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本文(高考英语一轮复习Unit2Theuniversallanguage课时作业牛津译林版选修8.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语一轮复习Unit2Theuniversallanguage课时作业牛津译林版选修8Unit2 The universal language (建议用时40分钟). 单项填空1. Where will you start your work after _ graduation? Mum, its not been decided yet. I might continue my study for _ higher degree. A. the; the B. /; the C. /; a D. a; a【解析】选C。句意: 毕业后你会去哪儿工作呢? 妈妈, 这还没有决定呢。我或许会继

2、续我的学业以获取一个更高的学位。after graduation为固定搭配, 意为“毕业之后”; 后一个空处泛指“一个更高的学位”, 故用不定冠词a。2. (2015九江模拟)This computer is worse than that one you bought last year, but it costs twice _ . A. as many B. as muchC. so much D. so many【解析】选B。句意: 这台计算机没你去年买的那台好, 但花费却是那台的两倍。本题考查“倍数词+as+adj. /adv. +as+比较对象”的比较句型, 此句为省略, 由于是钱

3、的比较, 故选B。【加固训练】This iPhone 6 is better than that iPhone 5 you bought last year, but it costs twice _ . A. as little B. as muchC. as many D. as less【解析】选B。句意: 这个苹果6比你去年买的苹果5好多了, 但它却多花了两倍多的钱。此处为twice as much as that one的省略, 故答案为B。much修饰不可数名词。3. (2015湖南师大附中模拟)The problem was that he didnt know what had

4、 hurt her and he _ her. A. dared not to ask B. not dared askC. didnt dare ask D. didnt dare asking【解析】选C。句意: 问题是他不知道什么伤害了她, 而且他也不敢问她。dare既可作情态动词, 也可作实义动词, 作实义动词用于否定句时可省略to。4. (2015无锡模拟)The law demands that everyone _ his car checked at least once a year. A. has B. would haveC. have D. will have【解析】选

5、C。demand“要求”, 其后的宾语从句中应使用虚拟语气形式“(should+)do”, 故选C。5. (2015淮安重点中学联考)I hope the teacher can be merciful _ me, or I cannot get through the exam. A. to B. in C. on D. at【解析】选A。句意: 我希望老师能对我手下留情, 否则我通过不了考试。be merciful to sb. “对某人仁慈/宽容”。6. (2015巢湖一中模拟)Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden car _ the girl an

6、d took her away, _ into the woods. A. seizing; disappeared B. seized; disappearedC. seizing; disappearing D. seized; disappearing【解析】选D。句意: 突然, 一个开着金黄色车的高个男子抓住那个女孩把她带走了, 很快消失在树林中。第一个空是谓语动词与took并列, 故用seized; 第二个应用现在分词作状语, 因为disappear与其逻辑主语是主动关系。7. (2015淮安模拟)His wife is good to him but she has a(n) _

7、to talk too much, which sometimes upsets him. A. admission B. personalityC. advantage D. tendency【解析】选D。句意: 他的妻子对他很好, 就是往往太唠叨了, 这一点有时让他很恼火。have a tendency to do sth. “倾向于做某事”。admission“承认, 允许进入”; personality“个性”; advantage“优势”。8. (2015江苏新沂二中模拟)Several hotels in this area are closing down. Thats beca

8、use tourism itself _ since last year. A. is declining B. declinedC. had declined D. has been declining【解析】选D。根据“since last year”的提示可知, decline应使用现在完成时或现在完成进行时, 故选D。9. (2015铜陵模拟)It is said that the music band decided to _ after many years together. A. look up B. set upC. turn up D. break up【解析】选D。根据“

9、after many years together”可知, 句中强调的是“乐队决定解散了”。break up“解散, 打碎”, 符合句意。look up“查阅”; set up“建立”; turn up“出现, 调高”。10. The police have put up posters around the city with photos of the man they _ in connection with the murder case outside a bank. A. seek B. are seekingC. have sought D. were seeking【解析】选B

10、。句意: 警方在全城张贴了他们正在搜寻的那个男人的照片, 那个男子与一起在银行外发生的谋杀案有关。根据句意可知, seek这个动作正在进行, 所以用现在进行时。11. The new system needs to be in operation for five months _ it can be updated. A. as B. while C. before D. once【解析】选C。考查状语从句。before的基本含义是“在之前”, 又可以根据不同语境灵活翻译成“才”、“还没来得及就”、“趁就”等。这里before用于肯定句中, 强调主句动作所用时间长或花费的精力大, 译成“才”

11、。【加固训练】John thinks it wont be long _ he is accustomed to his new job. A. when B. after C. before D. since【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意: 约翰认为不会过多久他就会习惯于他的新工作。“It wont be long before. . . ”是固定句型, 意为“不会过多久就”。12. The boy was so joyful because the lost dog recognized him _ . A. at the first sight B. at first sightC.

12、for first sight D. in the first sight【解析】选B。句意: 男孩太高兴了丢失的狗一见到他就认出他来了。at first sight“乍一看”符合题意。13. Tuhao, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty, _ its new meaning last September. A. put on B. took onC. carried on D. depended on【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 土豪一词可以追溯到南朝, 去年九月该词有了新的含义。put on“穿上, 增加”;

13、take on“呈现, 开始具有”; carry on“继续”; depend on“依靠, 依赖”。结合句意可知选B。14. (2015淮北重点中学联考)How do you find the latest movie The Breakup Guru directed by Deng Chao? _ . I cant think too highly of it. A. Thats all right B. It all dependsC. Quite by accident D. Its really wonderful【解析】选D。你认为最近由邓超执导的新电影分手大师怎样? 太好了,

14、我怎么高度评价都不为过。How do you find. . . ? 意为“你觉得怎么样? ”用于询问对某事(物)或某人的看法、观点或意见, 所以对方的回答应是评价。15. (2015淮北模拟)He _ love with Mary for 12 years up till now. Theyll get married sooner or later. A. has fallen in B. has been inC. fell in D. is in【解析】选B。句意: 到目前为止, 他与玛丽相爱12年了。他们迟早会结婚的。fall in love with强调动作, 不与表示时间段的状语

15、连用, 排除A、C两项; be in love with表示状态, 可与表示时间段的状语连用; 根据时间状语up till now可知用现在完成时, 故选B。. 完形填空“Everyone says the flowers smell good but I dont smell anything. Do you1them? ”she asks, in her heavily accented voice. After2around a busy street looking to do a random act of kindness, I had3into this flower shop.

16、 Even though my mind was busy designing possible scene, I had a basic4that something was going to present itself. A little shocked by the flower ladys5, I tell her that “the flowers smell amazing and perhaps you should take a6once in a while so you can enjoy them too. ”Before I realized, I7myself in

17、 the midst of a conversation about her lifeshe got8from United Airlines a few years back, took the9money and traveled the world for a year. Then, she ran out of money and came back to10at the flower shop. We talk about all sorts of things as I try to11on the flowers. Unsure of which ones might be12,

18、 I pick up and smell some Gerbera daisies(雏菊). The13are starting to turn a little brown around the edges. That wont14. These must be perfect, theyre a special offering for someone else. I15them back in the bucket of water and pick up a few other large orange ones. They definitely scream, “Youre spec

19、ial. ”Im16at how beautiful and perfect they are. If a tiny seed can turn into such an17of beauty, love, and hope, how much18do we all have as humans? Walking back, I feel so full, so full of love. 19that such small acts can bring so much joy to someones life; 20that someone at a random flower shop c

20、an open up her heart to give beautifully wrapped flowers, free of charge for the people shellnever meet. 【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的记叙文。作者通过与一位失业后重新工作的女店员的接触以及自己买她那几乎要扔掉的花的微小做法来帮助她等小事的描述, 感到人生的温暖和人们之间的关心, 帮助人就像一颗种子会转化为友情、亲情扎根发芽。1. A. know B. think C. smell D. discover【解析】选C。从上文提到的smell以及下文作者与店员的对话可知此处店员问作者“闻”到

21、花的味道了吗, 答案C符合题意。2. A. running B. walking C. looking D. going【解析】选B。从此处语境可知作者在拥挤的街道上寻找着随意做些善举的机会, 故答案B意思“步行”符合语境。3. A. hesitated B. came C. took D. translate【解析】选A。从上文. . . do a random act of kindness可知作者对进入花店, 不是准备好要去的, 而是一种随意行为, 故此处“犹豫着去做”符合语境。4. A. idea B. plan C. demand D. feeling【解析】选D。从此处语境作者描述

22、在进入花店前的规划可知此处为作者的心理活动, 且从下文something was going to present itself可知这是作者的“感觉; 意识”, 故答案D合适。5. A. answer B. puzzleC. question D. thought【解析】选C。从上文作者描述“Everyone says the flowers smell good but I dont smell anything. Do you _ them? ”可知这是作者进入花店时女店员所问的“问题”, 故答案C符合题意。6. A. break B. day C. night D. week【解析】选A

23、。从此处作者的回答可知语境为作者认为对方很疲劳所以建议对方偶尔“休息一下”, take a break为固定搭配, 故答案A合适。7. A. saw B. felt C. made D. found【解析】选D。从此处语境分析作者不知不觉地“发现”自己处在一种关于这位女士的生活的谈话中, find oneself“不知不觉地发现自己”故答案D合适。8. A. taken up B. laid offC. put off D. gone away【解析】选B。联系下文traveled the world for a year. Then, she ran out of money and cam

24、e back to. . . 可知这位女店员的生活遭遇, 故此处与工作有联系, 因此“失业”符合句意。9. A. unemployment B. movementC. development D. announcement【解析】选A。作者描述的这位女士应该为“失业”了, 这样才会有失业金, 故答案A与上文“失业”吻合。10. A. sleep B. stay C. work D. study【解析】选C。从上文提到的这位女店员以及描述的她失业的情况可知此处为到花店“工作”, 故答案C符合题意。11. A. buy B. sit C. sell D. decide【解析】选D。此处语境为作者在

25、花店不经意谈到了女店员的生活问题, 所以此处作者想在谈到各种事情的时候进入主题, 故有“决定”谈论花的意思, 答案D符合题意。12. A. beautiful B. deliciousC. appropriate D. sweet【解析】选C。从下文作者挑选花分析可知此处语境为作者拿不定主意, 故有“不敢确定哪种花合适”这样与上文女店员的问题也呼应起来, 答案C符合题意。13. A. legs B. leaves C. branches D. roots【解析】选B。联系下文starting to turn a little brown around the edges. 结合生活经验可知此种

26、花有点枯萎, 一般表现在“叶子”上, 故答案B合适。14. A. grow B. plant C. cook D. work【解析】选D。从上文提到的花叶子的问题可知此处语境为这些花快要死了, 因此推出“没有生命力”了, 不会“运转”了, 答案D符合题意。15. A. place B. throw C. set D. push【解析】选A。从后面提到的them back in the bucket of water and pick up a few other large orange ones. 可知作者把这种花“放”回水桶里, 故此处答案A符合题意。16. A. excited B. a

27、mazed C. disappointedD. moved【解析】选B。联系上文提到的花呈现的情况以及下文出现的. . . at how beautiful and perfect they are可知作者没有意识到这些花是如此美丽, 故此处为“惊奇; 吃惊”说明作者看到这些花后的一种出乎意料的表情, 故答案B合适。17. A. dream B. way C. opinion D. purpose【解析】选C。从此句意思分析应该是作者的一种“想法”, 就是通过花的启示, 播下美丽、亲情、希望的种子, 故答案C“建议; 主张”符合题意。18. A. potential B. energyC. s

28、trength D. wisdom【解析】选A。从此句提到的种子转化为人们的美丽、亲情和希望, 这些都是作者谈到的人们身上的品行, 故“潜能”意思符合作者想要表达的题意。19. A. Frightened B. AstonishedC. Puzzled D. Afraid【解析】选B。从上文提到的作者选择花与众不同, 实际上作者是在帮助女店员处理一些卖不出去的花, 联系此处such small acts can bring so much joy to someones life作者一直强调这种做法的微不足道, 因此通过这些很小的做法出现的效应, 作者对此感到“吃惊”, 故答案B符合题意。20

29、. A. useful B. helpful C. wasteful D. hopeful【解析】选D。从后面提到的someone at a random flower shop can open up her heart to give beautifully wrapped flowers, free of charge for the people shellnever meet. 可知作者提到的人们之间的相处, 通过“废弃”与“希望”进行对比, 故答案D符合题意。. 阅读理解Public schools in the New York, Americas biggest city, c

30、ommonly have numbers for names. But this is unusual. In the United States, the process of naming a school often involves parents and the community as well as elected school leaders. Researchers say school names can show civic values and also shape them. For example, naming a school after a historic person becomes a way to teach students about that persons importance in history. A new stu

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