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本文(高考英语二轮复习 精品资料专题04 介词和介词短语教学案教师版.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语二轮复习 精品资料专题04 介词和介词短语教学案教师版.docx

1、高考英语二轮复习 精品资料专题04 介词和介词短语教学案教师版2013高考英语二轮复习 精品资料专题04 介词和介词短语教学案(教师版)【2013高考考纲解读】介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一。 使用频率相当高,用法多而杂,一个介词可能有多种不同的用法;一个相近的意思又可以用不同的介词表达。所以在二轮的备考中必须逐一掌握每个介词的用法;弄清楚易混介词的用法异同;能够根据具体语境灵活运用介词。常用介词、易错介词的辨析以及介词固定搭配的考查仍将是2013年介词考查的主要方向。【重点知识整合】一 、 常考易混介词(介词短语)辨析1)except for, except, but, besides 和 a

2、part from 这几个词/短语均有“除外”之意,但其具体用法不尽相同。 (1)except for: 用于非同类事物,它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。如:The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty. 这个房间很阴冷,而且除了杰克,完全是空荡荡的。 本句中,前述对象是房间,而除去的对象是Jack,两者毫无关系。 (2)except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分,强调的是除去。如: He gets up early everyday except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天早起。 有时except与excep

3、t for可以换用,如: Except for(=except) John, the whole class passed the test. 全班同学除约翰外,全都通过了考试。 (3)but:常可与 except互换,强调“不在其中”。如: Everyone attended the meeting but Mary. 大家都出席了这次会议,但玛丽不在其列。(4)besides:强调“除此之外,还包括”。She can speak French and Japanese besides English. 除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语。 (5)apart from:其含义主要依据上下文而定,有

4、时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.Apart from the coat, the hat doesnt suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。 2)across, through, cross, over, past这几个介词都有表示“穿过。通过”的意思,但词性和用法各不相同。(1)across是介词,强调从一个范围的一边到另一边,而且在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作。常和表示“走”一类的动词如:walk, run, fly, jump等)连用。如:Thelittlegirl ranacrosstheroad.这个小女孩横穿马路。(2)through

5、是介词表示从某一范围的一端到另一端,但它表示的动作是在内部空间进行的,强调“穿过”。如:Canyouseeitthroughthehole?你能透过这个洞看到它吗? (3)over是介词,用作穿过、通过解时,表示越过高的障碍物如:He jumped over the wall.他跳过了墙。past是介词,指从某物旁边经过,意思是“走过某处, 经过 .” 如:He walked past me without saying hello.他没打招呼就从我身边走过了。3)despite=inspiteof(介词)/although(连词)(1)despite是介词,后面接名词或动名词,不能跟句子。(

6、2)although是连词,后面要跟句子。AlthoughIwasillyesterday,Istillwenttoschool.Despitefailureintheexam,Istillhaveachancetowinintheterm.4)thanks to, because of, due to与owing to 这四个短语都有“由于”、“因为”的意思,都是介词短语, 因此后面不可接从句。(1)because of只能用作状语:如:We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback. 我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折就

7、灰心丧气。 (2)due to一般只用作表语: 如: This accident was due to his carelessness. 这场事故是由于他的粗心引起的。 (3)owing to既可以用作状语,也可以用作表语,平常多用于前一种情况,它多引导的状语必须是修饰全句的,因此严格讲来应用逗号和主句分开: 如:They decided to postpone the trip, owing to the change of the weather. 由于天气变化,他们决定延期起程。 (4)thanks to只能用作状语,可以表达正面意思,“幸亏”,也可用于讽刺口吻中(近于讽刺口吻的“感谢

8、”)。 如:Thanks to your advice, much trouble was saved. 幸亏有你的主意,省了许多麻烦。二 、常考介词短语荟萃英语中习语性介词短语有很多,如at cost按成本;beyond belief难以置信;by accident偶然地,意外地;for example例如;out of reach无法拿到;等等。根据新课标词汇表统计,仅由介词in后接名词所组成的重要习语就有:in addition加之,又,另外;in advance在前头,事先,预先;in case如果,万一;in charge主管,掌管,看管;in common共有,共同,公有;in c

9、onclusion最后,在结束时;in control管理,掌握;in danger在危险中,垂危;in demand有需要的,吃香的;in doubt 感到疑惑的,难以确定的;in effect实际上,生效;in fact事实上;in future今后,以后;in haste匆忙地,草率地;in operation运转中,实施着,生效;in order按序,井然有序,情况良好,恰当;in progress进行中;in public公开地,当众;in return作为回报;in shape处于良好状态,在外形上;in trouble在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中;in turn依次,替换地

10、;in use在使用着。 【考题示例】This special school accepts all disabled students, _ educational level and background.A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of三、介词的一词多义 1)above有“超出(某种能力)”之意。 His bravery to save the child from drowning is above praise.他拯救溺水小孩的勇气非言辞所能赞扬。 2)against有“违背,违逆,反对

11、,对不利,倚靠,碰撞,预防,衬托”之意。 She was forced to marry against her will. 她被迫违背自己的心愿嫁了人。 Put the piano there, against the wall. 把钢琴放在那儿,紧靠着墙。 Her red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.她的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。 3)among有“在其中,是之一”之意。 He was among the last to leave. 他是最后离开者之一。 4)at可表示“年龄、速度、比率、价格”。 She came up to Be

12、ijing at eighteen. 她在18岁时来到北京。 The train was traveling at 100 kilometres an hour. 那火车以时速100公里行驶。 I bought these shirts at 30 dollars each. 我以每件30美元的价格买下了这些衬衫。 5)beyond可表示“范围、限度”,意为“超出,为所不及。 He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control. 他是个顽皮的孩子,我实在无法管教。 常用短语:beyond words/description/imagination

13、/belief/ones power/ones reach无法用语言形容、无法用语言描述、想象不出来、不相信、管不了、够不着 6)by表“时间”时,意为“在之前,不迟于”,多与过去完成时或将来完成时连用。 I have to go back by ten oclock我十点前得回去。 Will you please finish the work by Friday? 请你星期五之前完成这项工作,好吗? The train had left by the time we got to the station. 我们到达车站时,火车已离开。 By the time the letter reac

14、hes you l will have left the country到你收到这封信的时候,我已离开这个国家。 by可表示“方式、手段”,意为“借、靠”,后接动名词。 What do you mean by saying that? 你那话是什么意思? He taught himself to play the violin by practising all night.他通过整夜训练自学拉小提琴。 by可表示“程度或增减的幅度”。 She is taller than me by three centimeters. 她比我高三公分。 The bullet missed him by t

15、wo inches. 子弹差一点点打中他。 by可表“单位”,意为“按;以计;依据”,此时,by之后表单位的名词通常加the。 I am paid by the hour我是按小时拿工资的。 7)despite意为“不管,尽管”,后接名词短语或名词性从句。 They had a wonderful holiday,despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好,但他们仍过了一个愉快的假期。 Despite what others say,I think he is a very nice guy. 不管别人说什么,我认为他是个好孩子。 8)for可表示价值交换,意为“以金额”。

16、 I bought this set of coffee cups for$20. for有“就而言;从来看”之意。 She looks young for her age. 就她的年龄而言,她显得很年轻。 9)off有“在离不远处;在沿海的海里”之意。 The ship sank a mile off that island. 那艘船在离这个小岛一英里的地方沉没了。 10) on/upon有“刚就;一就”之意,后接名词或动名词。 They gave him a warm welcome on his arrival. 11)over可表示“时间”,意为“在“期间;直到结束”。 Over th

17、e next few days they got to know the town well. 在以后几天中,他们逐渐熟悉了这个小镇。 over有“一边,一边”之意。 We discussed it over a bottle of wine. 我们一边喝酒一边讨论这件事。 over有“覆于之上;蒙在之上;遮住”之意。 She put a blanket over the sleeping child. 她给熟睡的孩子盖上毯子。 over有“越过;跨过”之意。 The horse jumped over the fence. 那匹马跃过了栅栏。 over有“俯视;俯瞰”之意。 They had

18、 a wonderful view over the park. 他们把公园的美景尽收眼底。 12)within可表示“范围、程度”。 Medicine should not be left within reach of small children. 药品不可留在幼儿伸手可及的范围内。 13) given可作介词,意为“考虑到”。Given that there was so little time,I think theyve done a good job.考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错了。四、介词及短语重难点透视1. 考查介词的搭配形式介词的搭配形式主要包括: “形容词+

19、介词”型,“名词+介词”型,“动词+介词”型和“介词+名词”型。类型 (1) “形容词+介词”型搭配的常见结构:at前的adj.:angry, clever, good, bad, surprised, excited, puzzledof前的adj.:afraid, sure, certain, full, tired, fond, proud, worthywith前的adj.: angry, strict, busy, careful, popular, patientin前的adj.:strict, weak, interested, successful, richto前的adj.:

20、polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, close, available, for前的adj.: sorry, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious, be hungry/ thirstyfrom前的adj.:far, different, free, safe, absentabout前的adj.:worried, anxious, careful, sure, certain, curious【考题示例】-You know, Bob is a little slow _ understanding, so -So I have t

21、o be patient _ him. A. in, with B. on, with C. in, to D. at, to类型 (2) :“名词+介词”型搭配的常见结构:the key/ answer/ visit/ apology/ introduction/ waytowish/ desire/ hope/ prize/ respectforpity/ mercy/ congratulation/ effect/ advice/ impression/ influenceon【考题示例】In order to changes attitudes_ employing women, th

22、e government is bringing in new laws. A. about B. of C. towards D. on2 考查常用介词意义的辨析【考题示例】Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.A. beyond B. without C. of D .in【答案】A 【解析】beyond words“难以言表,无法用语言表达”。句意为:大家听到她的动人的故事后,都被感动的说不出话来。beyond超出;越过。3. 考查介词短语表示进行的用法下面几个介词短语与名词连用时,常常表示进行的含

23、义。(1)“under+ 名词”短语under control, under arrest, under consideration, under review, under construction, under repair, under discussion, under study【例】The washing machine is under repair. (is being repaired)Dont go into the building under construction. (which is being constructed)(2)“on+ 名词”短语on fire,

24、on the air, on the increase, on sale, on display, on business, on duty, on trial, on show, on loan【例】Many newly-published books are on sale in the bookstore. (are being sold)The house over there is on fire. (is burning)(3)“in+ 名词”短语in progress, in bloom, in fashion, in dispute(在争论中), in print, in si

25、ght, in bed(4)“at+ 名词”短语at table, at grass(在草场上放牧), at work, at issueIt is bad manners to blow your nose at table.【考题示例】For miles around me there was nothing but a desert, without a single plant or tree _. A. in sight B. on earth C. at a distance D. in place【解析】A 由around me排除C;B项“究竟”,多用来加强语气;in plac

26、e“在适当的位置”, 句意不通;A项“看得见,在视线中”符合题意。本题运用in sight这个短语,考查了英文语言中的一个特殊现象,即运用介词短语,可以表达正在进行的状态。【高频考点突破】 一、考查介词的句法功能: 点拨:介词构成的短语,可以在句子中充当定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语等;介词有时在句子中活用为副词,充当状语。 【考题示例】The hurricane damaged many houses and business buildings;_,it caused 20 deaths. A. or else B. therefore C. after all D. besides【考题示

27、例】I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on【考题示例】Banging (猛推)open her door into mine , the driver shouted back : “Make me!” _ this she stepped out of the garage. A. For B. With C. From D. Upon 【考题示例】I dont mind picking up your things from the store

28、. _ , the walk will do me good. A. Sooner or later B. Still C. In time D. Besides 【考题示例】I wanted two seats _ Madame Curie for Friday night, so I rang the cinema to see if I could book two tickets. A. of B. about C. to D. for 【答案】D【解析】表示某个的电影座位(票),英语用介词for作定语。注意介词of 表示所属关系,意思是“ 的”。电影与座位(票)之间构不成所属关系。

29、二、考查常用介词辨析: 点拨:介词用法多且复杂,相近的意思又可以有不同的介词表示,介词更着重与动词、形容词和其他从句结合在一起进行考查,所以要根据语境和交际条件灵活运用介词;同时对常用的介词要重点进行区别整理。【考题示例】There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get _. A. between B. through C. across D. beyond【考题示例】He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crow

30、d of people to get to her A. across, across B. over, through C. over, into D. across, through【考题示例】When do we need to pay the balance? September 30. A. In B. By C. During D. Within【答案】B【解析】“by+时间点”表示“到某时间为止,不迟于某时间”。【考题示例】We hadnt planned to meet. We met _ chance. A. of B. in C. for D. by 三、考查介词短语的搭配

31、: 介词常和某些形容词、动词和名词联合运用,形成固定搭配,表示各种不同的意思,只要记住这些固定搭配,准确把握词组的语义,这类题目应该不是太难。【考题示例】Fred, who had expected how it would go with his daughter, had a great worry _ his mind.A. on B. in C. with D. at【答案】A【解析】本题主要考查mind 之前不同介词的用法。be on ones mind 和have something on ones mind表示“(使某人)为某事担忧”,如:My deputy has resigned

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