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1、八年级上英语教案八年级(上)英语教案介休六中:郭素卿单元备课Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 教学目标:1.谈论人们做某事持续多长时间.2.谈论人们的业余爱好. 3.谈论人们收藏某物多长时间. 教学向导:(六大板块)语言功能:谈论人们做某事持续多长时间语言结构:现在完成进行时、一般过去是、现在进行时语言目标:Ive been skating since nine oclock When did you start skating ? I started skating at nine oclock. Students are sk

2、ating at Hilltop School重点词汇:skating .marathon collect.snowglobe.a pair of .since.for.学习策略与思维技巧:引导、合作跨学科学习:历史知识、文化学习教学重点:现在完成进行时态的构成及应用教学难点:现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别 教学方法:先学后教、当堂训练学习方式:自主、合作学习 情感目标:通过对收藏的有关讨论,培养学生优良的生活习惯。使学生学会表达自己的爱好和持续的时间及有多少收藏品。重点词汇及短语:since . for. raise .collect . run o

3、ut of. foreigner. The Olympic Games. be interested in. would like to do sth.a pair of more than .go skating. quite far from. enioy doing sth.课前任务:Task1.请同学们回家调查家庭成员持续做某事的时间,课前以小组为单位进行汇总,选出做某事最长时间的人。最后再选出班里做某一事情最长时间的人。Task2.每个学生将自己的爱好及出现的时间写出来,并询问同伴的爱好及持续的时间。Task3.每个学生都有自己的爱好,如集邮、收集装饰品等,把自己的爱好及收藏带到班上

4、来。相互了解各自的收藏品、选出最有趣的收藏来课时安排:。The First Period (p.44P.45) The Second Period (p.46_p.47) The Third Period (p.48_P.49) The FourthPeriod (P.5o_P.51)课时备课:The First Period(p.44_p.45) 任务:我的爱好目的:通过学生小组活动,调查彼此的爱好及持续的时间。喜欢使用for 和 since表达自己的爱好持续的时间,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。材料:表格若干张语言技能:listening .speaking .reading and w

5、riting语言知识:现在完成进行时的用法及复习一般过去时提示词语及句型:skate, collect,Whats your hobby?I likeHow long have you been skating?I have been skating since nine oclock/for five years.How long did you? When did you 活动形式:四人小组课前任务:课前发给学生表格 向学生布置任务:在表格中写出自己 的爱好及持续的时间。教学过程: Step1.Warm up ( Section A 1a)Discuss these questions i

6、n small group.1. How long did you sleep last night ?2. When did you start class today ?3. How long have you been in class today?T: Alison, how long have you been skating?Ss: Ive been skating for five hours.T:Explain the Grammar Focus:have /has been doing sth.Ss: Listen to the teacher and think about

7、Step2.Listen and pairwork(1b . 1c) 学生听录音完成1b,抽一个学生上黑板完成。全班核对答案,给予点拨。两人一组据图片上内容进行问答,熟练句型,强化口语。教师四处走动。捕捉信息,及时指导。Sa: How long has Alison been skating?Sb: Shes been skating for five hours.Sa: How long did Sam skate?Sb:He skated for four hours.Step3.听录音,完成2a.2b学生齐读句子两次,同桌交流有关问题及答语。学生听录音完成2a,教师放录音,学生再听一次完

8、成2b.全班核对答案,必要时给予帮助。 Step4.Role play (2c) 两人一组分别扮演记者和Alison 掌握句型,强化口语.Sa: How long have you been skating ?Sb:Ive been skating since I was seven years old.Step5: Make a survy then report 做法:1.四人小组中相互调查并各自介绍自己的爱好及持续的时间2.将特别的爱好及持续时间填在表格中3.每一现在推荐一名代表,在班上做汇报4. 全班汇总,选出做某事最长时间的人。NameHobbyHow longSince/forSi

9、nce/forSince/forSa: Hello,whats your hobby?Sb:I like swimming.Sa:How long have you been swimming?Sb:Ive been swimming since I was a child./for two years.附板书设计:Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?How long have you been skating ?Ive been skating since nine oclock./for five hours.When /How l

10、ong did you .?课后反思: The Second Period (P.46P.47)任务:收藏展目的:通过学生相互了解各自的爱好与收藏,使学生学会表达自己的爱好和持续的时间。材料:表格若干张语言技能:listening . speaking and writing.语言知识:现在完成进行时和一般过去时的用法提示词语及句型:raise several stamp skater What does Bob collect ? He collects kites. How long has she /he been collecting kites?活动形式:四人小组课前任务:请同学们把

11、自己的收藏带到班里来。教学过程:Step1: Warm up Talking about some studentshobby and its time in classStep2: Read and complete(3a .3b)学生读短文内容并相互讨论图片上的内容,理解表格要求。教师放录音,学生跟读,找关键的信息填表格。全班核对答案,必要时讲解。Step3. GroupworkName SportWhen startedHow longYelanTennis Eleven years oldThree and a half yearsSa: Yelan, what sport do yo

12、u play?Sb: Tennis.Sa: When did you start?Sb: When I was eleven.Sa: So how long have you been playing ?Sb: Three and a half years.在四人小组中进行询问并做好记录,熟练句型、强化口语。教师抽查个别小组情况,让他们在班上做怀抱,学生平出最佳优胜者。(按口语流利、合作密切、无语法错误等。)Step4: learn by themselves (Section B 1a. 1b)两人一组进行讨论,共同过程图片并模仿1b中的句子进行口语练习,把自己收藏或想收集的东西填在表格中。

13、Step5.Listen and complete(2a.2b)Step6.Make a survey and reportNameCollectionsWhenHow longHow many课上任务:同学们把自己的收藏带到班里。课上任务:四人一组,互相询问各自的收藏并完成表格。选出本组最喜欢的或最有趣的收藏;请几位学生代表在班上做介绍。最后评出一种最有特色的收藏来。Sa: What do you collect?Sb: I collect -Sa:How long have you been collecting them?Sb: Ive been collecting them sinc

14、e-Sa: How many do you have?Sb:I have-Sa: When did you start ?Sb: When I was -years old.Sa:What would you like to collect in the park?Sb:Id like to collect-Step7 Exercise(见投影)Jim 是个收藏爱好者,他最爱收藏贝壳,让我们一起看看他的情况吧!A: Hello,Jim. May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly!A: When were you born ? B:I was born 1

15、 Feburary 18,1982.A: 2 were you born?B:I was born in Englandin a small town in London.A:How 3 had lived there for about five years.B:Only five years?A:Yes, then my 4 moved to America.B:Why did you move here?A:Because my father 5 in America.A:Whats your hobby?B:I like 6 something like

16、ells.model cars and theaters.A: Whats your favourite hobby?B: Of course ,shells.A: 7 8 have you been collecting shells?B: I have been collecting shells 9 I was five years old.A:How 10 shells have you been collecting?B: About five hundred shells. 课后作业:Do it on page 62 (VI)附板书设计:Unit 6 How long have y

17、ou been collecting shells?T:What do you like doing?Ss: I like collecting stamps.T:Why do you like collecting stamps?Ss: Because its very interesting.T: Good!课后反思:The Third Period (P.48-P.49)Step1. Warm up (3a)T: look at this snow globe.Whats in it?Ss:Its a moster /a birthday cake.Therere two bears i

18、n it.T: How long has Elen been collecting snow globes?Ss: For seven years.T: Where does Elen store the snow globes?Ss: Theyre all around Elens apartment,even in the boxes under her bed.T: What should She like to do ?Ss: She should like to start a snow globe collectorsclub.Step2.Groupwork (4a)Make a

19、survery then report.Name HobbyHow longMore informationSa: Whats your hobby , Li Lei?Sb: I like doing -Sa: How long have you been doing that? Sb: For -/ since-Sa: Where do you -? Sb:In the park /-.Step3. Task4. 招聘广告及求职报告 课前任务:以小组为单位,设计本组的招聘广告。贴在教室四周墙上。 课上任务:1. 学生们在广告上寻找自己想得到的工作,并完成一份自己的求职报告。 2.写好求职报告

20、后在班上做报告。课后任务:整理自己的求职报告并张贴在教室墙上(设计为手抄报)目的是让学生们相互了解,取长补短。目的:通过四人小组讨论、合作设计出自己的招聘广告,让学生学会写求职报告并能随时去应聘,找到自己的工作。材料:纸、笔语言技能:Speaking . reading and writing.语言知识:现在完成进行时的应用提示词语及句型:be interested in since for How long have you been ?活动形式:四人小组Step4.Selfcheck(1.2)1. 学生独立完成1中练习。完成前全班读所给出的动词3次并提问有关的用法。抽个别学生在黑板上写答案

21、,必要时给予帮助。2. 师生读广告谈论问题,然后完成求职信,巩固现在完成进行时的用法,找一个学生上黑板完成,最后核对信的内容。Step5. Groupwork (4b.3b)Discuss the questions on Page 48 .4b then finish3b.Step6.Homework1. 整理求职报告并设计为手抄报形式。2. 书面表达:My Hobby附板书设计:Unit 6. How long have you been collecting shells? Whats your hobby? How long have been-?课后反思:The fourth Per

22、iod(P.50-P51.)课前任务:划分音节并抄三次单词,翻译短文内容找出有用的词组。课上任务:Step1.Warm up (Section 1)T: How much do you know about history?Ss: Discuss the four questions in small groups.Step2.Listen and read(Section 2)a. 学生听短文,并跟读,培养学生的能力。b. 分组讨论,并找出有用的词组或句型c. 将这些词组组成句型板书在黑板上 and finish(3a) 学生自由读短文,并完成3a,全班核对答案。Step

23、4.Groupwork(3b)四人小组中进行操练,三个人对话,另外一个人倾听并做好复述(即重复三个人说过的句子,强化口语)Sa. I m going to work in Australia.Sb. If you do that ,youll miss your family.Sc. If she works far away, she will miss her family.Sd. Repeat the three sentences.Step5.Go for it !(Section 4 )Talk with the class about people movingIf I move

24、to a foreign countryIf a foreigner moves to China.Step6.Exercise一, 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. Theyre very _(interesting ) in this movie.2. How long have you been _(write) in English?3. Thanks for _(help) me so much.4. He likes stamps very much ,Hes a stamp_(collect). 5. I have been collecting_(snowy) globe for seven years.二单项选择(64页Workbook)附板书设计: Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?Its + adj. +for sb.+to do sth.Its important for me to learn English well.The+比较级,the + 比较级 越来越Enjoy doing sth start doing sth Ive been teaching Engish since 1986.or for 20 years。课后反思:

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