap

24、propriate arrangements with such operators to permit the prospecting programme to proceed without interference or delay.c. 公司应尽其最大努力行使本协议所授予的权利和权力,不得产生妨碍或可避免的阻塞或中断授权木材商们在许可范围内的伐木工作,而且政府应向公司提供援助,与这些运营商作出适当的安排,允许勘探计划进行而不会延迟或受到干扰。5 WORKING OBLIGATIONS:5 工作义务:1.The Company shall with due diligence and b

25、y means of modern geological, geophysical and other methods normally associated with mineral prospecting and within three months of the date of this Agreement or at such other time as the Minister may specify, commence prospecting operations with a view to establishing the existence of gold and othe

26、r minerals in economic quantities.1.公司应尽职调查,以现代地质,地球物理和其他通常与矿物勘探关联的方法,按照本协议规定的三个月内,或在其他部长可能指定的期限内,开始勘查业务,确定黄金和其他矿物以经济数量存在。2.The Company, having prior to the commencement of this Agreement submitted its programme of work to the Government, shall carry out its operations in accordance with the program

27、me and the Chief Executive Officer of the Minerals Commission, Chief Inspector of Mines of the Inspectorate Division of the Minerals Commission or any other officer authorized by the Government shall from time to time inspect the operations to ensure that the Company does,在本协议生效之前已经向政府提交的工作计

28、划,应按照该计划开展其业务,和矿物委员会的首席执行官,矿物委员会监察部的矿山总监或任何其他由政府授权的官员应随时检查该业务,确保该公司正在执行该项业务。3.The Company shall diligently continue to carry out its operations hereunder and shall spend as actual direct prospecting expenditure not less than the minimum amounts specified in its work programme.3. 公司应努力继续开展业务,应当在实际勘探做

29、出支出,数额不低于工作计划规定的最低数额。4. If on the termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason other than force majeure the Company shall not have spent the amounts specified in the work programme, the difference between the amount actually expended and the stipulated minimum for the year in which ter

30、mination or expiration takes place shall be paid to the Government within thirty days after the date of such termination or expiration provided that if the termination shall be occasioned by force majeure or upon adequate proof, by the Company that gold mineralization does not exist in sufficient qu

31、antities in the area to warrant completion of the work programme, the Company shall not be liable to pay to the Government any difference on the stipulated minimum expenditure.4. 如果本协议因除不可抗力外其他任何理由而终止或到期,公司不得花费工作计划中规定的数额,实际扩大支出数额和终止或到期当年规定的最低数额之间的差距应在本协议终止或到期日之后的三十天内支付给政府,如果本协议终止或届满由不可抗力所造成的或公司有适当的证

32、据,证明黄金矿化带在该区域没有存在足够的数量,无法保证工作计划的完成,公司无须向政府支付所规定的最低支出差距。6 NOTIFICATION OF DISCOVERY OF OTHER MINERALS:6 对其他矿物发现的通知:The Company shall report forthwith to the Minister, the Chief Inspector of Mines of the Inspectorate Division of the Minerals Commission, the Director of Geological Survey and the Chief Executive Officer of the Minerals Commission the discovery in the Licensed Area of any other minerals and the Company shall be given the first option to prospect further and to work the said minerals subject to satisfactory arrange

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