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1、Ebvkqbq托福千条必备习语901完七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 托福千条必备习语901-完 1. stick withBut I didnt stick with (坚持) it.Stick with (坚持) it. I did and I learned how to swim eventually.W: I wonder what this new flavor (风味) of ic

2、e cream tastes like.M: I tried it last week. If I were you, Id stick with (仍然坚持吃) an oldfavorite.2. stock up onv. lay up in store for future useW: The supermarket down the street is selling everything half price, becausethey are going out of business.M: Sounds like an ideal time to stock up on coffe

3、e.3. stop byI have to stop by the Locks, the art supply store, to get some paints (颜料)for my art class.To see a complete list of these and other available jobs, stop by our office.4. straighten out结清帐M: I still owe you ten dollars from the other night.W: Lets just straighten it out some other time.5

4、. straighten sth outsettle or resolve sth6. stretch full length伸直The lad (boy) stretched full length by the mast桅杆 seems oblivious不在意 tothe spray扑打 of the bow船头 waves.7. strike a blow at sbGrowing unionization of public employees after 1960 struck an even moreserious blow at the patronage system.8.

5、strike sympathetic chords触击同情之弦Other early writers who followed Dickinson celebrated庆祝 the rich and variousplant and animal life of the region, striking sympathetic chords in theimaginations of Ralph Waldo Emerson and the English poets.9. stuck toWe scoured 擦洗these gadoda with harmless green dye染料.

6、Since particles ofthe dyes stuck to (粘在.上) their tissues, the snails appeared in greenoutline in the photographs.10. sum up概括We have summed up the most important single fact about the sun.11. sweep aroundAs the rotating spiral pattern sweeps around the galaxy it compresses gas anddust, triggering th

7、e formation of bright young stars in its arms.12. switch to改为Some animals use the Sun as their guide during the day, and then switch tostar navigation by night.13. take a back seat to sbThe role of archaeologists was to find the foundations of historic buildingsand then take a back seat to architect

8、s.14. take a lookWould you like to take a look?15. take account ofTo take into considerationThen, in 1950 the Census Bureau radically changed its definition of urban totake account of the new vagueness of city boundaries.16. take advantage ofNevertheless, many families could take advantage of previo

9、usly unavailablefruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.17. take advantage ofWatch out he doesnt try to take advantage of you.18. take attendance记考勤Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken.19. take credit for sthOne inventor that Thomas Edison can take credit for

10、 is the light bulb.20. take great pride inThey took great pride in their ability to provide cures for the ailing membersof their group.21. take into account纳入考虑This fact must be taken into account by anyone who seeks to understandCongress.22. take into considerationconsider23. take inventoryIn the 1

11、800s store owners sold everything from a needle to a plow, trusteveryone, and never took inventory.24. take it easy悠着点W: What should I do about that?M: Oh, just take it easy (休息) for a few days.Dont work too hard. Take it easy.25. take it out on sb拿出气W: Im in a terrible mood (情绪). My boss didnt like

12、 the report I wrote.M: Well, dont take it out on me ().26. take offTo rise in flightAfter that things really took off. And the festival has gotten bigger andbetter every year.Once youre up to around 140 decibels分贝, thats like a jet plane takingoff, then you might even feel pain in your ears.27. take

13、 offTo remove, as clothingDo you mind if I take off my jacket?28. take onTo undertake or begin to handleWhen you take on one of these jobs, the sponsor will define your duties.As a result of rising university costs, many students are finding it necessaryto take on part time jobs.29. take ones placed

14、o the job of sb.30. take ones time doing sth慢慢做Well, hes really taking his time getting here.31. take ones words for sthTo be convinced of anothers sincerity and act in accord with his or herstatementWe had to take them at their word that the job would be done on time.32. take overgain control over

15、and responsibility forThe dean just announced that Dr. Jeffry is going to take over as chairpersonof the English department.Like I said, he died in office in 1850, so his vice president took over (接任).People have no idea how to take over these activities satisfactorily.33. take placehappenIt is in t

16、he joints of the human body that movements of the bones take place.举行An auction拍卖 will take place on Saturday afternoon.34. take sb aroundIll be taking you around to a few places youll be visiting a lot.35. take shape成型In the 1950s her mature成熟的 style started to evolve进化 and her assemblagestyle拼凑风格

17、took shape.36. take sth to the shoptake to repairM: Hi, I see youre walking. Wheres your bicycle today?W: Oh, I damaged a wheel (车轮) yesterday, so I had to take it to the shop.37. take the liberty擅自38. take the matters up again再次提起此事But Id like to take the matters up again at the end of the meeting

18、.39. take time off from抽出一部分时间She doesnt know if she can take time off from work.40. take toTo become fond of or attached toChimpanzees do not take readily to喜欢 any form of regimentation编组, and arefrequently charming引诱.41. take upbegin to spend time doing sthItems stored by others took up most of th

19、e space.42. take upM: Im taking up collections (募捐) for the jazz band. Would you like to give(捐款)?43. takes up占It practically takes up the entire side of the room.44. talk sb out of sthpersuade sb not to do sthI was, but I spoke with Dean Johnson and she talked me out of it.W: I dont think our class

20、mates should confront (向.发难) Professor Simmswith these issues.M: I know, Im going to try to talk them out of it.45. talk some sense into sb与讲道理M: Im getting worried about Jennifer. All she talks about these days is hervolleyball team and all she does is practice.W: Her grades will fall for sure. Let

21、s try to find her after dinner and talksome sense into her.46. team up with与组合Well use a buddy伙伴 system throughout the ride, each new rider should teamup with a more experienced rider.47. tear awayTo remove (oneself, for example) unwillingly or reluctantly.Debbie certainly enjoys computer games.Yes.

22、 She stays up all night. Its hard to tear her away.M: Is Louis going to join us for a short break?W: Yes, if she can tear herself away from her studies.48. tear down拆掉In 1960, Carnegie Hall was scheduled to be torn down. It was in terrible shape状况.The city is going to tear down those old houses and

23、put up 建a new shoppingcenter.49. teem with富于, 充满Coral reefs are underwater landscapes that teem with an abundance of exoticsea life.50. tell of讲述Many ancient legends tell of a great prehistoric flood that severely reducedthe worlds population.She told of her exciting adventures in her book Adventure

24、s in Black and White.51. tell you what让我来告诉你Ill tell you what. Ill play a little this evening and see how it goes.52. tend toCountries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods andservices that they can produce relatively cheaply.53. tend toRelationships tend to be impersonal, a

25、nd a pronounced division of labor exists.Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read inpopular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true.tend to54. testify to证明The fact that there are over 11 thousand wild burros living in the westernstates today testi

26、fies to their great adaptive ability.Her plainspoken words testified to a universal human motivation动机.55. thank toowing to, because of56. thaw outTo become warm enough for snow and ice to meltFirst, lets see how were doing for time看看时间方面的情况. Two groups arestill ahead of us, arent they? That means I

27、ve got about 20 minutes to thawout.57. the last personPaul is about the last person Id ask if I were you如果我是你,绝不去问他.58. the last thing最不愿做的Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?Thats the last thing in the world Id ever want to do.59. the more the betterM: Shouldnt we invite more people to

28、 the dance?W: The more the merrier越多越热闹.60. the odds are against sbFrankly, the odds (机率) are against him at this point.61. the opposite ofWhat it actually does is often the opposite of whats forecast.62. there goes sthA 25-page paper in two weeks! There goes (完蛋了) my social life!63. there goes sth.

29、 完蛋了W: I have to type all this report by Monday morning.M: There goes your sleep this weekend!W: I just heard therere gonna be showers on and off (断断续续) all weekend.M: There goes the picnic.64. think of sb as sthLog (木材) structures are no longer just the simple country homes that wethink of as the t

30、raditional log cabin (木屋).65. think over sth考虑Could you give me time to think it over?66. think unfavorably about67. throughout the year全年Now, most of these prehistoric people moved across the countryside throughoutthe year.68. throw sb in jail投入监狱Now in England at the time, people could still be th

31、rown in jail forpublishing articles that were critical of the king.69. throw sth awayDo I ever throw anything away?70. tide sb overCould I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Thursday?71. tie upbe offDick, please dont tie up the phone (煲电话粥). I need to make a call.72. tie withThere is an art exhibition here on campus which ties (联系) well withdiscussions weve had about folk art.73. time off

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